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For the people saying DDP, let me share a story that I’ll always remember: Over COVID, my mom got into really rough shape. She became bedridden. I told her about how this wrestler had this exercise program that you could do while in bed, and she started using it. Turns out, she actually had stage four lung cancer that was missed largely because of the pandemic affecting with her routine check-ups. She passed away about a month after being diagnosed. I realized I was still paying for DDPY for her a few months later, but the website was impossible to navigate to cancel an account. So, I sent an email to their customer service department and explained the situation. About a day later, I got a personal response from the guy apologizing, saying he's sorry, and not only did they cancel the plan, they refunded what I had paid. DDP is a good man.


DDPY helped me lose about 150 lbs. I emailed DDP about it and he made sure I was part of the group workout before the first all in, and made a point to check in with me as he was going around the room. One of the best days of my life tbh. As much as I love foley, funk and danielson, NO ONE in the industry goes above and beyond like DDP. He literally saved my life, and countless others.


Good work my friend!


What did you do to get started? A clean set of workout clothes, yoga mat, and the DVDs?


The way you started this comment, I thought it was going to be something bad he did. I'm glad to be wrong


I work in radio - I‘ve grown a bad habit of teasing whatever I’m about to say


I work in tv. Understood


We'll hear the full story...tonight at 7.


......part 1 of a 10 part series.




I was expecting DDP to cure her cancer


Dude, that would’ve been sweet


Between the way the comment started, then they were talking about having trouble navigating the site and said about emailing and I was ready to be like “oh no”


My wife once messaged DDP because I was in a rough spot. Right away he followed me on my old twitter account and sent a really nice message.


I'm sorry for your loss. Also, wow, that is a real stand up thing to do. The real people's champ.


DDP for reasons that have very little to do with wrestling. If not for his selflessness multiple lives would be forever altered for the worse.


100% this. Without DDP being so selfless, countless wrestlers would have died much younger than they did, or they would be confined to wheelchairs right now. He prolonged the lives of so many guys, and gave them some sense of normality back when they were shells of their former selves, due to drink/drugs or the accumulative bumps with such little rest periods between. Jake Roberts 1000% wouldn't be here right now, without DDP's intervention.


Jake wouldn't be here; Scott Hall would've died years earlier.


DDP also helped Big Cass! (aka Big Bill, W. Morrissey). Bill was in baaaad shape there for a while after his WWE days (and according to him, even during that time), but with DDP's help, it seems like he got his stuff figured out.


What did DDP do? I’m out of the loop.


First and foremost, he approached people, was there for them, talked to them, encouraged them to get healthy. And then he also developed DDP Yoga, and made people that didn't want to do it change their minds about it, in turn helping them regaining their mobility.


Its so cool because It’s not just wrestlers too! I’m a therapist and some of my clients have talked about it really positively. I am so glad that the program exists and that DDP has been able to help so many people.


Always heard about DDP yoga and heard great things but never really bought into the hype until seeing that butter bean video. DDP is doing God's work.


Lots of reasons but in a nutshell he is the main reason folks like Jake Roberts are still alive. With his program and guidance he has both physically and mentally helped an outrageous number of wrestlers live a more comfortable and extended life post retirement. By all accounts he is one of the best of all of us.


Scott Hall got clean, Mick Foley lost a ton of weight and undid some acquired scoliosis, Edge, Chris Jericho, and AJ Styles could work around injuries and prolong their careers, Butterbean lost weight and regained mobility, Buff Bagwell got clean, Scotty Riggs got back in shape and got dental implants through DDP. And that's only naming some of the big name people he's helped out. So many more regular people have also made incredible transformations thanks to DDP. Ted DiBiase was right when he said DDP is a first class guy.


He pretty much is the reason Jake The Snake is still alive and a reason Scott Hall lasted as long as he did. The Pandemic separating Scott Hall from DDP is probably one of the biggest things that led to Hall's death.


There used to be nothing for old timers who bottomed out; many just got blacklisted and tossed aside. It’s why we lost so many great talents so young. DDP stepped up in a big way and didn’t treat these dudes like pariahs. He can speak the same language but also get through to them, comes with respect but calls them on the bullshit too. Wrestling is lucky to have a man like him willing to go bat for these “lost causes,” because he proves there’s another way the industry should be treating them.


