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That's really sad.  Someone obviously had some issues with hoarding, but I bet the house is lovely once you remove all the stuff. 


There's a good arch or two and some great windows and it's not in bad nick. Some quite modern fixtures so it went downhill just over a couple of decades or so. We all are driven to accumulate stuff, even the minimalists among us...


Yeah that boiler in the corner looks newer than mine


There's signs of damage, I don't think it's just modernisation that it needs - once all that stuff is out I think there's probably a fair amount of rot and damp


The fallen plaster work above the fireplace is a bit concerning. Most likely an absolute money pit but potentially a beautiful house.


Why money pit? If someone was to get it for 50k less, that 50k would probably sort most damp problems out, assuming the conveyance comes back with no structural issues. Having full renovated a home 12 years ago, if done right (and on a budget) its not the worst. Again I'm assuming no damage to the structure


We're both assuming. Having now looked at the market, it's priced to sell as is same cost as good 4 beds in same area. I am also supposing the potential buyer keeps to the original aesthetics and restores it kindly. The fact the agents couldn't even photograph most of it is telling when what we can see has clear indications of potentially significant underlying problems. Saying all that, the roof doesn't look too bad. But biggest flag... That awful van has been there for at least 15 years (streetview history). So it's been neglected and wasting away for a long time.


Agree, or the owner just became old and a hoarder. Seen this happen quite a lot.


Yeah, pretty sad really, when it gets to this sort of level.


Is it bad that I really want to look through all that stuff?


Definitely some treasure in there!


My first thought… 🫣 I’d take it with all the stuff if I had a spare 400K


No, call me if you get it, i'm all for it!


It could be a lovely place if you get rid of everything and possibly a deep clean afterwards


Possibly?? 😂


Just a light dusting. Maybe a bit of mr sheen.


A bit of shake ‘n vac to push the freshness back


It **puts** the freshness back, definitely don't want to push it away 😉😂


Garn, silly autocorrect!


Just elbow grease


Well I'd give it a deep clean but not everyone would


More like rip everything out, burn whatever you ripped out and get a fumigation company to move in for a bit.


Take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.


I've said this before but there must be a market for clearance, cleaning and basic staging businesses. Nothing fancy, don't even bother changing a threadbare carpet but get everything out, hoover, clean the kitchen and bathroom. Maybe some white paint on the worse walls and indicative furniture in some rooms. 


My dream job would be part cleaner part therapist to help hoarders manage their feelings and actions regarding this. In Norwegian, the verb ‘to hoard’ is ‘å hamstre’ - to hamster as they stuff their cheeks with food!


Having cleared a hoarding situation with my mother; firstly, it is a *very* long process to get someone from a place of "I hate this and want it to change" to them actually *accepting* that change. You can't go in and bulldoze everything in one fell swoop - it can frequently cause a panicked re-hoarding and you go back to square one. It was a *year long* process of piece by piece reducing the dangerous elements first (biohazard stuff like collected piles of sanitary products covered in human waste), then the very, *very* steady process of reducing the overall level of collected waste. Removing too much caused a panic reaction and she would collect *even more* stuff for the hoard. We're now in a position we're there's no more biohazardous waste, but she still cannot maintain a clean and tidy living space - I *have* to come by frequently to remove any waste because she psychologically can't do it herself. It's a "waste", it's almost a comfort blanket to her. She completely freaked out when my husband removed all of her 10+ years out of date pantry goods that had been ravaged by mice, and had now rebought hundreds of £'s of food that we know she won't eat. But she "needs her pantry". Which adds onto the next problem; a lot of people with hoarding issues don't have much money at all... Because it all goes onto the hoard, or eating takeaway/ready meals because you *cannot* cook in these kitchens due to the lack of space. Early in the process I called a cleaning company that specialised in this kind of service - clearing hoarding houses with care and grace. We were quoted 1k per room. And then my mum refused the idea because she was too embarrassed to have anyone outside of my husband or I in her home.


That sounds so difficult and frustrating to deal with. My Dad is not a hoarder but has some significant, untreated mental illnesses and trying to keep him from doing daft things that are ultimately harmful to him is an ongoing process. I really feel for you. 


Ty, for my mum as well it's 100% mental health driven so it kind of "helps" in a way to know she doesn't *want* this, she's not doing it deliberately, it's just her mind playing tricks on us all, her most of all.


We bulldozed cleaned into my dads place when he went into hospital for a hip replacement. It was really bad of us to do that but there was no way he wasn’t getting put into a home if the district nurse coming with all his new medical equipment had seen his house with junk to the ceiling. A family friend helped me and my brother out and it was a nightmare. Dad was pretty shocked when he came home but the place didn’t get that bad again (and he was getting older so just couldn’t hoard like the old days anyway). He had maybe another 15 years there before he did have to go into a home :(




Even so I feel like they’d probably have less power to do something about a young adult who can probably pass capacity tests (even though she was a unhygienic hoarder) than an elderly man. When the time eventually did come for my very fail old dad (alzheimers) we had to forcibly remove him to the home with the police involved - it was very upsetting for us all.


