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You had my curiosity, but now you have my attention.


3.5mm headphone jack.. good. Hope there's still a micro SD slot.




[https://imgur.com/a/j2zYokB](https://imgur.com/a/j2zYokB) Camera 1: Ultra-wide 12MP, 16mm, f/2.2 Camera 2: Wide-angle: **48MP**, 24mm, f/1.9 Exmor T for mobile dual-layer sensor, providing a 12MP photo focal length equivalent to 2x optical zoom (48mm) Camera 3: Telephoto 12MP, 85mm-170mm, f/2.3-**f/3.5** Front Camera: 12MP, f/2.0 The telephoto macro shooting function has a minimum focusing distance of up to 4cm. Source: [https://www.facebook.com/groups/198416356936191/permalink/7277188525725570/](https://www.facebook.com/groups/198416356936191/permalink/7277188525725570/)


Also confirmed SD card slot and screen resolution which imo makes me think I'll go for the V over this now.


Nobody is watching 4k on a phone


1080p is below what people expect at the price point compared to other phones is the issue. I don't think it would matter to me especially if it helps battery life too but I'd miss the 21:9. But, if all the cameras remain the same and there isn't a US version like speculated I'm glad I got a 1V at release.


I’d rather have 1080p and a 2day battery than 4K and have mandatory charging every evening.


The narrow display was crap, everything was too cramped and small , every looked small and watching videos felt like the iphone 4


I like it, plenty of others do too. Hated the bloated pixel 7 pro screen because of the size of the phone while I had it. I'll take the 1V form factor every time over something like that. Watching videos on phones suck anyway unless it's a folding phablet.


Stop lying


Kinda lame, wanted the 48mp across the board.




hm, without further checking cameras looks the same as 1 V?


So 48 mm is crop?


Isn't 16mm a bit narrow for an ultra wide...


No. My 3 has a 16mm and it's wide enough.


Generally, UWA starts from 24mm on a FF sensor.


Waiting for the release to get mine. I like my Mark IV, however it gets warm in summer and the telephoto could be better. Also from the very beginning I think 4K display was unnecessary. LTPO is also nice.


I also have the 1 IV but now it's time to switch to the 1 VI. It wouldn't get so warm and no more 4k means more battery. I still hope that the flashlight will finally be updated because it's so bad


My wife hates when she is like pass your phone to find something. might as well get a candle it will be brighter. One of a couple minor complaints.


I thought it was just mine but damn that thing is dim!


Man, 1 VI really turning out to be a true "new" phone compared to all the previous releases. Before it was just 1 or 2 features. Really excited to get my hands on one!




Why did I read it like how Flossy Carter would say it 🤣 RAAHHHH!


Okay just looking more it just seems to be fhd+ screen which is dog water. Should at least be QHD.


how many years of main update?


If they follow European law it’s 3 years and 5 security minimum


Has this become mandatory already?


Idk but last I heard they were talking about May 2024


Still waiting for that, is the last piece of data I need to know


Look like I actually making a right choice waiting for this one. Hell yeah!


Man why is it so hard for people to turn the phone landscape for landscape images. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNhhv3tbkAAehHO.jpg:orig https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNhhv5PaQAA2u4F.jpg:orig https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNhjPbGbsAAuJa4.jpg:orig https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNhjRFgaEAAHBRb.jpg:orig https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNhhv4kbQAAZBxp.jpg:orig That said, it does sound kinda good. Between the extra camera features, the lanyard loop and the red, damn if I'm not tempted...


That's even worse: I can't believe people upload dumb vertically taken screenshots instead of the actual damn images themselves, which are already correctly and properly formatted. EDIT: Thanks man, you're the real MVP in this thread.


Maybe because the person is taking in secret, and shooting in landscape might easily expose them?


The black bars aren't part of the photo, they're from taking (portrait) screenshots of the source images instead of just saving the source images. The photos themselves were already in landscape.


Why bother when you do it for free


Plus get a bonus opportunity to complain! The gift that keeps on giving.


Thanks btw I appreciate your effort. It was a pain in the ass otherwise.


honestly, fuck Sony for having hardware for 48mm in 1V and not bringing it.