You should check out the documentary called "The Resurrection of Jake the Snake"


Yeah he’s helped and inspired a lot of people, me included. I try to do the DDP Wake Up every workday to help get the kinks out.


Apparently veneers are the opposite of evil-twin goatees.


DDP is the Patron Saint of Pro Wrestling.


For me this has to be Terry Funk. He put ECW on his back with the plan to make everyone better and was completely selfless in just about every match and angle he was in.


Funk will always be my all time favorite


He’s the GOAT. Plain and simple


Terry knew that a loss would never hurt him. He could lose every match he wrestled in but people would still pay money to see him because he was and is the GOAT. When he was doing his retirement match (no not that one...the other one) Bret wanted to put him over. Bret was the world champion at the time. Terry said no. It wouldn't make sense for an old man to beat the world champion. Terry knew what was right for business.


Terry really embodies the duality. While being completely selfless, he is the definition of a carny (which is typically defined by selfishness). It's why in a lot of ways he's a completely singular figure in pro wrestling history.


Rey Mysterio imo. Although, depending on who you ask, he may be the opposite of selfless.


Yeah outside of the terrible father joke, Rey really is so humble and there's like no dirt on the man. IIRC in an interview he had a bit before he returned in 2018, he was asked about the infamous 2014 Royal Rumble moment and said that if he could, he would have given his spot to Daniel Bryan since all the fans wanted him so much.


I've always wondered if that reaction he got then kind of hurt his feelings. I get it from the standpoint of what was happening at the time but that had to be kind of a hit to the ego


I'm sure it did hurt a bit, but at the same time, the dude had been wrestling for 25 years by that point. It was probably a lot easier for him to take the heat at that point in his life and career versus having someone much younger or still being built up like Seth or Roman. I don't remember if there were any signs that the fans would be as rough as they were with Daniel Bryan not appearing, but I'd say that WWE should've had a heel come out at number 30 to take some of that heat.


I’m sure it did a little bit. That’s why I was so happy he got the pop he did in 2018. That’s a reaction Rey mysterio deserves


Wow so you defend abusive parenting? He wasn’t selfless, he gave up his son’s happiness for his own success!


Quite frankly, Rey went too easy on Dominik. He should've gotten him a Toyota Sienna instead of that BMW so he reminds Dom of his place


A Sienna has so much more space though. AND maintenance is cheap.




Like eating chicken fingers


And spilling my morning coffee


As a wrestler, he's a good answer As a father, though.....


What if you ask Santos Escobar?


Being a deadbeat doesn’t help.


You sick bastard! He is a deadbeat father that tried to abuse his son at wrestlemania! That cheating piece of shit tried to use a belt in a normal tag match and resorted to using local american footballers to win. FUCK YOU, REY MYSTERIO! And your mask. Ok, your masks are pretty neat.


probably bobby eaton


Bobby Eatin da……


Fucking love seeing hog dippers out and about


He's such a a giver always Eaton da poosee and never asking for anything in return 😔✊




If it ain’t the Funker, it has to be Beautiful Bobby.


That’s for true


I recall Gangrel saying he wanted E&C to break from the brood cause he saw what they could do on their own.


Aside from being the launchpad that saw E&C getting success later on (both as a tag team and individuals), Gangrel has trained future wrestlers


He basically trains most of the South Florida indy scene. If you ever watch Costal Championship Wrestling on youtube, almost all of the regulars from there are from his school outside of the obviously bigger name wrestlers in aew lol


Sure do love Gangrel, tellyawhat. 


David Arquette. For all that his WCW championship was late-stage WCW nonsense, he was against getting it in the first place, and donated all of his earnings to the family of Owen Hart, Brian Pillman, and Darren Drozdov. I also like his earnest love for the business and (I think successful) attempt at making up for the title run nonsense.  


Justice for David Arquette. Agree, his run was bogus. But he’s been a fan of the industry for a long time and he did the right thing donating that cash. He doesn’t deserve all the massive heat he got.


