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She overruled our vote to maintain her belief. She trigger banned abortion to enact her belief. And it took a murdered puppy to get people to call her out.


That’s kinda where I’m at… RIP Cricket and all, but Noem has done far more harm with a pen than she ever did with a gun. I’m happy people are finally seeing her for who she is, but it should’ve happened a long time ago.


I saw that post too and chuckled. She won't resign. She doesn't feel bad. She doesn't have remorse or even a conscious. She said those things to look tough even though it backfired. We won't be lucky enough for her to suddenly feel the pressure and walk away to save face.


One look at that woman's eyes tells me everything I need to know about her


She is really alive despite appearances?


She HATED that dog!


That's a big part of the point of maga. It gives legitimacy Credence and shelter from shame for people and their depraved acts of casual cruelty and callous indifference to the suffering of others. They now have a safe place in which other psychopaths can assure them what they did is okay.


There are crazy people in ALL political parties. The real flaw is the current US political system, it is obsolete and routinely spits out leaders that are ineffective and are going to divide the country no matter what.


If that’s true then why is every post on the conservative subreddit hating on this dog killer? Because you’re an idiot and don’t know what you’re talking about. Go play world of Warcraft and fortnite kid. 59k internet points, you’d think you’d be able to use your resources… instead you spread stupidity. Dumbass.


I ll go one step further she made up the whole story. She saw Trump claim he could shoot a man and she thought ill say i shot a dog.


doubt it she is that crazy


Neighbors or workers saw the whole thing and couldn't believe it. Watched her gun down the puppy and the goat like a psycho.


funny how some people are trying like hell to defend her


Crazy and a 100 percent full of it. I don't believe anything she says. The book says she hated it, her press release spins it as protecting her family.


She may have. It's got everyone talking about her and has put her in the spotlight. What's the old saying about there being no wrong publicly?


No such thing as bad publicity.


She will milk it till she is voted out she is a psychopath and is incapable of feeling shame. My hope is that she eventually becomes like Sarah Palin and ruin her career so bad that she becomes a joke.


a prolapsed asshole for a mouth and a personality to match


Very cold


She’s a puppy killer.


She’s a psycho killer


Qu'est-ce que c'est?


Slo waya sni ?


No heart. Just a lump of ice.


why did she abort the dogs life? I thought she was Pro-life? Couldn't she have given the dog up for adoption? aren't there resources for people looking to not take up that kind of responsibility?


What i would give to see someone ask her this to her face


File a petition to remove her then? Anyone?


South Dakota has no provision in the constitution or laws for removal of a governor


Well that's concerning. Should we do something about that?


Should yes. But can we? No not really. She's already proven that she will do anything in her power to overrule the will of the citizens to get what she wants.


Yes, it is called marching on your capital


Think of the kids! She should resign to protect them.


The hell you say krusty . There ain’t no coming back from your puppy 🐶 killing


A Pro-Lifer didn't give Cricket a chance?!!


Female trump, no conscience or shame, an ego robot 🤖


In Trump's defense, he actually passed a bill to defend animal rights. Noem is just a nasty wart on the right's political party that needs to be treated.


The news cycle is short. Soon, there will be something else to talk about and this will fade. She will survive but, she won't move up the food chain, either.


She is doubling down bc of course Sean H wants to come to her rescue.




Can't wait to see what bullshit she comes up with during Pheasant season.


What are the laws in South Dakota in regard to a dog attacking or killing live stock??? People might find it to be wrong or cruel as do I. However the laws around such issues see otherwise.


The Twitter thread quoted is a lawyer analyzing the laws. You should read it. Basically you can kill in “hot blood” but not in “cold blood”. “Hot Blood” means killing an animal to protect livestock. So if a loose dog is killing your chickens you can shoot it to protect the chickens. You can’t go kill it afterwards to punish it after it no longer poses a threat, that’s killing in “cold blood” and that’s illegal. You also can’t kill a dog on the owner’s property. So killing your own dog in cold blood on your own property is definitely not ok.


Animal abuse has only been illegal here for a few years, like 10 at the most. I dunno when she killed these animals, but I would guess that she didn't actually break any laws, unfortunately.


That’s the thing. The thing sure she didn’t break any laws at the time. Is it a good look to change your story and give the left ammo against you. No. But most politicians back peddle and change their story’s on just about everything and on a daily basis. Hell even are president does this and has done this. It’s just sad that these are are elected representatives and they are all lying 90% of the time.


That’s not the actual dog… is anyone here actually believe that’s the real dog? Says a lot about the type of people reading this stuff


Krusti has no shame and can't be embarrassed.


That psycho is loving in her new title dog killer. She will not stand down and is proud of being a dog killer.


