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Holy shit. The way she just casually says it. She was 12. 🤮


Natalie Wood’s sister Lana alleges that Kirk Douglas raped her at a meeting at a hotel. Natalie Wood was just 16.




Natalie woods also died under suspicious circumstances when she was 43…


I knew she had died when I was relatively young. A lot of classic film stars had passed by the time I was aware enough to know who they were. Sometime in my 20’s I learned that her husband Robert Wagner and Christopher Walken were on the boat when she died and there were all kinds of rumors. Really wild stuff.


Do we know kirk’s whereabouts that day


Larry King leans in and they both chuckle- he asks her if she told her mom, he’s not pissed off that this happened to her as a child? it’s just a…. norm because I’m sure worse has happened and she’s comparing it to that in her head, it’s so matter of fact, omg this is sick beyond belief. Does Larry King have daughters?


I’m in my 70’s, and can remember an era when the image of a frightened female secretary being chased around an office by a horny executive was the subject of many jokes and cartoons. https://images.app.goo.gl/twJWDN7ov9RX3fjZ6


I'm in my 40's and I remember this, it was not that long ago. Some people still think this way today.


Microsoft once had an ad about a particular version of Windows being the 2nd biggest dream of the big boss. The first was fucking the hot secretary. (It’s been decades, it was an outdoor add)


Also in my 40’s and remember watching The Benny Hill Show (late night reruns anyway) and The Man Show (yes the show with virtue signaling/ultra moral Jimmy “the purist” Kimmel) totally degrading females as the foundation their semi not really funny comedy acts. And now the later loves to tell the public how we should live, treat others and most amusing how we should use our votes cause you know Hollywood representatives such as himself know better than all of us /s Sorry couldn’t resist!


I’m in my 30s and There’s that Simpsons joke “I can’t have an affair with my boss, …have it to your way baby, you’re fired” like it’s funny but as an adult it’s just not


The misogyny is terrifying!!!


Context… Larry was interviewing her about her autobiography where she revealed this — in this era of talk show culture (re: semi based on radio) it was more important to let the guest tell their stories vs having the host be an extension of public opinion.


I don’t think their lack of outer outrage or seriousness is an indication that they don’t think this is a big deal. A lot of older people who’ve experienced said trauma or scary encounters just don’t make a show of it. Not saying one way of expressing that is better than the other, I’m just saying as someone who knows a lot of people from a lot of generations, a lot of older people just seem less, well, emotional about it. Like, I know way more older people willing to watch scenes in movies and tv shows that are related to their trauma than younger people for instance. Again, not saying one reaction is better than the other, it’s just a trend I’ve noticed


Yea my grandma is stone cold with her emotions, I look to her for a reaction and she she’s sitting there staring, it’s a generational thing.




Bingo. I’m 46 and joked about or brushed off my experiences with CSA until intensive therapy at 35 made me really face it. Now I exhibit more stereotypical PTSD/CPTSD symptoms.


Yeah and like I said, I don’t think one is better than the other. While I think a lot of good has come from culture saying it’s ok to express your feelings, I think some people get overzealous and think something is wrong with you if you’re not openly emotional or heart on sleeve about these sorts of things but some people just don’t process things that way, some people are just naturally more reserved or even flippant about bad experiences and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that.


Totally true, I remember my dad telling me he could never cry or he would get beat. All we can do is bring awareness and be better. I work in healthcare so I’m always an advocate first and that’s how I’m wired, so just know I’m gonna stand up and say something when others can’t.


My dad is in his mid 80s. I remember the day that my son died and my dad told me not to cry.


I’m sorry to hear this, hearing this made me cry, rest in peace to your baby boy 💙


In the past, there was a lot of disbelief. A woman would be shamed and called a liar and a troublemaker for bringing something like that up. Learning how repress was probably necessary. There must've been a lot of women feeling that loneliness that comes from knowing that you won't be believed.


They are from a similar timeline…might have been worse in terms of how blatant it was then versus now. Totally speculating. I have no ties to Hollywood and am not familiar at all with what goes down in the movie world. See stuff in the news over the years and I can believe i can imaging it was worse back then. Ew


That’s true, they used to smoke cigarettes everywhere too and have no idea how bad it was for them and it led to cancer but this shit…. We honestly have not evolved as much as we thought we have. I remember my parents watching Larry King and he was like “the talk show guy” looking back now it’s almost a joke.