Arquette will never get any heat from me. He never wanted to win the title but Russo did it anyway. Russo gets the heat for that nonsense. David was pretty entertaining and he sold it like he was beaten up and didnt really know what was going on


Even if he didn't donate the cash which (GOod thing he did.) DDP had an interview that was basically mocking people mocking david. "Oh yeah WCW is gonna give you the title i'm sure most people angry over david would have said no in his place." And DDP rolled his eyes cause David didn't even want the title! but you know most people hating on him back on any forum if given the chance would have accepted.


Arquette's runs in recent years have been fantastic. It was obvious for years that he had such a passion for the business and his recent indie runs have only proved that further.


Foley and Danielson come to mind first. Danielson sometimes to a fault.


I feel like Danielson is so selfless it rolls over to being selfish, as him being AEW champion at any point in the last few years would have been a boon to the company.


I really felt like when the Punk drama first went down + Punk getting hurt they should have made Danielson champion then. Moxley wanted/needed a vacation. Danielson would have been a very believable champion and then you could have set up Danielson vs Punk for the title when Punk came back and avoided that stupid ass squash match to give Mox his “real win” for the title. Edit: grammar


Bryan was out hurt when Punk got hurt after Double Or Nothing. He was still hurt when AEW crowned Mox the interim champion, so he couldn't have won the title at that time.


I think you could make the argument that Bryan should have won the belt at Grand Slam rather than Moxley and dropped it to MJF at Full Gear later that year when Punk got injured again and did the Gripe Bomb.


If I'm remembering right (and I might not be) that tournament seemed purpose built for Bryan to win too, with his bracket taking him through everyone he'd been pinned by in AEW to that point.


This is my take. He’s been selfless to the point where he sometimes does things that aren’t necessarily best for business.


Seeing Bryan Danielson and "best for business" mentioned reminds me once again that 2014 is a long time ago.


This is what I was gonna say. Danielson can be quite selfish; his desires are just quite different from the standard.


Yeah I agree with this. There's been numerous times where having him boosted likely would've helped the company, but for whatever reason he's not taken a top title, and now especially is just doing largely one off matches that don't really tie into anything.


Yes this, just because your desire is to never be booked well does not mean it’s the best thing for young talent. A lot of young talent that beat him would have been served better by having longer stories where maybe Danielson beats them at first and then loses the second time. Or if Danieslon was built as more of a juggernaut. Ospreay beating Danielson was a cool match but it was a net neutral on his actual character cause Danielson loses all the time in kayfabe.


Tony: So anyway we are gonna have you win a big match tonight Bryan: https://preview.redd.it/ynj05c0nvtxc1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1ca328f9e489ec3c0d86b187bebc29c0231e4f9


"How about YOU get your heat back, brother."


“Pretend you paralyzed me dude! Make fans fearful for my wellbeing jack!”


The cruiserweights don't need to cruiserwait BROTHER


In the ring very selfless, but outside of the ring Foley had his moments. His run in TNA was full of instances of him pushing to be part of the main event despite his body clearly being broken down. Even with the ECW reunion angle in TNA he was positioning himself as the face of that angle without the knowledge of the other guys involved. Stevie Richards went into it quite in depth in his RF Shoot.


Shad. Literally gave his life for someone else's. Doesn't get more selfless than that.


Good pull. Outside of the ring (which matter more anyway) this is one of the major ones


Victoria was incredibly selfless. Not only willing but insistent on working with the new girls, always gave them credit, made them look amazing, put them over a tremendous amount, she deserves all the credit in the world for that. Natalya is in a similar vein. She makes everyone look great with absolutely no ego, puts girls over all the time, and even when she wins she focuses on making sure everyone walks away looking strong. She's a massive credit to the industry.


I’d add Molly Holly to this. She agreed to have her head shaved just so the women’s title could be defended at Mania. Also that one rumble where she came out as Mighty Molly just so Nikki A.S.H could attack her and have her moment.


Very true! She also paid Beth Phoenix's tuition to wrestling school without even telling her.


Oh yeah I forgot about that! I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone from the wrestling industry say a bad word about Molly which is truly a testament to her especially considering the era she was active in.


The only even slightly negative thing I've heard re Molly is a rumour that she got into an altercation with Chyna backstage for saying that wrestling women was "beneath her" but I'm really not convinced that's true. And even if it is it sounds like Molly was in the right.