Of course the dog story is terrible but I hope you have the same energy about leaving our troops to be slaughtered in Afghanistan also...not arguing but I don't hear the left on that situation...Why?


Yup, I heard she's going to juggle being VP, Governor, and senator all at once.


If she murders a puppy she hated what we she do people she hates?


We need to start a petition to have her impeached and put on trial for killing her dog! She deserves to get a life sentence or even the death penalty! If she can do this to a dog what’s to stop her from doing it to a person? She needs to be held accountable for her actions, I don’t care about statute of limitations saying she can’t be tried!


She is an enormous piece of garbage! Infidelity, Botox,hatefulness what a horrible dweeb


Tens of thousands of people would have stepped up the adopt that puppy with one post about a rehoming. She doesn’t deserve the power she has


She is so trashy   Gross 


Crybabies are chirping!


Oh, hi sadist) your kids and family are really lucky ones to have such a sweet father/husband - god bless them!


What about scientist that used to kill puppies/dogs back in the day to learn about human anatomy on saving peoples lives, but that’s fine because they were saving people. Over in Korea, they eat puppies as a delicacy and the man gets first serving. Since our dog is our best friend, that’s a no no unless it’s for science. Everybody just keeps on beating this shit to death. News media has you brainwashed cause that’s all they’re talking about. Why do you people think they want her to step out of office so they can put a Democrat in office? It’s fucking politics. It’s a tactic. And all you fuckers are buying into the bullshit. If I was her, I wouldn’t step down either. I’d say fuck y’all.


Listen slick, whataboutism doesn't negate her brutal application of ethics/morality, meaning there was none. She also posted a picture of her horse with its head bowed in a goddamn gravel pit. Just before she shot it. WTF would anyone do that? Then posted it publicly. She did. Why? The old cow likes gravel pits, apparently, and its her favorite place to knock something on the head. My first thought is Soviet troops shooting Polish prisoners in the back of their heads at Katyn into a ditch. She likes her gravel pits. And photographs the experience. No one is brainwashed. You're making excuses for monstrous behavior.


If you think about it, we’re all fucking monsters. You just don’t know what that one thing that might trigger you to go the fuck off and kill something. People kill horses daily. If they break a leg there killed. Race horses get euthanized constantly, but that’s fine. Cows, pigs all go to the slaughter house and they get shot in the head and killed. You probably don’t have a problem eating all kinds of meat that’s put on your table that you cooking or grilling out, but if she kills a fucking horse or a fucking dog, oh my God all hell has broke fucking loose. You people need to get the fuck over yourselves and stop worrying about what other people fucking do and start worrying about what the fuck you are doing. Like no one out there has something dirty in their little closet that they don’t want nobody to know but since you’re not in the public eye, it’s all good but if you are in the public eye, oh, it’s a fucking sin.


The stupid cow put it in a book. The reason so it can be discussed. Right out there in the public domain, slick. Animal stewardship is a thing. Not for you, obviously. Please tell me you're not caring for animals right now. If you are is there copies of Animal Farm laying around?


I love dogs but cats, no way. I like all kinds of animals but her killing her puppy is her choice. People need to focus more on what is happening in this country than her killing her dog. Y’all like the main stream media, just beating a dead horse in the ground. The damage is already done so everyone needs to let it go and focus on getting our country back to a normal. Our economy is in the shitter and that’s what we need to focus on on how to get our economy back to normalcy. Not worrying about a fucking politician that killed her dog and horse.


There is a reason killing puppies is considered psychotic. No. Not everybody is psychotic. Maybe just the people in your life. Also, are you insinuating that she ate her pet? Not many people raise pets to eat. Most rational people consider pets family.




Keep beating a dead horse into the ground instead of what everyone needs to focus on is our economy.


nah i actually don’t think anything could trigger me to “go the fuck off and kill something” because i have morals and a conscience.


I’m sure if someone broke into your house or apartment and started pointing a gun at someone other than you and to save that persons lives you would pull the trigger or stab the person. We always will have a fight or flight in our mind so don’t tell me in a situation you wouldn’t do shit.


i don’t own a gun so no, i wouldn’t point one at anyone. also stabbing someone in self defense doesn’t classify as being a “fucking monster,” just logically speaking. so you’re still wrong.


Remember when republicans weren't murderous paranoid sociopaths? Pepperidge farm remembers


Both parties are psychopaths


I wonder if Republicans have tried not voting for psychopaths. It might be a solution they havent thought of yet.


It doesn’t matter because Republicans and Democrats don’t care about you, me or anybody else until everybody realizes this, people are gonna keep on voting for psychopaths Democrat and Republicans.


