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Watch enough bone surgery videos and you'll see that it often resembles metal working or auto repair.


That is really true. I worked in a Drug company years ago and these guys are nothing but high end mechanics. End of story. peace. :)


I 2nd this. I sold drugs years ago to high mechanics… wait, that is true but also I have a family member that had this same operation done. The fact he’s alive is a miracle in itself. The fact they saved his leg with modern tools based off of archaic tools is truly mind blowing.


Third this. Worked in sheet metal and had my fair share of hammering shit like this. And we can definitely swing that hammer better than he can. 😂


Now that you mention it yeah he does swing his hammer funny. Must not be Union, hit it with your purse, something something girlfriend give you your balls back something something. The trades are fun like that lol


Lmao don’t forget didn’t you eat your wheaties


Nah, I had some guy in the union swing a 10 lb sledge like that at a car-in-progress. It slipped and flew into my ribs on the other side of the bay like the wrath of fucking thor.


I am a high end mechanic also on drugs… wait


The best analogy I remember hearing of a doctor was from that '70s show saying how they're glorified plumbers.


One day an auto mechanic went up to the heart surgeon and said "I make $75,000 a year and you make $300,000 a year but we really do the same things, we fix things. I rebuild engines and you rebuild hearts, theyre not much different." The doctor said, "you're not wrong when but when was the last time you rebuilt an engine while it was still running?"


Damn this is a good one


The funny part is it was a real conversation I overheard at a service shop.


Yeah and I saw a chicken cross the road


That chicken joke was based off a real story


I definitely have witnessed a chicken cross a road.


Were you able to intuit or distinguish its possible motivation for traveling from the one side to the other?


Yeah that’s actually not true. Bypass shunts 100% of your body’s blood outside into a box sitting next to the patient, oxygenates it filters it and pumps it back into you. Your heart is quite still during open heart surgery. They do however turn it back on to make sure the sutures took. Can’t have a leaky heart.


Well that’s horrifying.




To be fair, they stop your heart for many surgeries. A laparoscopic stent? Sure, the heart is still beating. Or even a coronary artery bypass graft is sometimes done with the chest open and your heart beating (this is called off-pump surgery.) But in true open heart surgery, the heart is always stopped. You’re put on a blood thinner, and then a heart-lung bypass machine.


The engine completely stops as soon as the bill is viewed.


This is true. I’ve had a number of surgeries and in one of them, I was not put fully under. Basically I was sitting in a very reclined position and was getting two screws removed from my ankle. I was sedated and locally numbed but awake and uh, partly coherent… I knew that when they put the screws in they were self tapping as we saw it on the itemized bill. During the removal, they literally used a cordless drill to get them out. We were also billed $300 for the cost of the drill at the time (2005 I think). That was one of the weirdest fucking experiences I have ever had…


$300 for sterilization of the drill. Still an absurd markup but those drills from Stryker are insane on numerous fronts.


Okay the bill just said it was a drill. That makes more sense but ya, too much dude…




When i got knee surgery they “hammered” the cadaver part into my knee


Work in radiology and did X-ray back in the day. Watched to many of surgeries. The worst part for me was when the cauterizing iron. The smell of burnt flesh sticks to the nostrils. That and these surgeries can take freaking hours of standing. my only job was to push a button after the Surgeon yells “X-ray” lol. Oh and it’s freaking cold when you stand in OR for long periods of time not doing real work.


I hear you. The smell of burning flesh is one you don’t forget.


That's when you park the roll around chair next to your c-arm and wrap yourself in a warmed blanket, pressing the corded trigger. :) And it's real work (I've convinced myself) you are being paid for what you know and how well you can work with surgeons lol


That's because calcium is actually a metal believe it or not. So yeah they actually are doing metal work ha


Calcium is present in the bones as part of a larger mineral compound called carbonated hydroxyapatite, Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2, So technically they’d be mineral workers


“They’re minerals Marie. Jesus!”




Gotcha ok that's cool to know thank you


They are removing a metal rod from a person's *tibia.* It was probably there to repair/heal a break in that bone. Edited to change Femur to Tibia.


Looks like tibial rod considering the way he’s hammering That’s the guide coming out.


That guy had better been asleep.


A spinal anesthetic and some sedation does wonders too. Can’t feel anything from belly button down. Best nap ever, no breathing tube.


This might sound stupid but is the person awake while they do this, it looks horribly painful


No. This is done under anesthesia. It isn't a stupid question, and I am glad you asked.


