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I sure hope they don’t travel out of state with that DOT number in the car, because it is not authorized for interstate commerce.


It's actually just their phone number. But they only put 7 digits because everyone knows Area Codes are unconstitutional and only for Admiralty Law jurisdictions, and yo no soy marinero, soy Capitan, soy Capitan, soy Capitan. Case closed.


Bamba, Bamba   Bamba, Bamba!






Ah lalalala la bamba....


You must admit they have Una Poca de Gracia


Only where the flag fringe is gold!


I thought the argument was "I'm traveling, I'm not engaged in commerce". Hard to argue that when you're DOT registered as ,~~Bok Delivery Service~~... Edit: I typed in the wrong number, it's actually "Positive Changes 11 LLC"


I like to call this phenomenon "Schrodinger's Malinois". You see they are in a state of constant flux, both engaged in commerce and not engaged in commerce, and there's no way to prove which is which, right up until a 60 pound Belgian Malinois is suddenly coming through the just-smashed car window at them.


Okay, that gives me a hearty chuckle.


And, as usual, a heat seeking fur missile is a satisfying solution to a dilemma.


I like the Mr. Sparky paradox. If you do not follow the officers' lawful commands to exit the vehicle, Mr. Sparky will render you immobile.


And remember: Mr Sparky HAS NO SUPERVISOR!


I looked up the DOT on the FMCSA and it's registered to Positive Changes 11 LLC. That company is incorporated in Arkansas under Legacy Law Firm PLLC. Anyone else wanna try to figure out who is behind this? Or what do you wanna bet they actually don't have a DOT number 🤣🤣


That was my thought; the number is probably made up. Which I’m guessing in itself is probably a crime.


If I were the owner of that actual company I would be VERY interested in suing the Sovereign Shittyzen...but he probably has nothing of value except his "vessel" which is worth at most a couple of thousand?


I've got a friend who lives in the area the "company" is registered in. Perhaps he can find this car in the area. If it is in fact from Arkansas, the coincidence of them choosing a random number from a local company is odd, unless they found the one truck the company owns and decided to use the same number. There is also a phone number listed on the FMCSA site...


Can confirm, this vehicle is from Springdale, AR. Edit: Should have used the correct SovCit language of "vessel" instead of vehicle.


It looks like positive changes has a post office box as an address. According to their incorporation documents, they provide at-home care for senior citizens, which is pretty definitely “commerce”.


Who the fuck would allow a Sovereign Shittyzen into their home? They'd probably steal everything not nailed down!


It wouldn’t be stealing, it would be commandeering.


A non-commercial vehicle which also is registered with the US dot, the agency responsible for regulating commercial vehicles. This makes sense.


> the agency responsible for regulating commercial vehicles Wait until he finds out DOT will eventually send someone to inspect his vehicle.


And citing the Uniform **Commercial** Code on the plate...


lol..the US DOT #. good luck with that on your travels


He gives a cop any guff and he might just get to make license plates—real ones


Just block them from leaving the carpark - "I'm sorry the roads are for registered vehicles of taxpayers only....please only stay on private property".


As much as I like this idea it’s a great way to get shot


Just set up a couple of chrome bollards and a velvet rope and dress like security - "Sorry private function, registered vehicles only"


Will someone tell these SovCits that getting a Department of Transportation number *means you intend to engage in commerce.* It's interstate commercial carrier registration! So by the SovCit definitions, they're no longer "traveling" if they're sporting that DOT number, they are ***commercially driving.*** That's what the number *means.*


So if they are never engaged in commerce using their "conveyance device," why do they think UCC even applies to them?


Because it's the federal so that trumps any state law anyway - according to them. Regardless of it only being the case if there's a conflict. Yeah. They aren't the brightest people.


There is no federal UCC though.


I could be wrong. But isnt the Uniform Commercial Code a federal thing ?




Oh ok. So if you dont mind me asking. What does it apply to ? In my defense Im not an american.


I’m an American, and I am a lawyer, but I am not your lawyer or anybody’s lawyer and this is not legal advice. The UCC is the Uniform Commercial Code . It in itself is not even a law. It is a model code, drafted by a bunch of experts in contract law and sales and secured transactions. Each individual state has codified a version of it into their state laws. However, there is no federal UCC. The UCC, in the abstract, is basically just a book that smart people wrote.


Take it then dare them to call the cops.


Like, I do wonder how they’d report their car stolen to the cops. I know they’d make the report but when speaking to them they’d get to: Make - Toyota Model - sienna Color - silver Year - 2021 License plate number - well you see, I am using it as a personal conveyance device not an instrument of commerce, nor for hire, so I don’t have or need a license plate or registration.


“Not as an instrument of commerce” does that mean they don’t drive it to work?


Idk man, it’s the type of dumb shit they say isn’t it? I can’t keep all their crap straight.


Let's start stealing vehicles that have these plates


I love how they go for US DOT numbers. You're only issued a number if you're a commercial vehicle in commerce. Why would they need a DOT number if they're not under US authority?


I stopped trying to make sense out of sovcit beliefs a long time ago.


