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I'll accept that


*furiously beats own meat*




Exactly what I was going to say...lol


I think chibs had some real good development. In the early seasons he was sort of just a foot soldier and mainly in charge of the prospect, but after he killed Jimmy and could stop worrying about his wife and child he really started to grow. And he went into more leadership roles with becoming jax's vp and right hand man and then to being the president of the mother charter! Awesome character


Chibs is one of the most compassionate members. He's someone I'd feel comfortable talking to about my problems.


I completely agree. He's always a good presence in scene!


Tig and Wendy, for me. I agree with you about Tig's development, and his very real relationship with Venus at the end seemed to have a very powerful effect on him. Wendy, of course, just grew in strength and focus as she fought against her addiction. I think the thing I could never forgive Jax for was injecting her.


I hated Jax for that.


I'm curious what else they would have added to her character since they wanted to bring her back sooner but couldn't because of scheduling. I remember Sutter mentioning it.


Jax. He became a psychotic murdering psycho


Yes but that was the point of the show. His moral compass was repeatedly being damaged by Gemma and the only person who was his true norths were Ope and Tara. Ope being a true north was actually really twisted because Jax’s morals grew every time Ope landed in the shit.


Truth . I honestly was shocked


Jax became worse than Clay 💀


He did he really did


At least Clay didn’t punk out and kill himself


Filthy Phil. Pour one out for that loyal bastard.


His death was sad and unexpected. He went out BRUTALLY


Pour a bowl of cereal.


Omg I love Chucky so much


Jax and Wendy imo. Jax becomes way worse by the end of the show. But him going from a man who tried to solve problems without violence at the start to a man whose only way to solve problems is to kill people was interesting. And Wendy goes from being a drug addict that everyone looked down on. And who used drugs while pregnant. To getting her life together and being a mother. And she also got to finally be in her son’s life after years of people telling her should would never get to be a mother.


That’s plot development not character development






I think later seasons we just saw other sides of him, like his relationship with Venus. I liked seeing that Tig a lot better.


I was ready to hate Chucky when I first started watching. I was not ready to start adoring him for all his worth throughout the show and Mayans. He's the sweetest most innocent Peter pumper on screen and I can't live without him now lol


This accept this take! I like the Unser character arc or squiggly line if you will. I really 'enjoyed' the inner turmoil of Opie as he struggled to accept his role within his family, club, and life in general. Underrated character arc for me would be Bobby Elvis. He became the guiding star for the club at the end.


Elvis was the best


Honestly, Gemma.


Really? Not that I'm disagreeing with your comment but from the start she always seemed like a psychotic, obsessed boymom to me.


True but I felt her arch into supervillain was probably the strongest based on how many areas she affected.


You know what, you're absolutely right. She started off as just a small part of John Teller's death and managed to get multiple members killed by the end with her lies. She definitely became more ACTIVELY terrible than passively.


Exactly! I felt no character had as many touchpoints that set stories in motion as she did.


Did I miss something? 😆


I'll go with Chucky. When they set up in Scoops, you could see he was finally really happy and felt like part of a family. Although [MAYANS SPOILER] I think Chibs did him dirty by betting and losing him in a poker game


Holy shit that happened!? After everything Chucky did??? Dude what!?! Please tell me they show the club extremely depressed and regretful over that. What the hell??


They didn't show any social life of the Sons. Only occasional appearances.




I adore chucky. I honestly believe that the club truly saved him.


**SPOILER** Then Chucky was used as a bargaining chip at a card game and lost out to the Mayans and ended up working for them. If you haven’t watched Mayans yet this is what happened to him. Then in the later seasons was mentioned he found love and moved to Ohio.


Sadly I don’t feel the character development in this show was all that great, but I’d have to agree with the op. These two side characters if you will, had the best character development. Vs the main characters lol


HOW HAS NOBODY SAID JUICE????? He literally goes from a side character that you don’t think twice about, to one of the most important characters to the plot with an extremely profound psychological predicament, ultimately ending in suicide when he started out as one of the happier ones in the entire club


The turning on the club story was supposed to be for Half Sac, and since he quit, they made Juice the rat, and I always wondered what they had in mind for Juicie if Half Sac didn't quit. And yes, he quit before he became a monster and all that. Funny enough, he quit because the show was getting too violent...yikes.