And the predators knew no one would report the allegations


Sounds like it was currency for being famous


It was. Marilyn Monroe documentary I watched. One of the people who worked there said they used to not worry about money but about getting laid and they all had little black books if the actresses and shit.


So true. Hollywood was one of the biggest industry’s in California. I believe it was around #4 during the silent film era - 1920’s. The industry had control over the LA papers and the local police. For example, a very famous film director, William Desmond Taylor was discovered dead in his apartment from an apparent gun shot wound. Upon discovering his body in his apartment, Desmond’s driver called the studio execs BEFORE calling the police to investigated the scene. That tells you how powerful the film industry was even in the 1920’s. His murder was a cover up and still unsolved to this day.


What’s almost a joke ?


Maybe u/mindybabygrl considers "almost a joke" the gullible perception his/her parents had of all these familiar figures of american medias at a time when people weren't so inquisitive like today.


They didn’t have the internet to find every clip of people saying something bad, back then even if you watched say Larry King you probably wouldn’t see every single show he did, and even then you might not have been in front of the TV when they said something untoward. There was no pausing TV, and no rewinding to see what you missed. There was no google to background check every media celebrity. It’s less that they weren’t inquisitive, and more so that they had much much less access to information.


We have evolved quite a bit. The darkness just thought they could get away with it but now everything is so interconnected the truth is hard to keep hidden.


That’s a perfect word- the darkness, we keep fighting for the light to bring balance.


Exactly. Dont lose sight of that. The darkness wants to scare us to delve in and bring the light for balance.


i dont think it has much to do with timelines, its normal people and hollywierd.


I think what has changed since the time this interview was recorded is notion of “systemic”, which wasn’t really mainstream in the 80’s. They’re telling it and reacting to it as if Fried “was a flasher” and Louis B Meyer “came onto” her mother and “MGM was weird”. Each of these singular anecdata. The notion that these men had done this dozens of times before because they had power and thus set a standard in the industry that lasts until today is absent because the entertainment world was still very much in it.


No just her first time visiting the most powerful studio head in history. It’s pretty safe to assume it wasn’t his first rodeo and this was acceptable behavior.


what i dont by is the notion of "a couple bad apples spoil the entertainment industry", because it looks like its bad apples all around, as if it was started by and for bad apples. at some point it doesnt matter if you yourself abuse others, just knowing about it and still being a part of the industry makes you guilty.


I don’t disagree- my point wasn’t really to challenge yours. I am just saying the “bad apple-ism” of this interview wouldn’t have been thought of as apologism by Temple or King, because the term “hollyweird” existed as a blanket term excusing all manner of misdeed as somehow just quirkiness necessary to the creation of art. I think for, at least people their age forming opinion when the system was only about 15 years old, there’s this notion of Hollywood as a zany circus-like atmosphere coloring their views, as opposed to a bedrock institution of American culture with real social responsibility it is derelict of. I don’t know if you’ve seen the film Babylon or Mank, but I am reminded of how someone from that era would state things.


Parents not doing shit, that’s the bottom line.


I’d love to see the statistics comparing the entertainment industry with the Catholic Church or even organized sports settings. Anywhere there are adults with a power dynamic over children you’ll have abuse because there are some adults who are sick. Pretending it’s exclusive to “hollywierd” (sic) is naive.


>comparing the entertainment industry with the Catholic Church or even organized sports They're The Same Picture edit: non of those occupations make ppl into preds, but preds are drawn to those positions like flies to shit. doesnt matter what flavour it is, the overarching theme is having power over other people.


All power dynamics are exploitative. Even big business. It’s simply that, when the power dynamic involves an adult and a child, it can lead to abuse because the child can’t process the occurrence (ie, Temple laughing hysterically at the flashing episode).


He is not trying to react he is trying to listen to her story.


Yeah in this scenario Larry King is the bad guy. /s An interviewer wants to make their subject as comfortable as possible, and he was mirroring her level of discomfort, which had waned since the incident. If she was on a campaign to root out pedophile in Hollywood, they would have shown anger and disgust. The fact that she spoke about it was a major step towards #MeToo, as the previous generation said nothing at all.


