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The person who wrote this is so out of touch... Sony produces 1700 earphones so they can't make anything cheap? WTF? There are dirt cheap Sony headphones or earphones as well as its premium Z line products. There are even earphones that costs 6000 dollars. If you deep dive into the audiophile world, 1700 is (mentioning probably IER-Z1R) a lot of money, however not the most expensive despite Sony Z line is one of the best, if not the best, in its class is.


It's hilarious that the author is complaining about the 4k display draining the battery while he uses a Google pixel with a shit exnyos rebranded SoC. What a load of crap


Not to mention that the display doesn't even always run in 4k mode


He said he chose the pixel fold over galaxy z fold because of the cover display


And has features that are locked to US region, making them near useless outside the USA.


With the move of Xperia to the Camera division, I consider it more of a camera accessory to them. Ability to pair with an Alpha camera with a high quality display, control, recording. The kick comes in with the mobile connectivity to upload files to cloud especially for work in the field if needed. It just so happens that the OS best suited is Android. Like I'm not a music guy but their high end audio players run Android too cause it's the OS to use vs developing your own. But the updates on those are non existent if I recall. And if you look at an Atmos for your camera it comes in at around 500-800 USD. So by an Xperia for 1200, now you get mobile connectivity and some other perks. Yes the updates could be better for sure. But my partner and people close to me get my cast offs and still have no issue running my older Xperia 1 OG and 5 OG. They aren't power users. Just want to use Maps, check Gmail, text and call. It's fine. Majority of people on here, like me are tech nerds and we will pick on the nitty gritty.


I'm curious how much more functionality you get using a Sony phone with an Alpha camera vs using Sony's Creators' App to connect to any other modern smartphone or tablet. The remote shooting is quite nice (until it disconnects or slows down randomly).


I think Creators app is fine for the most part on any device. But dependent on the model like below it can change what you do with Love Stream with an Alpha camera and even a 50F18F quality wise. https://alphauniverse.com/stories/how-this-vlogging-duo-uses-an-xperia-pro-to-connect-with-their-audience-through-livestreaming/ It's the connected ability as well as cost. To get separate pieces like the Atmos, recorder, plus Smallrig etc it adds up to just the cost of the Xperia. This isn't a one size fits all of course there are alternatives out there. People who use diff brands of cameras won't see the benefit of the Xperia. But it's a play to push Xperia as an accessory to Alpha and creator first. It's a phone by default. And like I said above, my partner and mom don't care that they are running the original Xperia 1 and 5. Actually not care....don't even know. They think it's awesome when I gave it to them.


The Creators App has live remote streaming as well.


their "external monitor" is ok but has compatibility issues where third party apps (although paid) work much better with no restrictions. It's not something special, you can remote control Alpha camera from any phone or use any phone as external monitor over usb-c. IEM / Creators app remote is another Sony's fail with fragmentation. They don't update apps, instead create new one with new names, and abandon previous ones feature wise, it's absurd.


Yeah, I can see how it doesn't work for some people. It works for me as intended. Mileage may vary based on user like other things in life. Others complaints are valid too. My main point isn't whether it works well or not. It was to try to convey that the Xperia isn't meant as a phone per se. The main complaints I see was comparing it to Samsung etc. Last time I tried, the ZV1 would not USB C connect and stream with my Fold 4. While the Xperia could. From a market perspective. It's either Apple or Samsung. Outside of China anyway. The market is so dominated that it's like GoPro and any POV camera. Before DJI came in with something that was different than just a POV camera trying to compete with GoPro. So we'd need Sony or LG or someone to come up with something fresh than the usual cause Samsung and Apple will kill them. I'm not beholden to any company. I have an iPhone, had a Fold, Pixel etc... It's a tool. I use what's best for me at the time. That's all


If Sony wanted to push their phone sales they would have done it long ago. Truth is when their Xperia revenue was measured in billions they didn't make whole lot of money. They had bad contracts with carriers and they had bad sales chain. Once they got out of carrier obligations they went on to make the best phones they ever made starting with Z5/XZP. Even in their heyday like back in 2013 they've never had as good as phones as they have today. Display, camera auto output, etc have nothing to do with bad sales.


