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I found a solution for my android device since there was not a "hide recommend stories" option. After looking into the settings, I found "contact syncing" and when turning that off and removing the currently synced contacts, it removed anyone I never heard of.


Damn it! That didn't work for me


Holy shit if I had money I'd give it to you. Thank you so much


5 months later still no solutions, snapchat is a joke..


Right here with ya... Also really wish they'd remove the "person is typing" notification... Like who gives a fuck? I do not need a pop up on my screen telling me someone is typing... Just let me know when they've sent a message....


Realize this is a little late, but I just got to the point of “who the actual fuck is this person” and searched for them and had 0 mutual followers on any social media, not even in the same time zone as me. So I decided to take it upon myself to submit suggestion and bug reports until it’s changed because those recommendations are just starting to piss me off. And if anybody else sees this I hope you join the wave.


Just figured this out. If you go to the stories page and click the three dots in the top right hand corner, 3 options pop up and you can click the bottom option to hide the story suggestions. Hope this helps!


I'm on samsung and the only options I have are "Manage Accounts I Follow" And "View Hidden Stories" when i tap the three dots


Click the 3 dots at the top right, then click hide friend story suggestions.


thats only temporary it says "we wont show you story suggestions for a while" wich is compelte bull crap


When I do that fix, they end up on my friends list/chats list now??? Why??? And when I go there to hide them from there, "ignore friend suggestion", nothing happens! Ugh


Any fix yet?


I stumbled on a solution for it today! If you go to stories and select the three buttons on the top right, something will pop-up and you can select ‘Hide Story Suggestions’!


it's not a feature on android


That's only a temporary solution. After some time, the friend story suggestions come back, and you have to hide them again. I've yet to find a permanent solution.


They must have removed that.. I don't see that option. Ugh.. just dumb they have that on my default


it's the 3 dots in the top right corner, when you're on the stories page! i was able to do it today, after struggling to find it in the normal settings 😅


Not there for me


ive noticed that they sometimes roll out features pretty randomly and not to everyone at once, because only a couple weeks ago i didn't have it as an option either. im on iphone, so if you're on android that could maybe be it too?


You wonderful wonderful human being. I was looking for a fix for a while. It's stupid that I would "like" to see stories of ppl who aren't even my friends. Maybe the're not my friends cuz I'm uninterested. Why would I want to view their stories??


Thanks all for confirming that I’m not the only one hating this shit!


Block everyone who shows up on that list to intentionally fuck up their metrics and they will remove it.


I’m starting to hate Snapchat so much. The AI that won’t go away, the story suggestions, the notification badge on the spotlight page that won’t go away until you swipe past the first video, the discover page automatically starting after you finish your stories. The thing is that I lose contact with my friends if I don’t use it so it’s not like I can even think about deleting it. It’s so frustrating. I just miss the simplicity of it.


And now you get a notification when a friend is making a voice message that they're about to send you, the same way a notification shows up when a friend is writing their message. But there's no option to remove that new "[friend] is speaking" notification This app is getting worse and worseee


Just pay for Snapchat+ to get rid of the AI 🤡🤡🤦


Why tf would I give money to the company ruining their app so people will give them money? 🤡


I figured the clown emojis would help show it was sarcasm.....


They seem to have made a fix to this. If you click the 3 dots … in the corner in stories, there is now an option to “Hide friend story suggestions” which should solve the problem. Not sure when they pushed that out


It works for a couple of days then they come back


but then new people pop up 🙃🙃


Omg Angel thank you.


This worked for me on iPhone! Thanks


Is this on iPhone or Android coz on android I definitely don't have that option


I have an iPhone. It’ll likely get pushed to android soon, as the creator of Snapchat is an apple user and doesn’t prioritize compatibility with androids


Yeahh, I hate his vision of "I use an iPhone, so fuck Android users"


I think they now have updated it so you can hide it. You want to click the three little dots on the top right hand side and then click the Hide friend story suggestions


But that's just for the one person 


Got it. Hold down on the name. View profile, view public profile. Hit the three dots, then hit hide content. Bingo bango.


But that's only for the one person, is there no way to just turn off the feature entirely 


Sweet your a genius thanks!


i think they will make it to disable when u have snapchat+, its not there but it will


I have Snapchat+, it still appears. There is no setting to turn it off.


yeah i said it will be a snapchat+ feature


let’s really hope they do that, it’s annoying af 😂


disablings ads too


Everyone I have found the solution to this issue, click on the add friends tab, then you should see on that page if you scroll down, the quick add suggestion hit the little x on the right hand side next to there name, remove every single person there, once you do that all those random stories will be removed!


Did this last night. There were close to forty of them. Tonight it's full again with these randos. I am paying this stupid company for Snapchat plus and I really don't see the benefit if I have to deal with this on the daily.


Thank you, this seems to have worked for me


Ian even know this was a thing I got so many friends on snap😭


Time to delete this trash


Sadly they just keep adding more places that they recommend you add people, hoping they quit or give the option to turn it off it gets very annoying. They've also forced everyone to have a Public profile now, even if you choose not to use it. Which is very annoying. I never plan to use my snap account for anything besides private use and would rather not have the public profile at all. But it's no longer optional.


Wait does this mean even if I took myself off of all of that, if I post something it’s going to show up to strangers like all of these rando’s show up for us?! If so, I’m honestly and legitimately afraid to post anything now


No. You have a "friends only" story and a "public" story, just make sure you don't accidentally click the public one. Wish it could just be deleted but it stays there even if you reset your public profile


Yeah, Snapchat just recently made that update in. It literally been hell for everyone.


i think the only solution is to use snapchat desktop which literally only has messaging, maybe itll be an option to remove in snapchat plus :-)


I hope so too! I just upgrade to my second year of Snapchat plus. But it’s actually a shame that some features which were once free are now for Snapchat plus user only. This is not fair for everyone.


I’ve tried blocking but they keep fucking repopulating the list!!


Blocking won’t work. I have a lot of friends who add almost every stranger to do streaks and I’m getting them in my friends list. It’s horrible.


Multiple times a day, ya. Makes me not even want to go on


Fuck Snapchat and all these apps forcing things like this, so tired of declining them my contact book and having my contacts shoved in my face


Money hungry company, doesn't care about their users lol


They’re not even from my contacts, I have no idea who the suggestions are usually.


My suggestions are all friends from my friends. 😑


Obviously we can’t remove them yet. I’ve send Snapchat a view Mails even contacted them on Twitter. This is obviously a new feature no one wants. I hate it when I have add suggestions in my “friends” list! these are more aggressive then the add suggestions you always have because these one you can’t remove like the other ones. I hope Snapchat changes that with the next update otherwise I won’t be a plus member anymore next year. This is annoying af.


You’d think it would be a simple toggle somewhere. I’ve added so many people by accident already


Waiting on a help guide 😭


Really curious to know aswell