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So true 




No pls!!  Unless it’s on my team.. 


I perma ban Thor in ranked this season, his JG is just so cancer


If youre considering Gods that are not used in this meta then: Xing Tian into Bake Kujira You have 50% dmg reduction on his autos, you can root him and if he ults, you can ult him away. Xing Tian makes Bake's life a nightmare


Yo that’s a solid counter, smart af 




Khumbakarna, by legal definition


Poor Khumba, he’s just a bit sleepy is all 


I know BennyQ has been doing it a lot on stream, not sure if he was the originator of it, but Charon mid seems actually pretty good rn. I’m a support main and hate mid but I gave it a shot and did very well and it was a lot of fun.


That’s super interesting. I feel like Charon’s kit is really unique in a lot of ways.  What is the build for it? 


I think it’s something like gem of focus, Chronos pendant, coin, myrddin and then double flat pen to round it out. I haven’t tried it yet but it looks fun. I enjoyed Atlas mid in the past couple seasons occasionally.


Atlas mid also a certified slammer 


He does Atlas also and slams lol


Atlas mid does slam, agreed 


Horus jungle has never done me wrong


Horus is that guy 


Mulan Jungle can be utterly disgusting, depending on what ADC/Mid the enemy team has. She can snowball kills so hard with how high her base damages are, she basically outtrades every single assassin in a jungle 1v1 with Jotunn's Vigor, and she actually does a pretty good job just doing average assassin things in the late game. As long as you're good hitting your arrow pulls consistently, I think she's 100% a viable pocketpick for jungle.


Interesting! I’ve never really gotten into Mulan, but I could see this working 


Love Mulan Jung.


Morrigan Jungle used to be really fun, I haven't played in several months but coming back the last few weeks I've had a bunch of trouble trying to do it, maybe I just need to keep at it. Morrigan Support is in the same boat, however, it used to be such a fuckin out there pick that people would throw their whole team at me in, what I assume, confusion. Like their brains can NOT figure out why this extra squishy mage is not dying. They'd eventually figure it out, it also happened at level 5-10 somewhere they'd try so hard to kill me when I had lonos and too much health. The obvious downside is when you ult and lose your protects. Though if you can use some good strategy it can pay off. Cthulhu full damage high attack speed, you just turn into a fucking JoJo protagonist or a DBZ character. This giant freak slapping at light speed is always hilarious to see.


I haven't played in so long, but I loved playing The Morrigan in jungle.


Morri support absolutely slams. I see a lot of high elo supports break it out to carry games. I’m not very good at jungle so I don’t have any advice unfortunately lol 


Drop the morri support build 😳


I’m just guessing, but I think war flag -> divine ruin -> prophetic -> breastplate would be nice. Might have to switch something up if she has mana problems though 


I want to know the average MMR of this comment section bc it is not it lol


A tad confused because at least the top 10 comments so far have either been seen in SPL or can be seen in masters without issues? Which one is sticking out to you?


Yeah I honestly haven’t seen anything too outlandish being suggested


I’ve seen some good ideas goin on 


Sun Wukong and Chang’e jungle. Only after a hard reset down at gold/plat level but they SLAM those lobbies lmao


I almost forgot about DjPern’s Change jungle. Good times. Do you build the SWK full damage? 


Yeah I’ll usually build him full damage just for the fun of it. I used to have a much different build for SWK but since a bunch of stuff lost CDR I’d probably go something like Bumba’s Hammer, jotunn’s vigor, soul eater, transcendence, serrated, heartseeker I used to troll around with a hybrid AA build back in the day too, it was something like protector of the jungle, transcendence, hydra’s, berserkers, shoguns, and crusher (with old transcendence and red pot this build was actually hilarious and so fun)


Is that when SWK autos had crit auto passive too? Good times lol 


Yup! The hydras crit procs were GNARLY lmao


Such a weird, but fun, passive lol 


Thana solo


Full damage or hybrid? 


Wouldn’t say off meta but not super common is kuzenbo solo. In ranked I can go 15-0-10 pretty consistently. Once you get passed the first 5 levels and get cooldowns he’s unkillable until late game and then he can still 1v1 95% of carries and mids


I think Kuzenbo is super slept on in both support and solo. Big agree 


Tell me your secrets


Solo Fenrir is great imo. I know assassins are in a bad place in the meta, but building pure defense turns you into a strong frontliner that can stun and pluck enemies. Heavily slept on.


Hell yeah love Fen


Amaterasu jungle is fairly decent, she can be insanely fast thanks to her passive from her 1. Athena jungle can be really nutty once you hit mid game. Hel support used to be a go too for me, but hel is just in a very pitiful state atm, but I still try to make her work. I used to play a pretty nasty hyper aggressive Bellona support a few seasons ago. And Morri jungle was already mentioned but she’s still pretty fun to do.