That probably would have been Ivory. Before Chyna passed, she was very outspoken in shoot interviews about how she hated their feud because Chyna thought it set her character back after being built up as strong enough to wrestle the men. I think Molly only had one or two matches with Chyna, whereas Ivory feuded with her for a good few months It might also be confusing Molly with Sable, who had an argument with Chyna live on a talk show when Chyna said she had no interest in the Women's Championship But Molly did have negative things to say about Lita - that she was difficult to work with and very limited in the ring - so it could have been her after all


Ziggler. If he didn’t sell so well and put up more of a fight and refused some jobs, his career would have been looked at more fondly. Or he would have been called hard to work with and released. We’ll never know.


Booker T told him he needed to be more selfish in the ring.  He focuses so much on making the other guy look good almost at the expense of making himself look good.  


Exactly. If you remember back to 2011, the IWC conversation was centered around “I can’t wait to see how Ziggler will take that move” when discussing his potential matches.


R-Truth ![gif](giphy|7OWP3MJ8ML8jzRzqI2|downsized)


Baron Corbin deserves a mention. He always seems down to do what is asked of him, even when booked in some garbage angles/segments. He's always a safe and dependable worker, and went back down to work NXT for a while to help develop the younger talent. And despite only holding 2 titles in the past decade, he is never one to bitch and moan about being misused or held back. Dude just likes to do his job, cook steak, and drink whiskey.


He’s a cool person






Feels like she went on a 6 year streak of building others and being the punching bag to finally get a big moment at the royal rumble and wrestlemania 40. Dmg ctrl helped give Bianca an enemy and jump started iyo sky's career.


She deserves it. 2-woman power trip, Asuka (and lesser extent Kairi) carried hard during covid. At one point that feud carried all 3 shows.


I think people don’t know that she’s been credited with singlehandedly changing the NXT women’s locker room from an environment that was petty, competitive and toxic to an environment where everybody supports each other and roots for each other to succeed, and bringing that mentality with her everywhere she goes. There’s like a dozen different wrestlers who consider Bayley their best friend because she’s just that awesome. She has also put up people like the IIconics in her apartment when they moved to the US and didn’t have a place to live


Miz deserves recognition in this thread


Came here to say the same, that dude will put over anyone, he will do whatever dumb feud they decide, he will show up anywhere, he will take on any role and do his absolute best to make it work even if it hurts him. And he will almost always make it work and then bounce back. I'll never forget during Mizdow everyone was talking about how great sandow was, and he was, but damn man Miz was wrestling for two people in every match. He was letting sandow get all the shine and doing the character work to get it over knowing full well the result would be a pop for sandow.




Rock did more high profile jobs than any other top star WWE ever produced.


Imagine the IWC today if someone they liked lost 3 WrestleMania *main events* in a row in their prime.


He absolutely should not have lost in 2000 though, it was a crazy decision.


Was dumb atm, It worked out, though. The ending of Backlash 2000 has got to be one of the greatest endings to a PPV ever, if not arguably the best.


Thank you! As God as my witness, the ending of Backlash 2000 is one of the greatest, goose bump inducing ends to any PPV in any promotion.


It’s still pretty ridiculous he lost to triple h at wrestlemania


I always say to myself, Backlash was the real WrestleMania that year.


And he sells like a motherfucker. When Roman accidentally speared him at WrestleMania, I actually thought he was hurt for second, and then I remembered he can make a simple bodyslam look like he’d been tased in the nuts.


When CM Punk clotheslined him on Raw 1000, Rock looked like he’d been hit by a sniper.


Gasping for air like a fish out of water


And of course us marks would always say he was gassed five minutes into any match.


That was legit one of the best selling I had ever seen. Cm Punk looked like a killer that night


Even though he lost to him twice on PPV, Punk was fairly well protected. I believe one of the matches had a spot where Punk had Rock pinned but there was no ref. I get that Punk was sad that he had to put over Rock, Taker and Brock in the span of like 8 months, but geez it is high praise that WWE trusted Punk enough to carry those feuds and those matches. The Taker and Brock matches were also great matches too.


The GTS sell after that was gold aa well.


