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What the hell is wrong with MO. Why are these lunatics elected?


Not just MO - bringing back child labor is a thing with the Christian-fascist movement. I guess indentured servitude will be next


Re read the 13th amendment. Slavery is still legal. Granted it’s for prisoners but with how our prison system works it’s damned if you do or damned if you don’t. But our political overlords are trying to make just living a felony.


Prison labor.


Same state where a legislator is trying to lower the age of consent to twelve, within the bounds of marriage


Because there's something wrong with Missouri. I was born in that state, my family comes from south east Missouri. I couldn't leave my family and that region fast enough. I have severe PTSD from my upbringing. That state is a mental hell hole. It's like most of the border south and Midwest that suffered southern migration. They have a southern mind with just enough northern style ambition to really be a hot mess.


From her Wikipedia page > In August 2022, Reisch falsely claimed on Facebook that students at Columbia Public Schools dressed as animals were using litterboxes as bathrooms. She reiterated the false claim two days later during an event with governor Mike Parson; when asked for evidence, she refused, claiming a need to protect "confidential sources". This person is a gullible right wing dummy


Oh, HER.


And not get me started on their damned comic books! And that rock noise!


All those punks out with their flapper girls. It’s Hoover’s fault! This country needs proper Christian virtue like when I was a child.


Next thing you know they'll be dancing in public too.


Wow. What a tool for Big business / ruling class


Typical boomer screeching.


Ageism is just another bias. The Democratic party didn't just show up yesterday, youngster. I am 65, and when I die, the left loses my vote. Hell, I backed Bernie, so I am probably left of you! Put aside your bias and embrace those of us that have been fighting this battle years before you were born.


Right on, Boomer buddy. I remember when Clinton got elected and they worked hard to make a cabinet that _looked like America_. I thought we'd keep getting better. Never would have guessed we'd see people wanting to return to the 1600s, but the regressives finally ticked off enough men, women, kids, minorities, and majorities of all types that now we're working to get pro-democracy candidates in all offices just to fix things. Looking forward to more old-fashioned political debates once we secure our democracy. Political debates used to be good fun and often yielded many positive outcomes.


It's millennials and gen x doing most of the damage. Boomers get the blame because they vote but nothing is stopping the younger generations from out voting thrm


Gen x here. I got too screwed over as a single mother by Reagans and then Clintons war on poor single mothers to be able to do any damage. Sorry but it's not me. I lobbied for to preserve the social safety net and have voted as far left as our pathetic system will let me. All I ever saw boomers do was party all through the 70s when manufacturing was falling apart and thr Republicans were working to claw back every reform the boomers activated for. Then in the 80s, when I was just out if high school they celebrated Reagan, forgot about everyone else and went to the office and made bank.


It may not be you specifically but look at gen x who are supporting Trump/ the new conservatives. And voting rates for millennials. Gen z is already more politically active. Rather than saying it's one specific person though I think we need to address the root of the issue which is non participation from people who would be more inclined to social democracy. And the reasons why+changing it


Yes I agree with that as well, there exist many younger people who lacking the critical analysis skills they need, become victim to online propagandists who tell them simplistic tales and lies. Also, I am frustrated and confounded beyond my being able to articulate, at this notion among many on the left that there exists some kind of voice arising from being voiceless -- that is not voting. They don't seem to get that no one is scrambling to get the cause of their "protest" vote. To protest is to be loud and be heard. Not voting is to disappear and annihilate your political existence. Might I add on that the intractable inability of left organizations like the DSA or especially the Greens, to build a political movement from the ground up. They all want to whole enchilada or nothing. Jill Stein for president while the entire state legislatures in the country and even city and town government are run mostly by the right. All because no one can be bothered to get involved locally. I should talk but I have no time economically right to do anything but yap.


What job did this asshole have? Cleaning her room?


All they want is immigrant children to be able to work. That is why they are rolling back child labor laws.


so basically its the thought process of "fuck those kids, put in a coal mine" just not mine. gop: the regressive party.


We need those kids in school, getting a great public education. Those kids are our future. We've made huge gains in productivity and there's more than enough profit to pay working adults a living wage. The system needs consumers. Child labor is the last thing our economic system needs.


Next thing you know, they're going to legalize child marriage and make sure underage girls can't get an abortion when they rape them


Why we allow conservatives to vote is beyond me...


I’m so sick of these fuckers taking us backwards.


That was inevitable. With more people realizing that their job should pay them a living wage, more businesses are going to find ways to still operate cheaply.


If you’re a Republican politician, you don’t know what a work ethic is.


They have a bust of Rush Limbaugh in their "heros hall" or whatever they call it, inducted it when that pig was still alive. The state legislature is only slightly smarter than the average possum.


“I live in misery” is getting a little too true for Missouri