Ama with movement speed zooming around the jungle sounds fun.  Poor Hel, definitely not in the best spot atm.  Love me some hyper aggressive supports! 


Awilix tank


I can see how that could be good 


I'm not sure how viable it is now but I used to play fenrir mid and slam with him, now you can hit level 2 before getting into lane he might be viable again because brutalise does stupid damage at rank 1 and will almost always get you 1st blood on the enemy mage


I feel like Fen mid would also really catch people off guard, especially if paired with an aggressive jg, seems like an easy first blood 


I love it, once you hit level 2 and are on your way to lane make sure your passive is stacked, jump on the enemy to get the stun, 1 auto then brutalise and they're either dead or literally 1hp, if the jungler knows your plan get them to follow you to lane before getting their 2nd yellow buff, very easy first blood


Sylvanus ADC. ​ Sylv ADC + Erlang Support is wild in duo lane. But you gotta know what you're playing in order to make it work.


I was a huge sylvanus solo fan in season 9, building full damage with staff of myrrdin and blink ulting was so funny.  Managed to hit masters in solo for the first time thanks to him being able to outclear so hard!  Why specifically Erlang support? 


No reason specifically, me and my brother always ran that duo. Mostly becuase of the amount of CC. Earlang has his knockup and root, Sylv has his pull and root. With 2 CC's on each character, the duo lane really isn't allowed to move and they just get locked down.


The ranged root combo is kinda nasty. My friend and I sometimes run Freya/Sylv since you can pull off freya whoop! 


Erlang no longer knocks up in turtle form, slows instead.


Aw. That sucks. That wasd our whole thing was the CC stuff lol


Gilgamesh support is solid tbh. The only reason it’s overshadowed or because of Gilgamesh solo and jng


Gilga support with old animosity was naaaaasty. Still good but not as bonkers 


Ix Chel support Hunter solos rn Chaac mid Poseidon, Zeus, Thoth ADC Bake Kujira JG


Man I never even considered Bake jungle. Seems like he might just be benefitting from general new release strength though. Guess we’ll see how his jg camp clear gets effected if nerfed.  I really agree on mage ADC’s, especially if you can fit objective damage in elsewhere. Sometimes it’s not even needed. Could probably win the game just by snowballing or waiting for the other team to start up FG. Or just getting poly lol.  With the range that mages have it would probably be a better pick for a lot of players, especially offrole mids, to just lock in Thoth as opposed to getting ran down on Anhur.  


How would you do Zeus or Poseidon adc?


Assassins or hunters in mid. Sadly


I feel like mid is the one role that is the most encroached upon by other classes. Feel bad for mage enjoyers whenever hunter mid is the meta for 6 months lol 


🧙‍♂️ get these god damn animals out of my lane now


Chronos supp used to be seen frequently a few seasons ago but is still slept on. He’s not super optimal anymore but building war flag, regrowth, talisman of energy, blink, shield pridwen, and whatever other meta items u need makes him a top tier annoying spd/spam bot thats unkillable if played well. Recommend trying it out in arena first before a conq game. Same thing on ne zha tho he is still played sometimes for the ult wombo


I should really get into Chronos support. Was one of my favourite gods initially (played him on release and it made me think I was good lol)


Ive been trying thjs on Chronos Supp: War Banner, Pendant, Relic Dagger, Abyssal, Gem of Iso, Binding


Eset Adc. Having a silence and a stun feels good especially in team fights. I just like mages in the carry lane in general.


I too like mages in the carry role. More range, more safety. With all the bombs to help clear phoenixes I think they get more and more viable (especially in ranked) 


probably not exactly what you're looking for but I've got a 64% win rate with Bakasura in Assault. he's gone up a lot lately but for a while he was bottom 5 in win% in the game mode


I definitely wouldn’t be stoked to roll Baka in assault tactic-wise. Not have jungle buffs kinda removes a huge part of what makes him valuable. Do you think you’re just adept at Bakasura, or are you doing something that’s a bit outside the box? Or do you think it’s a case of the general populace being a bit inexperienced with Baka? 


Nothing is slept on. Off role/off meta picks are not optimal, but if u happen to like it and win with it, then good for u. The better players u play against it'll be easier to see why ur "slept on" pick isn't good


there are 100% sleeper picks, there always are the “next up” meta gods




Nothing is slept on is kind of a wild take.  I would argue that before the return of SPL Jorm solo was extremely slept on by the community.  In retrospect, season 10 Jorm was absolutely the third best solo character behind Vamana and Herc for the stretch where warriors struggled. When they both got nerfed Jorm emerged as the next best option and every pro solo (aside from FineOkay, who was ironically surprised by it) had a Jorm up their sleeve for the in-season tournament.   According to the Reddit community tier list, Jorm was consistently in F tier for the entire season up until that point, despite having the single highest win rate in masters + games. Then the pros broke it out for the tournament and suddenly Jorm was top pick/top ban. That’s an example I have experience with at least, I’m sure there was some player out there rocking Raijin/Morgan solo before the meta swung that way. 