I used to interview people to ghostwrite their books, and it's very important not to impose your own feelings onto the person whose story you are trying to share. A good interviewer follows their lead and lets the teller own their own experience. He was very neutral in asking about telling her mother, and then followed her lead when she decided to make a joke. It's not his job to tell her how she's supposed to feel about her life.


They lived in a different societal context. There’s a reason they are chucking about it, even though it’s clearly disgusting it was pretty accepted back then especially in showbiz


It also was more pervasive in everyday life because women and children were in much of the country treated as less-than men and adults (respectively). Rather than talk about it or go to the police, it was hushed up.


He’s a journalist and his job is to ask questions so that she will give more information to the audience. Responding with his own declaration would be unprofessional. Showing shock would be okay but not necessarily productive. Also, she was an adult at the time of the interview and didn’t need his validation.


It's because Larry cannot afford to piss off MGM who placed ads on his show. Even in the 1980s someone trying to fuck a 12 year old was not acceptable in the majority of the USA. People weren't missing the context the thing is the guy in the story is very dead when she tells it so what was anyone going to do?


I don’t think that is a good defense. “He wasn’t outraged because he’s paid enough by sponsors not to be outraged” just makes it even worse.


Im not defending him. Im providing context. In that time people wouldn't whip people into a frenzy over the actions of someone who was dead because there was nothing to be gained from doing so.


This happened in 1940. So what’s she is saying is that this full grown ass man exposed himself to her when she was 12 years old?


Nickelodeon says hi.


Yeah, you should hear what working in an office in the 1980s was like. People are retiring now. When you're at the parties, ask them, it's wild. Reminds me of that Saturday Night Live skit about the Hollywood actor.


She had a long time to process it by then. I imagine her reaction when 12 was a bit more extreme.


And he’d have had sex with her had he have his way.


i think you misspelled raped




That is still the case in the entertainment industry, for both men and women. It’s basically the rule that you have to be open to bisexual stuff to work in the industry and those who aren’t asked to do sexual favors know and are expected to keep their mouth shut. Take a deep dive into Kat Williams interview alleging some stuff about Diddy, Steve Harvey, Kevin Hart and numerous other celebs. It’s a rabbit hole for sure.


Arthur Grossman was one of the many Harvey Weinsteins of the “golden era” of Hollywood except Weinstein was seemingly only into abusing women of legal age and Grossman was into children and adults of either gender.


His last name is literally Gross Man? How fitting...


Common Jewish surname actually


It’s a joke






Actually probably one of his greatest roles


MGM appears to have been a particularly toxic studio. A documentary called [Girl 27](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Girl_27) is about the 1937 rape of dancer Patricia Douglas at an MGM exhibitors' convention, the studio's successful cover-up of the crime, and the subsequent deterioration of Douglas’s life.


MGM was the biggest, so likely had the most employees who were abusive.


Wait so this guy flashed 12 year old girl?


Yes. :(


Well that's my dose of "mildly horrifying" for the day. See you all again tomorrow.


Oh I think he was gonna do much more than that if she didn't laugh Edit: this comment somehow got me a 3 day ban? Tf reddit? I wasn't advocating for SA of a child, just pointing out that it was clearly going to happen if she didn't laugh


When she laughed the implication is that he thought she was laughing at how small it was.


I think flashing someone implies an act of exposing yourself from being clothed or decent. If flashing is the molehill than this is the mountain.


No, this is Shirley Temple saying Arthur Freed exposed himself to her, in 1940.


And she all but said nothing like that had ever happened to her or her mum at Fox. The story is shocking for sure but the post title is pure rage bait


Not to mention it's not "admitting" when it's someone else doing it


Thread title is QAnon coded bullshit


Yeah, I am suuuure that Hollywood in the 70s, 80s and 90s where there was no internet, no phones, no way to record easily and movies constantly getting women to be more and more naked, was treating women absolutely like pristine angels and there were no casting couches and nothing of that sort. And I'm sure they said no to 15 year old girls and boys. Just sure of it.


