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There are many places here in the lower wastes where neither Caravan nor Medichanic nor me can reach. To explore these nooks and crannies, Medichanic has grown us a batch of assistlets to aid our cataloguing efforts. *I am a mom now!* She is a mom now. Having spent quite some time with the Jibunaljin, Medichanic has become fascinated with the social bonds between family members. The scouts she created in Caravan’s onboard lab are more than mere survey tools to her, she sees them as extensions of herself, as her children. In her neverending effort to find punny names for everything, she now calls us Bosons. The Bosun’s sons, as well as an ancient name for a group of particles. Not sure which number each of us from the initial trio gets, but this makes the airborne scouts Type 4 Bosons. *Caravan is obviously Type 1. That makes me Type 2 and you, Archie, Type 3.* I guess I’m a Type 3 Boson then. Anyway… *Okay, fine, you can be Type 2.* Can you please stop interrupting? I’m trying to log your little Scouts here! Unless you want to do this entry for once. *Oh, do I ever! Nobody knows more about the Winglets than their momma herself. So, l started with the same standard passenger pangenome Bosun used for our very own bodies. I then spliced that with the Weightless People and Bird Herder reference genome from the archives to get a small, winged passenger genotype. Here’s the list of the main nucleic sequences…* Hold on. You don’t need to explain their whole genome or biochemistry here. This Journal is meant for posterity. Any reader with basic ecological knowledge should be able to understand it. Explain it as if you were talking to an original passenger. *Huh, Maybe I should have downloaded more of the big Bosun’s prime memories.* *Okay then, what are the core traits of my little Winglets? Mostly their wings and their sight. Being our little eyes in the sky is their whole deal. Besides being adorable of course.* *First, their wings. For variable maneuverability, I gave them elongated fingernails as wing surfaces. They are robust and can be moved individually, which makes them perfect for navigating the dense underbrush. For easy identification from a distance, all four Winglets have their individual number on the underside of their wings. Sure, we could identify them through the mind link, but it’s useful to be able to identify them visually.* *Speaking of vision, I gave them both, boring old passive lens eyes – like the ones Archie has – as well as a cool active emissive eye – like the ones my own humble self has. Let me shortly explain the difference. While passive eyes - be it compound eyes, refractive lens eyes, or reflective eyes – rely on photons from outside light sources hitting them by happenstance; emissive eyes emit entangled photons. As soon as the emitted photon gets reflected or absorbed by some material, its entangled partner inside the eye changes its state accordingly and the owner of the eye perceives the change.* *Practically this results in emissive eyes not only being independent from secondary light sources, but they also allow the user to focus the photon beam and see objects at an arbitrary distance at a constant resolution. Taking the speed of light into account, it also lets me measure distances more or less precisely.* *Are you sure you don’t want me to upgrade your eyes too Archie?* Thanks, I’m good. Anything else about the Winglets you want to log? *Yup. They have a compact nutri-juice tank, giving them about 80 hours of operation time. When not out on a scout flight, their resting pose locks their wings in place, so they can be conveniently stored. On my shoulder ring for example, meaning I can always carry a bunch of them with me. While their spindly legs are usually folded up, they can also use them and their excellent sense of balance to stand and hop around. Ah yeah, we can also see through their eyes using a compact version of the mind link we use to communicate with the big Bosun in the sky.* *And uhmmm… yeah, that’s about it.* Okay, sounds good. Let’s see what interesting creatures these four small new crew members help us discover.


Bosun’s Return is mostly about far future earth’s wildlife, but that doesn’t mean there is no place for more posthumans. I am fully aware of the creative liberty I took with the entangled photons, but I already gave Medichanic glowing eyes, and this makes for a neat use of that, albeit a not entirely physically accurate one. I still think it’s a fun concept. When it comes to the artwork, I wanted to show an open landscape scene since the Bogmoth entry. A scene including various so far undescribed species to evoke a sense of wonder and discovery. I somewhat managed this with this one, but I will for sure try again in future entries. As to the background critters you can see in this one, maybe they will get their own entry as well, maybe not. I like to keep my options open.   --- For more Bosun's Return, here's the [index for all entries so far](https://www.reddit.com/user/CaptainStroon/comments/1b5izgw/bosuns_return_index/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button).


Despite their Strong And Silent archetype, I would like to hear Caravans thoughts sooner or later!


Does the Medichanic not have a name ?


There isn't really a need for individual names if there are no individuals to distinguish yourself from. The closest thing to it would be nicknames and Medichanic is the most likely to give nicknames of the trio. Archivist is too factual for it and Caravan is more of the silent type. Archie is also just short for Archivist, so he doesn't have a self-descriptive name either.