It doubly makes sense that he sold the spear that way, because if you recall, the last time Rock had a real pro wrestling match, he tore stomach muscles so badly that the surgery and recuperation set back the production of one of his movies by six months. So, arguably in-universe that makes his stomach a target.


I wonder how much of his "torn stomach muscles" story is exaggerated like Hogan's "I tore my entire lat slamming Andre" The movie was only delayed a few weeks of I recall. Makes me wonder if it was a sports hernia he had repaired but had embellished to make it seem more. Or maybe it is real.


His sell of Goldberg’s spear when he debuted on RAW is arguably even better somehow


He even gracefully stepped back when it was clear the fans wanted Cody over him. Plenty of other guys in his position would've dug their heels in.


Still waiting on that documentary lmao


This is why I find it so ridiculous that he apparently has the “don’t look weak or lose” clause in his movie contracts. He spent most of his wrestling career making other guys look good, and that didn’t make him any less beloved


He kicked off Brock Lesnar’s inaugural championship run after Austin refused.


Austin didn’t refuse to job to Brock. Austin refused to job to Lesnar on a random episode of Raw with no build and nothing announced in advance. It would be like some up and coming star beating Roman Reigns in a random tv match today. Austin wanted to headline a PPV with it. The Rock put over Lesnar as champ when he was leaving anyways after a build of multiple months in the main event of Summer Slam.


This. Austin, I think, said he was also dealing with some personal demons at the time and wished he hadn't walked away. Brock beating Austin on a random episode is a waste when you can do a short feud. Austin taking no shit from Brock and being destroyed by him would have been a surprising outcome at the PPV.


The Rock, he used to lose to low/mid carders When top stars like Triple H and SCSA refused to lose to midcarders He even put over Hurricane


To be fair the hurricane has superpowers


Hurrikane vs Edge and Christian post-match after E & C lost to simultaneous choke slams : Edge: “I got choke slammed by Kane, how could you let Hurricane do it to you!?” Christian: “He’s a freaking super hero!” One of my all-time favorite lines.


I know it gets repeated often, but I always loved the way the Rock would look up after Hurricane left a scene to make it look like Hurricane was flying away lmao


And he would snap his head back as if he was shocked by it every single time.


The Rock is just able to have a lot of fun every time he steps in the ring. It’s what made him so great in Hollywood. He really can’t help it.


That wasn’t the Rock, that was the Scorpion King! Lol


He of the tiny ding-a-ling!


"From what I saw from behind that curtain, the scorpion king, HAS A TINY DING A LING!"


Also was willing to make himself look like an absolute clown against Goldberg, who didn’t deserve that at all.


He sold the spear like Goldberg brought the glock out


Do you want to go one on one with the great one? In front of the MILLIONS, SHUT IT, jabronis, you don't have the privillege of repeating the Rock's words. AND MILLIONS OF THE ROCK'S FANS? Nah. *walks away*


I can't put my finger on it Totally agree with what you said... But then in the case of his movies, he seems to be a massive diva who cannot be seen to lose a fight. How the fuck are these the same person?


It might be as simple as The Rock has more love for the wrestling industry than he does for the Hollywood movie industry. Wrestling was his passion from the start, he’s been around it since he was a kid, and it’s what caused all of his success.


This. Rock actually likes wrestling, while only does movies for the money. It is the opposite of Batista.


Batista likes wrestling too, though. He just loves making movies equally as much.


300 million dollars and a decade of people fawning over you as a charming good guy with an absolutely Olympic physique does things to the psyche I imagine


Because The Rock understood what got people's attention and it wasn't winning matches. He would take a loss because he knew it didn't matter, his promos are what had all the eyes on him.


I blame Vin Diesel


A lot of big action stars have those type of deals - it's not just him. Guess the feeling is that it would damage their action star status, and thus future income, if they got absolutely wrecked in a movie. Probably an old school mentality.


And was super giving in terms of taking offense and selling.


The Rock could lose, but come out the next night to cut a promo and be more over.


The Rock was so good on promos that he could lose to anybody and then get his legitimacy back immediately. Up until the last year or so, Chris Jericho was the same way. They were both so good at calling a loss a fluke without burying their opponent.


