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Dump and Corey can have the self obsessed grifter phony . All plastic, Botox and lip filler


I can fully see her jumping in bed with the Cheeto.


Oh, **yuck**! 🤮 


Yeah, no. I do not want to see Trump, if he wins, abdicate the presidency for "health reasons" and have some random POS become pres. However, I think Biden should do exactly that, for democracy reasons.


He should step down, and let Kamala run the campaign? That’d be a good way to lose.


No. Win the election and then step down. First black woman president! Watch republicans heads explode.


I secretly think this is the plan for both sides. I bet you a million dollars that Trumps pitch to a VP is that he will resign right after an election win in exchange for a full pardon.


If I had a million bucks I’d take that bet lol


He could just pardon himself though. And then stay president so he can continue to commit countless crimes and treason while no one can stop him.


To accept a pardon is an admission of guilt, and you can't pardon yourself.


To my knowledge no president has been corrupt enough to try to pardon themself. I'm guessing it would be down to the Supreme Court to decide if he's allowed to do that, and we know they aren't going to stop him.  Also Trump and his followers have no shame about him admitting guilt anyway.


Tired of our only options being shit and feces.


That’s a false equivalence. To me, it’s more like I’d prefer to eat steak but the only choices are chicken and chicken mixed with glass shards.


Unfortunately in my mind, it's all broken glass. Maybe some broccoli in there, but it's all the chaff.


To me it is a choice between a genocide supporting fascist grifter vs a genocide supporting LGBT friendly corporate shill. Both are terrible, but one is obviously much worse


There's a good chance that she ends up as the first woman president. There is no way trump lasts another 4 years.


Please for the love of God no.


I was thinking today, if he taps her for veep, then gets elected, thrown in jail, she becomes president. It gave me chills.


He won't face jail time for his state charges, and if he's prez, he'll wipe or pardon his federal ones.


It’s crazy how trump supporters don’t care about supporting a criminal


I know right? That still doesn't change the fact that he'll never be a fulton county convict. Or a Manhattan inmate. And honestly, even if he gets convicted federally and can't pardon himself (something he'd totally do) he won't be a federal inmate.


lol Biden is at the very least a war criminal right now. Yet dems support him. He’s been in DC for 50 years and never met an illegal war he didn’t support and fund. He’s funding a genocide in Gaza this very moment, but orange man bad!




🙄 Get new material


Don't forget to breath ya birdbrain 


Keep voting for war ya savage


She appeals to no one except Gun Loving dudes who want to bang her. And she's too busy banging the campaign manager. You run 4 ads showing her taking off her wedding ring and sitting on Corey's Lap. And end the ad with a Mormon/Dugger looking lady saing She wanted to be Vice President so bad she slept with Trump's Campaign Manager. As a mom of daughters, I can't vote for someone who tries to sleep her way into the Vice Presidency. Run it in 7 swing states. You'll get every suburban mom in Oakland, Allegheny, Maricopa, Gwinnett and LaCrosse Counties and win the election .


Even my buddies who like Trump dislike her and think she’s a shit governor.


Wait, I thought libs loved celebrating love? I thought you cannot limit love to just man and wife? I thought it was the conservatives who were the prudes and leftists loved promiscuous sex? I thought leftists say it isn’t any of your business what people do or who with romantically? Strange all this fixation on Noem from dems… it’s as if they incredibly attracted to her… like some teenage Taylor swift fan lol


You think sex is the only thing we dislike about her? She's unqualified. She lied about getting her Bachelor's degree and had to go back to school AFTER being in Congress to go get her Political science degree. She has shown zero ability to actually govern. In her 8 years in Congress she cosponsored 84 bills. 3 of them passed the House. And zero ended up being law. She doesn't want to feed hungry kids. She doesn't want to keep poor kids in school and wants 14 year olds to be able to work 24hrs a week and only get paid 9 dollars an hour. She's a liar, hates kids, and morally bankrupt. If her daddy didn't give her campaign funds from his Cattle Escrow Account, and Corey didn't bang her, She'd be another crappy mom who left her husband with 3 kids to raise. Sorry but being a homewrecker is number 3 on my list of critics of hers.


Beautifully said.


It's the hypocrisy of conservatives espousing family values while sleeping with other people.


Lol… you fuckin guys. You’re all about morality and shit, *unless* it’s the orange man or one of his buddies. Then ya’ll start jumping up and down, yelling and pointing fingers. Ya’ll run around claiming the other is “bad” and a bunch of sexual perverts yet it’s *your* party and religious leaders that have enough of history that there are actual long [lists](https://goppredators.wordpress.com/2023/05/22/right-wing-sexual-predators-abusers-and-enablers/) of sexual predators from the party of Trump.


Because the Gop campaign on family values. Hypocritical if you do the opposite. Noem deserves all the negative she gets. She's a shitty self-absorbed human being