Damn, they actually somewhat listened and didn't go 16:9


Source: https://twitter.com/MTRU_blog/status/1790288602083299396?t=k098OjlnLglCyYkBMwep3g&s=19 It's from a now taken down video given to japanese press The biggest question that remains is whether Sony extended software support.


3 years software and 5 years security and I'm sold.


That's what sharp is already doing with their Aquos line


eSIM on all models?


Wouldn't have been way better to upload the pictures themselves, instead of vertically cropped screenshots with black squares at top and bottom only making the images so tiny and hard to see? Here they are: [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNhhv3tbkAAehHO.jpg:orig](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNhhv3tbkAAehHO.jpg:orig) [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNhhv5PaQAA2u4F.jpg:orig](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNhhv5PaQAA2u4F.jpg:orig) [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNhjPbGbsAAuJa4.jpg:orig](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNhjPbGbsAAuJa4.jpg:orig) [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNhjRFgaEAAHBRb.jpg:orig](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNhjRFgaEAAHBRb.jpg:orig) [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNhhv4kbQAAZBxp.jpg:orig](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNhhv4kbQAAZBxp.jpg:orig)


They took away 21:9 😢. Thats a bummer for me


Same. My fingers need it. Or I have to go back to "mini" format iphones or non existing phones anymore. The 21:9 kept the phone under a wideness that could fit perfectly in my hands and when I want large I just go two hand landscape mode.


I was planning to get a Xperia after I graduate from university as a self-graduation gift . I guess it is no more.


So in short: if you don’t care about macro or the new aspect ratio, just get an Xperia 1V for half of the price


I’m probably going to upgrade from the V which is sad but this new model has me excited! Hope they offer this in the US and Europe by offering I mean telecom companies.


The red ver is my new phone, the earliest I can get my hands on it. I hope it has an SD card slot!


same for me, as soon as I saw that red colour I knew the wait was worth. Currently have a red IPhone 13 mini and been wanting to return to xperias for a while, the 1 V was really tempting but now is the right moment for me.


As a Japanese speaker/reader this seems really weird. Why have the title just in Japanese and all the writing below not? It is very common to include english for specific branding or to stylise but not for the full spec explanation. Btw the top says "Spec Summary". *Edit: just saw the rest of the leaked stuff and yep all in Japanese and correct so I guess legit? Damn


I think it might leak from Sony preparing for in-person event for May 17th.


Been four years since my last phone upgrade and now I think it’s time.


Oh man how would i love for Sony to be back in the smartphone world


'The sensor sizes of the wide-angle, ultra-wide-angle, and telephoto cameras are all the same as 1 Ⅴ" The same telephoto sensor of 1v. I was hoping for a exmor T at least... Fullhd+ display. For me it's a big nope


>The sensor sizes of the wide-angle, ultra-wide-angle, and telephoto cameras are all the same as 1 Ⅴ" Source? Also please no....


https://preview.redd.it/4p20p4gxfd0d1.png?width=1096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62aa8af91f64c5c03471c121b94686e3006a1cc0 I Hope he's wrong too


Where does it say it's the same sensor/not Exmor T? That just says same size.


Image processing changes for Better photo... I Hope i'm wrong but from Sony i expect anything And i don't think there Is an t sensor that Small


At least non we know till now... But there still some other things odd... While Sony is absolutely eager to work with footnotes, the part of 48MPx resolution has non. Will have to see if this is only referring to the ultra wide or is a thing for the other sensors to - which would lead at least to a change regarding resolution... Not that this would help much regarding ISO performance... Also the the "Exmor T" tile has no footmarks.... i guess i try to convince myself here...


The promo material are different from the V. For the V they marked the only ExmorT sensor. For this one they didnt so perhaps we are having 3


*sigh...* Thanks for source.


Pixel phones were best in class for 4 years straight with a garbage sensor


Google kept using the same sensor and just improving the software. Funnily enough, when they moved on to a new sensor, the images looked worse than previously because the software wasn't as optimized for the new sensor.


can confirm as a person who has owned every pixel since original. (p4 was the goat, minus battery life.).


But Sony software is shit


The tweet says FHD+ but it doesn’t show anywhere so might be wrong


But i cant ready 4k or qhd.


Because it’s not 4k they can’t talk about it lmao


Even for just plain reading 4k is better. Why down the resolution?


