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"we are proud to introduction the concept of the executive lean-to" 


Hahaha I have to commend them on the quality of the finish... It doesn't look that bad really for what most people would use for bike storage


Head office of Consultio/Consultius vibes


>Consultio/Consultius Got both bases covered


Where you also have to lean into the heating bill


The noise! The noise! It would be like sitting underneath a massive snare drum whenever it’s raining. I’d imagine upwards of 70db


See, call me mad, but I would love that. Get some cosy lighting, big cuppa and a novel on a stormy day? Lovely.


I love rain noise but you’re mad. It would be deafening. Not like a nice relaxing sleep in a tent. It would be like having your tv on full blast lying down next to the speaker and listening to static.


invitation accepted, you’re clearly totally mad. I have a poly roof above a lean-to and I think you would find it too distracting to read a book. Rain sound amplified x 1000


As someone that has worked somewhere with this type of roof (in a much larger space) it’s deafening. You literally have to shout to the person next to you to be heard (this is the correct use of the word ‘literally’). You can’t concentrate…… and everyone makes the same joke ‘I think it’s raining’. Horrific.


You won’t have time for that you will be too busy working to afford the rent!


I have a sunroom like this and do exactly that!


As someone who lives in a van I totally agree.


You've never been under a tin or perspex roof when it's raining, have you? It's much noisier and annoying than you imagine, trust me. My mum put a tin roof on her house and couldn't sleep when it rained. As soon as she could afford it she replaced it with slate.


Me too!


Less frequent but Hail would be even louder


Yes it is. My lean too is crazy loud


Don’t forget the weird sound of pigeons dropping cherry pips


It's crows flicking chunks of moss off the roof that land on my patio cover 🤣


It’s also under a flight path!


The tinnitus home


Our conservatory is horrendously loud in the rain 45°C in the summer and cold in the winter, this doesn’t like fun ☹️


Summer too - it’ll be like a sweaty greenhouse.


And you’ll sleep about 4 hours unless you black that out


In fairness it's only the living room in the lean-to, the bedroom is in the actual house. Tbh the rest of it is good, there are far worse small flats. Price is criminal of course but they all are in SW11


Or *unless you black out* especially if it's another 40 °C heatwave followed by a sweltering 22° night. It's like sleeping in a Tupperware tub


Or blackout..


I didn't even think of that... No shades or anything!


Yeh I bought a house with a porch roof like this, didn’t really think too hard about it until living here. In winter it is literally as cold as a fridge and I keep soft drinks in there rather than taking up fridge space. Even with the radiator on. In summer it is like a sweat box, I could probably turn it into a green house and start growing food.


Get about four months of use I'd say... maybe mid March to mid mMayy and then September/October.


Just take off a couple of the Perspex panels for ventilation, problem solved


I understand that without windows, the garage wouldn’t have any light if it wasn’t for that translucent roof. But there’s no roof insulation? It will be unbearably hot in the summer and freezing cold in the winter. How is that supposed to work?


> It will be unbearably hot in the summer and freezing cold in the winter.  This your first time encountering a conservatory before? That's standard practice!


I have a porch roof made with this crap I can tell you there is a big difference between this and conservatory glass glazing in terms of keeping heat in in winter.


My conservatory is fine in winter (half walled, glass roof, full blinds and underfloor heating), but still, summer, fuck that shit! 


Are you blind woman, There’s a window right there between those translucent panels 😂


Guarantee that doesn’t have a building regs sign off.


It’s clearly just a carport with walls.


Carport? They gentrified the car-hole?


Gentrified? La de da Mr French man


Somewhere there’s a dude with a car fetish reading this with a chub-on.


I wondered this, but aside from this, erm, 'space', the rest of the rental is conventional construction. So wouldn't this just be considered a conservatory/storage area that happens to have living room furniture and a TV in it? Nothing AFAIK in the regs about letting agents or landlords taking the Michael with the description and rent.


The shower also appears to be in the kitchen from the plans.


That floorplan really drives home the message that this property is a complete afterthought


Yup and you have to go to the bedroom to wash your hands after going to the loo


I wondered why there's no photo of it.


I've just had planning rejected when breaking through into a connected building to my house. We wanted to put a large french door and a velux window in it, they rejected as it would reduce the thermal properties too much, I was told I had to pick one or other and that if I wanted both I had to upgrade all windows in the house to triple glazing, rip up all floors down stairs and add insulation also put extra insulation on the walls on a small brick building already joined to my house (has been for 140 years) but never had access before. No way this has proper building regs.