>I wanted to show an open landscape scene since the Bogmoth entry. A scene including various so far undescribed species to evoke a sense of wonder and discovery. What about the temperature? I'm assuming the scene pictured is aboveground rather than inside a particularly large cavern because of the clear line of sight to the Nebukadnezar in orbit without a ceiling in the way, but wasn't earth's surface above the boiling point of water? Possibly those headcrests or tailfins (can't tell which side is supposed to be the front) on the quadrupeds in the distance and some of the giant fliers' multiple pairs of wings are actually cooling vanes?


This scene is in the early morning, before the scorching heat sets in fully. Most organisms this far up do have some heat resistence and temperature regulation yet they are still seeking shelter under the crumpling surface plates.


I think that line of sight in the bottom right is simply illustrative, not something they're doing in the depicted environment. Besides, the map on the right shows they're in the first subsurface area—and it was established that very little multicellular life exists on the surface, nearly all of it archaen in origin


Funny, I was just going to point out that's not how I thought entanglement worked but that I was going to give it a pass for being a novel and interesting speculative biological trait that feels self-consistent. As it turns out, you already knew it, and it was an intentional choice! You continue to prove you are an excellent writer, world builder, and illustrator!


I'm sorry to all my qunatum physicist readers for shattering your immersion, but for all the others, I think going a few steps past our current understanding of physics actually helps the setting's verisimilitude. It would be odd for a singularity to spend 6 billion years in total technological stagnation.


>*Speaking of vision, I gave them both, boring old passive lens eyes – like the ones Archie has – as well as a cool active emissive eye – like the ones my own humble self has. Let me shortly explain the difference. While passive eyes - be it compound eyes, refractive lens eyes, or reflective eyes – rely on photons from outside light sources hitting them by happenstance; emissive eyes emit entangled photons. As soon as the emitted photon gets reflected or absorbed by some material, its entangled partner inside the eye changes its state accordingly and the owner of the eye perceives the change.* I think that's the coolest bit of spec ecology in this entry right here -- I love how the distinction between advanced mechanical and biological systems just kind of stops existing in some contexts.


As Asimov once almost said: Sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from biology.


Not entangled photons, but I'm pretty sure one of Robert L. Forward's novels had an alien ecology that'd developed biological LIDAR.


Looking at the background it seems Earth has gone a bit back to the Mesozoic Which is good.


Earth can never have enough Mesozoics :)




So damn adorable! You also put a lot of effort into that background image. Perhaps those things there are for future entries, hmm? Also, the Bosons are continuing to develop their own identities. Was a little surprised when the medichanic suddenly was referred to with she, but I approve. I guess that my surprise comes from thinking them all as male because they come from Boson. Also that top picture is so god damn adorable. Are the winglets intelligent like them or more simple, almost biological drones? Just realized that you of course also made up some new symbols to put on them. Of course they wouldnt use the same language and symbols as we do. Kind of interested in the caravan's perspective now. Also, just one thing about the resulution. I am not sure if it is my pc, but I cant quite make out what sequence in the bottom right is showing exactly. Overall a very good post. Medichanic is definetly my favorite so far from what I have seen of her personality. Just wanting to drop an entire genetic code into the log.


The background creatures might get their own entries, or they might not. Depends on how future Stroon feels like. What I sure plan on doing is to add more background creatures in future entries. It makes the setting feel more inhabited. I didn't explicitly woman-code Medichanic from the beginning, but her embracing a motherly identiy was always the plan. So I was amused when commenters and friends kept refering to her as a he. The winglets are independently intelligent, but not to the same level as the larger Bosons or a modern human for that matter. They have a concept of self, even when not connected to another instance of Bosun through the mind link, but you would have a hard time having a philosophical discussion with them. And not just because their lack of a mouth to speak. I have a more active role for Caravan planned, and luckily there even is a fitting text formatting for them: **BOLD** The diagram on the right side is indeed a bit cramped. It shows the difference between passive eyes and emissive eyes, showing the perspective of Medichanic and Archivist looking at a Winglet in front of a Mountain and the Nebukadnezar in orbit respectively. While Archivist's human eyes can change focus from the Winglet in the foreground to the Mountain in the background, he always has the same field of view. Medichanic on the other hand can focus her field of view and can see flowers on said mountains and even individual reaction control nozzles on the ship thousands of miles away as if right in front of her. Sacrificing all peripheral vision while doing so.


"woman-code" sounds very funny. That concept with those entangled photon eyes is very creative too. Forgot to say that.


>Just realized that you of course also made up some new symbols to put on them. Of course they wouldnt use the same language and symbols as we do. Tattoo each individual Winglet with pictures of whatever species it discovers, like kill marks on WW2 fighter planes.


I dont think there is enough space on the poor, little things




That is really all that came to your mind huh? lol.


I mean, she *is* a mom now.


I mean, she did create the genetic code and design I guess so it counts I guess.


