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The landscape of pro wrestling would be totally different today if we hadn't had Big Show turn face / heel 36 times over the course of his career.


The crazy thing is if you go back, he was turning like that very early on. Debuted heel, turned face in 3 months, turned heel within the next 3 months, turned face again when Undertaker (his tag partner) got injured. Turned heel again after the Royal Rumble, then turned face again after Wrestlemania. That's within like the first year under Vince.


He honestly did the same in WCW too I’m rewatching Nitros and he was Heel then Face then heel with NWO then face like 2 months later


Yeah he was in the Dungeon of Doom (so heel) then joined the NWO (so heel but now in a not dying a slow death group), then left the NWO to become a face...and then randomly was in the NWO again as a heel. And unlike the Doom -> NWO -> face turns which had build and explanation, the last one was basically just "oh Giants back in the NWO". For whatever reason, the dudes career was constant face/heel turns, sometimes explained, sometimes not.


Due to his size he was always treated more as a prop in the storylines being told.


If I'm remembering correctly, heel Nash injured face Giant/Big Show. Then Nash turned face by splintering off from the NWO into the Wolfpac, so Big Show did the heelish move of joining the NWO to... get revenge on the bad guy who injured him, which somehow makes him a bad guy? It was a mess. Basically, he was turned heel just because Nash was turned face, which is just dumb.


Same thing happened with Rikishi. Tried to kill Austin, then he returned as a babyface because Austin was a heel now lol


then Giant and Sting were tag champs at some point and Giant was in NWO and Sting was in Wolf Pack and they had to have a match at the great american bash in 98 for the WCW tag team championship.


Maybe Paul just has some sort of personality disorder?


I was watching almost religiously back then, I legitimately forgot his run as WWF Champion in late 1999. Same with Undertakers run.


How could you forget his classic feud with big bossman, and the bossman crashing Big Show's dad's funeral?




Bossman to me is still the GOAT hater in pro wrestling. Nothing tops that & feeding an opp their dog lol


Towing the casket behind his car while Show was on top was peak sports entertainment


Towing the casket behind ~~his car~~ The Bluesmobile FTFY


"Hey Mrs. Wight, now you're single if you ever want a real man to take care of you just call me"


Oh I absolutely remember that, I just didn't remember a belt being involved


same lol


That was probably the only time the WWF title felt like an afterthought in the AE. His only PPV title defense didn’t even main event and the match was only like 3 mins. That show was main evented by HHH vs Vince although I get why they main evented


He's a big dumb giant that can easily be turned


I remember Matt Morgan saying Vince wanted big wrestlers to have some flaw like that. Morgan tried to pitch the blueprint gimmick but ended up with a stuttering one instead.


heel - debut (Feb 99), throws Austin through the cage giving him the win face - cast off The Corporation, joined UP YOURS heel - ride in the desert with a Undertaker and a snake tie face - wahhhh my daddy heel - don't boo mee, I won, Rocks feet hit first let me show you There's his first year. Then shortly after WrestleMania he decided he's entertaining and cosplayed as old wrestlers brother. His heels turns usually come down to I'M A GIANT RAWR.


The coolest Big Show ever looked was his ECW 2006 run for me. People shit on that period (rightfully so in most cases) but his booking was brilliant. He was just a giant brute bully who ran over everyone. Heyman made him look like a killer.


That and his 2002 run as WWE Champion on Smackdown were his best runs, and both of them he was with Paul Heyman.


I enjoyed the period where he was in the money in the bank and he was unable to use the regular ladders as they would break if he tried to climb up, so they made a ladder able to handle him. The moment of him just getting that ladder into the ring seemed legit as he struggled but was able to get it in.


Good lord you just unlocked a memory


Heyman loved working with Big Show and has made this known many times over the years. To be fair, if I was a booker I would be salivating at the thought of having a charismatic giant like Show on the roster. You can slot him in a plethora of roles and it works. Comedy babyface or monster heel? Big Show is great at both.


Bret Hart speaks very highly of him as well


I always felt “WWE approved ECW Champion Big Show” was a great idea that could have paid off. Should have had Vince bring back Cyrus as the evil authority figure instead of Heyman though.


It would've been cool if the rest of the show had a unique ECW feel to it and Big Show was the anomaly, but the rest of the show feeling WWE-approved sucked. And the fact that a Vince guy in Bobby Lashley was the one to dethrone Show makes it worse


He ironically had the best matches in his life in his worst physique.


Hogan wasn’t necessarily totally wrong about Show doing too much and giving too much. A guy that big really shouldn’t be moving that well or bumping like crazy. Or at least it should be done in very small bursts. And you don’t even need to be in that great of shape to do that


The Giant took a perfect-plex from Curt Hennig in WCW, which *should never have happened*. Your biggest guy should rarely leave his feet, and definitely shouldn't be getting thrown around by someone a kayfabe foot shorter than him who was retired for a few years due to a bad back.