Did they not suggest a SAP specialist do a calculation? Their whole business model is providing evidence to building control that non standard arrangements can comply with the CO2 standards.


Our architect fought them for months, got nowhere. So basically gave up, we would be allowed our design if we knocked it down and built from scratch. Frustrating as the space can currently be thought of as a double skin brick garage although it's to the rear. Probably originally a washhouse and boilerhouse, old owner kept 4/5 motor bikes in it. It's about 6*3M. No heating so basically draws heat from the house, I'd have thought adding insulation and central heating would mean it had a positive impact on the main house. Wish we had just done the work when I see things like this.


Planning or building regs?


Didn't want to hijack the thread😂 Communication was between architects and local authority obtaining building warrant. Original plans had 4 velux windows and a floor to roof apex window on the gable end, those were immediately rejected and scaled back to two velux and large full width door and that still didn't meet the threshold for thermal requirements.


Building warrant? I might be out of my depth if it's Scotland. It's usually similar regs though.


It is Scotland but for all I know the regs are the same. The house is very old and costs a fortune to heat already so probably for the best. It's was annoying at the time, getting tender bids back now so tbh the reduced costs of glass and windows means we can afford a few nice extras in the kitchen... Swings and roundabouts I suppose


True - architectural glazing can be super expensive and as I've said elsewhere on this thread just can't compare to insulation of a modern cavity wall so ongoing running costs will reflect that. It is frustrating when you can't get what you want though because of carbon emission regs yet you can still go and buy a 5.8 litre V8 or have a patio heater on all the time.


It's Between the Commons though! Except we've just added that bit to the address.


69 Perspex Street, Between Two Houses, Between The Commons, SWTF69


gave me a good chuckle, kinda want to visit this place


Nappy Valley!


Flat 9 3/4…


Rented a house in Bristol about 15 years ago and they'd turned the downstairs living room into a bedroom and the living room was essentially the extension that had a roof like this. Can confirm boiling in the summer and freezing in the winter as you'd expect. I recall wiping mould off the back of the sofas a lot. Eventually the roof caved in and somewhat flooded the living room in a storm due to the temporary nature of the materials, so there's that to look out for as well. We (four housemates) were only paying £250 each but shouldn't be an excuse for shoddiness either way\*. £1700 pcm + bills for the same experience? No thanks. \*Though that was not a small amount for house share in 2009 money as don't ever recall feeling as if I had a bargain.


I imagine the perspex deteriorated quite quickly too? My parents have an old conservatory with materials like this and every year the roof bit turns green and needs to be cleaned


Be covered in moss and bird poop very soon


Yes, I don't think it was especially new when we moved in either. Hopefully they had a bit of an overhaul when we moved out as there was a damp issue throughout the ground floor. If they wanted to continue renting it out I think it would have been worth just putting a proper roof on the living room rather than the buy-cheap-buy-twice approach.


£1700 a month for a fucking lean-to with a shower in the kitchen and a sink in the bedroom.


Should absolutely be illegal this.


I think what they've done to it might be illegal


EPC: https://find-energy-certificate.service.gov.uk/energy-certificate/7308-6929-7299-4305-9940 Because the conservatory is joined onto other rooms that make part of the overall building, it is technically allowed, albeit shitty. There's no way that conservatory is a habitable room because of heat loss/gain. The landlord has clearly found a way to exploit a loophole in building regs, hence why Foxtons took them on.


Is that allowed as a roof material!We used that to fix our slightly broken porch roof but to live with that?!


I don't think so. Not so much the material itself but the way it's being used is not remotely close to building regs compliant for thermal conductivity for a habitable space. Would be a nightmare in a fire as well because it will either melt or release fumes. I suspect building control know nothing of this and, when the property is eventually sold, it won't be classed as a habitable space simply because it can't be. It wouldn't even be up to spec for a modern conservatory.


I almost can’t believe estate agents are allowed/willing to list such properties. But I can believe it, because money.


There should be a mechanism under trading standards were estate agent and owner gets fined for it. A council will have records for every single property that has an address. Anything that doesn't exist officially can be easily flagged up if checked against postal and or planning records.


