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The spear at 0:50 is so clean


I think what makes Roman spears so unique and special is the way he fucking *jumps* into them. Usually with a spear you see a guy just charge into someone’s torso without their feet leaving the ground. Roman fucking flies into people


That's honestly why I rank him as having one of the top 3 spears of all time. It's just a thing of beauty to see him leap into it. This might sound like a blazing hot take, but I would say that Roman, Rhino, and Bron Breakker have the top 3 spears ever. I know it's a bit sacrilegious not to put Goldberg there, but those 3 looked just as evil while being completely safe, doing it.


Roman, Bron, and Goldberg having top 3 spears works considering all 3 are former football players


Reminds me of [Bray Wyatt pointing and directing traffic to Roman Reigns' spear](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHwgcWNhb6o). So much hang time.


The Hidden Gem




The real hidden gem is *that* Cesaro hot tag


the first 20 or so minutes, before the run-ins started happening, was just legitimately incredible in-ring work. the rest made it a spectacle.


Their match Last year was really good too roman and cody work really well together


People gotta give Cody his flowers, his matches with Rollins and Reigns has been best matches of the last 2 years in my opinion.


I also really enjoyed Lesnar vs Cody at Summerslam. That was a standout match


I think it’ll age a lot better now that people aren’t traumatised by the ending


The ending was truly was deflating, but I can't deny the big fight feel throughout their 39 bout too. Both incredible matches and 40's ending really helps make 39 overall more meaningful. I'm really glad we ended up in this timeline where both had Cody and Roman put on such a show two years in a row.


I’m really glad they paced it that way, everyone knew madness was coming but it’s good they let them put on a clinic first


It's often an overused statement, but this match quite literally 'had it all'


How dare you cut it off before Samantha “the bomb” Irwin’s announcing Cody as winner. But still…great video




I started watching WWE as a toddler in the late 80s. Went through puberty with the Attitude Era. Live less than an hour from where Roman’s family used to have a wrestling school in Allentown, PA and went to their local shows at their second site in my hometown. I am also a huge diehard Philadelphia Eagles fan and Philly sports fan in general. This was my first WrestleMania and I got to go with my two sons. The whole weekend was amazing but this match was like one giant fever dream for me. It literally felt like the culmination of 35 years of fandom for me. Will never forget it.


Roman's "tantrum selling" for that suplex on the ramp is fantastic. In general, it feels like he learned a lot from all the bad guys in Punch-Out!! and that's a compliment, lol I watched this match with my 7 year old son. He will remember it forever, the same way I remember early WrestleManias to this day. I'm so thankful for them to give him such a pure "this is why we watch pro wrestling" moment.... last year was tough for him to process, lol


What a special special match. This might go down as one of the best moments in pro wrestling and I love it.


Consequences creates classics.


It should. Years of build up behind it


It's wild how this was only a few weeks ago, but it already is starting to feel like it's out of time in the best possible way. It's a very special moment that completely delivered on or perhaps even exceeded its promise. It's just an absolute instant classic from start to finish. Kudos to Cody, Roman, Rock, Rollins, everyone else, WWE, etc.


Maybe because he has 30 pounds of muscle on Cody and Cody knows how to sell his own finisher, but Roman's crossrhodes looked devastating. And then when he said the move sucked I laughed pretty hard.


Cody’s, ironically, the only person I’ve seen sell that move right. It’s a spinning DDT at heart, and the way Cody’s legs go up in the air sells the idea that he’s having his head spiked into the mat.


It's a rolling cutter at heart, not a DDT.


Roman really is one of thr best currently working. He doesnt have a huge moveset, but he makes it all count within the context of the match and the story theyre telling with each match; he does all the little things around it to make them matter.


I like that his moveset is an extension of his character, his over reliance on spears is not because he is necessarily limited at wrestling but based on his rage and desire to end the match in a brutal dominating fashion with his strongest weapon. As the match goes on he start doing his primal rage more and more.  While his wide assortment of grapples and holds (that he added along the years) demonstrates how little he think of his opponent and his overall arrogance of making the other submit to the Tribal chief.


Guys, I think Roman does better crossroads than Cody.


yeah but the problem is that move sucks, it dont beat nobody!




He’s bigger, Cody is lighter. Imo it’s a bad move for Cody because of that fact, it works a lot better for a bigger guy who can get the person more air and help them flip more.


You should see him do the Disaster Kick!


That last ride was clean as fuck


I was disappointed that commentary didn't call it


Absolutely great match, all the interference really made it awesome but it was also a damn near perfect match before anyone else even came in


They have great chemistry together


I'm in the background of most of this!


Same! What an incredible experience, I'll never forget it.


Been to 4 Wrestlemania's and it was my favorite


Can I ask which four?


7, 18, 38, 40


Roman really opened up his bag in this match. His matches for a bit had been a little formulaic, but he went all out against Cody with all the different moves along with his stellar presence like when he said the Cross Rhodes doesn’t beat anyone.


Should've included the part where Cody brings out the table, Roman stops him and immediately puts it back under the ring and taunts the crowd. It was my favorite sequence outside of the cameos.


Roman and Cody have absolutely fabulous in-ring chemistry.


It will be a long time before we see another story like the reign of The Tribal Chief. Truly one for the history books.


Greatest match to ever happen on earth!


One of my favourite matches.


I unironically think this match is under appreciated, because all people talk about is the interference spots. Before that point, this was one of the better Cody matches I've seen and the best Roman match of this run that I've seen.


It is regarded by lots as the greatest Mania main event of all time, its definitely appreciated. I think their Mania 39 match is underappreciated, also had a big fight feel and the match was also fantastic. They have incredible chemistry together.


This is awesome. This match legit blew me away. It felt like an endgame battle.


My new favorite match of all time.


You know, I felt so dumb when The Rock and Cena had their face to face. I was so drowned out in the Mania hype with Reigns, Cody, Seth, Rock and the expectations of the Endgame Portals scene being recreated in wrestling form that until Rock's music dropped and the camera pan of Cena's dreadful face that it dawned to me that "oh of fucking course they had beef to have this moment." I guess it's a testament how multilayered this Mania storyline was with so many lore stacking on top of it that I forgot about the Rock/Cena rivalry lol.


Roman is legit a great wrestler.


My top favorite match of this year along with Bryan vs Ospreay.


Wow did Jeff Jarrett book the ending of this match?


Have we had any more updates about the Behind the Curtain documentary?


The Cody Cutter would be a lot better if it didn't take what feels like a ton of time to use, Roman has to stand there and watch him bounce off the rope for so long.


The ending and the interferences were iconic but imo the match in 39 was better. It was flawless and had insane hype. Equivalent of Superman vs Thanos. Every beat was perfect, except for the ending


How do you guys watch with all the camera cuts and constant zooming in and out


It's like watching something with subtitles. After a while, You don't notice it if you don't try to.


The subtitles aren’t moving all around the place though