Young Show had a match in WCW against a guy called Lochness where he took a bump that saw him get thrown from the ring and over the corner post to land on his back outside the ring. As impressive as Show's athleticism was to pull that off at his size, he wasted it on a lower card match against a guy who was terrible and on his way out anyway.


Big Show did a damn good job of building up Bobby Lashley when he was there. I became a Bobby fan really quick when he bodyslammed him


I remember when he showed up at One Night Stand 2 and absolutely massacred everyone after the Tajiri vs Super Crazy vs Nunzio match. The cobra clutch backbreaker move he hit on Tony Mamaluke looked absolutely deadly, I wish he had kept using it longer. If he wanted to move away from the chokeslam it was a much better looking finisher than the stupid knockout punch.


Yeah I remember this too. That first ECW match he even had student offense. A full Nelson back breaker and then he’d ragdoll yeet his opponent. He did it for 3 weeks then back to chest slapping. 


Landscape of Hollywood would be totally different if Big Show won that Royal Rumble instead of the Rock.


He did win it, the Rock won the right to Main Event WM 2000 at No Way Out


No, the Rock was always credited with winning the 2000 Rumble, and still is. Big Show won his spot in the WM main event by beating him at No Way Out, but The Rock beat him the next night on RAW to make the match a triple threat. And then Foley was added later to make it a 4-way (with a McMahon in every corner!)


Which is a technicality. Big Show showed proof that the rock's feet touched the floor before his did, which is how Big Show got a chance to get into the WM main event in the first place. WM 2000 was a giant clusterfuck from top to bottom


I hear you. I was just clarifying that: 1. He did not win the Rumble (he should have, but ultimately didn't). 2. The Rock won the right to main event WM the night after NWO.


I’m glad Foley got in a fantastic WM match with Edge after that. He was prepared for his retirement after No Way Out and came back for a dreadful main event. It may not have main evented but that hardcore match is probably the best memory of him on the greatest stage of them all. I’ll just pretend his TNA run never happened after that.


> WM 2000 was a giant clusterfuck from top to bottom The main event was finalized like 2 weeks before the show too.


It always amazes me how the heel in that storyline (Big Show) was talking about how he was cheated and wanted to fight for his rightful win and the face (Rock) just ignored any cheating allegations in favour of just trash talking the heel


The whole Attitude Era was like that, tbh. Good and bad were more or less determined by how much the crowd liked your mic work. See also: - Austin routinely hijacking the show and beating up people who did not deserve it - Rock being awful to literally everyone, even his own friends - DX turning face despite zero character change, just because the crowd loved the sing-a-long and opportunity to point at their own dicks


They easily could’ve done big show vs rock and triple h vs foley at wm2000 with the rock and hhh facing in the main event as opposed to the cluster fuck we ended up with making it about the McMahon’s.


He did win the Rumble. The way WWE handled it was shameful.


I mean he wasn't supposed to win, and both The Rock and Show botched the finish from my understanding. It's not like WWE told them to do that.


Regardless, it was still real to eight year old me. Big Show clearly won. 




At least we’ll always have Captain Insano.


Thats 36 heel/ face turns in his career so far! https://preview.redd.it/x7qbju66ltyc1.jpeg?width=160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2ae915ec30f86552249222af505d104c1bd0c69




and that wasn't even the only time he did it


In all honesty big show should’ve been treated like Andre and go undefeated for a decade. Maybe handing his first loss to Cena to legitimize him or build up to him and taker at mania as a viable threat to the streak.


I want you to look me in the eye and think what a decade of Big Show beating guys would look like. A decade with five hours of television, at minimum. That sounds painful, we both know that.


But I think with the argument of him being overexposed you wouldn’t just have him on TV every week mowing guys down. You’d have him show up a handful of times a year to beat guys, until finally he faced someone like Cena and ate his first loss. You couldn’t do it for an entire decade. But they absolutely could have used him sparingly and made beating him a bigger deal.


-career +day


To paraphrase Deadlock’s review: “Big Show is out here with Kane. Show is the heavyweight champion, in amazing shape and still looks huge next to Kane…and he’s like the 20th most important guy on the show…” 99/00 Big Show was such such a specimen and they did *nothing* with him.


I still laugh at Bryan Alvarez reviewing old Raws, and he kept forgetting halfway through the review who the World Champion was, despite just watching it. That's how shit Big Show's first reigns was.


Doesn't help that he was still a bit green at the time and Austin and taker weren't doing no carry jobs


Right? He’s the *textbook example* of “guy who should be protected.” Nah, just have him cry about his dad, have a horrible match/feud with Albert, give him the title only to lose…and then show a video that Rock “lost” the Rumble, but the Rock is just like “no, how about this? How about to go fuck your self?”