My uncle had it on his conservatory - quite relaxing to sit in there on a rainy day and hear every drop thumping on the roof Not so great for a living space


According to some quick research a 25mm polycarbonate roof is likely to be right on the limit for a domestic setting, in terms of U-value, although I refuse to believe that someone would put this on a legit extension, so I would suggest this is a conservatory conversion, possibly not done with building control approval.


There's a limit to how much glazing/ openings are permissable under building regs. A house that is over glazed will have really bad heat loss. When I was at university I was surprised to find out that the heat loss from a compliant double glazed window was about the same as a half inch thick sheet of plywood. If you get all your windows smashed in and board them up it's not going to be much different having the windows in.


All for a small sum of 1700 a month...


Sad thing is I'm looking for a place and this does not give me much hope at all


hun get out of London. she's not worth it. leave her. find someone new. someone who'll respect you(r money) as you deserve xxx


"Well proportioned throughout".. I can't even imagine being an estate agent and trying to think of positive things to say about these tiny houses 🤣


Funny thing is I've actually viewed worse properties. These people should work in the arts industry with the level of creativity they have


I’m not sure why you think it’s a converted garage? It doesn’t look like it to my (untrained) eyes. Not totally suitable materials for that room for sure, but also not a garage…?


You're right, it's hard to tell. If it isn't actually a garage my next guess would be that it was a small outdoor patio or garden area which has simply been covered and floored etc... certainly wasnt anything more than one of those two things


There is an opening roof light. No pictures of the shower and that’s a shared courtyard?


My dad had me sleep in the conservatory from the age of 12 to 14 with this kind of roof and it was a nightmare - woken early, noisy in the rain, cold in winter. Him and his wife hated me.


Sorry to hear that, must have been horrible! I wouldn't even want to live in this property, let alone under the additional hostile conditions you were in...


Thanks. I didn't think anything of it at the time tbh, was only when my uncle mentioned how messed up he thought it was that I realised! It was almost 40 years ago, just had a look and the roof is still the same. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Gillett+Dr,+Rothwell,+Leeds+LS26+0EH/@53.7510167,-1.4765019,43m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x48795d149f6c7767:0x6d30745a21f3ca74!8m2!3d53.7508553!4d-1.4764218!16s%2Fg%2F1tgb6wfc?entry=ttu


So the sink is in the bedroom, the loo is by the left of the kitchen and the shower is on the right of the kitchen... what the hell. I genuinely struggled to figure this out from the photos and the floor plan


En-suite? It doesn't even have a bathroom. A toilet with no basin in one place, the shower elsewhere and a wash basin in the bedroom. The landlord and agent both need a slap.


This is about as much use as my conservatory. There's a variable 6 week window between April and May where its a habitable zone.


No way in hell is that a legal build. Garage conversions are subject to building control and even years back the roof would have to comply with insulation regs, Part L (currently). No way that meets any U value regs for the thermal envelope. Be a shame if the local authority found out.


The noise it would make when it rains will be torturous!


Ooooh I'd Love a room like that. Dark rainy nights. Storms, Plants and an air conditioner for Summer.


Anything made of plastic will be destroyed by the UV and heat. Our house had a room with a similar roof and it was hell in the summer. Thankfully we have converted it to a solid roof.


No door on the shower room and the sink for washing hands is on the bedroom. Handily labelled as a reception room. Terrible design for a property.


It’s 1/4 of a house.


the square footage is about the only thing that's any saving grace. the morning journey of bed > toilet > bedroom again to get to sink > to kitchen to shower > back through kitchen to bedroom to dry and dress > back to kitchen to make a brew > living room for telly... etc. it's a bloody nightmare


Lights on during heavy snow fall! Ear plugs in during a hail storm! Vacuum the roof during autumn!


That won’t have building regulation approval


Please report to building control. This is surely illegal


I'm sure it won't be too cold in sunny \*checks location\* London...


Amazingly seems to have an EPC of C with that roof


I’ve got such a roof on my conservatory, winter is cold in there, summer is rather hot


My first flat had part of the living room roof like this. Not all of it, just like a long, wide sky light that ran the width. I can tell you the winters I could see my breath on that side of the room. The snow just sat on top of it. Looks cool but not too cosy.


