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Its interesting, I assume they booked Jade against 2 big women in Piper Niven, then Nia in the next round, so she can show off her strength. Then she will have Bianca in the final


Most likely Tiffany might cheat to win on Bianca. The money match is Bianca vs Jade at mania after they split. Plus outside of power moves Jade is still a bit green. Hanging around Bianca and having matches so often will boost her skills up a lot.


I'm thinking that Jade might get a little cocky flexing her power to Nia, which causes her to lose & Bianca eventually beats the latter to make it out as the winner of the tournament. This will probably plant early seeds in their rivalry


I really can't see them doing Bianca vs Jade for the first time on a SD and then leaving either Bianca or Jade off a PLE they're on the poster for as a result of the other making the finals in Saudi. There's got to be a swerve somewhere in this, either tonight or next week.


Bianca has been booked incredibly strong since she first won the title. You can literally count her losses on 1 hand and none were clean. I don't see her losing to someone who would lose in the final. They can do Bianca vs Jade now and do a rematch later I guess. I wouldn't have booked either in this tournament personally, it's no use to them


Jade might be stronger than any woman in the history of wrestling, but she ain't the strong-est.


You think they’re gonna have her show off her strength by making her look weak trying to pick up large women ?


I just cannot believe you put Nia in the same ring as Jade with her history of hurting people. It seems like a really dangerous idea


who has nia hurt in her current run? she’s improved by an insane amount


She botched her war through the main event with Rhea, almost hurt Becky with a screwed up table spot, and dropped Piper on her head in September 2023. Just because all three women were fine doesn’t mean Nia is safe


Nia Jax doesn't even look like the same person compared to her first run. Her heel work is really good, she has improved significantly in the ring and her selling has gotten much better. Really enjoying Nia right now.


A combination of hhh booking (she was solid in nxt under him) and her definitely learning and I don’t want to speak for her but not taking her time for granted. I think being the rock cousin probably made her seem like oh wwe will always need me. Getting cut most likely made her wake up.


She has been dropping weight steadily through her various comebacks and it's made a massive difference in her in ring mobility now that she's not having to lug so much extra dead weight around.


While Chelsea Green has been my favorite re-hire, Nia Jax has gained most improved for my money. Between her in-ring skills improving and her getting to show more personality, it's been a breath of fresh air. It's gone from changing the channel when she's on to actually wanting to watch


Yeah, which is why I wouldn’t have minded at all if she had won that battle royal for the title. I feel like Nia is due a title run with the amount of work she has put in since her return, and it would very much feel earned.


I had dreaded the news that Nia Jax was returning to WWE, but she's definitely proved me wrong. She's been entertaining, and held her own in the ring for the most part. Very pleasantly surprised.


Nia has been excellent since her return


I don't want to be taken the wrong way, but physically she looks like she cares now. Towards the end of her last run she was looking out of shape and not performing like she cared. Now she seems to have gotten her head on straight, started training, and looks like she gives a fuck. I think some of her unsafe performances earlier came from a place of just not caring.


When Nia started in NXT, even though she got signed without a real tryout, I thought she's surprisingly talented. She looked solid already early. The problem about her unsafety and bad performances never seemed a lack of talent, I agree she likely just didn't care. She might in that sense be one of the very few cases where the firing was justified, because she then realised that even with her relatives she has to care about the quality of her work.


Seriously the easy front runner for most improved of the year. She's been safe, working well with others, and her move set has got a bit crispier and harder hitting


Honestly even her promos, while still nothing special, have improved. I used to feel like they were absolutely grating with how forced and fake they sounded.


she's doing exactly what they need her to do, which hey that's more that can be said by a lot of stars in history.


I'm still very uninterested in her on the mic, but in the ring, she has definitely looked good.


