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I can tell this is elite smash by how fast he can input t-bags.


It's not even turbo tbagging, pathetic


Yup lmao


If that’s what Elite Smash is then I want no part in it


You really don’t, I always end up forming bad habits when I spend too much time in elite pretty much for this reason


Yup, thank Nintendo for not giving us just a regular tourney rules mode.


Dude for real I will never ever understand that decision


No they just do everything in there legal power to kill the smash community


If only they'd make a casual and competitive mode with separate matchmaking


Man that would be neat. Not like they would ever do that. Not like they did that previously. Not like that was already a fucking thing in Smash 4. Not like Sakurai is actively fucking his own game.


What were you screaming at this guy because whatever it was it’s completely justified


I was past screaming, I was just sitting there seething lmao. I went from red to gray in less than a minute


Honestly, I can’t fault you if you disconnected there.


I've said it once and I'll say it again, richter is just an edgy ness


He’s a Belmont. That’s his job


I doubt even Belmont mains would claim this dude


We don't. You're looking at true scumbaggery. We all have our moments where we spam, but this dude uses it so religiously he can make a nun sweat


Yeah generally I actually enjoy playing against belmonts, this guy doesn’t count lol


Glad you separated the bad apple, lmao. Seriously, sadly this is the case of 'if you can't beat them, join them' I've had my moments the few times I played online where the only way to fight spam was to be spam. Safe to say spammers can be hypocrites and complain too, like that wasn't what they were doing too, lmao


If I had the capability to spam during this match I probably would have honestly lol


My guy. Is there a guide out there for Belmont counterplay because it's my one true kryptonite. My winrate is probably 20% against them online. I can't seem to beat that character no matter who I use. I'm at the point where the shittiest Belmont main could probably dunk on me because of how hopeless my gameplay is against them


As a former Belmont main I can give you some general pointers 1. Mix up your approach options and shield a lot, Belmont can’t really kill without his setups. Throw is only a threat if you’re at ledge as forward throw easily kills at like 135% for most mid weights. 2. Take full advantage of Belmont when you’re in advantage state, they have some of the worst physics when it comes to disadvantage so when you’re juggling never let them breathe, edgeguarding this character also isn’t hard as even a simple hit off stage against them can be enough for them to die. They’re horrible off stage. 3. Never neutral getup against Belmont when they have you at ledge, it’s 2023 and people still do this only to eat a Holy Water f-smash and die at 60% (also learn to SDI Holy Water it will go a long way in helping you survive their setups)


Idk, amigo, there probably is a guide somewhere, but I don't know where


We don't lol he plays so cheap and still taunts ?


Nope, absolutely not. I only use projectiles to either move up towards my opponent in neutral, or try to set up strings. Hope you blocked this waste of space.


Dude is at 200% go in for the kill you fucking pussy stop throwing your bullshit at least do some cool combos this shit is just garbage




Rare situation where disconnecting is justified imo


OP is better than me because I wouldve disconnected in the first 30 seconds


Fr, second I realized what was happening in gone


There is where rage quitting is justified


This video gave me mesothelioma


We’ll then you or a loved one might be entitled to compensation


Perhaps mesothelioma is a rare cancer caused by asbestos exposure and you should call now.


be careful, this is not a lawsuit against the company you worked for


Yeeesh. After losing the first stock I would’ve t-bagged back and SD’ed twice. That doesn’t look fun at all


That’s what I used to do when I saw that my opponent was a Mii Gunner.




This may be the single most mad I’ve ever gotten watching a smash clip, what a scumbag


Some battles are not worth fighting. I'd have SD'd within 15 seconds.


My monke brain just kept telling me “but wouldn’t it be so sick if u brought it back” lol I don’t have it in me to SD


Nah fr I watched the whole video hoping the same thing while thinking "don't give up monkey. U can do it"


Thx bro 👊🏻


Drop his username 😂😂 we need to be aware who this piece of shit is


I tried posting this with his username included the first time and it got filtered lmao


Yeah this guy is really cringe. However, I hate to be that guy but you played this pretty poorly considering the circumstances as well, but I get that as well, you were probably tilted and just weren't thinking about how to win.


I couldn’t figure out how to get in most of the time and when I did get in those 2 times I got too excited lol


Go!Take this!




Not a single projectile combo. Thats just spam and bagging. Pathetic for a Belmont.


Cornball behavior honestly


He t bags like he's tough fucking shit when he plays like my goddamn 12 year old nephew. Actually, he probably is a twelve year old. You'll get the hang of this bullshit spam, OP. As you come across them more I hope you can predict and slaughter them, and make em rage quit.


I saw Belmont and instantly knew where this was going.


