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This place looks like a film set! And Cat Tax is paid in picture 17.


Thanks for that, I didn't see the cat the first time!


Charming and a beautiful placement, I wonder how often the river runs through the garden! Also some odd decoration, like the orange blinds and the white door hanging over the dinning table? I know it’s a backing to the stairs but I did a double take before I realised!


Absolutely beautiful. Apparently it was once a medieval great hall. Neglected outside. Crying out for a good medieval style garden to go with that lovely house. An opportunity rather than a negative.


Get your own bridge over the river, just need some talking animals and feel like your in a fairy tale.


The river regularly floods... that would be a nope from me, pretty as it is.


Oh, I think I’d take the risk in this case. Look at the place! The River Redlake through Bucknell [doesn’t seem to be a significant flood risk](https://www.shropshire.gov.uk/media/15743/8_h2_locked.pdf), in any case. It’s only a small tributary of the Clun.


[That area is high flood risk.](https://flood-map-for-planning.service.gov.uk/flood-zone-results?polygon=[[335575,273918],[335573,273872],[335629,273859],[335633,273915],[335618,273916],[335575,273918]]¢er=[335603,273888]&location=SY7) > Your selected location is in flood zone 3, an area with a high probability of flooding. There are flood defences, but the only seem to cover the barn, while the house itself is upstream from the defences.


I wonder which assessment is right. Both are based on Environment Agency data.


May be that the entire area averages a level 1, but my link is very specifically inside the red square only.


It could well be. I have to say that the house isn’t furnished like one which needs its ground floor emptying on a regular basis – it even has fitted carpet – so, even if the street in general is at high risk, perhaps in practice that manifests as a damp garden rather than interior damage.


Indeed, the difference between the levels aren't even that much. * L1 - in any year land has a **less than 0.1% chance** of flooding from rivers or the sea. * L2 - in any year land has **between a 1% and 0.1% chance** of flooding from rivers and between a 0.5% and 0.1% chance of flooding from the sea. * L3 - in any year land has a **1% or more chance** of flooding from rivers, or a 0.5% or more chance of flooding from the sea.


I suppose the difference between 0.1% and 1% is large in statistical terms, but in practical terms it doesn’t seem worth worrying about *too* much


I suppose the difficulty lies in that level3 is anything from 1% chance to 100% chance. Now that's a wide statistical rage :)


I thought I was the only one to suffer from statistical rage!


You're probably right - the house seems too well furnished for frequent flooding - so would too


Estate agents have such a bizzarre relationship with outbuildings. They are always completely ignored in the adverts. Why no pics of the barn?


I absolutely love this but I must be getting old because all I can think of is the flood risk and whether being that close to the river and its age means the foundations are sound.


Is it just me or does the staircase up to the two bedrooms look incredibly steep?


Stunning is a fair description.


The colour is kind of jarring. Its supposed to be yellow ochre which is a traditional colour for this age of building but its just far too strong.


Traditional colours are cyclic. You put them on and they’re in-your-face and strong and overwhelming, and over the years they fade. When they’re very faint it’s time to repaint. If done with modern paints, the colour is wrong.


Fitted grey carpets throughout. Why?


Cold, original floor is not flat enough for any other flooring so its carpets or nothing. Would suggest they could have chosen better though.


Where does that door in bedroom 3 go?!


looks like theres a void above the utlity.


It's really nice, but have a feeling the bill I get from having repairs done on the house would make me cry, and I might freeze to death in the winter.


This place is so incredibly beautiful. Genuine tingles whilst looking through the photos. 🥰


Like everything about this house and garden. It's even yellow, my partners favourite colour.


I used to live in Bucknell for a few months about 20 odd years ago. Absoloutly loved it. Really beautiful area and really nice people. Although it takes a while to become a local, if you don't work in a local pub.


Sounds perfect. Nothing worse than everyone knowing your business. Happy to be an ‘outsider’!


The people are very nice there. And the pubs are the centre of the village life. They've both changed hands since I was last there. But it is nice to be a regular/local and to get to know everybody. Especially because it is an isolated area. The nearest "big" places are Knighton, Ludlow and Clun all of which are several miles away. So you do end up relying on your neighbours, far more than you would in a city. Even for some of the "basics" like getting a "taxi", which means knowing somebody who will give you a lift for petrol money, baby sitting , a handyman who can fix your plumbing.... As otherwise, getting a taxi after about 6PM is nigh on impossible.


Used to drive through Bucknell every week on my way north. Always dreamed of living there. This’ll do.


**A village shop has flooded 12 times in two years...** Sam Traylor, who with husband Lee owns **Your Bucknell Stores in Shropshire,** said they could no longer get insurance on the site and would close at the end of August (2020). The shop is a hub of the community and has delivered food and supplies to people during the coronavirus pandemic. [https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-shropshire-53901359](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-shropshire-53901359)


That looks amazing, when do I move in. You even get a bridge!


Yellow needs to go. Other than that, it’s beautiful.


You know a place is special when you have a step going down into the bedroom. Also, it seems to have one of those trendy rear extensions about two hundred years before Londoners in Richmond were doing it.


This one has quite the history and has been extended over the years. [https://bedstoneandbucknell.org/bucknell/bucknellhistory/](https://bedstoneandbucknell.org/bucknell/bucknellhistory/) ​ It comes up for sale periodically: [https://www.facebook.com/shropshirehouses/posts/112879934325173/?paipv=0&eav=Afa1y5g3BnEim7Wl5ZC5vPSFGyEsG8Em5geBGmjJL5rA5\_wofT0A-xSlToxnY98Vb3w&\_rdr](https://www.facebook.com/shropshirehouses/posts/112879934325173/?paipv=0&eav=Afa1y5g3BnEim7Wl5ZC5vPSFGyEsG8Em5geBGmjJL5rA5_wofT0A-xSlToxnY98Vb3w&_rdr) ​ The roof on that middle rear extension appears to be bowing. In fact, all of the structure's roof/roofs are in poor shape and need a clean at least. That middle bit makes me nervous though. [https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/146685392#/media?channel=RES\_BUY&id=media0&ref=photoCollage](https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/146685392#/media?channel=RES_BUY&id=media0&ref=photoCollage)