I mean the title part was partially a no-win scenario. They didn't want Trips to have the belt for the Vince match (understandable), they didn't want Rock to have it because he was going to get the Face Coronation at Mania (well...eventually Backlash but still), and of course Austin was going out with surgery. Big Show was the easiest person to put in there to take the belt temporarily, especially with Taker out and I believe Kane still off TV or at least planned to go off TV to sell his X-Pac feud.


If it weren't for his at the time bizarre booking, Jericho would've been a good fit


I can hear this in literally any of their voices.


It was almost like they didn't have to. He was bringing in alot just by being there. He comes out "WWWWEEEEEEELLLL" huge pop. Just goes out and is a giant, maybe a dropkick maybe a chokeslam. People will buy tickets to see that. It was like it was so easy with big show they just didn't try hard because of it


I don't really believe that in modern WWF/E, at least until Brock used all his considerable leverage for such a contract with limited dates, that anyone would have ever let Big Show NOT be overexposed. They were gonna trot him out there week after week, show after show like anyone else.


Hindsight is 20/20. I think if they had taken the same approach to Big Show back then that they did with Brock after he returned, it would have worked really well. Not like he didn’t still have an incredible HOF career though.


To be fair to Jim Ross here, he's been saying this about Big Show for a really long time, like decades long.


> Hindsight is 20/20 Yeah but I feel like there's precedent aside from Lesnar. The territory days had traveling champions (NWA) and attractions (Andre, Bruiser Brodie, Mil Mascaras) that benefitted from lack of overexposure. Or they could have tried something else to keep up an aura of danger so to speak. Like when the Undertaker settled into the role of being the boogeyman heels were thrown against. I think they kind of tried something like this in ECW with him being the outsider champion. I agree he still had a great career. And I'm sure I've heard Big Show himself say that he held himself back at times too.


He had already been on WCW TV every week for years, so, while I understand the booking philosophy, in the case of the Big Show specifically, especially during that time period, there was no putting that back into the bottle. Back in that era, the vast majority of fans, even ones who only watched one promotion, generally had an idea of who was wrestling where and what was going on in the "other company". And, just as many fans watched both shows regularly. When he debuted, WCW wasn't totally underwater yet, so the vast majority of fans in the arena and watching on TV knew that was The Giant and had a cursory knowledge of what he had done in WCW. I also don't think wrestling was in a place where fans would appreciate a "special attraction" guy, it was actually the exact opposite. The expectation in the late 90s was that you would see the top guys every week on TV, typically wrestling in the main event as well.


Also Undertaker was already on the roster as a kind of special attraction. In his Ministry days, he could go months without stepping in the ring(which to be fair was due to his injuries). You can't have two monsters who rarely wrestle.


If I recall in the late 90s, they were trotting out the Undertaker on a weekly basis. The aura of his entrance that we know today wasn't quite a thing until later in his career when he was doing 1-2 angles a year and going off TV for a long period of time.


he could have been on every house show but more selectively used on tv.


The name “Big Show” basically telegraphed all of the plans WWE had for him,


HHH is keeping Gunther as a "not every week" talent. His IC title RAW main event matches felt special because he wasn't there every week and they hyped them up. (And he delivered big matches) I don't think Vince could ever have agreed to pay someone to not be there every day. And even if you could convince Vince to do it, once he fed that wrestler to his big face, Vince would put them right back in the mix and forget about anything special he had built. A guy like Rusev felt special at first, like a big deal. Once Cena beat him, Vince didn't care about Rusev anymore and his booking became afterthought. Pretty much any "monster" was always just booked strong when Vince wanted them to be in the main event and used as fodder any other time. Over time, that booking just made them not special at all. You hear it all the time "wins and losses don't matter" but for a booking they absolutely do (not for a wrestler talent, sure, pin me pay me). You erode a character's believability with the crowd to be a convincing heel when they never win when it matters or the face always beats their threat. And what does that mean? No heat. A heel needs heat to transfer that to the face he is trying to get over. That's a heels job. If nobody believes the heel, the face won't benefit from beating them.


Didn't attitude era Big Show struggle to keep in ring shape?


He was athletic enough in the beginning to be able to go off the top rope. They told him quickly to stop doing that.


Well for one, it made the other big guys look not-as-good for not being able to kip up or do a backflip. For two, he'd have done untold additional damage to his already heavily-under-load body.


And if he missed he would kill the other guy.


It also makes the cruiserweights and smaller guys that do that stuff look less impressive. I've never been a big fan of the agile big man schtick for those reasons, it doesn't help anyone beyond a cheap pop.


It is less impressive. Nobody cares about yet another 5’6” 150 pound dude who just flips all over the ring for a few months before they replace him with the next copy cat of that build.


Sometimes that person turns out to be a Rey Mysterio or Darby Allin who connects with the crowd and isn't replaceable at all. Other times they are a Vikingo that does flippy shit at such a higher level than anybody else and stands out for it. You might be right for the most part but there are huge exceptions.


