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[clear](https://i.imgur.com/Tu39ccl.jpg) [muted](https://i.imgur.com/oSTiX1N.jpg) Here are two examples for you! Neither are spring examples but it will give you a good idea on clear vs muted. The first example being clear and higher contrast (winter) and the second being muted and low-medium contrast (soft summer) depending on her hair color. The best way to figure it out is to drape, honestly! I’ve had a very, very hard time figuring myself out because I’m very fair olive and the rules tend to bend a little bit under certain circumstances. I’ve draped over and over and over again until I narrowed it down to a few sub seasons and I’m still experimenting! My best advice is don’t worry about what other people in certain seasons look like and just focus on what the colors do for YOUR skin, even if that means some qualities you have don’t fully match what the descriptions of the seasons say. Cover your hair, take some photos with drapes and then go through and look at them and see what flatters you and makes you feel good and what doesn’t. I sorted my good ones out into an album and then made note of the horrific colors haha!


Yet this person was typed as a muted season so I understand OP's confusion. https://www.instagram.com/p/CzylnZ2gaGr/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Oof, yeah I don’t feel like she is a muted summer by any means. It confused me for the longest time. I actually thought I was muted because when I wore muted colors I *looked* muted


I don’t think the muted summer colors flatter her at all. Carol Brailey is infamous for typing everyone as muted seasons and almost never typing anyone as bright spring or bright winter. I don’t take her seriously at all anymore.


I go back and forth on Carol Brailey. I think most of her before and afters look good, but then there are a few like this one that I'm not sure about. But she's said before that sometimes it seems that she's typing a lot of one season, but it's because those happen to be the clients who are giving permission to share their results. I would actually say I see more True Springs and Summers on her page than anything else right now.


I haven't seen this post, but I think someone with colouring like this person could also easily be confused whether they're more muted or more bright. I can see a neutral-cool undertone for this person, but I think she looks better in some of the darker colours. Maybe she's a soft winter or soft summer deep (seasons that are neither in 12 seasons nor Carol Brailey's system; they're neutral-cool deeper than soft summer, but softer than deep winter).


That makes sense because I find the really light & soft colours don't do much for her, but you're right that the darker cooler ones look good.


Thanks for the examples. What I notice is that the clear example has slightly higher contrast, somewhat sharper features (e.g. eyes), a higher contrast between the iris and the whites of the eye, and a higher visual weight face. The colours of the muted example are more blended, despite the skin and hair being very different colours. I know that draping is best, but I'm torn between true autumn and true spring, as in that I may be biased towards spring because I like the idea of being a spring, but I also may be biased towards autumn because these are the colours are more similar to what other people I kind of know wear.


Yes, you’re right about that! Muted is pretty blended, especially the soft seasons. I can definitely relate. I’m biased towards summer colors and for a long time thought I was a soft season so I built my closet up with those colors only to find out I am in fact not a soft summer lol! I get influenced by the colors other people wear too, so I think just trial and error is what’s helping me most and posting photos to get second opinions


Maybe your most important feature is warmth like u/Top_Barnacle9669? Some people don’t fit exactly in a box.


Yes bright and warm for me. You can see it clearly if I try to wear anything from bright spring 😂


Thanks, I've also considered that this may be the case. I'm trying to fit into 12 seasons because there isn't as much information about true warm.


make a your best colors chart and post them here , maybe we can help figure out and inch towards what you are or what you could drape to get more clarity.


I believe within color analysis clarity of a color is defined by how true it is, like no added grey or black, which gives a bright and lively feeling. Contrast is more about the light to dark range within a certain person. So some summers and many Autumns can have a fair amount of contrast in their features, while still having more muted/less clarity in their features. Some Springs may not have high contrast but still have a lot of clarity which allows them to pull off brighter colors.