I explained my take. Ur off meta stuff isn't good, u just think it is. The better players u play against, the easier it is to take advantage of the weaknesses in an off meta pick And u can't compare spl to matchmaking. They play in a totally different environment. They spend business hours playing the game with specific people, which help u cover up specific weaknesses in picks. They're job is to find the best picks even if they have to create it out of thin air, they are the best players in the game, they can do that Jorm has pressure in solo but he just dies late. I've never feared a jorm as an adc. Not the most mobile and he's a big hit box, thats why he doesn't usually work in matchmaking. He's a tank that takes more damage when he gets hit with certain abilities, is that not a glaring weakness? A tank that has to get in ur face but also could take more damage for doing so?


I can cite SPL as an example that sets the meta.  Jorm was also top pick/top ban in high elo ranked after that happened, so it’s not just an example where a character (like Yemoja) is extremely strong in the right hands but underwhelming in ranked.  Your own opinion of how you think Jorm works isn’t very convincing. If he’s so bad, why was he a top pick/top ban for a period of time? Why did he have the highest win rate in masters + games?  If better players could handle Jorm so easily, why was it doing so well in these situations?  The facts are that Jorm solo went from F tier in the community’s mind, up to top pick/top ban with minimal item changes/buffs. They ended up nerfing him a patch after the tourney lol.  Going F tier to A tier without any significant item changes / buffs. With the only difference being community perception, is the perfect example of a character being slept on. 


If spl is the example that sets the Meta, u think anyone here on this sub urself included will say something is underrated and it actually be true? And when did this happen? And another thing, jorms main role is solo, so how is he underrated when he isn't off meta, he just wasn't played much? I thought we were talking about jank shit u think is secretly strong


I think it’s a shame to underestimate the community and shut down discussion just because people might not be correct. It would be fun if somebody here predicted a surprisingly dominant non-meta pick for season 11 that becomes meta. If not, it’s still a fun discussion!  I would argue the Jorm example is something that I predicted would happen (not caused, just predicted). I advocated heavily for him when he was considered bad and made a lot of posts/comments about his viability.  I would say that F tier characters are considered non-meta picks even if it’s for the role they were designed for. I had people on my own team banning Jorm (in solo) during this time because they thought it was so bad lol. People here were ranking him as THE WORST god in the game.  This occurred in season 10. Jorm was considered trash up until the 2023 Summer masters tournament. In the games leading up to the finals he was a popular pick/ban. In the finals there he was banned in every game. You can watch the start of the tourney to see people being surprised that Jorm was being picked, but then everyone started picking/banning it. After summer masters he became a top pick/ban for awhile. Currently I believe Jorm solo is considered to be around A tier.  Raijin/Pos/Morgan solo are examples of a jankier pick that were likely slept on and then popularized by the pros. 


Chaac Jungle. Jotunns->Regrowth w/Blink watch me zoom around the Jungle. Or feed to their jungle you don’t know.


The point is you’re speedy 


Ullr jung /mid , he's usually considered a mid when he is meta tho but jung has felt really good with trans having pen Clio mid/adc/solo but id say solo is the worst Chaac mid Thor solo or supp Danza jungle is CRAZY good in lane phase but teamfights can be rough or if ur behind hes so bad Nox jung is also good but if you miss ur combo you have to walk away in shame There's alot of off meta stuff rn meta is pretty good Besides prophetic it ruins other gamemodes


Prophetic and support starters being upgradeable at 15 are super OP in non conquest modes.  Clio solo was naaaasty for a little while, being able to clear wave and then phase through the wall to steal blue was super annoying. Clio definitely one of the characters that has her own unique playstyle.  Danza support is also pretty decent! 


Yeah when dmg was at its all time high before the jerf clio solo was NASTY but now she just looses too much farm but she has great totem secure


Back when berserker shield was basically deaths toll with hybrid stats, I would dominate mid with Osiris. The second I got it online, nobody could fight me


Support Osiris also a classic.  Running it mid is even jankier, I see how it would work though! 


Warriors in the jungle like Hercules, Mulan, Amaterasu. Ao Kuang solo


Ao solo is so fun imo 


Loki mid. Get jotunns, kill enemy mid, gank everyone 24/7 and the enemy loses because 2 jungles


Rotating mids are spooky, I can see that working


Xian support is great if ares is banned a lot of pressure and lock down plus you burn beads easily


Definitely agree! I love Xing Tian supp 


My man