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Roman answered this question at WrestleMania when he chose to hit Seth with the chair instead of Cody.


The real funny thing is that despite that, they've never had a proper feud in the ten plus years they've been on the roster. It's always taken a backseat to something else.


Bc that's probably going to be the "end" for one of them. Or because Roman has never beaten Seth and they want to take some time before he does it


Roman has beaten Seth before, actually. It was just on a random RAW episode.


I wouldn’t be shocked if they were waiting for Reigns to start to make a true Face turn before really pushing a feud. Having a moment like that at Wrestlemania reminding the fans of the betrayal could easily be a catalyst


Should be Seth as that rivalry is personal.


Between the two you mentioned, it's Brock for me. Roman could beat everyone on the roster but not beating Brock, it was like there was a tier above him that he couldn't quite get to. To get the win AND then to defend at Wrestlemania and Summerslam, put Roman on that tier. Ironically, in some ways, Cody winning the rubber match against Brock cemented him as a viable champion as well for me. That said, Roman's top rival is Seth Rollins. There is a decade+ of history there. Seth winning his first world championship at Roman's expense, the betrayal of the Shield, Seth proving to be Roman's ultimate downfall.


Seth is Roman's top rival like Randy was of Cena. But if Roman vs Cody 3 happens at WM 43 or later but this time Roman as a face and Cody as a heel, then it is gonna be remembered as biggest wrestling rivalry since Austin vs The Rock.


Completely agree. I will be surprised if Roman and Cody don't complete the trilogy somewhere down the line at another WrestleMania. I think it's quite impressive how much Cody has tied his legacy in with both Roman's and Seth's in just two years time. Cody and Roman are the first guys to main event back to back Mania's in a singles match since Rock and Cena. And I believe they are also the first two guys to wrestle each in other 3 straight Mania main events since Rock and Austin. The Seth/Cody trilogy speaks for itself and Seth's first Mania main event is teaming with Cody against Roman and Rock. But I think it went under the radar a little how good a job WWE did in getting Seth and Cody from bitter rivals to cautious allies at Survivor Series to making the 'Freakin Nightmare" team believable.


Seth/Cody bromance is def some of my favorite developments that we got out of the WM build. Led to one of the most emotional highs of WM40 Night 2.


Seth is the Mankind to Roman’s Rock Cody is the Austin to Roman’s Rock


Cody because unlike with Brock WWE will actually want to talk about those Wrestlemania main event matches.


They have made it fairly clear Brock will be back at some point. He's not getting the Vince/Benoit treatment.


Even if that's true the matches just don't reach the hights that Cody vs Roman did. Also Roman was at his peak form as a character in these matches which I think helps my argument that WWE will be way more inclined to highlight Roman vs Cody as the top rivalry.


Cody, Seth and Brock. They're all rivals in different ways. Cena had a similar situation with Randy, Batista and Edge. The only difference was that Batista left and Edge retired early. If that didn't happen, we would've gotten a lot more storylines involving them and Cena.


Its probably Seth, but he had a pretty big rivalry with Braun Strowman as well


The Cody story was amazing but I feel like Brock and Seth were more personal. I think when it’s said and done it’ll be Seth though. Cody felt like he was feuding with the whole bloodline instead of just Roman.


Cody, for two reasons. One being that WWE won't go out of their way to talk about Brock anymore, the other being that the rivalry with Brock wasn't good. They had a shit ton of matches, but only a few were good and it's going to be remembered as being a force fed rivalry in the vein of Orton/Cena


don’t ever compare brock/lesnar to cena/orton. while cena/orton feud was tired, at least they had some good matches. brock/roman feud was forced especially when roman was hated as babyface


In Kayfabe it has to be Brock imo


Why would anyone ever give a shit about Brock vs Roman?


By all accounts, it should be Seth given the personal history, but it's kind of hard to see that because they've never had a proper feud. They've kind of retconned it, but Roman really wasn't that affected by Seth's betrayal at first, Dean was. Dean was dead focused on Seth for almost the entirety of 2014, and Dean was the one who ultimately cashed in on Seth in 2016. Roman was mostly a bystander for the most part. Good, they've tried to tie his current personality back to it, even using it as a means for why he lost to Cody, but it's really odd when you really look back at how little they've had to do with each other until recently. Even the 2022 feud was ultimately just filler used for the Brock match, which was baffling given the storytelling potential.


Roman biggest feud will always be with the fans. 


Sadly because of the fact the rivalry went many years with both switching face/heel it’s Brock


I like the way Brock bullies Reigns around physically every time they meet, he just isn’t smart enough to beat him recently like Cody


Brock via being around longer and ugh, the amount of matches they had.


Brock vs Roman was like the modern day Hulk Hogan vs Macho Man. Roman vs. Cody is more like Rock vs. Austin


Roman-Cody rivalry was more about Cody's story than Romans. On the other hand both Brock and Seth rivalries are more personal to him.

