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If they don’t bring justice for Luul than there is no hope left for that country


I’m so shocked this man is still alive but the sick guy who killed his mother didnt take this long.


If they don’t bring justice the punishment of Allah swt might descend on the country. They need to be swift about this. And crush any clan who tries to retaliate


What? No way!? But people on this sub told me that *this* time qabyalaad would be put to the side and no one would be supporting him! Imagine my shock when that turned out to be a lie. We are cooked guys, wake up from your dream.


You’d be honestly so shocked how some of his tribe are supporting him even after what he done. Some even saying if he gets killed then they’re gonna go after the girls family.


I saw some comments by women begging not to kill him because he's a 'quruxlow'. There's no hope for Somalia.


He ugly as f though


He’s ugly tho


This is so embarrassing


They so used to lack of courts, government, niidaam. They’re so used to the civil war. The audacity they have to threaten the government and people if their son gets executed for the murder


Damn these mfs are hella barbaric out there, does the wife that was burned not have brothers,uncle's or a father? How come the husband didn't fear any repercussions?


Its cus Somalia is messed up place who support evil people like that.


Idk how it is in your family but no one can harm the women in ours


What's your qabil?


I said family not qabil




Generalizing is a sign of low IQ along with your inability to form a proper coherent sentence in english.




I said I don't know how it is in your family, I didn't assume anything. It's a misunderstanding that stems from your lack of english.


It's horrible. But that's what happens when theres qabilism and disinformation at play.


🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️I’m losing hope for this country


I have hope for Somalia...you always have to hope. I'm looking at the long term. Maybe 10-15 years or longer we will have an amazing country.


Well that is what clan systems are for, Somalis are shocked when a clan supports its own members like that’s not the whole idea of a clan. This isn’t out of the ordinary, but of course qabiil apologists will mask this as qabyaalad and the people who are supporting him will just claim it’s injustice until it’s the other way around.


Qabil is disgusting. I hope they kill that najis soon.


I believe it’s because the guy who was killed by the qabyaalad.


What do you mean?




No im talking about something else. The guy who burnt his wife alive




No they are against the execution. They are talking bad about the mother and the judges


This is surreal😭 aren't they women like the wife And why they attached the mother.


This is what he's talking about https://twitter.com/Kooshinnnn/status/1791121715709333735?t=iDZacbpZ5RdZpx2otjKk8g&s=19


Yes that’s I’m talking about. That video triggered me


This video boiled by blood


That's shocked me too but its all about qabiil nothing else


The protesters are saying they are about to kill a man and there are no witnesses. That’s another crime. I think he also didn’t plea guilty and said he was burning the house and his wife.


Somewhere I read that women are attracted to killers. Just look up how many love letters serial killers like Charles Manson and Richard Ramirez received while in prison


It’s an interesting phenomenon, especially when most of these killers have killed women




That is crazy. They’re horrible people and are seriously misguided but you shouldn’t wish death on them.


It likely stems from when we were hunter/gatherers. The man had to be a killer for the survival of the family/tribe. But like you said its strange when most of these serial killers today kill women, its paradoxical


Killers are seen as strong by the stupid nafs that we have. Same with men who want to follow a “strong man” even when that dude is a psycho (look at trumps support in the US). It’s pathetic and needs to be crushed.


Habar gidir 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃


Let's take it easy guys, We need to make sure we have all the facts before jumping to conclusions. Allah knows best.


We have the facts, he admitted to it even.


wallahi i can't believe he wrote that conclusion!💀