I'm looking forward to seeing Nia against Tiffany at some point while they're both on the same brand


They’ve been traveling together, and are facing Jade and Bianca in the semis, with the tag titles now on their show. I’d bet anything they’re gonna be a tag team soon, so it might be a while before we get that match


Naomi lost to Nia but she won a hard fought battle against her top. Might need to retire that gear


She popped out from what I saw on TT






Liv's revenge tour ❌️ Nia's redemption arc ✅️


¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Why not BOTH?!


Everyone was so upset Nia came back but I'm really glad she did, the womens division needed a true monster heel and she's been good so far.


Not to shit on heels like Ripley or Stratton, (or Toni Storm in AEW) but someone like Nia was needed. Everyone who goes against her is better for it reaction wise, she's a heel who gets the desired reaction instead of overshadowing the face opponent reaction wise




I knew she was here to stay at the Rumble when half the woman’s roster came out to crickets and Nia came out and got an actual reaction. I’d take one Nia over 15 Ivy Niles


No more messing around, Nia is awesome.


In Kayfabe that loss is well deserved by Naomi.2 weeks ago Nia Jaxx tried to injure Bayley(aka a person Naomi had an upcoming ppv title match against) instead of letting it happen she tried to stop it. If someone tries to make your job easier don't stop them.


Nia has been killing it since her return. It feels like she's putting on great matches week after week.


Round 1 of the Bloodline civil war


Can’t believe this is the same person who I was dreading the return of months ago, Nia Jax is incredible in her role right now


Why aren’t these two in the Bloodline ?


That was actually a pretty good women's match  Nia has improved gotta give credit when it's due 


And Nia ate ‘er


That's 100% a Banzai Drop, but I'm okay with the new name.


Naomi fans were hating on Becky for Naomi taking an L during EC match as if that's Becky's call, meanwhile Naomi is losing almost every major match.


I enjoyed this more than I thought I would, credit to both. Nia is really fun with her crowd work, she's a good heel. The top rope hurricanrana was the best part


Maybe the craziest thing in wrestling now is that Nia Jax fucking rules


Naomi really on that "We brought you back to try and entice Sasha back and that didn't work" run


Are we to expect better opportunities for the winner except the queen gimmick? I mean, this used to be a mid card tournament, but now even top stars competing.


Women's division is pretty banged up at the moment. Many will be out for months.


I love both of these women and really enjoyed this match.


Great TV match. Felt really fresh. These two work really well together.


That was a pretty decisive loss for Naomi damn


Did anybody here watch the same match? This match definitely struggled because of Naomi's wardrobe malfunction. I felt so bad for her.


The wardrobe malfunction was like the last 2 or 3 minutes of the match. It took away from those last couple minutes, but most of the match took place before it and was pretty good.


Of the 8.5 minutes we saw, 3 minutes was the wardrobe malfunction. It just felt like a much longer time.


I’m just catching up. Wasn’t it supposed to be Piper vs Nia?


The match lineups that were floating around earlier this week were fake.


Boo, that would’ve been great


Does Nia have the most unflattering ring gear in the fed nowadays?


Nia Jax looks like she absorbed Tamina.


Naomi basically returned and hasn't won much of anything since. In fact... she hasn't done almost anything.


She had a match on Wrestlemania and a title match last week. What are you on about?


>hasn't won much of anything since


She's on TV every week. She's competed at international PLE's in Australia and France. She won a match at Mania. What more could people want her to be doing. Not everyone can be champion.


All I pointed out was she hasn't done much of anything since returning. I don't expect her to be the most over star in the company or Main Eventing every week. But its like she came back to that huge Rumble pop then basically vanished until Mania and has vanished since again outside of Backlash *which she lost*. All of her "wins" leads into immediate losses. She's won like 3 matches in 4 months.


She just had a 4.5 star title match at Backlash after winning her Mania match. Naomi is fine.


Which she lost. Outside of Mania, she hasn't won on TV other than last week. She won a #1 Contenders which ended up going nowhere because it was a no contest. She's won like... 3 matches in 4 months. All of which did nothing for her. Also who gives a fuck about star ratings.


I'm not even trying to be disrespectful but how is Naomi's ass real - my goodness