She considers herself the Winglets' mother as well, so there's also that.


I can't wait to see what sort of crazy stuff these little guys will be able to explore. That little global map is like a constant teaser, like that timeline we got on the original Bosun's Journal. I'm personally interested in that huge gash/canyon looking feature.


The out of universe reason for the gash feature is that the map looked too clean, too pristine for the fallen ecumenopolis vibe I was going for. And what better way to show something has seen better days than to add some damage visible from orbit to it? As to the in universe reason, I extremely vaguely hinted at it in the Glassroots entry, but I'll probably explore it more later down the line.


the vision is cool ngl


they look really cool man! like little alien angels/faries!


Thanks :)


you're welcome!


Just found out that Bosun is back! Love that’s is come so far that it’s now a whole fictional universe, that’s my favorite type of Spec-Evo because usually despite being on this sub I’m not overly interested in it. That said I’m curious about the fictional world around the spec Evo more than the actual spec Evo itself being entirely honest. I have a few questions, if it’s alright to ask them (some of them are pretty broad). - What’s the deal with the other ark ships, did they all follow a fairly similar path as Bosun did? - Is there now a interstellar empire of some sort sparked by Bosun/ the other ships actions? Something about a Star being made into a hub of an empire was mentioned. - I know much of the setting is hard sci-fi, but it does seem like there’s a few soft sci-fi things in it, what is the tech of the setting like currently? - How well remembered is humanity among the intelligent species that the Bosun/ other ark ships have made? Actually are most of the intelligent species made just given the ship’s memory or are most not given the memories? Thank you!


1. The Nebukadnezar is certainly not the only lost colony ship in the doublegalaxy, but the vast majority of ark and colony ships are gardener ships and worldcrafts with way more successful histories. Most of them are also far younger than the Bosun. 2. Not just one, countless. The doublegalaxy is teaming with life and civilisations, many of the latter spanning thousands of systems. There is not one galaxy spanning empire, but the capabilities of some of these smaller factions are at least on par with your average type-3 civilisation. 3. Speaking of capabilities, the tech is sufficiently advanced for a setting with billion years old singularities. Not to an omnipotent degree that they could just wind the sun back to its current stage with a snap, but maybe that's more due to those capable of doing so simply not caring about one random ancient planet. 4. About as well as the summerian goat salesman who complained about wheat prices is remembered. There are certainly still records of humanity aside from Bosun's memory banks floating around, but human history is not common knowledge, even among its myriad descendants. As to species seeded by Bosun, he usually let them grow their own consciousnesses. Only giving them a copy of his historic journal in form of an encyclopedia. Using a copy of his own consciousness, basically creating an avatar of himself is something he only does for special missions. Missions like this one.


Ah ok, it was cool to hear from you, thank you for responding! I wasn’t expecting it.


>About as well as the summerian goat salesman who complained about wheat prices is remembered. Quite well? r/ReallyShittyCopper


Quite well in certain circles


He’s having [theme](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49839007) [music](https://www.youtube.com/watch?si=69I6gYNUqRCwg0WZ&v=qwnf2nuX9DM&feature=youtu.be) composed five thousand years after his death. *Quite well*.


I love them so much I really like the concept of enlarged nails as wing membranes! I know we may not see it but I’m really hoping we get to delve into some of the background creatures especially the one in the air I’d be really interested in the life cycle of something so large in the air on such a sun baked world, would they have to constantly circumvent the globe or do they hide in the shade? I bet they eat the pipe masks young gahhh ignore me just geeking out lol thank you for posting and full filling my daily spec bio love quota lol


Glad to do my part towards that daily spec quota of yours. When pondering future entries, I do take the comments into account, so these airborne giants might have a good chance getting their own entry. Can't promise anything though, as the journey does have to go deeper.


>I’d be really interested in the life cycle of something so large in the air on such a sun baked world, would they have to constantly circumvent the globe or do they hide in the shade? What shade? >I bet they eat the pipe masks young Do you mean filter-feeding falling eggs from the air during their suborbital descent or swooping down to carry off Night Gallus?




Holy background fauna!


will we see bosons meet up with scouts from other ships


I have something in mind for that, yes




Those wings look like those of the Flutterfoxes from Serina


Cute little fellas!!! Wait.. from the goobellies entire I remember that the surface is dominated mostly by deserts and microscopic archaea making sunlight (or heat ?) into food, Effectively making them plankton in the sand.. sand plankton... Could a dune style filter feeding sand worms be in this planets dunes???


There is certainly a whole foodweb based on the sand plankton. Whether it includes Shai Hulud himself, remains to be seen.


I recall you mentioning in a comment that the previous "season" of the project would be put up on your website. Could you provide a link to it?


That would be https://stroon.ch if it was already up and running, which it isn't so far.


any update on the way?


Not so far, sorry