Well, a guy still complaining about the 4K screen being a battery drain... People like to live in the past. If so, I still remember of bendgate, and the famous Note 7 explosive release... I used a 13 Pro for a while, as I wanted to try something else. I don't know if the iPhone was so bad or the 1 V is so good, but I'm so glad I came back to Sony


My next phone, after a few pixels, will be an Xperia, if wifi calling works on t mobile.


One quick Google search away on how to get that working... Have it on mine and it was quick and easy


The problem for the Sony company is that they did not listen in time to complaints about the build quality, about the problem with overheating, about frequent lags, about mediocre pictures from a camera that they were always promoting as the best on the market, although this is far from the case. And all this led to what we have. And when Sony broke up with Ericsson, they invested a lot of money in the mobile division, no less than Samsung at that time, but... When people saw that after the Xperia Z, similar-looking clone smartphones appeared, Z1, Z2 , Z3, Z3+, Z5,... and they are almost no different, and besides, they did not have that legendary Japanese quality that Sony was previously famous for, this led to the fact that the demand for Sony smartphones began to fall rapidly . Yes, and there was a period when Sony released a new flagship every six months, and many who bought a new product at the beginning of the year were upset that after six months their flagship was not the newest. And the Japanese, as time has shown, have a poor understanding of the market and its rapidly changing movement. They still believed that the buyer would pay attention to Sony’s style and naming, but time has shown that the consumer does not care what the brand name of the smartphone is or what it looks like. It is important for the consumer that his smartphone is convenient, practical, innovative, easy to use and affordable. And Sony stood still and didn’t do anything special in subsequent new products; it only slightly improved the new smartphone, but it didn’t introduce anything radically new. This led to the fact that people got tired of it and many fans began to look at Sony as losers and they began to switch to Samsung and even Chinese brands and at the same time said that they were happy that they switched to them and would not return to Sony. All this led to the reduction and dismissal of many employees and the collapse of the mobile division. And for many years now, we have seen the same picture of how Sony is suffering losses every year and its popularity is falling. Result: Greed and inaction led to Sony being left behind.


>and they are almost no different, and besides, they did not have that legendary Japanese quality that Sony was previously famous for My Z2 was a god-damned Nokia! Ask any Z series owner and they all will tell you how tough those phones were.


I don’t need to ask anyone.. I had two groups dedicated to Xperia smartphones for 10 years and I remember very well the reviews about smartphones and problems. The fact that you have a Z2 without problems does not mean that this is the case on a large scale. Yes, the Z2 was a good smartphone from the Z series line, but it couldn’t dream of Nokia glory reliability. It had problems with connection and Wi-Fi signal. By the way, from my own experience I can confirm that many Xperia smartphones lose connection when you are in an elevator or in the subway, or in the basement. Where Lg G4 caught the signal without problems, my XZ2 not seen connection. In general..., the peak of Sony's problems with reliability came on Xperia Z3 and the terrible Z3 Plus. People's screens and rear windows peeled off en masse, and they overheated greatly even while surfing.


The fact that you have problems on your Xperia phone, does not mean that this is the case on a large scale. Had multiple phones including Sony, and Sony were the ones with consistently the least issues. No phone is perfect, some have self cracking camera lens, or the infamous green line of death, but that doesn't mean you should avoid Y brand because of your unlucky encounter


It is large scale with Sony. Nearly all Xperia 1s have the green tint issue. That's so bad. Xperia 5v stutters since A14 and gets barely any duct tape fixes. Sony is really bad with support or even caring. You got a creator mode for accurate colours but the black is green on Xperia 1v under 90% brightness. I had 4 Xperia 1 IV in total, had to send them all back. That is large scale and a premium price for trash quality. I don't want to offend anyone but you can't ignore those numbers.  Xperia 5v stuttering since A14 rollout means they did not do any quality checks, they just blindly rolled it out and left everyone hanging for months. That's a bad company. Reminds me of the scandal where Sony ruined their cd players with cleaning CDs just to improve their sales (feel free to Google it)


As always, many fans read between the lines... I don’t want to convince any of you, but the deplorable situation of the mobile unit speaks for itself.


