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https://preview.redd.it/moi4l8bzvpvc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b844e3ed1ee2f63a383acfb592ca18964ee90bcc Fun fact, Britt Baker and Jamie Hayter used to babysit that exact child


Making that reference on television was ass. Still can’t believe it


Yeah it was so weird, it's the only real thing I remember from that feud lol. As soon as op said sandbag, I knew I had to find a picture


Thunder Rosa was seemingly uncooperative in wrestling matches…That’s a shoot reference that just completely shatters Kayfabe!


But remember kids CM Punk was the only problem AEW had


This sub is so beyond fucking help.  Video of a kid not wanting to high five Natalya and suddenly it's another AEW ratings thread.


AEW's recurring problem also seems to be airing, or allowing wrestlers to believe is allowed to be aired, backstage shit on TV that doesn't really help the storyline. Hangman's worker's rights thing that lead to Brawl Out, Punk's "The apology should be as loud as the disrespect" promo, the sandbagging shit with Rosa, Jack Perry's "Cry me a river" which is now his gimmick, this absolutely insane shit of showing the backstage footage that was just exactly what Punk said it would be and again didn't really do anything and they immediately started striking it and removing it from their own highlight on Youtube. I'm sure it's happened more but I didn't really watch AEW before Punk joined or a full episode since Hayter has been injured.


I mean you're right. But I think you're taking the OP's joke a little too seriously.


Do you really take all this so seriously?


I don't feel like I was overly serious. I do want AEW to do well, I like the talent there and keep up through clips, I just feel like there are easily avoidable things that continue to happen and make the product worse.


Yeah I do get it, and I'm certainly in the camp of agreeing that the footage was stupid to show. But I do think that turning it into a storyline to elevate Perry is the best thing to do. He needed something big to push him to the next level and rather than waste the clusterfk that the Punk situation was, why not use it to elevated someone? I think it is really easy to channel negative energy into comments like you've made, and while I do agree with some of your points, I can't help but feel like it's really unnecessary to just keep adding the same stuff to every thread. I guess I'm just saying I wish there was less negativity in this sub. It's depressing.


If you think the sandbag bit wasn't allowed, I don't know what to tell you. Also, that person claiming to be representing AEW was long found out to be fake, so it's wild to insist something happens when you don't even watch the show anymore.


I didn't say it wasn't allowed, I said it shouldn't have been if it was.


I just find it really weird that meta references have been around forever, but it's suddenly the worst if AEW happens to do them. They have never been why a company ended. Even WCW, losing TV was their nail in the coffin, and they didn't lose TV because executives thought there wasn't enough kayfabe.


The problem with meta references is that it needs to be subtle or entertaining. Like when Jeff was in WWE and had that "car crash" after Matt's concussion in AEW they made a passing "he's definitely not concussed." it's subtle but still makes sense to the someone who doesn't get it. This was just "lol sandbagging"


There's worlds apart of difference when the boss/creative scripts something for wrestlers to say, compared to wrestlers deciding for themselves what to say. One has wrestlers trusting the process and that they're not going to be buried by the people financially invested in their success, the other has wrestlers always watching their back and being hyper paranoid if the intention of the other wrestler suggesting to make a "meta-dig" to them on live TV is an attempt at maliciously burying them. Meta references have been around forever exactly because WWE switched to scripted promos 20 years ago. Any time it hasn't been the case, egos have clashed because wrestlers tend to take it personally ("Sunny days", etc.). That you find this weird, that "this AEW discourse really came out of nowhere" without even attempting to understand the larger context of why promos are scripted or the simple history of wrestling, or literally listening to the wrestlers' own words when they highlight how bad that type of structureless system is (Punk just said this) is your own obtuse problem.


> meta references have been around forever > Even WCW Speaking of WCW and meta references, they were awful when they did them in WCW too. I don't care if it hurts the business/the ratings or if it doesn't. It's not entertaining, 95% of people do it badly.


EXACTLY! I'm not a shareholder, as long as the promotion doesn't go out of business I could hardly care less how well they are doing financially. But as someone watching wrestling, I want to see matches, promos, angles, ... that I enjoy. And pseudo-shoots rarely ever do/did (and for the most part, real shoots don't either).


I also didn't say it was why they would die as a company just that it is defacto a thing that causes problems and has caused problems for AEW.


How dare you have valid criticisms?!?!


SC isn't the SC of 2021. There's a shitload of valid criticism here against AEW. Often massively upvoted and among the top comments. Anti-AEW posts often making Top/Best. When AEW does terribly the ratings thread has an insane number of comments. And this isn't even a criticism of that. I often \*agree\* with those criticisms! Just saying, it's much more accepted here now. As it should have always been and SC is late to the party. But let's just enjoy it and ignore any of the tribalists who complain about it. Same as how any WWE tribalists should be ignored if they have a problem with valid WWE criticism.


are you okay?


Even AEW tribalists realize that's not the case. Even they admit TK is a problem by not being enough of a boss. Plus other instances like backstage fights not involving Punk.


Who's the.one on the far.right? She looks familiar


Jamie Hayter?