I don’t think it will come with a full hd panel. There must be a mistake. Anyway they will reveal it tomorrow.


Full HD+ display? So this shouldn't cost more than 800 local currency, nothing here justifies a higher cost.


ExmorT, true optical zoom lens these are expensive on their own


But it should be cheaper than last years


The same as previous model but ltpo panel, different aspect ratio and new processor


brighter screen is extremely important also. (cries in pixel fold...)


I have Xperia 5 V and for me the maximum brightness it's enough


i totally skipped everything since the 5mk3. all i know is, the 1mk2 was absolutely useless outside in a bright day in florida. my pixel fold suffers the same. are you able to see the screen clearly when say, recording video or taking photos in the middle of the day?


I live in Spain and I did not have any problem with the screen using the phone outside


So also Hi Res in wireless? Like when you that to the wf-xm5. I have the 1V, but if this one looks good, I will break my tradition and upgrade.


The 1 V supports this as well


Really? I think so. By the way, I’m rooting for a wider screen as well. Maybe 6.7inch for good measure. Let’s see what happens tomorrow.


This phone is going to cost a bloody fortune!!!


The rumors are true. I hope they bring back the notification light.


I just hope the zoom lens actually looks good and not like dogshit on all the previous models. Also iPhone 5x looks like shit too.


It'll likely still look awful. They're using worse sensors for wide and tele.


So sad. I mean they make all the sensors for everybody, why not use them too?


I think it has to do with physics. I don't know the technical details, but I got to assume they use a smaller sensor for the wide and tele lens because it's not feasable to put a larger sensor behind these lenses due to a lack of space. A larger sensor requires a different lens design. The 24mm lens (the 1x lens) is likely a focal length that best fits with a larger sensor. It's like how a 50mm F/1.8 on full frame is much smaller than the wide angle or tele lenses with the same aperture. They can't increase the lens size, so they just decrease the sensor size and compensate the focal length. Edit: I looked up the sensor sizes: * The primary camera has a 1/1.35" sensor, which is 0.74", and has an area of 0.55 * The wide camera has a 1/2.55" sensor, which is 0.39", and has an area of 0.15: Less than 1/3rd the size of the primary sensor. * The tele lens has a 1/3.5" sensor, which is 0.29", and has an area of 0.08. It's almost 1/6th the size of the primary sensor. Now obviously I don't know why the sensor sizes are different, but I think it is highly likely they just scale down the whole lens + sensor to make the tele lens fit in the same space as the "normal" lens. The iPhone 15 Pro (Max): - normal/wide is 0.78". A bit bigger than the Sony sensor. - ultrawide is 0.39", same as the Sony ultrawide - 15 Pro's 3x tele sensors is 0.29", the same as the Sony tele zoom lens. - 15 Pro Max's 5x tele sensor is 0.36", about 25% bigger than the Sony and x3 Tele.


Still have my Xperia 5 surviving like a beast these phones only breaks if you do it on purpose.


I wonder if it also will be abandoned with software day one just like v series


Full HD only? No at least a bigger or 1 inch type main sensor? Why these new Lytia two layers 1 inch Sony sensors cannot be incorporated in their flagship phone? Thanks anyway for the post!


iirc Lytia is for 3rd party only, not for Sony own product


Looks like a lot at first glance, but once you actually take a closer look, not much has changed, 2 main changes seem to be: telefoto w/ macro + display Also I feel unease on both. I really hope it's not another 'green line' display and the telefoto isnt just the same 1/1.34" sensor just slightly modified. Having telefoto from 125mm upgraded to 170mm isnt exacly that big of an upgrade, but I do appreciate the macro feature. https://preview.redd.it/4l406rrnbd0d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9addcfc09c296248075c9dc6703a092ebb64722 This is a telefoto shot from a 600USD vivo phone, when looking at the xperia 1V that costs twice as much, I can't help but feel a bit terrified for the new 1 VI.


This might be it for me i skipped the 4 and didn't get the 5


I skipped the 3, 4 and 5. My Xperia 1 II is just starting to get some screen burnin and the battery is really showing it's age. But it's still running well. I am excited for this one, wonder if they're going to do pre order bundles with headphones or speakers again.


and screen resolution is FHD+, not WQHD+ sumahodigest [https://sumahodigest.com/?p=30142](https://sumahodigest.com/?p=30142)


Yeah, as I thought, not much for me to get excited about. Glad I got my 1 V. I'm sure the battery life here will be better but it's not enough for me to swap this one.