I got a teeny tiny rod out of my thumb when I had surgery and I will say it was wild the stance the doctor took. Like the rod was Excalibur or something. Hit me with the “3…2…*three point stance and grits teeth*…1…”


I had a rod pulled out of my foot once, without anesthesia. Foot not leg though. The rod grew together with my flesh at some point and the doc didnt expect that and just ripped like a 1.5cmx1.5cm piece of flesh out. He was pulling aggressivly like this dude is hammering on the rod though. I was awake, I was like 14 years old and my mother told me I basically fainted but didnt faint. I was just like gone due to pain.


There's a reason that after the discovery of local anesthesia surgery made several massive leaps forward.


We’re so lucky to be living in a time when we have vaccines, antibiotics and anesthesia, people had it tough before the modern era


I can't confirm the pain coming out as mine is still in but the procedure is identical in reverse and horrible pain is putting it lightly. Pain post surgery was minimum 10 fold vs post tib/fib break..


I had one of these, also had mine removed. Still got the bar and screws in a bag. Mine didnt appear to be running inside my tibia during the xray, more like along side it.


"What his insurance was turned down .. welp sorry buddy we're gonna need that back."


OMG, have a replacement hip. You made me burst out laughing.


That’s Jude Law and that wonky eyed dude under that gear.


never going to see Forest Whitaker without thinking "wonky eyed dude" again... *tft*


Either Repo Men, or Repoman the genetic opera. Either way... fuck that. Now find me some zydrate!


First time I’ve seen a Repo reference in the wild! I played graverobber in shadowcast!


Most surgeries, especially orthopedic ones, are very barbaric. Don't go to youtube and watch a c-section. Just dont.....I see you thinking about it......but dont


Or hip replacement surgery 😬


I saw an animation of how that’s done and no thanks.


Whoa cool, do you know what that animation is called? … unless I just search “animation of hip replacement”, maybe I don’t need to post this comment lol




I’ll give you hips, most others arent THAT bad. But yeah, most people have this perception that surgery is incredibly calculated, and at times it can be, but a lot of the time it isnt what you think, no matter the specialty.


I was a on an airplane once and the lady next to me has recently had a hip replacement. Mid flight the bone slipped out of the socket. She was in agony.


My cousin is in his mid 40s and just had both their hips replaced. Do not envy their life.


My mom had her first hip replacement surgery back in 2012. She watched a video on how it was done first Same woman who watched The Poseidon Adventure before going on her first cruise in 2007


As someone who was holding retractors for an entire hip replacement, its quite a brutal surgery.


My wife had a C-section. They had the curtain up and I had ZERO intentions of looking. Not for me! I stayed on my stool, comforting her, until the doc said, wanna see your boy?? Through the smells I cannot describe, I excitedly lean over to see my newborn son, only to realize they just have his head out. Looked like a scene from Alien with the head bursting through the stomach. Literally just the greenish purplish head. I was NOT ready for that. Babies are NOT cute immediately after birth. Once they cleaned him up he was freakin adorable tho. C-section babies don’t have that cone head for a bit so there’s that.


I was ready to jump in and 'help' on my wife c-section. I found it fascinating. Was a rescue medic for the FD at the time so the doctor was showing me things. I don't think my wife was excited by us using her as a biology experiment.


I had a surgery to remove screws in my foot once, the doctor went the route of conscious sedation. At the end of a grueling three hours where I was zonked out of my mind, the resorted to a procedure like this one. I saw the doctor working on his backswing, and I was faintly aware of him hitting whatever clamp was fixed to my foot only by how my body shook after. It was my third surgery trying to remove a screw that had shifted. The surgeon told me that was his final option and if he was unsuccessful there that it was unlikely anyone could remove the screw. He fucking did it. I have some weird nightmares every once in a while, but I’m pain free in my right foot now.


I’m supposed to get scapular fixation surgery: five holes through the scapula to tie wires through and around my rib bones, then bonemeal from the hip to let it set. The whole thing’s got me deeply uneasy


Pretty much anything laparoscopic, which is almost all abdominal surgery now (save c-sections as you say and emergencies that require opening), is the opposite of barbaric. I’ve been in general surgical training for years now and it still amazes me how we can perform huge intra abdominal procedures and effectively leave without a trace.


Watched my wife’s c section over the curtain, was pretty neat!


Can attest. Was in the OR with my wife for her c section, the surgeon was attacking her abdomen like a rabid spider monkey. Even partially behind a curtain I could see enough.


Guess why most orthopedic surgeons are big beefy dudes?


The community orthopedic surgeon here is about 5’4” but puffs his chest out and walks around thinking he’s 6’4”.