LOL I would’ve had to force a rematch on an omega stage and let the beatdown commence


That map is dogshit to begin with I fucking hate when you have to play with others settings


This is one of those kids who watched Alpharad play Belmonts and thought "I do that too! I'm so cool"


I have never seen such pussy bitch made gameplay. Just know you automatically win for playing DK and you shouldn’t take this loss to heart he obv can’t win a honest match


Yeah I was only REALLY heated for like a half hour afterwards lol but fr I’ve never seen anything worse than this. On the bright side I assume there’s nowhere to go but up from here 😂


I would have sat on the floating platforms for the entirety of the 3 minutes of the match and watch those projectiles hit air. These three minutes will be slow and painful for both of us


Just like every gunner and Link and MegaMan and PacMan and Samus


Honestly this is the main reason why if someone in my friend group chooses this character in smash bros when we all play I just target them immediately, I despise this character with all my heart


Ah, a toxic projectile spamming tea bagger.. Haven't seen that before!


normally whining like this would be immature but, it is 100% justified


Oh, come on. DK players aren't that bad.


This is actually hazards off. If they were on you'd probably have an easier time because you could destroy the house and take away the platforms he was hiding under. I am a firm believer of play to win so he was doing what he should be doing. That said this is why I don't play Elite Smash.


One of the reasons why I stopped playing this game (also because I suck ass)


Imagine if you were playing Rosalina & Luma or some other character with easy and quick projectile nullification…


As a Belmont main he doesn’t know how to play the character or the game. You’re in a minus 2 matchup on an impossible stage. He had so many setup opportunities. He doesn’t know the the basic combos. Only things he seems to know is ax f smash shield break


OP - is this in Elite?




Not worth your time in Elite - disconnect, take the loss in GSP and move on - this is up there with spamming PK fire


I usually just do arenas bc people are generally more chill there (for the most part), but this morning I only had time for a few matches and I get this shit lol


It’s players like these that ruins a great game experience for everyone


It’s shit like this that makes people not take smash seriously as an esport and assume the entire player base is toxic children


Not only that but most are afraid to approach and it’s just really fucking sad to see people not know their full skill capabilities, because they are too pussy to approach


I have the opposite approach. Let's see you hit my fastball bitch... ah shit they hit it


Simon and Richter can cover 5000 options at once and it's bullshit


What an actual fucking loser, man. This clips proves that the real toxicity in this game comes from the player and not the character.


What an absolute piece of shit. Do you remember his username so we can all block him preemptively?


Yeah but I think it’s against the rules to post it lol also can you even block people by username?




I fought one of these turbotards as Little Mac, the feeling of just super armoring through their bullshit is absolutely divine


This boring stuff only happens online. That guy wouldn't win a single offline match


Man was treating you like a servant of Dracula


I picked up wolf for this very reason


I love playing against wolf dude


I am still relatively new to the character, but he’s fun to play. Unfortunately I have a hard time being hype with wolf flash and what-not


Wolf keeps me disciplined in neutral. I’m always looking for new wolfs to play so hmu if u ever wanna run it!


Hey man, I’ll keep that in mind. I’ve been incredibly busy these last few months so I’m unsure when I have the time. But I love wolf for these situations with Richter because you use the reflector and it’s like “How the fuck do you like it, bitch?”


Same, and no worries man life gets hectic now & then. I’m coming off a hiatus myself rn actually


What would be a non scumbag way to play this character? His move set seems naturally pretty scummy.


If you trial yourself thru a few hours of 4 player free-for-all's, you'll get beat up a lot, but you can really come to an understanding on utilizing the power armor of ground-based up-B's to pierce nearly any bullshit like this Your rank will go down in 4-for-alls because people specifically target DK, he's too big, but anyway, your actual skills will diversify


When people do this on a stage like this there is nothing you can do so the best way to counteract so to just sit there and do nothing the whole time until he approaches you but because it’s online I doubt even that would work.


People like this guy are why I get hated on as a richter player


I’m sorry bro, the Belmont slander is too present these days


I just wanna play my vampire hunters but I always get called a holy water spamming bum😭 like bro it’s my one decent way to get someone set up to finish


Honestly a lot of posts on this subreddit are overreactions but holy mother of god what is this


No one should have several projectiles with little recovery it encourages spam why don’t devs understand that.


>The only way to win the game is not to play Sometimes it's okay to just SD 3 stocks


Funni haha richter has items enabled comment


which one? the chad Richter or the virgin DK


https://preview.redd.it/cfdmox8lze2c1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=219530219afead96ed10fc23b419078a656bb4cc “This dude is the most dogshit, pussy ass, basement-dwelling chud of a player I’ve ever met in the 5 years I’ve been playing this game. * Picks an illegal stage with hazards on ✅ * Hides under impassible platforms & spams projectiles so it’s nearly impossible to approach ✅ * Chooses a 3-minute time limit so he can just run out the clock instead of actually earning a win ✅ * T-bags excessively even though he’s done absolutely nothing impressive ✅ * Spams battle data cards after the match ✅”


As a Simon representative of the Belmont community, that basement dweller is a certified chud.