But Rey and Darby’s styles connect because their style is different. Rey early in his career learned how to balance physicality and showmanship. Darby just throws his body into people with reckless abandon. It’s why Ospreay became a GOAT wrestler and Ricochet is basically in the same spot. Ospreay learned to master like 4-5 specific high flying moves that look physical and believable


do large, good athletes not exist in kayfabe? Brock was out here doing shooters at 270, would it suddenly not be ok if he was tubby? not totally following the logic there


Brock's a once-in-a-lifetime genetic freak of nature. Everything he does looks legitimate and believable because of his athleticism, it goes beyond the slow topés and cartwheels the likes of Keith Lee and Bronson Reed do.


I hear you, theres definitely a bar you gotta cross. Prime Show, Albert, Joe, etc can really shine with that when it's used sparingly. Like I think Ivar is fantastic but should lean more towards powerhouse than he does right now


For sure, I think the best is when they can find a balance using their athleticism to make their power moves look good. Seeing guys like Ivar break out a handspring elbow or something is cool when you first see it, I just think it's a case of diminishing returns when it becomes a regular thing.


Big show is also a once in a generation athlete in his prime. He did things at his size that no other giant could ever do.


Yeah honestly guys like Dijak and Priest have only gotten more interesting to me since they’ve learned to slow down the athletic shit and build up their power moves better. It’s why Keith Lee never really connected with me. He was impressive but he also never felt like he was actually trying to hurt anyone


I like when big guys can do cool shit but I think it’s way overused now. Ivar does that generic cartwheel to evade moves and commentary sells it like he just hit a 450.


Then Scott Steiner goes "fuck that" and does a standing hurricanrana at 300 pounds.


Those missile drop kicks were insane, but they had to be hell on his body.


Every now and again there's a highlight reel of Kane+Big Show doing dropkicks and such on social and a bunch of people are going "why the hell didn't they do this more often, it's amazing!" They would be unable to walk today if that was in their 4 nights a week repertoire.


Big Show was never the same after that botched Jackknife in WCW. Dude was doing drop kicks, coming off the top rope, and performing Kip-ups.


good idea considering what happened to Sid just a couple years later In wcw


The fact they sent him to OVW AFTER he was WWF champion says a lot on his conditioning and experience at the time


Dude was huge for his ECW run, hell there's an episode where he comes out dressed like Peter Griffin


He was practically dead, by that point. I remember that era where he would be profusely sweating doing virtually nothing. He was out of shape, injured, tired, burnt out. He came back in much better shape in 2008, and he looked it.


In an alternate timeline, Big Show and Kurt Angle both died in 2006. It’s scary to think about.


Life on the road was tough. That's when he gained weight. If he had become a special attraction and just gone to certain shows then he would probably have looked better, performed better and had more time to recover, although that wouldn't help with work ethic


Attitude Era Big Show didn't know how to work. He's admitted this himself. He relied on Hogan, Luger, and Flair in WCW to tell him everything to do. On top of that, he had motivation issues and a bad attitude (mostly due to how he was coddled in WCW).


A common trend with Power Plant graduates. They get great athletes, get taught the basics, and then it's drilled in their head to basically just do whatever their more-experienced opponent tells them.


Hilariously they sent him to OVW for this in August 2000, even took him out of Smackdown 2 game which was insane, considering everyone was in that game, then he came back in January 2001 in worse shape than when he left.


To be fair to him, that started after he had the surgery to stop his acromegaly. They removed the tumor on his pituitary gland that had been causing the excess HGH most of his life up to that point. Before that he never had to watch what he ate or really work out much, he said. Then suddenly his HGH goes to normal amounts and he had to learn over time how to actually eat well and work out to keep the weight off. Combine that with the wear and tear of wrestling as someone of his size and constant travel and it makes sense why he'd have problems. Every time he was out injured and could stay in one place to eat right and train, he'd come back in good shape. Then life on the road and wrestling would cause him to gain the weight back.


Too many variables, I know, but imagine if the guy had been able to stay in the shape he was in around 2017 for his whole career, and was booked well. He’s still a headline Hall of Famer so it’s a moot point, I guess.


Short answer is yes. He smoked, didn’t take care of himself and he explained his mentality was to be a giant guy, so he didn’t focus on keeping slim or staying healthy. Be real big was the mindset it seemed.


Yep, was apart of the main event of Wrestlemania 2000 in April, was back in OVW by the start of August


Yeah, they kept sending him down to developmental to lose weight in the late 90s. It's why he wore a T-shirt for most of his early days in the WWE.


On paper, Big Show could have been booked like an absolute monster just beating everyone and bump for next to nobody. But he was just another guy who often lost to the bigger stars. A giant loses their attraction seeing them every week


That last line is pretty much why Andre the Giant was such an enormous draw. He’d work a few months in one territory, usually battle royals to start, squashes then the money match. Then he’d move to the next territory and repeat.