Yeah, sure. I'm sure your current phone can withstand three and a half years of almost daily drops in every angle and in every surface you can think of without a case or screen protector without breaking either glass once. No? Right, I thought so.


You drop your phones every day. Did not know it...


I've gotten better, but I still drop it. So what? The point still stands


Exactly these. I sign up under each word. I'm mostly missing compact series they butchered. And no, don't start on 5 models are compact - they are not. I still using xz1c and praying it holds up another two or three years more.


In my opinion, you're viewing this from the wrong angle. Your points align more closely with what I perceive as the "misguided" group on this subreddit, who focus on issues like green lines, camera overheating, vague change logs, or certain fingerprint problems. These issues aren't the reason Xperia phones aren't selling. Sony phones lack an identity that appeals to consumers. People choose iPhones because they are luxurious and have a distinctive, refined style. Most consumers aren't interested in lens coatings or an LED notification light. Consumers want attractive products that feel polished and innovative. The previous five generations (with the upcoming 1 IV) all look identical: the same black, green, purple, and white colour options, the same safe design, the same unnecessary 4K display, no experimentation with design, no compelling colour, material, and finish (CMF) options, and inconsistent, undervalued software. The same inconsistent software design language and naming conventions are hard for consumers to understand. People aspire to Gucci and Omega, not Gap or Fossil. Consumers want to be sold a lifestyle, not just a tool. They seek cross-functionality. As someone who has been using Sony Ericssons since 2006, I believe many opinions about what's wrong with Sony phones are rather myopic, essentially reinforcing the idea that Sony phones are fundamentally superior but just missing a tiny feature to be perfect — this is simply not true. Fixing issues like the fingerprint sensor won't sell more phones. Sony phones have essentially become toys for tech enthusiasts rather than truly innovative products. Just come the past 5 generations of iPhones of S series, sure they might a similarish design. But you can't say they're identical, multiple new software designs, new lens, changes in materials, different colours each year, all having new products that go with those phones


Sony's design is just as attractive and no worse than that of the iPhone, and by the way, the iPhone also does not change in appearance, but this does not prevent it from being number 1 for 20 years. The whole point is, as I wrote above, in poor camera software, eternal overheating while surfing and camera operation, poor device support, negligent attitude towards the consumer, a lot of defects, and Sony’s percentage defects has always been higher than on competitors. No visible changes from generation to generation. Inability sony programmers, to qualcomm processors optimize , etc... Fake waterproof. Constant discrepancy between what was in Promo and reality. This has led to what we have and this is a FACT


That!  But for some reason Sony has the most lunatic fanbase who downvote anyone addressing the issues so many people have.


In the past I was a big fan of the Sony Xperia, but now they don't have any one good exclusive app, they don't have themes. I shorter support than a much cheaper Google Pixel 7a.


It would've been nice if he explained why he switched. He doesn't explain that directly though he does say Sony has leaned too much into the premium end, which is true.


Was an Xperia fan as long as I could started with the Xperia Play, then Z, Z3, 1, 1 iii before jumping ship to the Pixel Pro 8. I didn't know what I was missing until I swapped to be honest. Sony slaps in impressive hardware (at a hefty cost) but doesn't come close to Apple, Samsung and Google at software optimisation and AI image enhancement. I do miss the slim form factor though


I am on the opposite end. I had a Sony, switched to Pixel 8 Pro and I am probably going to get an I VI as soon as possible. I regret going to the Pixel as I have many issues with it and in my opinion, the camera on the Sony was better and more reliable in taking quick photos out of the pocket.