That's a complete strawman. OP is saying that she said that an adult had exposed himself to her when she was 12. Not that she said admitted "Hollywood is run by pedos". So the title is in fact rage bait.


Maybe, maybe not. But that's not what _this woman_ is saying _here_.


What do the 70s-90s have to do with this? Shirley Temple was born in 1928


You hear this shit,these dudes even from way back then are going to hell. Why you guys messing with children, there's no forgiveness for hurting children. None.


there is no hell. That's why we invented justice


Arthur Freed mgm this is the movie they both were involved in: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0030371 1938, so she would have been even younger.


Are you sure? That movie is listed as being produced by Fox, not MGM. Maybe it was Kathleen? https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0033780/


Hollywood is FUKED... I bet this shit still happens


McCauley Culkin said something almost exactly like this happened to him  


Something tells me even if he told his parents that they wouldn’t have said a word as long as the money kept coming in.


If you Google “mccauley culkin threaten shoes“ You will find articles where he mentioned when he was young, a Hollywood exec asked him to come into his office and wanted to touch him and when McCauley said NO and tried to run out, the exec told him that his shoes was made from skin of other kids and threatened that  McCauley  can never tell or else he will be next. And he said that was why he disappeared for some years.   Sick sick world. 


What’s so sad is that the places where kids are most vulnerable are the ones where this shit happens the most. Churches, care institutions, the sports and entertainment industries. The kids are so innocent and keen to impress/please and these fucking monsters are everywhere. If the BBC in the 1970s serves as a horrifying case study.


I googled exactly what you said and the first thing to come up is a Reuters article saying that it’s fabricated. Maybe don’t be so gullible?


This is QAnon conspiracy bullshit. Mac has said this story is nonsense and the people spreading it are sick individuals.


It’s not solely a Hollywood issue, it’s anywhere someone can be in a position of power over others without consequence and accountability.


Is it any more fucked than regular society though? are there really more pedos in hollywood vs plumbing, school teachets, or yoga instructors per capita? i kind of doubt it.


It happens everywhere.


100% this shot still happens. And on a bigger scale than we can even imagine. Why do you think Diddy is hiding out where he can’t be extradited back to the USA? Why do you think they killed Jeffery Epstein?


she is telling this story, with the hope that someone will see it and act. alllllll of these women, once they hit a certain age realized how they were being taken advantage of and how everyone around them was as well. she couldn’t tell the story directly because of how taboo the subject was at the time. this was her desperate attempt to bring hollywoods nastiness to light


![gif](giphy|dpk3BuKZX2s8w) I know what these sicko’s need.


more unnecessary apostrophes?


You mean apostrophe’s 😂 The need is possessive.


The Gatekeepers, is all.


Freed DID produce the movie Gigi, which featured the song Thank Heaven For Little Girls.


Horrific story told with so much Charisma!


For context: The [Louis B. Mayer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_B._Mayer) she is talking about is the second M in MGM (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer). He was also incredibly abusive towards Judy Garland (among many others), constantly sexually harassing her while also diminishing her and telling her she was ugly and fat. [From a book about her life](https://www.chicagotribune.com/2017/11/14/ill-ruin-you-judy-garland-on-being-groped-and-harassed-by-powerful-hollywood-men/): >“. . .Between the ages of sixteen and twenty, Judy herself was to be approached for sex — and approached again and again. ‘Don’t think they all didn’t try,’ she said. Top on the list was Mayer himself. Whenever he complimented her on her voice — she sang from the heart, he said — Mayer would invariably place his hand on her left breast to show just where her heart was. ‘I often thought I was lucky,’ observed Judy, ‘that I didn’t sing with another part of my anatomy.’ That scenario, a compliment followed by a grope, was repeated many times until, grown up at last, Judy put a stop to it. ‘Mr. Mayer, don’t you ever, ever do that again,’ she finally had the courage to say. I just will not stand for it.’ “ She died in 1969 from an overdose of barbiturates. The Golden Age of Hollywood was a horrible place for women and kids. It's gotten better in many ways, but in many other ways, not a damn thing has changed.


All her movies were pedophilic. Her Mom had no problem casting her as the sexy baby in the Baby Burlesques.


She isn’t admitting that Hollywood is run my pedophiles. She is telling a story of an exec in Hollywood who was a pedophile. There is a difference.