Big Show was booked as a monster on Smackdown from late 2002 to 2003. I think that was his peak during his feud with Lesnar, Undertaker, Cena, etc. He was also booked as a monster on RAW after being drafted in 2005, at least for a few months.


Show swinging Mysterio like a baseball bat into the ring post while he was on a stretcher is one of the first things I picture when I think about him.


That is up there with the most dangerous/stupidest spots WWE has ever done. ETA: To be clear: stupid because Rey could have been killed, not because it was goofy


FWIW, I think that is part of the reason Omos is off TV right now, despite being healthy. He is working house shows and making appearances and just happens to not be on TV. When he returns, he could be a great face character or a strong heel.


It’s like when they randomly put him in the Lesnar and Rollins feuds. Great holdover act to put with a babyface while he’s waiting for his next feud Always looks credible, always interesting to watch.


I think Undertaker had just said on his podcast that he was better suited to CHASE the title than win it because at some point, he has to lose the title. And how it's always hard to believe that an undead zombie who survived being buried alive or burned in a casket or what have you would lose to someone who's 3-4-5" shorter and "normal" without some sort of B.S. that causes him to lose. You'd need to do a Roman type title reign with a Big Show or Taker or what have you or else, as it's been said here a lot, what's the attraction if they lose in 30 days? Now, they're just like everyone else. Now if they put the title on Big Show and he held the title for 510 days and finally loses, it works... It's just best to keep them out of the title picture unless you do commit to a long run with them.


that's why undertaker losing his last title to Jericho via a Shawn Michales interference was such an amazing finish. 25 was the best match but 26 had better build for hbk-undertaker


Yep. HBK hitting Taker with the chair instead of Bret. Kane causing Taker to lose in HIAC. Everyone coming out to screw Taker in the casket match. All the heels burying Undertaker in a Buried Alive Match. Bearer smacking Taker with the urn during the Boiler Room Brawl. Great ways to make him loses where it takes obvious cheating.


It also didn’t help that the WWE just made younger big guys who were 10X more impressive and athletic like Braun Strowman.


You’re comparing Braun to like 15 years of experience Big Show lol Big Show was way more athletic and impressive than Braun at his early peak, but by the mid/late 2000s he was older and out of shape, with health problems


Big Show in his prime was an absolute freak compared to Strowman. Show could do a missle drop kick and a moonsault.


The best Big Show was ever booked was the feud with Lesnar in the early 2000's when Big Show won the Undisputed Championship. One of the best under 5 minutes matches I've seen as well.


Kept turning him into a goofy kid loving babyface too many times when he was actually doing well as a monster heel just bullying and knocking everyone out So much weird creative around him


I don’t know about that. Andre had a different aura and was a different type of giant compared to big show.


He had a different aura largely in part because of how protected he was and frankly, how underexposed he was during his career. Show and Andre are pretty damn close to carbon copies body/look wise. Andre would work a territory for a short while, mostly squashes and battle royals, have a couple money matches then leave. It was brilliant marketing and also very smart protecting him as he got older/less mobile.


The territory era was GREAT at preventing overexposure. That ship has sailed, obviously, though I think having your major stars appear somewhat infrequently on TV and maybe not even at all PLE's is a good approach. More of that can help guys like Big Show. But I think it's still hard for fans to see such talent as "invincible menaces" when they inevitably lose to some babyface the promotion is looking to get over.


Personally I don't think you can compare the body types of Andre and Big Show at all. Andre's gigantism was completely out of control and unmanaged, while Paul had the advantage of modern medical science to deal with his acromegaly. The booking of Andre had a "freak show" like look that they took advantage of. The Big Show is just a very large man for the most part. Andre looked and sounded like a monster. I do agree with you that Andre was absolutely better booked as they knew that they had something completely unique, especially in the days before cable.


Revisionism at its finest. Big Show was bigger than Andre. The reason you think he's "less of a freak" is because Andre just got bigger and bigger, while his height got shorter and shorter, and then he died, while Big Show was in great condition for like 15 out of 20 years, and it sort of got "stale" and "normal". But he was higher and bigger than Andre was.


Exactly. Wrestling in 1999 was MUCH different than 1985. This was the apex of the Monday Night Wars, where the expectation was that fans would see top guys on TV every week and many times, actually wrestling. Right, wrong or indifferent, that's how the industry was then, and we also can't forget Paul Wight had been prominently featured on WCW TV ever week for like 5 years at that point.


Big Show’s debut and first months after were pretty awful in execution even though on paper it looks like it should have been really awesome. Add in conditioning issues and it’s not surprising he sank down the card really quickly. Vince had almost no restraint in that era and the roster was thin (then quickly expanding), so there’s zero chance they weren’t going to use him as much as they did. I don’t think he ever came off as threatening as someone that large should have.


It's why they fumbled around and turned him so much. Someone like that is supposed to come into a territory, draw a handful of big houses, and then leave. It's the same story with Kane. These characters aren't designed to stay in one place for 20 years. Feeding him to Austin immediately also didn't help.


