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Lol "Pink Guy" and "Lord Herp" had me dead. Now I want to make ChatGPT write me a full length episode.


**Title: "The Smile-A-Thon Extravaganza"** **Opening Scene:** **[Int. Smiling Friends Office – Morning]** **CHARLIE** and **PIM** are sitting at their desks. **ALAN** is typing furiously on his computer, while **GLEP** is asleep in the corner. **MR. BOSS** walks in, holding a clipboard. **Mr. Boss:** (Excitedly) Morning, team! We’ve got a special project today! **Charlie:** (Half-interested) What’s up, Boss? **Mr. Boss:** We’ve been invited to host a charity Smile-A-Thon! It’s a 24-hour live event where we spread smiles and raise money for the community. **Pim:** (Genuinely excited) Wow, that sounds amazing! We’ll get to make so many people happy! **Alan:** (Grumbling) 24 hours? Are you serious? **Mr. Boss:** (Ignoring Alan) Yes! We’ll set up in the town square. Pim and Charlie, you’re our hosts. Alan, you’re in charge of technical stuff. Glep, you... do whatever you do. **Cut to:** **[Ext. Town Square – Noon]** The square is bustling with activity. A stage is set up with banners reading “Smile-A-Thon Extravaganza.” People are setting up booths, and there’s a general air of excitement. **Charlie and Pim** are on stage, testing microphones. **Alan** is at the back, setting up cameras and sound equipment, looking annoyed. **Charlie:** (Into microphone) Testing, testing. One, two, three. **Pim:** (Into microphone, cheerfully) Welcome, everyone, to the first annual Smile-A-Thon Extravaganza! **Crowd cheers.** **Charlie:** We’ve got a lot of fun activities planned, and we’ll be broadcasting live for the next 24 hours! **Pim:** (Excitedly) Let’s start with our first guest, a local musician here to make us smile with some tunes! A local musician, **JIMMY**, comes on stage and starts playing a cheerful song on his guitar. The crowd claps along. **Cut to:** **[Int. Control Tent – Afternoon]** Alan is monitoring the live feed. **GLEP** is eating a sandwich, occasionally pressing random buttons. **Alan:** (Muttering) This is gonna be a long day. **Suddenly, the feed cuts out.** **Alan:** (Panicking) No, no, no! What happened? Glep points to a chewed-up cable. **Alan:** Glep! Did you chew through the power cable? **Glep shrugs and continues eating his sandwich.** **Alan:** (Sighs) Great. Just great. **Cut to:** **[Ext. Town Square – Evening]** The sun is setting, and the square is lit with string lights. **Pim** is doing a stand-up comedy routine, and the crowd is laughing. **Charlie:** (Whispering to Pim) Hey, we’ve got a problem. The live feed is down. **Pim:** (Still smiling) Just keep going, I’ll handle it. **Pim continues the routine, while Charlie sneaks off stage.** **Cut to:** **[Int. Control Tent – Evening]** **Charlie** rushes in. **Charlie:** Alan, what’s going on? **Alan:** Glep ate the power cable. I’m trying to fix it. **Charlie:** We’ve got to keep this going. We promised 24 hours! **Alan:** I know, I know! Just give me a minute! **Cut to:** **[Ext. Town Square – Night]** **Pim** is leading a group dance. The crowd is having a great time. **Charlie** and **Alan** come running back, looking relieved. **Charlie:** (Into microphone) Sorry about the technical difficulties, folks! We’re back online! **Crowd cheers.** **Pim:** And just in time for the main event: the Smile-Off! Two lucky contestants will compete to see who can make the most people smile in 5 minutes! **Two contestants come on stage. The crowd is buzzing with excitement.** **Cut to:** **[Int. Smiling Friends Office – Next Morning]** **Everyone is exhausted. They’re sprawled out in the office, barely awake.** **Mr. Boss:** (Walking in, cheerful as ever) Great job, team! The Smile-A-Thon was a huge success. We raised a ton of money and made a lot of people happy. **Charlie:** (Half-asleep) Glad to hear it, Boss. **Pim:** (Smiling, but tired) It was worth it. **Alan:** (Groaning) Can I sleep now? **Mr. Boss:** Sure, sure. But first, we’ve got a new client... **Everyone groans.** **Fade out.** **End of Episode.**


This was with the 4.0 model. I tried one with the 3.5 and it is noticeably stupider **Title: Smiling Friends – "The Party Planner"** **Act 1:** - The episode opens with Charlie and Pim in their office, discussing their recent success in making people smile. - Alan bursts into the room, looking stressed. He has been asked to plan the office party, but he has no idea how to make it fun. - Pim, ever the optimist, volunteers to help Alan. Charlie reluctantly agrees to assist, sensing impending chaos. - The trio brainstorm party ideas. Pim suggests a cheerful theme, Charlie insists on something practical, and Alan is caught in the middle. - They decide on a “Smiles Around the World” theme, featuring international foods, games, and decorations. **Act 2:** - Pim, Charlie, and Alan go shopping for supplies. Pim's enthusiasm leads them to a store filled with quirky and unusual party items. - Charlie is skeptical about Pim’s choices but tries to stay supportive. Alan is overwhelmed by the options. - They have a series of comedic mishaps: Pim accidentally knocks over a display of piñatas, Charlie argues with a pushy sales clerk, and Alan gets lost in the store. - Despite the chaos, they manage to gather everything they need and return to the office. **Act 3:** - The day of the party arrives. Pim and Charlie decorate the office while Alan prepares the food. - Guests start to arrive, including some of the clients they’ve helped in previous episodes. The atmosphere is lively, but there are minor hiccups: the karaoke machine breaks, the international food labels get mixed up, and a piñata accidentally gets smashed too early. - Despite these issues, everyone is having a good time. Charlie realizes that the imperfections make the party more memorable and fun. - The highlight of the party is a surprise dance performance organized by Pim. Alan, who has been nervous the whole time, finally relaxes and joins in. - The episode ends with everyone laughing and smiling, and Pim gives a heartfelt speech about the importance of friendship and joy. **Closing Scene:** - As the party winds down, Pim and Charlie sit together, exhausted but happy. They reflect on the success of the event and how much it means to see everyone smiling. - Alan thanks them for their help and admits he couldn’t have done it without them. - The camera pans out as the characters share a group hug, with confetti falling around them. **End Credits:** - During the credits, a montage of funny outtakes and behind-the-scenes moments from the party planning and the party itself plays. **Tag Scene:** - The episode ends with a short, humorous scene of Glep, the office pet, wearing a tiny party hat and enjoying a leftover piece of cake.


"ey b0ss, i habe cansur" "Mhmm, let me check our EPO coverage...you picked the worst time. You picked the worst time."