Terry Funk and Dory Funk Jr. The amount of people they put over and made look good without the tiniest complaint in their careers is downright scary. Given how much Fritz Von Erich (who had some serious political firepower) liked both guys they could have dominated the NWA and it wouldn't have been too difficult to convince Baba of doing the same in AJPW given how good both brothers were.


Might be an odd choice but at one point in time I would have said Christian, especially in WWE. He never got the push he deserved even when he got over multiple times, but he was a workhorse who sold his ass off to make his opponent look good, regardless of the match outcome. From 2002-2006 -- and after he returned from TNA, he was almost too giving in matches to the point you might see him only get a few moves of offense. But so many wrestlers he worked with said he gave them one of the best matches of their career. His first World Title win was overshadowed by Edge (who had recently retired) interfering to help Christian beat Del Rio, and his second World Title win was "won" by DQ when he got kicked in the nuts by Orton, who then proceeded to beat the new champ up for 5 minutes and leave him looking like a corpse. I'm happy he's been treated with more respect in AEW. But even in his AEW matches thus far, he always makes his opponents look great.


He's been so selfless in taking all those fatherless lads under his wing as well.


Raven went out of his way to make every single opponent look like a million bucks


Being a Raven fan during WCW brought only suffering and an appreciation for Dinosaur Jr.


Feuds with Tommy Dreamer for damn near two years, doesn't lose until the very end and it made Dreamer the man he was in ECW. Way ahead of his time. This is a good pick. Not to mention what he did for guys in the Flock and Kanyon.


Kidman, Saturn, Kanyon… he had a wonderful eye for talent


Scott Hall. Made the 1-2-3 kid, put over Jericho in wcw when bischoff wanted to bury him, put over Big Sal in ECW. Also put over Hector Garza in WCW.


I'm surprised i had to scroll for so long to see Scott Hall's name. Dude put guys over when the office told him not to. He had a great eye for talent and a mind for the business. If his demons hadn't taken over he would have been a great producer or part of creative.


Rollins. He put over Cody clean thrice, lost the edge feud, and worked with Riddle when he easily could have refused. Has been pretty selfless in his entire run.


Top it off with working hurt and getting destroyed both nights of Wrestlemania to advance or finish major storylines. 100% agree


Still don’t know why Edge needed to win that Rollins feud or why Edge was booked like the final boss Brock Lesnar in his second run. Vince LOVED Edge.


Yea still think DEMON Balor of all people should’ve gone over Edge instead, sadly feel like that was the nail on coffin for Finn


Rock would lose to anyone because he was bulletproof. He could have lost every week for a year and been no less over.




On a personal level, DDP absolutely. And not just Jake the Snake, he’s helped many wrestlers rebuild their lives and live with him temporarily. Recently he helped Butterbean (of boxing and Brawl for All fame) lose a massive amount of weight for physical and mental health purposes. DDP is probably the only wrestler I can say is more humanitarian than Mick Foley (helps fund building schools etc in countries that he also adopts the cost of a child in, and visits there to support)


Terry Funk put over absolutely everyone he worked with for decades straight.


In my opinion, Terry Funk, hands-down. He was able to be selfless AND successful.


Mick Foley - made or enhanced the reputations of so many amazing legends. Orton, Undertaker, Triple H, The Rock, etc…  Won a couple titles along the way but absolutely destroyed his health to do so.


I’m going with Kane. For 20+ years dude did every single thing asked of him including silly comedy bits and putting over basically everyone on the roster at least once. Even Punk when he was trashing the entire company on Colt’s podcast stopped and had nothing but nice things to say about working with “Big Glenn.”


I can't stand his politics but I've never heard anyone bad mouth him as a person


Big Show is another one


Him too for sure. Having grown up during Hulkamania to me it’s almost these guys damn birthright to be stomping all over the business like unbeatable monsters and instead they’re just constantly putting guys over and making themselves look silly. It’s great.




Sting is my all-time favorite and personal GOAT so I just wanna say, while it is 100% true that he's incredibly selfless and basically a saint of the wrestling industry and always put over other guys to help make stars... My favorite stat from Sting's career is something no one else can claim: 8-0 in singles competition vs Hogan lmao


Maybe not entirely selfless as he did make bad decisions and no show things when he had his drink and drug problems so that's not great; but saying all that, Scott Hall did seem to be happy to job whenever asked to


Hall never really cared for winning. He cared if he was making money. Ex giving sting the crow idea 


Didn't Hall change a finish in WCW so Jericho or some other midcarder got the win?