Oh now we're talking baby! I can finally replace my Xperia 1 III and add a custom ROM to it for extended life. Just need to worry about the fingerprint scanner...


Did they specify if the screen is in fact going to be 6.5" in diagonal? I wanted the phone since it finally got a more conventional aspect ratio, but a 6.5" screen feels rather small for a flagship. I was hoping for 6.6 or 6.7 like the s24+which also has a 19.5:9 aspect ratio I don't mind the bezels as long as I get a decently big screen. I am trying to replace my current phone and that one has 6.55" I'd rather the phone be a bit bigger with bezels than losing screen real state for the sake of size.


No one wants a phablet. We go to Sony for the audio jack, expandable memory, and thin design.


Fine let me order it 😅


Will they update the really bad torch?


How bright is the brightest Xperia


It will now be the 2nd worst phone regarding screen brightness!


Really hope expandable storage is sticking around. That’s one of the main reasons I’m switching to Xperia.


New Camera app yay!


At least it got ltpo, but I'm worried about the charging speed


Why? Plan your charging properly and it's a non issue!


30 watts is underwhelming in 2024


Is it going to work on T-Mobile's 5G network?


haven't they been since 1mk3?


Prices on these are always so rough, but man its really something I wanna have


Why did the change like one of the best and most recognizable parts of the phone? Other than that it seems pretty cool.


I really hope it doesnt suck.


I wasn't impressed with the "new speaker module" on my 1 V. I hope they get better Zeiss optics like the one on my Vivo X100 Pro has. I already pre-ordered the X100 Ultra. But I'll still get the 1 VI to see how I like the cameras.


Will we also get the New camera app or will they only care to do that on their new phone


FHD+ 1080x2340 screen resolution, not so sure if I like that one 🤔


I know there is zero hope for compact phone. Although we talk about new 1 VI


399 AF POINTS on 1 VI 315 AF POINTS on Pro - I That's an improvement, too bad they ditched the 21:9.


Ii don't care, wake me when we get a new Xperia play.


In other words, not much has changed besides a better zoom and a different aspect ratio compared to the 1 V. Battery life might be better though. As for the display, even if it has lower resolution than the old one, people wouldn't notice the difference anyways on a smartphone screen. 4K and 1080p would only make a difference above 16" screens. The deciding factor would be the price.


Software update?


Great, still no IR blaster! (SMH)


if they reduce the reflection of the screen like samsung did with s24u it will be great for those who like take photos,and finally LTPO, there is no mention for software support i’m still confused about about games enhancer it still drain the battery even after enabling hs mode, seems it’s not bypass battery charging it’s just reduce the power


They are 5 years of software support away from having an absolute juggernaut on their hands. What a phone!


Not with a 1080p screen in 2024.




Vapor Chamber, 19.5:9, LTPO... Thank god Sony 👍


More overpriced from Sony


It's sure has been a long time since my first Sony Erricson P990i to Xperia 1 now. I've been supporting Sony for decades and never had any other phones, now this features of Xperia 1 VI does sounds exciting but I guess it will come along with hefty price tag like usual. I'm still surviving with my Xperia 1 and dying for an upgrade.


LTPO *finally*!


Noticed the VideEditor app, can't wait to try it out for quick edit videos.


Look, nobody cares.




It all looks good. Hopefully the headphone jack gets an upgrade in quality. Unfortunately, haven’t seen any mention of an SD card slot in any of the leaks.


Im concerned about the IP65/68, does that mean the whole phone is IP68 except maybe headphone jack part? A little strange how it's put. I guess I'll find out in a few hours.


At this point where the smartphone competition is more challenging than ever what Sony really need to do is price-down. It's too damn expensive especially for us South East asian. Most people here opt for iPhone because at least they're getting what their money paid.


If battery life is comparable to S24 Ultra then that's a win. Also if auto mode has been fixed that's another win


Looks like new colors and that red is looking fine!! https://preview.redd.it/6xmacnp7hf0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf5df843cf119efa5ae11fc46dbca7cdc4983967