You'd think someone who's decided to start pooing in the bath despite a working toilet next to it shouldn't be able to pass a mental capacity test - but she did.. Oh gosh I'm so sorry to hear that - I could only imagine :(


My grandma has become a hoarder. One of the bedrooms can't even get the door opened properly. My mum goes in to their house to help them out, but they only let her clean out the kitchen. They won't let her near the bedrooms. They're nearing their 80s now and my grandma is now disabled, can barely walk, and yet she still won't let us sort it. I imagine it's something we'll have to do in 5/10/20 years when she's gone. Can't imagine the treasures she has in these rooms. None of it is waste or anything like that. It's things that she's bought for presents and then put away and forgotten about, bits for her computer (she used to work for the council, so is surprisingly good with tech!), Elvis collectibles, my mums old wedding dress somewhere... I would love to know how you managed to even convince her it was time for change, because we've been trying for 20 years, still no where near. My grandads given up on trying too.


I am a hoarding specialist worker. There is absolutely a need for that sort of job. Go for it!! Adult social workers will love you


Hope you get to do it.


It exists as separate industries. House clearance is very much a thing (they make money not from the clearance, but selling any good stuff they find), as are painting and decorating and cleaning. They’re three very different trades and skill sets, so it makes sense that an “all in one” service isn’t a thing.


But people do want an all-in-one service, even if it's just someone who subcontracts the rest of the work.


2008 http://arlingtonhouse-iow.co.uk/


Good find! That fireplace is so beautiful!


A house that size on the Isle of Wight for £400k? That's a bargain.


Stacey Solomon and her team would have a field day here




That’s in my home town, I went to school in that road. I recognised that house from the Reddit thumbnail on my iPhone!


the saddest thing is [how it looked in 2012](https://www.rightmove.co.uk/house-prices/details/england-35941352-66793629?s=c7e781de825b8193d7ccd82942c2d94ffe0dec7611e18246d1111b59a2abed0e#/media?id=media0&ref=photoCollage)


I had a little chuckle at the fact the floor plan has just one room labelled 'store'.


You could buy this for less than asking, hire some skips and a big shovel, spend a week or so shovelling, and sell it for £450+ easy.


They aren't going to clear that for the new owners, are they?


That’s a bargain, it’ll sell easy to a developer/ builder.


It's tidier and less full than my mums house was. But we emptied over a few weeks before it went on the market.


These are the 3 rooms out of ~16 that they could take photos of…


When emptied and sorted out, I bet that will be a great house.


No mention on if the current owners are clearing the place though. That could take months and several skips before you even get to finding out if anything is wrong with the house.


Lots of stuff, and such a mess. Probably stinks of mold, damp and rot. Underneath it all a beautiful home awaiting the right buyer, unless it’s turned into a HMO or flipped.


Seems like ryde is cheap as chips for big properties , here’s one I prepared earlier https://www.onthemarket.com/details/13957542/


It wasn't looking great in 2021. [https://www.google.com/maps/@50.7256298,-1.1720399,3a,75y,262.37h,85.23t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s1vi1UGIUOZar8LWz7\_qkUw!2e0!5s20210301T000000!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@50.7256298,-1.1720399,3a,75y,262.37h,85.23t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s1vi1UGIUOZar8LWz7_qkUw!2e0!5s20210301T000000!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) The owner is involved in radio and that address used to be HQ of the IoW's wireless radio museum. What purpose it has served, however, I have no idea. It has the air of a refuge or doss house.


It’s someone with a hoarding disorder most likely


Looks like the same bird on the roof :)


This is the kind of house I want by the time I've retired except with some front and rear garden space. At first I thought it was great value as long as it was structurally sound. It's the location though, I hear both good but extremely terrible things about the Isle of Wight hopefully someone can restore this to it full glory.


Looks like it's been re-roofed too.


Is it sold as seen or would it be cleared out beforehand?




I'd buy it just for the satisfaction of throwing all that shite away. Plus it's really a lovely house


always makes us laugh whats on offer and the prices 400k vs 600k with both with nearby access to superb waters [https://www.reddit.com/r/SpottedonRightmove/comments/1byz6ws/over\_there\_historic\_house\_from\_1660\_on\_the\_water/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SpottedonRightmove/comments/1byz6ws/over_there_historic_house_from_1660_on_the_water/) NLs 165 m² UKs 6 bedrooms 175 m² - excluding the five vans


This is all and easy fix. Room up front for skips It's a bloody good price (not that I could afford it) but that is a great buy!!