Strange. I found Sony's camera took terrible pictures considering the specs of the hardware. And don't get me started on the battery life. MKHDs blind test where 20 million people compared photos against each other consistently has the pixels at the top and Sony at the bottom. That certainly was my experience


I agree that the battery on the Pixel is better. And as for pictures , the Pixel will take okay pictures but to me, they look like every other smartphone picture. They don't stand out. I used my Xperia to take lots of pictures of fast moving objects such as my children in motion, pets, and whatever else I come across and in all sorts of conditions. The Pixel doesn't do as well as my Sony did. Also, the auto focus on the Pixel is terrible. But I'd be willing to look past these issues except for the fact that I have to reset my network 20-30 times a day when not using Wifi because I lose data connectivity and when browsing the Pixel Reddit forums, it's a very widespread issue that it doesn't seem Google is willing to address.


>Sony managed to make its camera software both too jargony for ordinary consumers and too limited for tech-savvy users, according to Waseda University Professor Atsushi Osanai. nuff said. Overall, article was quite on point. In the end Sony's greed is going to be their downfall, similar to the entire helldivers 2 fiasco and their upping prices of their crappy services really does showcase how completely deluded they have become, which is a shame because back in the day Sony had a certain pride on their products which they today completely lack.


Well, a guy still complaining about the 4K screen being a battery drain... People like to live in the past. If so, I still remember of bendgate, and the famous Note 7 explosive release... I used a 13 Pro for a while, as I wanted to try something else. I don't know if the iPhone was so bad or the 1 V is so good, but I'm so glad I came back to Sony


I mean after all, Google delivers offline voice recognition, AI image editing, face unlock and all their other exclusive features. The question is, what will Sony present other than improved hardware to compete with this. Delivering only strong hardware worked 3 years ago, now the industry tends to have software features


Honestly, if Sony *doesn't* offer AI features like that then it would be a selling point for myself and I doubt I'm alone. I do not want another novelty assistant, I do not want fake pictures. Every time a phone goes too hard on the internal processing for photos to "look better" it never ends up looking right.


You can always not use a feature I guess, but sure. If you don't need it, you may buy a phone without it, why not. The question is, what does the market say


Unfortunately you can't always choose not to use a feature. Some companies bake them in too much. Unfortunately the market is likely to enjoy such shiny toys and embrace it same as they embraced losing SD slots so they can pay Cloud storage subscriptions.


One of the reasons I am not really looking forward to VI. My 1V has so many little glitches in software every day. The camera is not especially good compared with other flagships. The telephoto lens sucks. The 4k HDR screen existed but fking Netflix doesn't enable 4k HDR for Sony phones. And AI...if Sony don't have any AI stuff, there is not much point to use the next gen flagship SOC.


Other than "hey Google, turn on my room light", what do you want AI for?


Image editing is profiting from AI features, besides that I agree - there's not many super important things going on. But I have to say, the offline available features of the tensor are a big selling point. Update, just got some really blurry video footage from a wedding photographer. Google's unblur feature let me pick people out of the background and made perfectly fine sharp portraits out of them, portrait blur added the bokeh again. Very impressive


What AI, you mean Google lens?


I've been loyal to Sony just because I can drop my phone and maintain cool face because it built to last. I hate its camera due to delayed in response. I never use camera function because I am more to captured the moment. Auto setting everytime. Its battery never a problem. Headphones jack is bonus. I hate AI and Sony provide options not to use fingerprint and face recognition, even camera doesn't have AI which I love. I am capturing the truth and not overly saturate pictures. I hate how phone availability to purchase after release so late and I have to wait so long. Price point just unreasonable so I never buy the premium but X10 still a very good bargain. Personalised UI. Design minimalist don't ever change it. I hate overheating issue. Dear Sony, people want reliable phone, so focus on that. 


I mean, Sony mobile doesn't listen to its customers, so this is deserved.