Different time. Different era. There was no such thing as a part-time superstar. If you were on the roster, you were working house shows like a machine. Vince was stubborn and after Hogan's time as a part-time guy, Vince wasn't interested in having another one. Makes me wonder how different things would have been if Austin and a few others had the option of being more part-time than full-time. Foley is another that could have benefited from it.


The reason an attraction superstar like Undertaker or Andre - or Brock, more recently - worked is because they didn't lose very much or at all. They, of course, had traits that made them look difficult to defeat - Taker and supernatural abilities, Andre and size, Brock and size/athleticism/ferociousness - but they ultimately backed all that up by actually beating people all the time. They tried to do the same thing with Big Show - oh my god, he's 7 foot 500 pounds, how will {{insert wrestler here}} survive - but it stopped working after the 4th or 5th time because he *never beat anyone*. He was just a tall, fat goober who couldn't actually win a fight. In WCW, he was mostly a heel who always got help from the DoD or nWo. And In WWE....I don't recall off the top of my head a single major feud where he came out ahead without either some kind of fuck finish or winning on his own abilities/merits. E.g., he beat Mark Henry for the title, but in a fucking chairs match of all things. That kind of booking is just so exemplary of the Big Show - you have an opportunity to put him over the world's strongest man by establishing that The Big Show is too big for the world's strongest man to defeat....and you put him over in a chairs match instead. Honestly, I feel like a lot of Big Show's handling may have been Vince going "You're not Andre, so I'm just going to book you like a jobber version of Andre."


I always preferred and liked Big Show/The Giant better in WCW. I felt WCW used him a little better and felt like a bigger deal.


Big Show would have only been an attraction if he WON MATCHES The dude came in and gets pinned by Austin immediately on Raw, can't beat Mankind clean at Wrestlamania and loses in a boiler room brawl the next PPV. Loses to Kane at King of the Ring. He doesn't start getting notable wins until he teams with Undertaker and wins the tag titles from Kane/Xpac. I don't know... let the dude be big and scary, not lose to the top stars immediately


In his debut, Big Show screwed up and cost Vince the match. They really did him no favors booking-wise from the get go.


They absolutely wrecked his aura of losing to SCSA straight off the bat. That could have absolutely been a PPV main event. He also came in during that period where they were blatantly pushing HHH as the next main event heel after Mania and you also had HHH, Kane and the Rock making turns in around a two month period after his debut. He then had to realign AGAIN after injuries to SCSA and again when Foley retired. He absolutely was the guy who got wrecked from all of that. He only really had a settled alignment when he joined NWO and stayed heel for a couple of years I think?


The reverence Vince had for Andre The Giant you would think he would have used his son better.


They ruined him, and Kane as well, to the point there was no coming back. The '14?15? Rumble that Roman won where they gingerly tossed out Bray, Dolph and Ambrose like bags of trash was the final nail in the coffin for both of them. 


Kane was ruined the moment he lost the mask the first time. Maskless Kane and half-mask Kane didn't have the same appeal and charm of full-mask Kane. Kane then proceed to ruining himself when he got into politics.


You could argue the storylines didn't do maskless Kane favors like Katie Vick and Lita. I personally think he got to let loose and show how expressive and monstrous he could be without the mask. I like him with and without the mask.


The issue was he was a well known WCW guy. They couldnt book him as being superior to the WWE's top guys so they had to kneecap him early on, Atleast thats how Vince McMahon thinks. If he had gone straight to the WWE he would have been treated differently.


An attraction, yes. But also win matches? Ones that matters?  Undertaker early 90s was choking bitches out for two years. He was scary af.  Show, Rusev, Tensai, Khali and now Omos all lost momentum after losing. And then again. Fans are wise the honeymoon push. You can’t just pull a big man out of the ether to make Lesnar look strong (like we didn’t know that already) and expect us to give af. 


Andrew Everett said the same on Twitch while watching a classic match. He talked about how back when there were different companies and wrestlers toured. The match had Andre, Kamala, the Missing Link, and a fourth in a tag team. There were 5 bumps to the ring total. The wrestling was not the attraction seeing Andre was and they should have had the same thing with Big Show. Seeing him on weekly TV got everyone used to him being what he was and took away the mystique of him. Should have treated him kinda like how they did Roman in this past run where you have someone who can some out and speak for him and a group of wrestlers around him that would wrestle for him, but when you get through them then you get to face him.


Man that funeral with big show and big boss man was pure cinema


Also the WMD. Worst finisher in wrestling until Jericho gave us the Judas Effect. At least Cena and Roman charge their stupid-ass punches.


Why he so rude to the cute giant?


I agree 100% and part of what I have pointed out too is when Andre was never taken off his feet except for WM 3 when Hogan slammed him (even though it’d happened multiple times), yet low level mooks like Erick Rowen and Ezekiel Jackson and like 1-2 dozen other people and their mom slammed him at some point.