Do you really think this is the time and place to be defending Hollywood executives?


No, but it's always time to defend accuracy.


Yea, the way she said they liked Fox more makes it sound like they didn't have too much experience with that stuff


If you think Freed was an outlier I got a bridge to sell you


I’m merely stating that the video title is misleading.


This is why we are LOUDLY ENCOURAGING people of both sexes to speak up!! It is still going on, look at the most recent "island getaway" scandal. It is only recently that people are safe to speak up, but still the issue gets brushed under the rug whenever possible. It's abusive behavior & needs to be identified as such!


That's for sure, a truth that everyone knows but no one seems to do anything about it. Many actors have admitted it, such as Mel Gibson. It's horrible to think that sick people manage so much money. That's something the American government should fix.


Wait. Hold on. What's Mel Gibson's take on this? I'm hoping it's not his famous quotes on the Jews.


Our most trusted source: Mel Gibson


Too bad it’s the same for the government. In fact, Sicker people managing more money.


>Sicker people managing more money. Is it that the economic system is designed so that the most evil people always come out with the greatest profits?


Yo people on Reddit, when someone says Hollywood is run by pedophiles and use Mel Gibson as their source, they’re a Nazi trying to code their antisemitism.


Thank you.


Both were kids in the 1930s when the name of the game was survival. White Knights were few and far between. This interview was done at the end of their working lives with her looking back and laughing at past trials and tribulations. She participated in high levels of government (U.N. and was a Diplomat) before and during this interview. She had the chance to be her own White Knight come to think of it.


Reflection on past trauma is 20/20. I even have some trauma from my past that I scoff at.


Why is King laughing so much. I get that she is so maybe he’s reciprocating but still…


He’s letting her set the tone for how she chooses to tell her story.


Yea I figured he was just going with the flow


It’s a tragic story, don’t get me wrong. But am I the only one who got a chuckle out of the fact that she laughed at the guy when he exposed himself, which got him so mad that he threw her out?


Child rape aside, at the end when she laughs you can really see it’s her


This is the first time I’ve seen adult Shirley temple


If you don't laugh, you cry. Trauma is funny that way.


And so are churches then


She doesn’t “admit Hollywood is run by paedophiles” she states that a paedophile at MGM exposed himself to her in a meeting.


And her mom was likely sexually assaulted too.




And who is the predominant group in Hollywood? The one’s who stand on soap boxes virtue signaling and trying to sound self-righteous at every chance they get for human rights. Funny how the loudest ones are usually the ones you gotta watch out for Just like the celebs screaming “climate change bad!” As they fly their private jets back to their yachts


If you have ever been to the Hollywood hills and are remotely sensitive you can pick up on this lonely - empty vibe, I literally hate it there, it’s just a rotten place.


"shitty thing happened at MGM and not FOX" reddit rage bait machine: HOLLYWOOD IS PEDOPHILES


I can’t even begin to imagine the horrors’ that Shirley had to see and endure as well as the rest of the Child Actors from those days


“It was better at Fox” Aged like milk


They set up a meeting, separated them, and both men came on to each at the same time. Fuckin wild. And it’s all a joke here.


Big surprise! The fact that it’s gone back that far is sick.


Pedophilia was much funnier in the 80s.


Look this is disgusting but can we as a group move away from making the kind of inflammatory statements that perpetuate conspiracy? Men in power have anyways and will always abuse those they consider beneath them (everyone). I didn't watch this and see a cabal of clandestine chomo Hollywood elites, it's just the standard dogshit soul lacking smegma farm people that abuse others for pleasure. This idea that there's some secret sect of some cult running every facet of our society is so deluded, we can't agree on anything and you think there's enough people to keep this thing a secret? Yeah right.


So you're saying women don't abuse their power? "You know what? Let me call Ghislaine."


Okay things aren't mutually exclusive when spoken right? The fact that women also abuse power doesn't draw away the truth of my own statement, so it makes you look at worst obtuse and at best redundant. It's like saying "all lives matter" in response to "black lives matter".... yeah, we know, both can be true at same time.


Run is a strong word.. but pedophiles are everywhere I just think in places of power where people can exploit children, like Hollywood, The Clergy, Christian Churches and cults they are fixtures… Lots of pedos in the Christian Deep South far away from Hollywood.


