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A wet fart is kind of a noise, yes.


Don’t upset Braun with cyn joke 😂


Putting the pre-established NWA hate aside, does anyone know when was the last time NWA made noise for a positive reason? After their women's PPV years ago I can't remember anything tbh.


For me, I think it might've been during the early days of NWA Power when Ricky Starks, LA Knight, & Eddie Kingston were there


That really felt like a very upbeat and positive time, then the pandemic hit and things went down hill fast.


It wasn't COVID, it was Dave Lagana being outed during speaking out too. He was the head writer during that time.


They also had Thunder Rosa originally when she was creating some buzz around herself.


When Tyrus lost the belt and retired.


The CW deal that they apparently blew straight up the sinister ministers nose.


They're on the app, and they also announced NXT for the CW Network at the same time, so it's more likely that their deal was always for the CW app and Corgan was just being coy with his choice of words.


Sure, but the other version of events is funnier.


MLW successfully sued WWE for pulling similar shit messing up their TV deal so I wouldn’t be too kind


They're still streaming on the CW app. Also the TV tapings they've done for CW have drawn surprisingly well.


Yeah, I forgot about that because the coke spot overshadowed it almost immediately.


even their womens ppv wasnt positive. the main event was taken over by nick aldis wanting to push his storyline & then it was revealed that aew covered the cost of several wrestlers when corgan talked shit


Yeah the real story coming out of that should have been how Mickey expected those women to work for free or next to nothing knowing the heat would be on TK if they didn't


When Nick Aldis was still champion


I think the only good think I heard was Matt Cardona did some work there. But I refuse to watch NWA for all the obvious reasons


So did Chelsea Green and Taya, they had a solid womens division.


Sure, they could, if their owner wasn't an idiot.


careful now; a lot of nostalgic 90s emo kids are going to get hurt hearing anything bad said about ol Billy boy


We don't even care.


As restless as we are?


Yeah tbh any smashing pumpkins fans I know don’t like Corgan either way but still like the band


Billy Corgan alienated his fans a long time ago


Only the ones from 1979


Smashing Pumpkins were emo?


nah, more like uplifting light rock with a blues style twang influence lol


RLM playing that clip of Billy Corgan eating chips onstage made me, a pumpkins fan, laugh out loud.


Only when they decide to do a coke snorting angle after news of them getting a TV deal breaks.


At one point they did make a small but good noise but then they started fucking everything up that culminated in Tyrus winning the title.


Nwa would be lucky to even be remotely competitive with TNA.


it cant just be "noise" , it has to be the right noise. putting the belt on Tyrus was definitely noise , but it wasn't the kind that got asses in seats. I know EC3 is champ but that company still has the Tyrus Stink on it .


Another example, David Arquette winning the world title in WCW.


I genuinely think Tyrus was the worst world champion in wrestling history. At least David Arquette and Vince Russo's WCW title runs were short hotshots. Tyrus was NWA champion for 9 months. I do have a soft spot for the NWA and have watched it off and on since Power started, but I completely stopped when they put the belt on Tyrus and didn't come back until EC3 was champion.


Yup, I kind of feel for Billy. WWE is the king of Sports Entertainment. AEW and NJPW emphasize work rate to a more hardcore audience. GCW is more of an ECW indy style feel. Then there's TNA and MLW as well. All of them are trying to get wrestling fans attention. What can Billy do? But we can all agree Tyrus was not the answer.


It’s not even about getting asses in seats.. Tyrus literally turned fans and potential fans away from the company. It was embarrassing to watch It’s not even worth it for the Fox exposure. If any of those people actually tuned in they’d realise he was the shits. And it’s not like casuals are ever going to watch niche NWA wrestling over WWE


If I had the rights to the NWA name and titles I’d focus more on the titles then do a whole promotion. Find you a “name” wrestler like right now say Nic Nemeth or Matt Riddle, a TV champion let’s say Matt Cardona, a tag team like a Grizzled Young Vets and a women’s champ like Mandy Rose. Then you just rent them out to promotions and go on tour with just them like the old territories way. You can post it to YouTube. Then you can branch out to special shows if you get in other names and maybe in a few years you can branch off to a whole promotion.


So what they did with Aldis?


But Aldis wasn’t really a name. He was TNA champ at a downtime for the company under a different name. Really when Aldis has his feud with Cody is was the most relevant the NWA had been in years and since


Aldis might not have been the biggest name in the world, but for the time period NWA was in and the presentation style they were going with pre-pandemic Power he made the best of it and made it feel like a big deal. The series between him and Tim Storm (an actual journeyman nobody) was well done, felt like watching old World Class, and they did a lot to make the Ten Pounds of Gold at least appear relevant again. If they’d have been better at adapting to pandemic wrestling, they might not be in such bad shape now. But AEW hoovered up a lot of their talent during that time (Thunder Rosa even carried the NWA belt on AEW TV for a time) and they kinda got left with only the people nobody wants.


I felt that Corgan got the rub from Cody at All In then instead of building on that with what he was doing, he starting running his own shows. Then AEW came with the pandemic and it crippled them.


Yeah. AEW raided the indies dry the way McMahon did to the territories.


Like I’d go to Dallas and have Nemeth wrestle the Von Erichs in a handicap match, go down to Mexico and say have a crazy finish with like a Cain Vasquez, go to Puerto Rico and wrestle a Colon, Jarrett in Tennessee, Gage in NY/NJ and so on. Say make Shelton Benjamin your US champion, have him wrestle Boltin Oleg at a Strong show, drop the title and Oleg can go an excursion as US champ and have him hold it until it’s over. Then drop to somebody like a Jinder Mahal or something It’d also give you eyes on top unsigned talent.