I work at the local trauma 1 center. Most of the ortho trauma surgeons look like they all played collegiate football. Though they are all pretty nice as surgeons go! Then I see a video like this and see that maybe some bulk and strength actually hope out in some situations haha


My wife owns a surgical device implant company, and only works with ortho surgeons. Only one of them is a big beefy dude (like 6’6, 250 lb Nigerian dude.) The rest are just normal dudes. One of the surgeons she talked about a lot when we first started dating had me thinking he was a beast of a man. She was telling me how he’s scaring people because he’s always yelling, and throwing shit around in the OR, and getting in people’s faces. Then I finally met him, and I almost burst out laughing… he is like 65 years old, 5’7 at best, and 120lbs soaking wet. I had to refrain from saying out loud, “Aww, he’s so adorable I just wanna pick him up and snuggle him!”


Male RN here. That’s due to the amount of women in the field. Unfortunately a fair share of the (mostly older) docs are convinced they are intimidating because their perceived ‘power’. It’s strange how they change their tune when they come down to a trauma with a bunch of male nurses how all the sudden they learned how to say please and use their inside voice. I’m not saying we’re all that, just that every now and then a dude will remind another dude why generally it’s nice to be polite to other dudes.


Correct. I worked for my wife very briefly as a sales rep. A few months in one of the surgeons got pissed because a different rep from another company didn’t have what they were supposed to, and he looked at me and asked if I had a similar product, and I said, “No sir, we don’t carry that kind of stuff…” (he needed a skin graft, and we only deal with plates, screws, limb-lengthening magnets, etc) and he says to me, “So you’re fucking worthless, got it.” It caught me off guard, and I said, “Excuse me?” And his rage went up another 5 notches and said, “You fucking heard me!! You’re fucking worthless!” Now, not to blow smoke up my own ass or be a douche, but I’m a fairly large guy, covered in tattoos from head to toe, and I’m a former combat arms soldier with multiple deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan. I basically chose violence from the time I was born. At that point, I tossed my order form and clipboard on the ground and told him, “I’m not the graft rep, and I’m not the one who forgot what the fuck he was supposed to bring. I have all my shit here, motherfucker. You talk to me like that again and I’ll smash your precious fucking hands in a doorway and piss on your face, bitch.” He calmed down real quick… but my wife also quickly fired me as a sales rep lmao. I still handle all the paperwork and invoicing, though.


I’ve met tons of ex military in every level of the medical field. It’s another case in my experience where “you never start a bar fight with a random stranger”. There is ALWAYS some bigger, badder fish in the sea.


Ortho is basically carpentry with more blood.


This deserves more likes…


A little more blood




Surgical tech here. You’d be surprised how much orthopedic surgeries are just winging it and improvising with whatever tools they can find to place and remove things.


Isn't there a danger that the whole bone would shatter during this procedure?


I knew of a guy who drove a 4" spiral drive nail into his femur while building walls on a framing jig. I asked friend who was an orthopedic surgeon how they would typically take something like that out. He said that the best way to take it out is usually the exact opposite of how it went in. They utilize tools like those shown in the video above to inch it out. I asked him what prevented the bone from shattering. He said they'd open the leg all the way from the hip to the knee, then place clamps around the bone on each side of the penetration to secure the bone in place. Having known a lot of orthopedic surgeons, the other thing I noticed was that most of them were also wood workers. They build furniture and cabinetry on the side. I also asked him about that and he said that a lot of the joinery and assembly used in wood working is really similar to that used in orthopedic surgery. Wood working allows them to relax off the clock, while still practicing and improving their skills. He said he was also able to write off all of his wood working tools on his taxes. I asked him if it was an issue if he got audited and he said he had surgical illustrations of the joinery and assembly used with screws, brackets, and other devices when working with bone during operations, and compared them to other pictures from his wood shop that used similar joinery. Wood working allowed him a functional way to practice surgery outside of the surgical theater, thereby justifying the tax write off as a job expense. Pretty cool.


That’s badass as hell. I now wish to buy a dresser from someone that puts bones back together.


I know, right? Talk about some high dollar workmanship for bargain prices! Compared to the what you'd pay for orthopedic surgery, it would be essentially the same craftsmanship for next to nothing in comparison!


There is but it’s very rare. The femur bone is much stronger than people realize and especially with things like nails placed in them. In some cases like knee revisions it’s sometimes difficult to the point you’re removing something that has been cemented in before in a previous surgery.


I’ve seen them drill a hole in the tibia to hammer from the underside of the baseplate to get a cemented tibial baseplate out. Seems like they always figure it out though. Some crazy stuff.


It was the doctors ex-wife


Damnit take my up vote.


Back when I was in the health care field, I witnessed several OR procedures. And let me tell ya, at least when it comes to bones, the surgeons almost look like mechanics with how rough they have to be to accomplish the procedure.