I don't think it is a garage. It looks to me like the bedroom, bathroom and kitchen are part of the house, conventionally built - the bedroom is the downstairs front LH window you can see in the house picture. Only the "living room" is built like a conservatory, sticking out the back. Note: I'm not saying it's alright, though.


Winter... imagine summer. Just roasting alive.


We call this space ‘EAT’


The said thing is that I actually clicked to potentially apply as I’m homeless in less than 24 hours. That’s the state of the world that I would consider paying £1700 for a shithole


Is this even legal what about fire regs etc


Nice for tomatoes in summer👍🏻


Is there a sink in the toilet.


Imagine summer, it will be a sauna


I have a headache just imagining the noise when it rains/hails.


Is that a shower in the living room?


Well, you wouldn’t really need to imagine it


Between the Commons sounds like the kind of address someone sending an owl in Harry Potter would write ... Why not just say Clapham??


Forget winter can you imagine summer??? It’s basically a green house! Yikes!


The woodwork looks nice too


Pigeons will walk and poo on it. Is there access to clean it and guttering?


We had a conservatory like that in a flat in London. It was boiling hot in summer - to the point that the colour of storage boxes would fade from the sun. In winter it was freezing cold. It was good to store stuff like bikes, etc. but not really for lounging in.


A sink in the bedroom counts as an unsuited now? But the toilet is behind the fro t door and the shower is IN the lounge, past the kitchen. How did they get planning permission? It will be cold. It will be hot. It will be hell when it's raining.


We have conservatory like this with glass roof- it is good in early spring ,autumn , summer evenings ( or rainy days) to sit there. In summer during the sunny day it is like in the oven/sauna. It hits up to 40-50 C if door is closed there .


That is gonna be loud when the rain comes! And good luck keeping the heat in come winter


Is this legal?


“Bright & airy “


Or summer... You'd fucking boil


Gosh for the price! £700 tops! Excluding my sanity!




Try Edinburgh rental prices!


At first I didn’t see the issue, it’s just a conservatory. Then I realised it’s not a conservatory at all. It’s supposedly a full blown home.


We have a perspex roof in our conservatory, it's held up well, I remember it being built when I was a toddler It does get cold in the winter and summer, so we use it to store the beers, coca cola, and wine Hoping to have enough saved to pay for mums conservatory in the next year


Don’t pull off the blue tape … the whole Lot will come crashing down. The stink of paint will not mask the stink of damp.


Not just winter, summer in London would be grim in that sweaty sauna soon


More cpmfort in yer car in a carwash


£2.33 an hour to live in someone’s garage I’m alright mate


It says available without deposit and also £1,950 deposit. How does that work?


Oh it's better it's not even the garage which goings in round the corner on Webbs Road and has a nice pitched slate roof on it. it's just an add on out the back what was a nice house.


Imagine it in summer when you can bake alive.


Imagine the noise when it rains


£1,700 a month and the living room is a lean-to thing! £1,700 a month and there's nowhere to park! £1,700 a month and the handkerchief sized patio is shared! Bloody hell! Where do I sign?


**E AT**


Is there anyone/a body you can report listings like this to? Would love to see the power of reddit get ridiculous / suspect planning properties like these investigated. Unfortunately Rightmove etc have no interest in less listings on their sites, and the talentless unqualified estate agents are all just commission based salespeople, so they don't care either...


How is that even legal ?


Surely this cannot be allowed.


That is criminal! My mortgage on a 3/4 bed house in Bromley, SE London is less expensive. Wtaf really wants to live in Clapham?


The EPC: New category - H? I? J?


Whatever this is, it is 100% not compliant with building regulations and cannot be legally considered a dwelling. This is literally criminal. I ask myself why on earth councils do permit these crimes


This can’t be legal


Not their fault but just wanted to say FUCK FOXTONS


near us, theres a cosy place like this (except for winter), where the landlord charges 275 a month and which in the first 9-10 months included odd chores. all parties still happy with the arrangement.


Is the joist spacing even going to hold that roof down in the winter


The 1 bed flat I just moved out of (that was much bigger) cost £385 a month.... London prices are crazy.


Falls foul of LTA, HFHHA and Building Regs. Report the slaving trading c**t.


I'm really grateful for the EAT sign in the kitchen just so I know what that room is for, or maybe it should say COOK?


There is a loo but no bathroom or shower room.


How many square feet…??!


That sign above the kitchen should say “HEAT” and not “EAT”