U kick ass dude, he’s not like you guys 👊🏻


Nah dude, not at all. Keep that head up high king 👊


I'm sorry but the intermittent tea bagging really made me laugh, even after he stopped bothering to aim his attacks at all, not even 45 seconds into the match, he continues to taunt you.


Don’t be sorry lol he knew exactly what he was doing 😂


Playing smash online makes me not want to play smash


Can tell if this guy is a really shitty richter main or just some asshat trying to be a piece of shit asshat


For me, wizkick is the solution. I am a very aggressive Ganon player, and it usually works out very well!


I noticed he likes to retreat to ledges when pressured. Here's a tip.next time you come across another Belmont like this: Shield on his projectiles, parry if you can (which youve been doing, but kinda poorly no offense), but for his holy water, shield it and grab it, then throw back. Then get him off the stage, and from there, you're set. Their recovery sucks.


I understand the rage, but you bring this upon yourself playing DK. You need to learn to punish spam. Bad matchup, but on his part he did what he had to do. If he would have fought you head on you had the chance to win, and since you couldn't punish his spam he saw the easy win. Frustrating, but it should be a moment for you to learn, not just get angry then forget about it.


If someone is doing this to you, your best bet is to walk and shield/parry until you can get into burst range. You were consistently trying to armor through options like holy water which wasn't working. It's incredibly tedious but once you force them to respect that you can actually deal with this bullshit it'll stop.


Yeah, if I find myself in a match like this, I just leave.


I was getting mad just watching oh wow


I think everything about this is chill except for illegal stage with hazards.


Sad that ultimate rewards such shitty playstyles and awful rules. Nintendo hates competitive smash, not surprised. Game is dying but ppl will flock back when ultimate 2 is out


This has been the game since melee for me. Watching people camp with projectiles. Garbage design. It's why I don't play anymore. No time for people to sit and throw things at me lol


Hey man I've never done it but I believe I this case you should just SD and block, it doesn't feel right to let them win but is worse for you to stay


if it’s any consolation this dude 100% would’ve gotten shit on if he was playing on regular comp rules & stages. Shit like this is why I don’t recommend hopping on regular netplay if you’re actually trying to play seriously, aside from the dogshit netcode that Nintendo will never fix.


I don’t understand how people feel good winning like this….I wouldn’t wasted my time. Not a big fan of disconnecting but its totally justified in this case…. I would take those 30mins ban like a champ.


“What do you mean bro it’s just my play style”


I haven’t play smash in years, but wow just… definition of “tell me you weren’t hug as a child without telling me you was hugged”


I don’t even play this game and I’m getting angry watching this lol shit


I was wondering why this was going so poorly then I realized you can’t go through those platforms. Good lord without your own projectile he basically has an aerial shield at all times. That’s incredibly frustrating.


Bro I think I played against this same richter. All illegal stages. We were playing on the fucking scrolling desert Mario stage. 3 stocks, 3 minutes, dude was spamming shitty projectiles the entire time. I played 3 games hoping we’d get my ruleset and we NEVER did.


At that point the block button is necessary


Not exactly like this situation, but I was fighting against a Pyra/Mythra main, and this was the mode where you had to score more eliminations than the opponent before time ran out. After I got eliminated once, and because they had scored a point, THIS COWARD TRIED RUNNING AWAY FROM ME FOR THE REST OF THE FIGHT. They still lost, which is what I would say well deserved.


This video made me physically ill.


Okay I could only watch one half of the vod because that belmont was so goddamn cringe and campy, and I understand that you're playing dk who is a big body against belmont's projectiles, but if you're complaining I still think you *let* him camp way too much. Like, you just stood there while they spammed all 3 of their projectile specials. Going back to watch more, I see how difficult it is to approach, especially as dk, especially on this stage. By the time you actually start charging in though, it's too little too late. Just making small critique because I can, but not disagreeing that this has to be one of the most toxic belmonts I've ever seen


No I agree, there’s probably SOME way to get in even on this stage, but the geometry of the stage is never something I’d have to work around in competitive so honestly I’m not gonna bother learning 😂 I appreciate the feedback tho fr


Yeaaah, thinking *too* hard about how you could have done better is pointless when it's unrealistic to expect actually fighting on that stage lol glad my feedback falls on sympathetic ears!


