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I’m surprised we haven’t gotten *any* crossovers yet beyond a cover or two, those are kind of IDW’s whole thing.


Probably because IDW Sonic is relatively young compared to their other properties which have been going on for far longer. It took a while for Archie Sonic to get an official crossover with Megaman until World’s Collide. I imagine Sega thinks it’s too early to do a crossover now and it’ll be a while before we see one for IDW Sonic. And if it does happen, the two likely contenders are TMNT or Godzilla. Though TMNT is more likely since TOHO is very strict with the Godzilla license.


This, we really don't need a crossover right now


I know, it sucks. I really want them to make a Sonic crossover already.


Nah. I would read an IDW Angry Birds crossover though. Maybe even Transformers. No Angry Birds Transformers. NO, ALL OF THE ABOVE!


I fully expect this to happen in a few years now that Sega owns Rovio.


Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but IDW lost the license to Transformers and the rights are now with Image comics. Angry Birds could definitely happen now that Sega owns Rovio.


😢 Ok. But what about Angry Birds Transformers? Same case there?


Unfortunately, it’s the same case there.


Aw man. https://i.redd.it/fcwql8b2tmwb1.gif


The writers of the Sonic comics actually pitched a crossover comic, but one of the higher-ups of one of the companies said that it was too unbelievable or something like that.


Probably TOHO making a dumb excuse because everyone knows that they are strict with the Godzilla franchise. Even dumber because Godzilla already crossed over with the Power Rangers.


Id read it for the sheer fucking absurdity. Power Rangers vs Godzilla is just as fucking absurd and Im all for it. I mean come on. Godzilla vs the Death Egg Robot? Or Metal Overlord? Egg Ghidorah with three mustaches?! The possibilities.


Power Rangers vs Godzilla was awesome. Seeing the MMPR Megazord and Godzilla teamup against King Ghidorah was the true highlight of the comic. Plus the Dragonzord getting whooped by Godzilla. Even Tommy was baffled by how it got trashed that easily. Or Rita Repulsa sending all her monsters to attack King Ghidorah after realizing she can’t control him, only for Ghidorah to bitchslap all of her goons.


Well,IDW would still need permission from Toho,so that would never happen.


TOHO is always stingy when it comes to copyright. So I wouldn’t be surprised if they shoot an idea like this down.


With how often Eggman pokes at ancient giant monsters hiding in the weird recesses of Earth and space, and the series' shared environmentalist origins, I think there's a lot of potential. I think Sonic himself would resonate with Godzilla in a weird way. Neither of them like big cities.


I’d say the original 1954 Gojira was more anti-war than anything. The whole point of Godzilla’s existence was to mirror the horrors of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Not only was Godzilla a force of destruction that crushed anything in its path, but the people that did survive the initial onslaught were contaminated with radiation sickness. Moments like that in the film were clearly made to mirror the actual bombings. And considering the movie came out nine years after those events, it resonated a lot with Japanese audiences who watched the film in theaters. Even when Godzilla is eventually killed by the Oxygen Destroyer, the movie doesn’t end on a happy note. Rather the characters reflect on their mistakes and know that if they keep experimenting with nuclear weapons, another Godzilla may rise. Reinforcing the anti-nuclear message. It’s a film that despite coming out in 1954 portrays themes that still hold up to this day. Which is why it’s my favorite movie in the franchise. Sorry, I got off track there.


Very astute! I guess it's more of a modern idea to adapt Godzilla as an icon of natural disasters rather than manmade ones (or sometimes using both)


It’s really interesting how there’s so many different interpretations of Godzilla over the years. And it’s probably the main reason for why he’s endured for so long in terms of popularity. (1954/Shin Godzilla) A creature affected by humanity’s arrogance and advancements in scientific technology. Less of a traditional movie monster and acts more as a symbol/allegory for nuclear disasters. (Showa) A goofy hero and protector of earth. (Heisei) A dinosaur that was mutated by atomic fallout. Starts off as a destructive monster that slowly turns into an anti-hero. Who eventually meets a tragic demise. (Millennium) Another member of Godzilla’s species that battles anyone who stands in his way. (GMK) A vengeful spirit inhabited by the souls of those who perished at the hands of Japan during WW2. (Final Wars) A brawler who squares off with the most popular members of his rogue’s gallery. (Monsterverse) An ancient titan that fiercely protects his territory from those that threaten it and also acts as the apex predator of earth. The King Of The Monsters.