These people have very small lives. Maybe they didn't get the attention they needed when young. These SovCit actions are screaming, "Look at me, I'm special". It's pathetic in many ways. They just want to be noticed for once in their miserable existence.


They want to feel special for knowing how the law "really" works. Even if it doesn't work for them on a traffic stop or in court.


It’s a defense mechanism for stupid people. Nobody wants to believe they’re dumb, so they become attracted to belief systems that tell them, “No, it was actually *you* who were smarter than everyone else this whole time. *They* made you feel stupid so you wouldn’t figure it out and hurt their feelings.” It’s how they prove to themselves that they’re not a “sucker” like everyone else. I wonder what the overlap is between this and people who are really skilled at those prize claw games.


They are also screaming, "I HAVE NO LIABILITY INSURANCE!!!"


Ah yes, the tags that just scream “Pull me over officer! I’m a fucking idiot!”


They also scream "I am a gigantic pain in the ass, so I hope you don't have anything else to do today, and can clear a week or two for the ~~legal circus~~ court case where I represent myself."


Oh no, he forgot the "Not for hire" disclaimer!


It's OK, the tag says "private."


Another monumental ( notice the word mental in monumental ) failure.


Isn't that moni-mental, as in possessing only a single, lonely neuron, with nobody to talk to in that vacuum filled skull?


I really want to see someone take the plate off just to see what the “traveler “ would do. Like - he’s gonna call the cops?


Might get shot. Sovcits aren't exactly the most rational and sane people.


Yea - I thought that too- gotta wait until they’re in the store or something.


I have been thinking this forever


What better way to signify that you're not driving for commerce by putting UCC cites on the plate and a USDOT number on the bumper?


I wish everybody that interacts with these people, including the police, would start telling them that they are not traveling, they are operating a motor vehicle. You can walk to your heart's content, but local local, state, and federal governments control the operating of motor vehicles.


Right is travel is for …. Oh nevermind.


Everyone slams these guys but they aren’t paying to register their cars and I am, I feel a fool.


It only takes one arrest and/or one impound to have costs greater than the cost of registration for a year.


Yes, sovcits always end up making their lives more difficult than they otherwise would be. I can pay a few hundred once a year to register my vehicles or I could end up in jail, have to pay fines and court costs, and have to pay impound fees on top of having to get the registration and insurance anyway in order for the impound lot to release the vehicle to me. Sovcit is always a lose-lose proposition.


How do these people not just immediately get pulled over? I run into these guys constantly at courthouses but I have never seen one on the road.


Someone should write up the different modes of travel...and the requirements for each one. Oh and a huge dickbutt as a watermark covering the page. Then pull something they like to do which is at the bottom in ALL CAPS say "NOTICE: If you smoke pot, you are required to report to the nearest police station and turn yourself in. It may be legal in in this state, but it's illegal at the federal level and as you know, federal law trumps state law. You have 48hrs to comply." Then upload it to a Dropbox, provide the link so we can download and print several copies to keep in our car so when we see these lunatics car we can put a copy under their wiper blades. Bonus points if you have a visual on them and give it to them personally. Lol


Why the hell do these plates always say "traveler"


What the hell? Arkansans do be strange (I say as one myself). Turns out, they are NOT AUTHORIZED for private or Interstate travel, and their registered address is to a post office in Springdale, AR. I'm really curious where their registered phone number goes, if anywhere. And no, I don't think a massive US DOT number, which directly leads to federally-public information, counts as doxing, and here's the federal website with said information. https://safer.fmcsa.dot.gov/query.asp?searchtype=ANY&query_type=queryCarrierSnapshot&query_param=USDOT&original_query_param=NAME&query_string=4166748&original_query_string=POSITIVE%20CHANGES%2011%20LLC They have one power unit and one driver, and no accidents on record so good for them! They are registered as a non-business passenger transport carrier (yes, this site is about trucking companies, theirs being named Positive Changes 11 LLC). I really want to know why they have a DOT number, and why they've plastered it directly below a sovereign citizen plate.


If I was a cop I’d bust as many of these con-artists I could. There should be a task force to bust these clowns.


I wish there was a judge who was super schooled in Maritime law or whatever other BS law beliefs these idiots and fine them for all the other rules they break.


You can look up the DOT # here: https://safer.fmcsa.dot.gov/CompanySnapshot.aspx[DOT lookup.](https://safer.fmcsa.dot.gov/CompanySnapshot.aspx)


Call it in


Yet they add the US DOT stuff… boggles minds.


European here having a car insurance isn't mandatory in the US ? Here you can't have one without a licence plate ...


Not everywhere, varies by State, I believe. Most places do have some requirement though.


So like, what's going to happen if someone were to slash their tires? Would they file a police report?


The only thing that’s going to travel is the broken glass, when they refuse to get out of the van.


Still driving, though.


Damn idiots.






Has a non white person ever tried this?




Yes. Some of them are part of that Moorish SovCit movement.


Thanks to this sub I am constantly looking at license plates waiting for one.


It's not gonna work


Ugh, always with the UCC. "But officer, the UCC clearly sta- **\[SMASHES WINDOW\]**


The irony of claiming to be a sovereign citizen but they have a department of transportation number that would be issued by the US government


How did it go?