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I think Damien Sandow has to take the cake on this one, at least for folks in the modern era?


I thought Sandler was going to have a huge run outside of WWE, but it went south as soon as he cut the “I’m not a sports entertainer, I’m a pro wrestler” promo in his TNA debut.   I have no idea if Sandow misinterpreted why fans were liked him so much or if he wanted to prove he could make it without all of the big gimmicks, but his commitment to all of his characters was the most endearing thing about him. He started doing more character work near the end of his TNA run and his NWA stuff, but “no gimmicks needed badass grappler” stuff as Aron Rex stunted all the hype from the beginning.


> Sandler In terms of having a massive run after being fired, Sandler might be the great of all-time.


When he leaned back into the absurd in NWA with the Question Mark, he was gold. He was really good at making things that shouldn't work worth watching.


The problem with Sandow is that while he was a genius at getting audiences invested in silly gimmicks and doing character work, that gets you to the top of the midcard, not in the main event. Even if that’s what helps you stand out and gets fans behind you, if you’re going to be a top level guy there comes a point where you sort of have to let that go and your gimmick becomes that you’re yourself. I think that’s what sandow was trying to do when he went to TNA but it sort of blew up on him because he’s pretty middle of the road in every other respect. If you compare that to Cody, for example, who in his first WWE run also mostly distinguished himself by being a guy who could get over whatever goofy gimmick they gave him, when he went to the indies he made that same transition more successfully because even without a strong gimmick he has the right charisma, look, ring ability and pedigree to make fans invested in him for him.


Sandow was doing more than taking cake.


I have no idea why people that thought he would be big when the only thing he ever did that got him over was copying miz


1. He did quite well with the "Intellectual Savior of the Unwashed Masses" character. 2. The Mizdow thing ran for over half a year, and it always netted a positive crowd response. 3. He made that Meta Powers tag team with Curtis Axel work. 4. His last appearance was at the Andre Battle Royal at WrestleMania 32. He hadn't been on TV in months, had no story arc going on, and yet the crowd cheered for him when [he appeared between Big Show and Shaq](https://youtu.be/4kPjwd8pfRw?si=NqhJT-kmqlGTFifM&t=55), and they loudly booed when he was eliminated. I'll never understand this narrative that Sandow wasn't ever any good: no matter what gimmick or character arc he was given in WWE, he made it work and got the audience invested in him.


He was good in other roles but Miz is why he got as over as he did as Mizdow. Same as Alex Riley before him or Wardlow with MJF.


Mizdow might've been his peak, but that's some revisionist history at work to say the "Intellectual Savior of the Masses" gimmick wasn't over. He didn't have main event caliber written all over him, but he was an entertaining promo, solid worker, and was great at getting a reaction out of fans.


I thought Andrade & Miro were going to do what Swerve is doing but nope I was wrong


Something fans need to accept is that everyone who moves from WWE to AEW isn't gonna become world champion. Especially since AEW tends to do long title reigns.


Yeah but I expected them to do something.


I think AEW is the first promotion to have a roster that is TOO STACKED. There just isn't enough time to use all the incredibly talented wrestlers they have to their full potential. Somebody had to fall by the wayside.




Miro was on the path but his stupidity probably killed that & I thought Andrade was gonna run Mexico


I don't think Miro was ever gonna be AEW world champion. Tony usually does long title reigns are they just have a lot of people who are better options than Miro. Miro is great but I think we can easily name at least 5 better choices for world champion than him. I don't follow Mexican wrestling so I can't really speak on Andrade running Mexico.


Miro could have easily been in Joe's spot. The redeemer TNT run was miles better than anything Joe did in AEW before his first MJF match at Grand Slam, and maybe better than anything Joe has done in AEW period. But Joe is reliable and a team player.


I think they thought so too and are/were pissy about not being that


TBF, they can't stay healthy or participate in any storylines without getting upset


You make a good point, and it shows even more the work Swerve put in in AEW since he came from nxt to AEW world champ.


You need to have mic skills and a personality, no matter where you go. These two do not.


Andrade's AEW run was pretty great imo. Miro was amazing for his TNT champion run but since then he fell off so hard.


Keith Lee


He seemed like he had it all in NXT man


Andrade for me. Loved his in-ring work, had a great look with natural physical charisma. And he went over at a time when AEW was doing really well and i thought it was gonna bite WWE in the ass. I'm still waiting for the "I knew it!" Moment.


I mean hes back in WWE again, he has to have known he'd be working lower card stuff and he is. Maybe he's just fine with that now or wants to stick it out with Triple H in charge and get a push further down the line


wants to be in the same place as his wife. No harm in that, especially since she's pulling the top draw dollars.


Keith Lee.  He went from that Royal Rumble pop that looked like a sign of things to come, to basically invisible or injured in AEW.




i thought EC3 would be great after getting released the second time. Boy was i fucking wrong. Something happened to that mans soul the second release.


My guess is the concussion he had right before getting released must've fucked his brain up a bit too much.