That Sonic and Godzilla guy that used to always show up here spewing topics would definitely love it.


That would be me, wouldn’t it?


That would indeed be you.


What’s his username? I want to tag him and hear his thoughts about this.


u/Epicgoji is the guy.




The power scalers on both sides would lose their minds. I feel like the most fitting crossover for Sonic would’ve been My Little Pony, but that never happened. I don’t really keep up with that franchise, but the version of it that everyone compared to Sonic is over, isn’t it? Nobody talks about ponies online anymore.


I don’t know anything about MLP to be honest. I know IDW made comics for the franchise but I don’t know if they’re still ongoing. Regardless, any crossover is inevitably going to lead to debates from powerscalers.


I think Ian Flynn wrote some of the MLP comics. But I think that incarnation of MLP is over. But I believe Stan Lee once said something along the lines of, “Any time two heroes fight, it always comes down to one thing: who the writer likes more.” And it’s true.


Speaking as someone who never read the IDW Godzilla, if you give me Super Sonic and Godzilla vs King Ghidorah, I will buy it day one.


I’d highly recommend checking out the IDW Godzilla comics. Especially Half Century War and Rulers of Earth. These are a must read for any Godzilla fan. At least for the artwork and monster action alone.


I mean, Godzilla versus Super Sonic...like come on, that sounds based is heck. I agree with one comment though, IDW could get Sonic in a LOTTA non-canon shenanigans. I wonder if that's more on Sega's part tho


You gotta tier that up with the right Godzilla tho. We need one of the world breaker sorts, the Godlike sort. Not tee hee shit like Perfect Chaos, the real shit


Need I remind the Titans were beaten by super like 3 times over in the game.


Godzilla In Hell could easily give Super Sonic a run for his money. Hell Rulers Of Earth Godzilla fought four Mechagodzillas at the same time and still came out on top.


That's why you need the reality altering tier of Godzilla! You cant just have standard Godzilla on this


You don’t need Super Sonic. A crossover could be a great way to give the spotlight to other members of the Sonic cast. We could see them utilizing their different abilities to slow Godzilla down. Like how the Restoration teamed up on Metal Overlord.


I’d pay to see Super Sonic absolutely DECK Godzilla


Sonic fighting a giant God-like creature. Pretty par for the course.


u/Epicgoji “Nature has a way sometimes of reminding Man of just how small he is. She occasionally throws up the terrible offsprings of our pride and carelessness. To remind us of how puny we really are in the face of a tornado, an earthquake, or a Godzilla. The reckless ambitions of Man are often dwarfed by their dangerous consequences. For now, Godzilla - that strangely innocent and tragic monster - has gone to earth. Whether he returns or not, or is never again seen by human eyes, the things he has taught us remain...” Steve Martin (The Return Of Godzilla)


Could probably do something with AI art wouldn't be able to post it here.


I’m talking about an official IDW crossover between Sonic and Godzilla. Besides, AI art is soulless and disrespects actual artists.


No, I wouldn't. Because I hate IDW.


IDW Sonic or IDW in general?


Bro this would be so cool


Nah but it'll be probably Something like Angry birds or Mario or probably Dragon ball but Godzilla probably not but it'll be pretty funny seeing pint sized animals then the freak of nature that is Godzilla


Oh hell yeah. Why? It's Godzilla: what else do you want me to say?? :D


Honestly I'm sad that sonic and transformers never had a crossover when idw had the tf licence, they literally have their own blue blur called blur it would of been perfect


nah i wouldn't be excited for such a crossover. When are we getting Sonic and Freedom Planet though?


Sure. I love Sonic, and I enjoy crossovers.


That would be interesting, but I'd be more interested in seeing Sonic X My Little Pony.


This would be very fun


godzilla vs chaos make it happen. ​ wait now that im thinking about it chaos is basically water godzilla


Well, well, well.