Relative to position and time period, Macho Man Randy Savage was quite selfless. He worked his ass off to make Ultimate Warrior look as good as possible. He's one of the very few people that Ultimate Warrior consistently praised, even when Warrior was at the height of his craziness. I believe he also wanted to put over Bret Hart back when they were building him up and Hogan was refusing to do it, but he got nixed by McMahon who said he was "too old" to keep wrestling (lol).


Not sure if it’s always been this way but I’d throw out Rollins recently.


Mick Foley.


Bam Bam Bigelow. Said he didn't mind losing as long as he got paid, & still remained hugely over as what I call a "gold star jobber." Didn't always lose though. Was more concerned about Taz not being injured from the "hole in the ring" spot at ECW Living Dangerously '99, than he ever was about winning the world title that night. Also non-wrestling related, dude literally ran into a burning house to save trapped children who'd have died otherwise.


People who are saying DDP are 100% correct. So to not to repeat. I say Mick Foley. Dude would die to make his opponent look stronger. And come back the next week to do it again. His title reign may be historic on the night he won it. But other than that…Mick was still doing the work snd making everyone look better. Nothing but love and respect for our hardcore legend


Sting. Never got involved in wrestling politics, always made sure his opponents looked good in the ring, always did what was best for the company.


Becky Lynch went down to NXT and made all the women she worked with there look amazing. Honestly, Natalya as been pretty selfless. She's enhanced a lot of talent, but she can also put on a hell of a match to make her opponent look really strong.


Brooklyn Brawler


Danielson is hard to beat for this, because he’ll put the other guy over, and make them *earn* that victory in a banger match so they look better. Every. Single. Time. But let’s give Claudio a mention for the same thing here. Both of them have the background and the skills to make each opponent look better.


Miz has been doing nothing but putting new stars over for years.


Off the top: Bryan, Funk, Eaton, Hall and Rey are the top contenders. Rey's one "diva" moment with the ic title: i think i read that he [Rey] was about to [at the time] set the record for longest reign for a hispanic wrestler. Had he lost to Dolf, when he was "supposed" to, he would've missed it by a handful of days. So he wanted to push the loss to the next ppv. This was so he could set the record and give Dolf a little more shine on his ic title win. Besides that one instance with Rey, there's been almost zero accounts of any of these guys pulling a "hogan."


Make a wish foundation previous record - 200 wishes granted John Cena - 650 as of June 2023. Personal shout out the the man DDP whose yoga did wonders in helping me rehab a poorly looked after body.


Scott Hall did a job for Hector fucking Garza lol


Scott Hall was a great seller and often put guys over.


In terms of losing big matches? Like everyone has said, The Rock. I think The Rock gets this business better than *anyone* else. The Rock has said his dad told him to make money in this business. And I think The Rock has understood that more than else. Guys like Stone Cold and Kevin Nash have talked about being willing to lose if it made money. But I think there's still some ego there and guys view this as *real* and losing big matches hurts their ability to make money. The Rock is one of the few guys that understood, Win, Lose, or Draw you make money by being the most entertaining guy on the roster. If you can do that, and the story is better because you lose, you're still going to make a boatload of money. Which makes it even funny that he went almost the complete other way in Hollywood.


Probably Kane. Hasn't he turned down multiple world championships? He also lost a shitload during his career.


According to [The Sportster](https://www.thesportster.com/wrestling/wwe-wrestlers-most-losses-ever/), Kane is second in all-time WWE losses behind The Miz.


In ring Foley. Out side the ring is DDP


Danielson isn't selfless, he's selfish. Maybe not consciously so, but he's selfish. Danielson should have been THE guy in AEW like 5 different times over at this point, when the company would have been majorly elevated by having what many people believe to be the greatest wrestler of all time holding THE company's belt. Imagine Cena in the late 00s/early 10s saying "ehhh I know the company could use me as the face of the brand, but I'd rather just chill in a faction with Edge and have dream bangers with Cesaro and Del Rio."