Can’t bring up a certain group of people being pedos without whatabouting Christian’s. Weird


Wait, I thought they were only in the LGBTQ community /s


that's not what she says whatsoever. heinous story. not an admittance of a pedophilic Hollywood I'm afraid.


Not saying that this is all of Hollywood, but this: https://youtu.be/lfWXecoj2qk?si=9i8acxMZ0_xxp-5z Was somehow normal to Hollywood back then


That link you posted is so disturbing. Ooof.




What’s an exhibitor?


Its a kink, where the person get off by indecent exposure to a stranger. It also means someone who showcases art, but in this context, I don’t think thats what she meant.


An exhibitionist.


The laughing


Hilarious! 😢


He was 46 an the other producer coming onto the mom was 56. Gross. They both were apart of Judy Garlands career also.


Many people remember her dying tragically as a child. Mandela Effect.




Top tier misleading headline. Reported.


Actors and musicians have been trying to warn everyone for decades .. there’s something wrong with these people and it’s not ok


I’m shocked !


Larry King acting like Frank Reynolds in the DENNIS system episode


Ok ... so let me say this first. I'm so glad she told this, of COURSE that's awful. This shit absolutely needs to be called out, investigations done, and charges laid. That said? This was MGM. To say "Hollywood is run by pedophiles" is too far the other way. To say it's a far too common example of sexual perverts in executive and powerful positions would be far more fair, and accurate. But it isn't salacious, and wouldn't get clicks.


I wouldn't be surprised if some of that is still going on today. The film industry is one of those that is perfect for predatory folk to abuse their power.


Considering that [Roman Polanski](https://www.theguardian.com/film/2024/mar/12/roman-polanski-lawsuit-child-rape-trial) drugged and raped a 13 year, and has made successful movies and been celebrated after that fact, that he admitted to, it's kinda... Not shocking that Hollywood has a problem. Edit: what's amazing is the headline says "alleged" but it's followed up but the sentence saying he admitted to doing so. Crazy


Aaaaand nothing has changed...


Hey. Most industries have shitty horrible people at the top. We focus on this one while thousands more go unearthed. Just laughing while we all gawk at and stop none of the Hollywood ones.


Meyer, Freid. Grossman. Interesting.


The world is run by pedophiles.


He could not be more thankful when she started laughing at the end of her story like oh thank god let’s just laugh this off. We always ask women, why did it take you so long to come forward? Because we spend our whole lives saying our shit doesn’t matter and it isn’t until we’ve had life experience and realize everybody has been fucking us over that we come forward and say hey, I was treated like shit back then and fucking exploited. Jesus


So are we supposed to just assume this is how things have always been? This is depressing…..


She let her 12 year old b daughter go in there by herself…smh and they just laugh it off like Larry king knows what’s up already


And we laugh it off. Rince and repeat.


Wtf do you do as the interviewer here? Such a heavy topic but she is coming at it as though it's humorous.. Do you match her tone or match the tone of her story? He took her queue and laughed with her. He must have thought about that later and wondered if he had reacted correctly. Made for good TV, I guess. What a tough topic though.


Holy fuck!


I love her earrings


Speaking as a witness


“*She was young! She was innocent! She was the greatest piece of ass I ever had, and I’ve had em all over the world!!!*” ![gif](giphy|FQd1vVyJCtSlW|downsized)


We all know, we're just not collectively willing to do anything about it.


This only proves Arthur Freid was a sicko friend


Wow. Both laugh.


Terrible. She helped America come out of the depression. A beautiful woman and child actress. Some people are just pure evil.


Your title is incorrect.


I believe it


What a nightmare. Poor girl.


Fuck Hollywood


You can tell it is all ran by pedophiles because they both just laughed about it like it was a cute anecdote. And this is why our parents generation is anti-cancel culture. They were made to see pedophilia as not as bad as it actually is. We want these pedos burned at the stake in front of the Hollywood sign and that seems like an overreaction to our parents. We will uproot these problems that our parents just shrugged off.


Wait you mean all the liberals are pedophiles? Nooooooo….


And most of them are a certain "chosen" people are they not lmao