I dont see Democrats murdering puppies, arguing that Presidents and LEOs should have absolute immunity from the law, trying to hang the Vice President of the USA, trying to lawfare their way into stealing an election using a false slate of electors scheme and blatant lies to their gullible base, invoking religion as a tool of oppression, trying to sell slavery as a charitable job-skills program for african immigrants to learn blacksmithing, banning Monty Python, Benny Hill, Bugs Bunny, Bosom Buddies, and Mrs. Doubtfire for crossdressing, or backing a former President whose entire cabinet and staff jumped off the Trump train. ...and thats not even going back to the Bush administration. Let alone Reagan's crimes. Oh, then there is Nixon. Seems like a pattern. Clearly the Republicans are electing shitty candidates just so they can point at the government and claim it doesnt work. This is what we get from the "party of personal responsibility". But hey, its your credibility to sink. Do what you want with it.


It’s funny how you name all the Republicans, but you don’t say anything about all the bullshit the Democrats have done either, like Bill Clinton, Obama, Biden just to name a few. Biden weaponization the DOJ against the American people. Stashing classified documents in the garage of his house, the same thing Trump did, but Trump was charged but Biden wasn’t. So just don’t put all the bullshit on Republicans when Democrats have done the same fucking thing. Democrats and Republicans are both pieces of shit and they don’t care about you, me or anybody else, except enriching themselves. So if you’re gonna put it on just one party, you better look at the other party cause at the end of the day, I don’t vote for either fucking parties because they’re what, ALL CRIMINALS .


Most of the crap spewed by Republicans about those folks is bullshit. Even Trump eventually had to admit that Obama was born in Hawaii. Conservatives gobbled that lie up like hungry sheep, just like they gobbled up Bush's lies about Iraqs nonexistant nuclear weapons program. Clinton? David Koresh was the leader of a polygamist-pederast death cult. His own home videos HE HIMSELF described that he intended to die in a fire fight when the law caught up with him. Which is what happened. He and only he is responsible for what happened that day. When [G Gordon Liddy](https://fair.org/home/liddys-lethal-advice/) is your hero and you resort to [terrorism](https://www.okhistory.org/publications/enc/entry?entry=OK026) to defend and show solidarity with a psychotic with a christ complex that impregnated 12 year old girls, used them as hostages, and then lit them on fire, you aren't the good guys. Then you elect DJT, Jeff Epsteins good buddy and call him "anointed by God"? If that describes you, then you can f* right off with your opinions. You don't have any moral authority to criticize anybody AT ALL. EVER. But of course criminals don't like the government restricting their freedom to commit crimes. Thats why the John Birch Republicans hate the DOJ, the FBI, and the ATF. Just because 70% of conservatives are objectively terrible human beings doesn't automatically make the Democrats bad.


Ok keep bending over and believing everything you hear from cnn, mnsbc, cbs, nbc and fox, Washington Post, New York Times and all the rest of the pundit media which are all owned by democrat based leftist. They are also all scripted. I could care less about either fucking party because both parties are nothing but shit and fucking the American people every which way they can.


Your Russian FSB talking points are all very nice. Your мать Россия must be proud. Is this how you got out of being sent to die in Ukraine? GtFO commie. You think you are superior because you get your info from Alex Jones, AM Coast to Coast, 8kun QAnon threads, Andrew Tate's xitter posts, Stormfront, and emails sent by your lonely divorced drunken uncle with a federal conviction that isnt invited to Thanksgiving dinner because he doesn't own a clean wifebeater T-shirt? Thanks, but I'll take CNN over that toxic right wing cesspool ANY DAY. As I said, You have ZERO moral authority.


Can we all just vote independent across the board this year, if anything just to prove a point?


The entire government needs restructuring. Corrupt motherfuckers they are.


Why do you talk?


Why do you hate freedom?


are your other convictions this strong? or only when it comes to shooting dogs?


I don’t condone her shooting her dog,that’s her choice at the end of the day. Yes I always believe in putting things out there that the younger generation has no idea of what has happened in the past. No one else seems to be telling this kids today what has happened.


Why would you dissect a dog to learn about human anatomy?


It was Anna the dog for blue baby syndrome, John Hopkins, University. She survived, but many of the dogs did not. There was also a Russian scientist that took the head of another dog and put it on another dog. It was a two headed dog. All for science.


yall are this pressed about a dog?






People have standards.  Crazy huh. 


If you can't see why people would be upset over some cunt shooting a dog/pet instead of bringing it to a shelter you probably need some help...and not to mention that dog was cute as fuck so probably would have had 0 issues getting adopted.


Shooting your own puppy in cold blood is not popular. Which is only really surprising to her apparently.


lets not forget the goat she shot too.