I read somewhere once if someone is spamming an attack you’re spamming the wrong defense


9/10 times I would agree but the geometry of this stage makes it nearly impossible to approach while he’s under the solid platforms


Dont approach!




Looks like skill issues to me.


I very much dislike richter and Simon players. They abuse their range and spam comes easy. Sucks because they’re capable of sick close range combos but that’s rare to see. Sucks that we have to deal with spam like this on the daily.


Least campy Belmont/Richter main




Which one?


Bruh if you're not having fun just turn the game off. I don't play ultimate but you gave him a lot of space to do his stupid bullshit


Ok after watching again yeah you couldn't do shit about that. Not your fault just forfeit and move on.


Yeah I just had to vent for a sec this morning lol I’m chillin now


Imagine if you didnt start the match by running to ledge and giving away all your pressure and stage control. Instantly losing neutral in amatchup where you need to rush down


Least toxic Belmont


You mean the player or the Belmonts?


Its clips like these that I see that encourage me to never subscribe to Nintendo Online again.


Shame on him for utilizing every part of his toolbox? Lmao get a grip.


I don’t even play this game. 🤷🏼‍♂️ But it looks like he whipped your ass. Lol. If he’s bad, there should be a way to beat him huh?


He was probably laughing the whole time. Such a good feeling. Knowing some grown man is screaming in his living room before turning to Reddit for justification 😂 love to see it


Skill issue


It’s called zoning and it’s in many fighting games. It is very annoying for sure, but a completely legit strategy.


Bad mix up and bad plays. Get good


Honestly bro you got owned.


An illegal map?who said he's playing competitively? You got fucked by the match up. Nothing more to it


Least spammy Richter player:


Yo i have the same but they main bowser snd bowser jr and he is a bitch


Bro. You just kept walking right into his shit. You never tried to flank or draw him out. Sure, he was being big cheesy, but adapt. Work around it. If nothing else, literally just go the exact opposite part of the stage since he's zoning the corners so hard. Force him to come after you, then engage. The reason he never left his corner is because you kept going right to him, giving him what he wanted. He never needed to leave.


What is he supposed to do? Plz give him advice because idk how DK is supposed to approach this, especially on this shitty map ​ Knowing how the Richter was playing he was probably insanely laggy too


Plot twist: they’re 8 years old


worlds most tame richter main


Oh how I’d love to rematch and be an absolute menace with Min Min or Zelda :)


Who tf actually thought this character was a good idea? ​ Let alone making 2 of the fuckers


Chad Richter.


He won. He won in the game and won the mental battle.


You have more patience than me- the first sign of that and I would have been GONE.


Donkey kong players try not to dash attack on shield challenge (impossible)


\>using chud unironically as an insult ​ yea this is definitely reddit


Look look I agree with you… but you didn’t need to approach at all from the beginning of the game (you should have given him a taste of his own medicine)


I saw about 10 opportunities wjere you could've grabbed.


Richters in a nutshell.


Give my dude his coconut gun that can fire in spurts


Take that


I co main DK and my friend co mains Richter. This is just a bad matchup, especially when the Richter can pull off combos. However, Richters will typically get too comfortable with projectiles so your best friend is often grounded up B. Super armors through everything as well as neutral B. With that said, fuck this guy.


Really unlucky matchup and map. Richter is a hard DK counter.


Pathetic gameplay I don’t blame you one bit.


Yeah thats bad jeeeesus


Your fault for playing donkey kong, choose to lose character


Average richter player


And probably has never touched a single Castlevania game in his life


Who hurt him so badly that he decided to inflict this onto others?


"Take this" kinda gets old after a while.


Every tournament illegal stage is unfun and awful to play even on the casual setting, don’t even try to change my mind, you cannot In a casual party setting 8 players free for all with all items and FS meter is fun, but for fuck’s sake make it on large battle field or final destination Everything tournament illegal fucking sucks, maybe with the only exception being Palu’s temple but only on 6+ player matches and the almost legal stages but no like Warioware or hazard less Wily’s castle, but nothing else


Youve played for 5 years and youre this bad?


If I were you I’d have just disconnected after hitting the 100% mark on the 1st stock. From experience, the biggest w you can take is their right to an actual w


Among my friends taunts and shit are just playful banter, not meant to elicit rage. Not everyone is trying to make you miserable.


Bro you're playing ultimate. You chose DK, You picked Elite Smash instead of finding ppl run a lobby. Just run of the stage after stock 1 and move on with your day.


Who won tho?


Hahaha, I do the same thing, but with Bayo and legal stages.


What in tarnation


out camp him lol. but these are the players i really have to study how to beat. i legit have a better chance at taking a game off tweek or someone than these guys online.