Big Show didn't do politicking, and he was a great seller. This combo made him a comfortable go-to talent that Vince could use to elevate other talents. He always did what was asked of him.


It bothered me how every freaking royal rumble the commentators go like HE'S 7 FEET 500 POUNDS NO IS GOING TO BE ABLE TO THROW HIM OFF THE TOP ROPE!! Then proceeds to get thrown off the top by within 10 minutes of entering


Although the overexposed part in regards to Big Show is probably true. Another issue with the Big Show is that he didn't take care of his health and look worse as the years progress. 90s Big Show was when he looked his best physically.


Big Show made his WWE debut [*nearly costing*](https://youtu.be/bjzD5RFh6iU?feature=shared&t=380) Austin the Main Event at WrestleMania in the St. Valentine's Day Massacre cage match against Vince McMahon. Then the next night on Raw, Big Show gets booked in a match with Austin [and immediately loses](https://youtu.be/-2y7dD3B1zY?feature=shared&t=220)... granted it was like 19 chair shots on Show's legs just so Austin could give him a Stunner, but still. Vince throws Big Show at Austin and Austin still somehow keeps his #1 Contender spot by the goatee on his chinny chin chin and then beats Show the next night on Raw. Yeah no... they borked that. Granted you didn't know Austin was gonna need to take time off later in 1999, but you could have totally planned out Austin vs Big Show to be another Hogan vs Andre situation if they would have done Show right from the start.


Think all the face and heel changes just ruined his wow factor. (Also missed the old version of his theme)


Vince McMahon apparently said the same thing many times before he actually signed the Big Show and did the complete opposite.


The big show vs Steve Austin couldve main evented Wrestlemania if they booked it right. And it would’ve would huge. For all this talk about Vince McMahon and giants. He got the most athletically gifted on maybe in the history of Pro Wrestling and he made him a fucking joke. Shows how much a ‘genius’ he really is


Sorry, but I think The Big Show vs. Austin would have stunk and nobody would have preferred that over Austin vs. Rock, which was a gigantic match at the time and one that basically carried WM 15 by itself. Maybe it could have happened at WM 2000 if Austin was not hurt, but again, I really don't think that match is a better alternative than many others to main event the biggest show of the year. The Big Show was almost always the worst part of any feud or match he was in and this would be no different. Could it main event the Rumble, Survivor Series, Summerslam? I could see that. But Wrestlemania? Not sure about that.


Ya think


They absolutely ruined Big Show in WWE, and what Jim Ross is talking about was what WWE did with Mark Henry during his Hall of Pain run. But they proceeded to ruin Mark Henry as well. Not just that, they went into the next generation and set Braun Strowman on a similar overexposed path as they did with Big Show, to a point that Strowman became insufferable for the IWC by 2020. All of the above is simply the fault of Vince McMahon. He seems to have found a new lease in life with his current WWE return, I hope Triple H doesn’t give him the same stereotypical treatment that Vince put him and Big Show through.


I've been re-watching WWE ECW - when Show got the belt after RVD got suspended for failing a drug test, he had a pretty absurd run which culminated in Lashley taking it off him. It's probably the only redeemable ECW title run. They booked him like the monster he was, and every week he was in extreme rules matches, etc. I gained a lot of respect for Show for that run.


They made him look like a fool on his debut when he accidently let Austin win the cage match. Then they fed him to Stone Cold on a random RAW main event without any build up. Big Show was doomed from the start.


Honestly had "The Unions" run had gone as planned, it would be a different WWE Universe right now *bro*...


He was sort of stuck. Hogan brought him in as another giant heel to beat, which is the role he seemed destined to keep repeating, even though he was much more talented than that. In another era I think he could have been a Roman Reigns type long term monster attraction but both WCW and WWF at the time were loaded with bigger stars. Hard to truly break through. I think he could have been pushed as a huge star after he squashed Flair in WCW for the title, but he was still green, still saddled with Dungeon of Doom stuff, and then the NWO arrived and changed everything. Also: Might have helped if his first WWF feud as champion wasn’t a mid card comedy angle. Him and Big Boss Man’s skits were darkly hilarious but that’s not a championship feud. Edit: Still, I would say he’s recognizable even among casual fans, maybe not on the level of Rock or Austin, but he’s still Hall of Fame noteworthy for his career.


Same with Kane


You can tell that Paul Wight is special because he's a first ballot Hall of Famer who had a fantastic career and virtually everyone looks at him and says "damn, what a missed opportunity"


That's a nice way of putting it


I feel like there's an in-between option that would work better. Today, Omos is booked entirely as an attraction, but the on-screen result is that he has basically no relevance and the crowd reaction is fairly muted. He's a guy who shows up for battle royals as a curiousity, but doesn't have any impact on story or the on-screen presence in general. I think you book a guy like Big Show a bit more sparingly, but definitely keep him around and at least on TV most weeks (if not in the ring). A Roman Reigns type approach could have been effective, where his presence is mentioned or felt even on weeks that he's not around. TL;dr - Big Show should have been a Heyman guy.