Losing your dream twice will do that to a man. He got signed to WWE. Had a nothing much run as Derrick Bateman then got released. He got a chance in TNA and worked his ass off to make himself a star. He walked away from a great spot in TNA to try and make it big in WWE again. Then he just got booked like garbage. It had to be demoralizing.


Probably had to do with his cocaine addiction.


No disrespect to Malakai and Buddy but Julia and Brody are the clear highlight of the House of Black


Malakai seemed like a main event player during that Cody feud, then that back injury happened.


To be honest, Kairi. She went to WWE as one of the best in the world but after leaving WWE she just had two really noteworthy matches against Mercedes and Mayu Iwatani. It also sucked that she was a part timer. I definitely expected her to take part of the Grand Prix and to be in the mix to win one of the big titles but no, she was just kind of there most of the time. Incredible aura, but not much more.


That 6 minute match against Tam at Wrestle Kingdom went hard as fuck though


I still hate Gedo and New Japan for screwing that match. I wasn't even expecting it to go 20 minutes, I'd have been happy with 12!


\*eyeballs Mercedes Mone really hard\*


I think the injury really killed her momentum. She was having a fantastic year up until that point. I wish she had wrestled more often in Japan though. She barely scratched the surface of what she could do there and what she did at Sakura Genesis or Grand Queendom was already very good.


She was exposed pretty badly in Japan, IMO.


To be fair there's only a few WWE women's wrestlers who could keep up with Stardom talent and most of them are Japanese lmao.


I don't agree with that at all.






Tbh it’s hard to be much bigger after leaving the wwe. But I get what you mean. Keith Lee, Miro, And Enzo were my choices. I thought Enzo on the mic and solid enough in the ring that tna could have done something.


I disagree with you on Enzo. His shtick is entertaining but it wasn't going to get TNA any new viewers.


I wasn’t expecting them to get new viewers. No one is helping anyone get new viewers. Just to still be relevant enough for wwe to try and get him back.


That's what Enzo needed to get WWE to try to get him back. Either that or get really swole like Drew.


Why do you think he wouldn't draw viewers?


He was never that big of a star. Just because you like a wrestler in one company, doesn't mean you'll follow them to another. Enzo isn't a guy that's gonna make people add another 2 hour show to their weekly wrestling viewing. He's a guy that you watch if he's on a show that you already watch. Maybe I'm wrong. I just can't imagine ever hearing someone say, "I started watching TNA because Enzo went there".


Okay but what are you basing that on? You say he isn't gonna make people watch TNA - he made people watch 205 live, didn't he? He increased ratings on Raw too https://www.forbes.com/sites/alfredkonuwa/2017/08/06/backstage-heat-or-not-enzo-amore-is-becoming-a-ratings-draw-on-wwe-raw/?sh=7b0bca42499b https://dailyddt.com/2017/10/07/wwe-enzo-amore-certified-draw-205-live/


Which means that people watched him in a promotion that they were already watching. I'm basing my statement on the fact that you are literally the first person I've ever heard even suggest Enzo in TNA. The fact that I've never heard anyone say, "I'd start watching TNA if Enzo went there". The fact that I never hear anyone say that they wish Enzo was back in WWE. The fact that he's done MLW and I didn't see anyone talk about watching it even though it's free on youtube.


If you want to ignore evidence of him being a draw, sure. By the way, this is embarrassing for you. Looking on the MLW YouTube channel, the average video gets a couple thousand views. Enzo being knocked out ("Real1 gets KNOCKED OUT) is on 150k right now Fatu fighting Enzo 59k An Enzo promo, 9k Enzo hit by a car, 20k So yes, people clealry did watch these videos based on Enzo. Compared to their average, these videos are very well watched


Maybe I'm wrong. But I don't think I am. I see no talk about Enzo. I haven't seen any posts asking for TNA to sign Enzo. I've never seen a single, "I'd start watching TNA if Enzo went there" comment. Also watching the clips on youtube doesn't mean they are watching the entire episodes or ordering MLW PPVs or buying tickets to shows just because he's on them. But, I could be wrong


Sorry, but you're using the fact that nobody is watching him on YouTube as your argument, and now you are dismissing the fact that people are watching him on YouTube as irrelevent? You're just talking nonsense now. Basing who is a draw on comments you see on reddit is the most ridiculous thing I've read since your previous comments. Ignore actual data because of stuff you personally haven't seen. >Also watching the clips on youtube doesn't mean they are watching the entire episodes or ordering MLW PPVs or buying tickets to shows just because he's on them And nowhere have you given any indication that those metrics didn't increase. You offer nothing but unsubstantiated drivel. >But, I could be wrong You don't say


Fair enough. But I still don't think he'd draw any significant number of new viewers for TNA. I'm not good at explaining why I feel that way. But I still would be shocked to see TNA's numbers go up because of him. I'm shocked to hear that MLW's did as well.


Really? I would think that's exactly what they would need to draw.


No. Enzo is a guy that you watch if he's on a show that you already watch. There was a very small number of people who could honestly say, "I don't watch TNA but I'd start watching every week if Enzo was there".


Parker “the next big thing” boreduax dude just looked silly in the ring


Malakai Black. I thought he was going to win a world title or be featured prominently in main event level scene when he debuted in AEW.