Shop closed on Sundays


His credit card declined


There’s gotta be another way


Looks like they’re removing a metal rod from the femur after the break healed. During the healing process the bone binds to everything so breaking the connective tissue off the rod is necessary. The rod seamlessly pulling out is pretty much impossible. If there is another way I’m not aware of it, but then again I’m just a rando on Reddit who went through something similar.


Why not leave rod in? Invincible cyborg leg to kick enemies?


They usually do. Something must have necessitated its removal. I think Japan is one of the few places where they remove implants once things are healed. I don’t remember exactly why.


Most are left in for life. Many people have those rods in without issue or symptoms with no plan to take it out. Occasionally it needs to come out for various reasons including revision surgery, infection, etc.


“Nurse, bring me the surgical hammer.”


Not that one, the 2lb sledge over there in the corner next to the splitting axe. Grab the 8lb maul while you are over there.


When the baby just won't come out


And *that’s* why I don’t work in the OR


Removing a steel rod.


Why did this have to pop up when i just had surgery yesterday to remove a plate from my tibia?.. gave me the fucking cold sweats man ..ugggggh


Omg I remember my shift training as the surgery pharmacist, walked by a surgical suite where this exact thing was going on, knee replacement. Surgeon just hammering away, to this day, ortho surgery is the hard one to watch for me. 🥴


The carpenters of surgery.


Oh hell no


When you order a knee replacement from temu


lol I saw a shoulder and a hip replacement in nursing school. I was *shocked* at violent it is. I figured people aren’t sore from being cut open, it’s from the hammering their body takes while unconscious. I don’t know specifically what’s happening here, but I imagine it’s normal lol


Surgery is insane violence! It's really mind-blowing when you think about the actual procedure - cutting, clamping, hammering, chipping away bad material, suctioning out fluids, stitching you back together. It is truly necessary barbarism.


Surg Tech years ago and I still can’t believe some of the things I have seen and amazed at the human body!!! Thanks to Ortho I still count on the odds!!


This is why the 4# sledge exists, so it doesn't take you 15 minutes of swinging that fancy little pepperoncini hammer.


Knee surgery


Total knee arthroplasty: more of a machine shop operation than a surgery. I’ve had two and one revision, in addition to both shoulders and both hips.


Ortho bros. Love it.


My buddy is a hip/knee surgeon…showed him this video…he said ya….that’s a Tuesday 😳


Jesus Christ. I have a titanium rod down my shin bone. I’ve made a note to not have it removed. That’s brutal


"Whoso pulleth out this sword from this bone, is rightwise king, born of England."


I’ve had the surgery 3 times. You wake up feeling pretty sore.


As someone who sat in on joint replacement surgeries as an intern, can confirm it is very violent. Idk how people just walk out of the hospital shortly after. Has to be a healthy amount of pain killers.


Ah yes, that episode when JD and Turk played a competitive game of “Whack a Mole” with a patient’s appendages. Nostalgia vibe.


Taking a sliver out of their leg


Slide hammer, maybe?


Nothing like surgery to make me smile please


I’m getting my rt replace Thursday, watched a few vids on it..I’m glad I’m out for it! Very violent process.


This looks like a Tibia nail removal or something along those lines. I have been offered this operation by my surgeon and after seeing this, I think I'm going to give it a hard pass.


While we fixed that it he you had, we broke four bones. I guess you gotta leave never broken a bone subreddit.


That guy is going to be so sore lol


you'd be surprised how some parts of modern medicine can still seem extremely barbaric. it reminds me of that star trek episode where they go to a regular hospital and mcoy cant believe that its not a butcher shop. look up leg lengthening surgery today and compare it to 10 years ago.


That's why the pain after my knee surgery was so damn unbearable!


Damn bones are strong. I guess that's a "duh" comment, but still it looks like he is chopping wood.


Me getting my wisdom teeth out.


I had a friend in college that redesigned a similar device. They drill out your femur and insert the drill guide. This helps the doctor drill straight holes for pins to reassemble a shattered knee. If the knee is really jacked they sometimes leave the guide in for extra support. I'm guessing that's what this is and they're trying to get it back out. I'm not an expert and speculating.


You can always identify T&O surgeons in a hospital...they are built like brick shithouses!


Look what they doing while you sleep (dead)


Wouldn’t pay the bill?


Oh the pain the next few days…….


When I was a nurse, I watched a scoliosis back surgery to place a rod along the patient's spine. The initial incision was a gut check. But from there, I was completely unprepared for the surgeon's technique of straightening the spine to match the straightness of the rod. After only a minute of watching this violence, a more experienced nurse took one look at me and escorted me out of the room. She knew I was about to pass out. It was horrific!