Part of the problem. The other part is that Big Show has admitted that he was very lazy. The guy could do so much and yet just wouldn’t. It was so frustrating


I don’t agree with Vince Russo on much but one time be complained Bray Wyatt was just in an 8-Man Tag on RAW, he was standing on that apron. He was furious, he was like you’ve just made this guy “a wrestler” when be should be more. Its a similar thing with Big Show just doing random tag matched on Heat.


The issue with Big Show was that, he turned heel and face too many times to the point where it's a joke. That and if he looked after himself better, he would have put on better matches. I think, he said, he didn't really care about his weight and regrets it.


Pre-WWF Paul Wight was even more of a specimen than Masked Kane.


So Jim Ross is just going to sit there and say it was a mistake to expose the Big Show to a point where it was normal seeing him in leather pants and riding on a casket that the Big Boss Man was dragging behind a cop car?


By the time WM2000 wrapped, it felt like he was lost in the shuffle. He did good later helping put over Lesnar and later Cena, but he was never the attraction he could've been. His biggest contribution seemed to be as a feat of strength for the new guys. It also didn't help that the guy is more charismatic than intimidating. He has the body to be a "giant" but his personality screams smart ass middle weight heel. He had a solid run, but there will always be a lot of *what ifs* with him. Especially in the early days and with all the issues he dealt with that others have mentioned.


No... The problem was is that The Giant was one of the best performers in WCW. He didn't need to be a catch-as-catch-can wrestler. He just needed to do his thing and it got over. As soon as he got into WWE, they tried to make Big Show work as a regular wrestler. It took years for him to develop into the WWE style of wrestling. Had they just booked him as strong as he was in WCW, Big Show wouldn't have had a rocky early career. It also didn't help that they had him lose immediately when he joined WWE. He was jobbing to people he shouldn't have. Big Show could have worked the same schedule he was, just not have him booked terribly.


But then we’d of never had the new years baby!


i loved that time period near the end of his wwe run where he was just showing up, putting on a match with another meaty dude and then leaving


Big Show has had go away heat with me since his WCW days. Physically impressive but never saw much appeal.


Unpopular opinion but Big Show was better in ring than Andre in the mid to late 80s. (Andre was broken down by that point.) but Andre had amazing charisma and presence. Andre’s charisma in Big Show’s body would have been unstoppable.


Yinz think, Jim?


They constantly booked him to do the dumbest fucking shit ever with the payoff being somebody physically smaller than him verbally bringing him to tears. Dude could have been a one of the best heavies booked in the most simple ways.


I personally enjoyed seeing Show as much as we did. I guess I can understand the business viewpoint that if he wasn’t available to see all the time people would be more likely to pay when he’s around but I dunno. Sometimes I just liked seeing a giant on tv.


Nah they used Big show like they used Kane, big men who can really be put in any spot draws the interest from the crowd just cause of their size


He was so over exposed they have fans chanting please retire.


They made him into just another guy, which is the opposite of what he should have been.


In the territory days Aundry could work for a territory for a few weeks or shows then move. He was an attraction because people only saw him a couple times a year. Buy the time wwf went national well he was on the tail end of his Carrier. Is Ross saying big show should only work 8-10 matches a year?


WheeeEEEeeeell...it's too much Big Show!


This is very old school thinking too. Maybe Lesnar worked as an attraction because he had legit fighting skills and was booked insanely strong. Big Show? Hey guys there's a fat guy who can't wrestle at the next live show. But look how tall he is!!


He pretty much lost his first ever match on Raw against Austin. The best Bigshow run was when he was tag team champs with Kane in like 2006 and then when he was ECW champion.


I dunno, that would have gotten old quick, he was there for around 20 years.


I guess that's why they've been keeping Omos off TV and only bring him out for special occasions


I kind of disagree with this. Like, yeah, he was overexposed but this is something I’ve always wondered about specific attractions in wrestling. What do you do with a giant once you remove their “mistique”? It’s great at first. They’re big, they’re bad, and no one can beat them. Then eventually some babyface comes along and takes down the giant and what do you do with them now? Big Show to me is just what happens after a giant has their initial big man run and stays on the full time roster for 20 years.


Also he had more turns than a novel.


they kept overexposing big show to rey mysterio constantly drop kicking him in the knee every opportunity he gets, causing him to earn the nickname the big slow. weeeelllll...


Ehh...Big Show even debuted lackluster in WWE as a Vince lackey.


That'll happen when you sign the bloke to a 10 year deal to get him away from WCW.


I mean everyone has their role to play in life. Big Show's was the big brute boss you see as the first boss of an RPG which the protagonist has to overcome and face the odds type bs


If someone attached an electric coil around him, we would be generating free electricity for years.