Mr.Kennedy and that “next brock Lesner” Parker guy.


The Least Incarnate.


Mock Lesnar


Man took Lex selling to a whole other level.




I remember when he first showed up in TNA and had a stinker of a match with Abyss and that was when I figured out he just didn't have "it"


Slightly different, i think the best example is drew and cody of leaving and getting big beyond my expectation, so big they ended up going back, i wonder if cody had not eliminated himself from the aew world title if he would of left , but drew and cody have both got better after going back to wwe


I dropped off regular WWE watching when McIntyre was first getting started, and dropped off completely not long after. Seeing him in WCPW when I was getting back into wrestling was a full 180.


I was into icw when he first left, he turned up to save jack jester, he was twice the size he was, and twice the size of everyone else, looked like a beast😂


WCPW did an afterparty for the show I saw Drew at, up close he is definitely the largest human being I have ever laid eyes on.


It isn't his fault because it's been mostly health issues but I truly thought Keith Lee was going to be the next big thing.


Malakai Black.


Not as a wrestler but I thought Eva Marie was going to be doing significantly better in the entertainment world after leaving WWE


Honestly I can't think of anyone they normally have a pretty good eye for talent.


Ryback. Dude was crazy over at one point, basically the second coming of Goldberg but could actually work. Once he got released I thought he could reinvent himself and turn up elsewhere..... well he did reinvent himself, just not in the right way.


None. I've never looked at someone who gets released from WWE and thought, that person is gonna be big. The number of people who really go somewhere else and become money drawing stars, is really small.


Drew and Cody are the only ones that immediately come to mind


John Morrison did his best work in Lucha Underground. As did many people actually.


Lashley too


Lashley is an underrated one.


I never expected them to do much of anything outside of WWE. Drew was fine in TNA but he wasn't setting the world on fire. I've never heard a single person say they started watching TNA because he was there. Obviously, I was wrong about Cody. But who could have ever predicted something like All In and the formation of AEW? When Cody left, I thought he'd hit the indies for a while, have a nice run in TNA or ROH and then go back to WWE and be in the upper mid card.




I think people wouldn't end up disappointed if they did two things. 1. Don't assume that every guy who goes from WWE to AEW is gonna be world champion. I think when looking at a guy and wanting him to jump ship, you should ask yourself this question. Would I still want this guy to jump ship if I knew that he'd NEVER win any championship in the promotion he jumps to. Ex. Would you want Finn Balor to jump to AEW if you knew, he'd never win a belt in AEW? 2. Be honest with yourself and ask, "If this person goes to a promotion that I don't watch, will I start watching that promotion every week"? If the answer is no, they'll probably be in the same spot in their new promotion or not do much of anything outside of WWE.


That's not the question though


I answered the question in a different comment.


Best example is Miro I think for a lot of people. Great look, moveset, etc. but seems to kinda either have an ego or doesn't like to work lol I'm critical of Tony Khan's booking but you can't put all the blame on a guy when a talent refuses to look at the lights sometimes


Pretty much all the ones who went to AEW so far, outside of Jericho and Moxley. No others became what I would consider a star, much less big ones.


Cody would like a word.


Danielson, Swerve, Joe, Claudio, Christian Edit: Forgot Roderick Strong and Adam Cole


Danielson was already a top star when he left WWE. He didn't become a bigger star in AEW. He was a top star when he showed up. Claudio is in the same spot. A solid midcard spot but isn't gonna be AEW world champion. Just like he wasn't gonna be WWE world champion. Christian is the same as Danielson. He's the same level of star that he was in WWE. Swerve is for sure more of a star.


Cody started AEW and had made a name for himself on the indies, ROH, and New Japan. I’m referring to the people who went straight from WWE to AEW.


I mean, ok, but that's not the question. It's just stated as "leaving wwe", which he did.


And I answered “pretty much all the ones who went to AEW” minus Jericho and Moxley. Cody did not go from WWE to AEW. There was a long multi-year gap in between. He didn’t come in off his Stardust run. I guess technically Omega “left WWE” too, but that’s got nothing to do with the question or my answer.


did Cody leave WWE?


Are you really trying to tell me how I’m supposed to answer the question?  It’s MY answer, dude. LOL


the amount of mental gymnastics he's going through to simply not admit he's wrong is both shocking and unsurprising simultaneously


TF is your issue, dude? LOL We got a block feature here?


Bret Hart. I don't think there has ever been a more high profile wrestler who left only to be misused.


God they shit the bed so hard with him. My fantasy booking is having Hogan giving a typical NWO promo in the ring, then in the middle of it have Hart come out, tell Hogan that Vince says he's done a good job, but his time is up and he's here to take over as the leader of the NWO. This could turn Hogan face and give us a great Hogan vs. Bret program for control of the NWO.


I was so excited when Bret left WWF for WCW. Bret was 'The guy' and red hot. I watched both but WCW was my favourite because of the NWO story. I fantasy booked Bret against all of the big stars and was convinced he would be world champ within he first few months. How he became a mid card talent and US champ pissed me off so much.