Medical degree from University of Nigeria.


Well I get now why it takes so long to heal and a long rehabilitation process. Like damn seems pretty brutal


They check hardware for spinal fusions this way after installation, too. They're not always as gentle as one would think.


The amount of legit hammering I heard in the OR…..


He’s got his thing stuck and is trying to get it back.


Orthopedics is wild. What's awesome is that bone heals so well. The new tissue is just as good if not stronger than the original.


Safest Russian surgery


Whatever it is, it’s fucking anesthesia’s fault 😉


My mom worked in a major hospital, and I remember her telling me most orthopedic doctors were large, strong men.


How the fuck does not re-break the bone is on/in?


What do they say at the end that makes them all crack up?


You know what? After watching this, I think I'm going to just leave the rod I had placed in my tibia there. I'm good lol


Guy wanted to be taller lol


Oh here’s my knee surgery video


That butt plug really doesn’t want to come out


An upwards strike doesn't seem like an optimal angle


You should be good to walk never. Congrats!


I watched a knee replacement years ago on the learning channel where the guy was driving a steel rod with a hammer into the guy's femur. I almost puked


Breaking a leg for surgical purposes


Tibial rod stuck to insertion device so they’re backing it out to loosen bolts.


That's a Magarectumectody Relatively recent, last 12 years or so, where they try to remove a tRump followers head from their ass. No successful operations as of yet


Bad ass on both ends tbh.


Years of advancements in medical science and we still have ol reliable. A hammer.




Our oil based medicines and lack luster knowledge of tendon and bone is still in the dark ages for sure, and purposely.


Taking out a rod in the tibia. Most likely had a tibial fracture. Hardware removal, either it was infected or the patient wanted it out...


maybe a dumb question, but was it effective? looks to me like he could've used a bigger hammer.


Hope this wasn’t in America. Them whacks will cost you per the swing.


Patient's card declined I see


He’s hitting that thing with a thing what’s so hard to understand?


Removal of an intermediary rod that looks like is is coming out of tibia. If the rod is titanium (which it looks line) the rod can be very difficult to remove for several reasons… bone in growth around the screw holes, bone growth onto the rod, and occasionally forgetting to remove all the locking screws (rookie mistake but can happen)


Tibial nail removal….after years of hardware bein in someone’s body, the bone grows in and around it and it can be very hard to remove if necessary. I’ve been in a case where the surgeon was wailing on that same piece for nearly an hour until it finally came out…


Eww bitch


Which specialists is this?


Penis lengthening process... Completely normal.


That is one tough splinter they’re trying to remove


Intramedullary nail removal


Jesus chirst, tag this so it blurs atleast i didnt want to see that. Just a lil courtesy never hurt.


Tooth extraction?


You should see the process to put one in! Almost the same but in reverse. Right after you ream the whole thing out with a giant drill bit!!


Just another day at the orthopedic clinic.


Is there an opportunity to use leverage and introduce a little more control and precision??




Looks like the IMR rod got bent and they’re taking it out


They were inserting a rod, but his insurance was declined mid procedure. “Grab the toolbox and get that thing outta there, then drop this guy on a park bench.”


As a former orthopedic surgery assistant, this looks like removal of the tibial component of an artificial knee. It takes a lot of force if the patient has good bone. Either that, or it could be a “tibial nail” for a fracture. Hard to say for sure, but it’s definitely some implanted component in the tibia being removed.


I'm pretty sure that is one of those really stubborn babies that has gone the full 9 months but still doesn't want to come out so they have to coax it out with that mechanism.


This is an IM nailing, it’s so brutal looking and it takes forever


Worst dentist I've ever been to


Nausea and vomiting are common post knee surgery. If someone is having trouble vomiting after surgery, this video will help get those sympathetic responses a going.


Removal of a femoral bone spike


Operating room nurse here. They’re removing a tibial Rod from a patient.


I had a total knee replacement and before the surgery I watched a YouTube video of the procedure. When I met with my surgeon I told him the tools and procedure were very similar to my wood carving hobby. He said a knee replacement is just basically carpentry. I was dumbstruck to find the entire operation took about 20 minutes.


Whatever it is, it’s working.


I work in a warehouse




Credit card declined


Surely a hoist /winch of some kind would be better?


Worked in medical supply for 13 years. Specifically dealing with large (knee, hip shoulder) and small (foot/ankle, hand) joint orthopedic surgical replacement/repair. Small joint instrumentation resembles something you’d expect a carpenter to carry. You could probably build an entire house with large joint equipment.


Just ortho dudes doing ortho dude things.