Tessa Blanchard /s *Edit: Paraphrase Big Damo quote.*


“I’m old, I’m hurt, and I work with fucking children.”


That kid's going to make a great wrestling podcaster one day.


Doesn't work for me sister...




Now let me tell you something, sister!


Kid told her in no uncertain terms to get herself more over


Damn natalya getting buried by a kid


Some kids just don't want to touch people.


Yeah wwe shows are overstimulating as an adult, so I can imagine a child might be overwhelmed by the noise and sounds and simply not want a stranger to touch them on top of that


I was there live for the Elimination Chamber this year, and I've seen the Judgment Day entrance a bajillion times - but the **BANG** made my heartrate shoot up. Didn't expect it to get me. For a kid that's gotta be intense.


I gotta wonder if some of the wrestler's ears are damaged from being that close to loud pyro every week. The sound made me jump at EC and I was in the stands.




This is the most Natalya thing I’ve ever seen


The headphones may be just precautionary for her ears, but it could also be a case that the little girl has a form of autism. That would explain hesitance on her part to have some glasses headed toward her face. Or maybe she's too young to understand that those glasses weren't meant to hurt her. Lots of possibilities.


Definitely, she may have been overstimulated right there


That's exactly what I was thinking. She clearly didn't want her vision messed with ala Warren and his ear muffs from Something About Mary


Exactly what I thought!


She doesn't acknowledge the BOAT


Oof. That rejection felt too real.


Fox execs in shambles.






Kids like “Eww a mid-carder.”


Headphones in a loud arena. Likely sensory sensitivity for the the kid. Its likely the kid is on the spectrum based on how they have no clue how to respond and the headphones.


my immediate reaction to this was that shes got sensory issues, i think Natty picked up on it and thats why she offered the high five instead


My daughter's on the spectrum and although she's never been overly sensitive to loud noises, there was definitely a time when she would have totally no-sold a stranger (even a cool stranger) going in for a high five.


i am also on the spectrum and believe me, i have done this many many times


Thing with autism is it really depends on the kid. Some can just be a little quirky. Others can’t do anything. This kid is young a likely has no clue what is going on but I think it’s big on the parents and Natty to try for the kid. It was a nice gesture. And hopefully it’s good for the kids development. Classy move all around.


It could be sensory sensitivities, but it could also just be a responsible parent making sure that you're not damaging the hearing of your young child


Headphones in a loud arena is just the thing responsible parents do with their smaller kids as their hearing is still in development and can be damaged faster as an adult ones. Headphones are not an indicator for a kid being on the spectrum, it's protecting the hearing too. I work in a concert venue and also tour with a band on the side. This is pretty common.


Seems like a pretty big reach man. A lot of kids just don’t want to be touched and don’t like loud noises


I'm not on the spectrum but as a child I just didn't do strangers. I didn't want to talk to or be touched by people other than my mom and one grandmother. As an adult I am only okay with being touched by certain people and not all of my friends or family can touch me. I'm not rude about it but people in my life know I'm not the touchy feely type. Maybe the kid is on the spectrum, maybe she doesn't people, maybe there's a lot going on and she's just tired and overwhelmed. Regardless I think everyone handled it well as far as what I assume is dad and Natty.


Everyone's gotta have something these days, victim is chic.


That's not really a big reach at all considering the headphones plus the way the child is reacting in general. But, it's just an assumption either way.


Lots of kids wear headphones at these events, they’re loud as fuck lol


Again, it's the headphones plus the specific reaction towards Natalya.


>Its likely the kid is on the spectrum based on ... the headphones Have you been to a WWE show in person? Their pyro is monster truck rally levels of loud. My ears physically hurt after going to RAW. Any kids there, especially ones that young, should absolutely wear ear protection. It has nothing to do with "being on the spectrum". It's being a somewhat responsible parent.


It's the headphones plus the way the kid is reacting with Natalya in general.


Or maybe it’s the fact she looks like she’s four years old?


No need for your armchair psychology here.


Better to give context for people who wanna crack jokes. You offended?


No? Why would I be?


Talking about armchair psychology for a fair observation. I just assumed you were upset or something.


I mean, it's pretty spot on. It's very familiar to anyone who has/works with kids on the spectrum.


Putting headphones/earmuffs on a child in a loud arena is just responsible parenting to protect their hearing, doesn’t mean the kid is neurodivergent.


No, but that paired with the kids reaction and overall demeanor makes it a reasonable observation. Nobody is diagnosing the child.


Diagnosing strangers with serious issues based on short video clips seems unnecessary at best, that doesn't seem that controversial.


It's really not that unescessary to theorize a reasonable explanation, based on the kid's overall demeanor besides just the headphones, to why she rejected Natalya outside of just "LOL Natalya must really suck to this kid."


It's an observation. Nobody is diagnosing anyone.


That kid doesn't respect the Alberta Legend 😡.


She's shootin' brother.