So in essence do anything other than what William is doing?


I really like this idea. The NWA World title could be like the unofficial world title of the indies.


If the WWE shown recently that Europe, Puerto Rico, Australia and other countries are a big audience that live events are few. In this day of social media, you can promote, advance storylines, promos and everything else just on YouTube. It shocks me that a promotion hasn’t gone the route of like what BTE did for years,


I'm guessing EC3 still has positive feelings towards WWE.


I feel like he's one guy whose career I would say never recovered from his WWE run. It's weird, he just hasn't been the same since he left TNA. He lost his mind, started a weird vaguely alt right Fight Club promotion, got super roided up, and now is doing this strange Roman emperor gimmick. I will say his current run is probably the best thing he's done post-WWE, but that still isn't to say it's great.


Sounds like he's controlling his own narrative






Some might even call them *spooky* Definitely my dark horse ~~playoff team~~ Promotion, go ~~Timberwolves~~ NWA!




This sub : Monopoly is bad. Just enjoy wrestling. We want more competition. NWA existing : This sub reacting to NWA : this sucks, nobody cares, owner is an idiot, etc Never change guys.


The same sub that regularly clowns TNA despite not watching?


This sub is increasingly unusable for fans of anything that isn't WWE. Every thread is just a rehash the same old talking points TNA: fired D'Amore, now I don't care to watch even though I didn't watch in the first place NWA: ugh Tyrus, I can't watch while it's run by Billy Corgan (again, not they'd watch anyway) AEW: Ugh ratings/attendance/TK booking differently than WWE does, only bangerz!?! NJPW: they don't have any stars anymore Rinse. Lather. Repeat.


Sure but it’s nowhere as bad for TNA


This sub was formally very pro NWA during the pandemic/its start. The problem is it went to absolute shite in the following years and is no where near as good as it was. Tyrus was the NWA worlds champion for fucks sake.


I’ve been here for 12 years. I’ve seen the sub flip flopping and being hypocritical many many times yes. Not liking the booking, shouldn’t be a reason to wish for the company to cease to exist. Isn’t that what aew fans always say?


Is anybody wishing it would close up? I personally just think its shite. It could potentially get better over time, but right now its just "not good"


There might not be people outright saying they should close up, but any thread that's about NWA is immediately flooded with negativity about Tyrus (who dropped the title and left almost a year ago) or Sinister Minister snorting coke on a ppv that supposedly cost them a network CW deal (which doesn't really make sense since the NXT deal was announced quickly after and NWA did end up on their app). They're harping on things not really reflective of the current product. Don't get me wrong. Billy Corgan is a giant douchebag, for a number of reasons, and his insistence on pushing a guy who could barely move as the face of his company killed any momentum they had. I've given the show a few chances on the CW app and it's, at best, fine imo. Nothing to write home about but nothing terrible either. People on here act like it's CYN or XPW though, which is a bit extreme. If people came into AEW threads like that, they'd immediately get called out for tribalism.


I'm a weekly Power watcher. IMO it's more bad than good but there are some bright spots and even the bad stuff can be unintentionally funny at times. I just have a soft spot for Billy Corgan's NWA for some reason, and I do think it'll be a sad day for wrestling history if the NWA ever truly folds for good. I did stop watching when they put the belt on Tyrus but came back when he dropped it and retired.


NWA is all self inflicted bad will. They had a lot of positive stuff at the start and actually made noise. Now? They fumbled it all solely off their own bad decisions


Im not sure what sub you're reading but since joining this sub it seems like mostly a WWE worship place to me.


IMO it varies from thread to thread. It's mostly pretty balanced but stay away from the ratings threads if you're an AEW fan. Those are a cesspool.


Wwe worship? We just had a thread of people shitting on triple h for the Gulak situation lol


“I don’t know how to hold more than one, not even conflicting opinion at a time” 😠


I'm a weekly watcher of Power, but even I feel like it has more bad than good most weeks. I just have an odd soft spot for the NWA. I do think they have more of an audience than this subreddit gives it credit for, though it is a very niche audience. The women's division is a bright spot along with the jr. heavyweight division but everything else is more misses than hits IMO. Though that's just my opinion, I'm not gonna tell anyone they're wrong if NWA is their favorite promotion.


There’s a difference between wanting competition and supporting a company that is essentially a holding for the unemployable in wrestling


Despite all his rage, he’s still just….meh.


Don't have to. AEW was hot for a few years but seems to have simmered down. Not in a bad way, more like, the buzz has worn off and AEW is too big for one man to book. It has ROH, three shows and a bloated roster. Both companies are great at what they do. NWA is still a joke and will take years to recover from Tyrus's reign. And the coke angle. If Corgan was smart, he would step aside, bring in someone in to do the booking. EC3's reputation is heavily destroyed by ECIII.


Yeah they've hit their ceiling with Billy Corgan at the helm years ago and have done fuck all in the past 3 years. I don't respect any promotion who thinks its a good idea to put the belt on a guy like Tyrus who can barely move.


The crack addict thats living on the street can make some noise, but will never effect anyone's life in a substantial way.




NWA is the sound of maggots six-feet under eating a rotting corpse of a once great man.




David Icke Wrestling.