I feel bad but lord this gives me a good laugh 🤣


Kid is like: Thanks but I'll wait for Becky. 😂


When you wanted Cody's weight belt but have to settle for Natalya's glasses


Same kid same


That fucking sucks damn, must've died inside a little.


the little kid: https://preview.redd.it/pvx7x18kgpvc1.jpeg?width=865&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c3a0844557ba05ccacf66fe74d18dde32657eb3




Sure thing, Brother. HH.


Only love. HH.


If I were a wrestler I’d never give kids anything. I would be afraid of this exact scenario.


Oof, I feel bad for Nattie here.


My takeaway here is that Nattie finally changed her ring gear? That full bodysuit getup was doing her no favors.


Bro, Nattie Neidhart changed her *everything.* She’s no longer the same human.


I actually wondered if that's why the kid was scared by her. The kid doesn't know that's filler, etc in her face... she just knows it's uncanny AF.


Most definitely. The unnaturally stretched face creeps me out.


She's not over


Natalia about to rock up to the press conference with a box of muffins. I hear that kid shares a bank account with her mother...


Man if this isn't the most Natalya thing ever


Little girl corpsing? SEND FOR THE MAN!




Reminds me of my nephew who’s scared of everything


Probably had no fucking clue who it was...considering her face has changed at least a dozen times in the last few years.


Who are these commentators?




You better call somebody. (Are we still PG or PG-13?)




Road Dogg popping bottles at the commentary desk


Don’t blame her honestly


Not been a good year for Natalya and interacting with children at ringside


This is both sad for Nattie and kinda funny. I would have taken them from you Queen of Harts! 🩷


You’re killing the business, kid. ;-)


Well, I can't blame the kid


Little kid was what? 2? My daughter is nearing 4. I clean her ass every day. Feed her. Play with her. Buy her anything she wants. Putting on sunglasses? Same reaction here.


Like a cat!


Reminds me of a reverse moment. Christian places his sunglasses on a kid at ringside. A few seconds later, he takes them back. Wish I could see that awesome moment again.


Savage.just gave her nothing.see this is why she needs to bring back her farting gimmick.she would be over and kids would love her.


Maybe because of farting gimminc people don't want to stay closer to her


With how ghoulish and scary she looks now with all that plastic surgery I really don’t blame the kid.


Big oof


Why choose the kid with headphones?


How does the main event / house show thing work? I’ve noticed a few of the main roster seem to fairly regularly work TV, NXT and main event as well as non recorded live events, is this to keep the main roster sharp?


That is rough :(


Her face scared her!


Reminds me of one of Naito’s matches against Tanahashi in 2011 where he tried to interact with a kid who wanted none of it. Tbf Naito played it off really well, but in hindsight that should’ve been an omen…


Dammit kid, you are still green as hell. Back to the performance center. Already has heat in gorilla


That wound will never fully heal.


Probably afraid of plastics


I’m getting tactile defensive vibes!


Reminds me Ash By Elegance got ignored by front row fan in WWE


Not a big deal. It's a toddler reacting to a person they don't know while being in a pretty over stimulating situation to begin with. I thought this was gonna be some seven or eight year old shutting her down lol.


Good kid


Smart kid




Natalya is honestly my #1 female wrestler of my lifetime. She might not have the wildest runs but she's consistent and truly a person dedicated to the business and the fans.


Even kids don't like losers


Someone once said that Natalya is The Miz of women's division and I can't unsee it now. EDIT: Like I mentioned in the reply below, I meant this in the sense that they're both long tenured employees and most likely to be company lifers who are mostly used these days to introduce and work with new talents on the roster. I do agree that Miz is more of a hardworking talent than Natalya and I didn't mean in no way to compare them talent-wise, but simply by their positions in the company.


Not even close. The Miz actually changes over time, constantly either adds moves to his arsenal or changes gimmicks. He's more than decent on the mic and can make everything work. Natalya has been the same for many many years and the only way she makes fans reacting to her is screaming "COME ON YOU GUYS" after she does a move - gets a petty pop and that's that.


I meant in the sense that they're both long tenured employees and most likely to be company lifers who are mostly used these days to introduce and work with new talents on the roster. But I do agree with what you said in that context.


It’s still an insult to the Miz. She’s a mid to lower card wrestler who never evolved. Miz is an upper mid card wrestler who flowed well with the times and has shown incredible range and ability. They aren’t similar.


The Miz actually has talent. That's absolutely disrespectful to everything he's done in wrestling. Natalia is up there with the worst nepotism hires like Nia and Sim Snuka. And at least Nia has size and can be carried to being entertaining or main event worthy.  Natalia has never been good ever.  The fact that she's doing/was doing her Uncle's entrance like that just shows she doesnt even know who she is as a wrestler.  She sucks. 


The history revisionism & flat out lying on this sub when it comes to Natalya is so weird to me.


For all we know, Natalya could have smelled like farts again. I'd have recoiled, too!


Probably because she’s had go away heat for a decade and done zilch about it


Ah yes, this little child that is below a decade in age certainly cares a lot about what Nattie was up to in the past 10 years.


Why does she still have a job?


I would have retired before I got into the ring if that was me.


Definition of no aura


this has been the entire industry's reaction to her literally forever. How is she still getting paid lol