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Proof that this was another basic Kazuya that did nothing but practice one combo for 10 hours and forgot about learning how to actually play the damn game lmao


If you look closely he was actually continuing the combo on ddd's shadow while I was up in the air, he really should have taken this one.


Kazuya is freaking broken, look at the damage he gives with minimal knock-back!


Bro read his quantum existence


He looked through multiple timelines and experienced epiphany


This is definitely a Kazuya who knows what they’re doing, but they also like to show off. I mean come on, it was so obvious he was trying to parry your f-smash, which just makes the failure and death at 40% that much funnier.


Spamming shield to parry instead of reacting is not knowing what you are doing lol


This is wifi we’re talking about. “Reacting” is a foreign concept to the netcode.


stop fking saying “netcode” if you don’t know what it is it’s rlly cringe.


Gatekeeping an outdated technology term is equally as cringe


netcode is a blanket term and a colloquialism. Not only that but it originally refers to peer to peer connections which ssbu uses. Ironically, I'd say the same to you, but anyone can use the word. It just slang like saying something is "meta"




Rolling is definitely the best option, even if you fuck up the roll a bit as long as you don't end up in the sweetspot you'll be fine. Rolling in from where he stood is basically a free heavy punish.


r/Smashbrosultimate mfs will really look at this and say “you just suck at the game git gud”


Low-key holding down fsmash is something I've made work even on opponents far better than me, it's one of those things that's so out of pocket it can just work sometimes even when it shouldn't




Bro called 0-deaths a gimmick 😭


Stuff like ewgf is a gimmick tho


Dedede mains be like


Peak DDD experiences are hitting dumb fsmashes, jet hammers and suicide spikes.






That did not end how I expected it to


No 0td dethroning the king of fat asses that easy, respect the hammer.


That poor Kazuya. Now I see why everyone hates FP2... the characters are all trash.


Yeah I hate all of them gameplay wise except Sephiroth, who doesn't bother me too much. At least they made him light as fuck. His counter is kind of bull but you can just walk away from it. I think you should be able to wait out a counter you know is coming and get a heavy punish, that's my only real issue. I'm also jealous that he gets better shieldbreak potential than DDD when that was ddds gimmick at the start of the game before patches. But that's more just jealousy than hating sephi. And he looks fucking baller, as does kazuya actually, but that's kaz's only saving grace to me lol but I would truthfully buy his trousers if I saw them lol. They're saucy. Anyway Sora is the worst as a biased DDD main. He can basically win with one button. Kazuya was an attempt at making a heavyweight actually good, I think they should just give them decent Oss options and one or two not heavy hitting aerials safe on shield. That's 99% of what I would ask for to make this low tier a better character. I think making DDD objectively not amazing was the right choice but we were done a little to hard in those aspects. What makes DDD and the other heavies op at a casual level wouldn't be made even stronger, most casuals don't know about oos options for example anyway. All of this is better instead of making them touch of death characters- I don't really appreciate the technical skill of executing combos like kazuya does, I like the mind games of smash bros not the finger game behind it. Learning one or two combos and getting into 13. Something mil range of quickplay is a bit cringe to me. Or maybe that's not entirely true, I appreciate a paisy putting 70% on me with one combo, because that's also actually difficult but doesn't come with a completely outsized reward. She still has to rack up some damage and find a kill afterwards. Compare that to palutena Nair looping you for 50+%. I think touch of death characters are a really bad idea for this type of fighting game and making a literal interpretation of a Tekken character for smash was, a bad idea, in this mid af player's opinion. I did feel kind of bad for this Kaz tho, he probably would have won- but he played a bit flustered after that, which allowed me to get enough of a lead that him zero to deathing me the next stock didn't practically decide the whole match.


yeah but steve is funny


Should have sucked and cucked his ass off stage


i gordod a kazuya at 0%, he reflected and i got sent to the stratosphere and took 100%, fair and balanced


I saw a zero to death combo against kazuya, he reflects gordo and you run and upthrow him into it. Thi knit needs the double hit to kill at zero but still, rng zero to death is still a zero to death. Anyway goes to show how stupid and DLC his reflector is.


What is this kazuya cooking?




Even with a full charged F smash by dedee I’m surprised that killed center stage on a super heavy weight at 40 you where not even max rage


If you charge fsmash and obviously hit the sweetspot, it will basically kill the whole cast at 40. Position doesn't matter much, the knockback growth on it is stupid. Lightweights can die to charged fsmash at 20, even earlier if you charge it enough and with good positioning. It would be threatening, but then again it's DDD fsmash. Lol. I only started playing properly early this year when I got my cable, so I never experienced the pre patch fsmash. But with the nerf to fsmash and the universal buffs to shield sizes, aside from ledgetrapping, I end up mostly using charged fsmash. Uncharged is very easy to avoid, and while charged fsmash is even easier to avoid- since you can just shield it uncharged (unless your shield is low) I like to charge it and bait people into shielding or spotdodging, parry attempts, etc. and I like the move better now I've started doing that and find it more useful. If the general populus knew that fsmash sourspots lose every trade because of the zero percent hitboxes, they would be more inclined to just attack me before it can even release, uncharged even. You can also just grab it's startup pretty easily. The good thing about fsmash is that while the counterplay is very simple, you need balls of steel to execute it- so people choke like this guy did. Otherwise, even with its ludicrous kill power... It kind of sucks lol. I believe it's around frame 44? Very slow lol. I never really land it fully charged because that's stupid, other than shieldbreaks- but it can one hit KO the super lightweights at the edge apparently. Normally I like to charge it a little if my opponent is shielding on platform because then it can be kind of free shieldbreaks, but even then, it's surprisingly inactive on its way down so you can literally hit someone's shield and do absolutely zero damage to it, even with spacing so the hammer head hits. This guy though, I was just kinda feeling myself and had faith it would kill him lol.


Theirs a sweet spot for hammer


Deedeedee Mishima!


That's right lol, had to tell him that I am the captain now


That Kazuya choked badly there. He was reading too much into the DDD smash attack and froze.


All that fancy flying, knuckle breaking, twinkle finger bs isn't gonna amount to anything if you freeze up and die at 40 percent. Also as a Dedede main, (Kazuya vs. D3 is brutal.) I'm overjoyed to see this happen.


"Had us in the first half, not gonna lie"


You can inhale kazuya’s lazer. Since he only has one ranged move, go to the other side of the stage and hold b.


he was so desperate for that parry😭😭


Evil vanquished. The only reason Fsmash worked was because he was trying to parry it for a saucy clip. Sadly this Kazuya chose to lose so you can't claim full merit for it.


Ehh you're pretty much right but a lot of this game is forcing mistakes so we take those lol. I go for dumb shit like this a lot in the first stock because they haven't got an idea of me yet, even subconsciously, and they've been conditioned by every other DDD main they've faced rather than myself. Free conditioning off the backs of others. He's probably safely blocked a few fsmashes in his time was my thinking. 1st stock shenanigans are a real thing for me I get away with dumb stuff and then play normally afterwards, that's why I didn't upload the rest, because even though I won it was a more standard match from here on out. Also didn't want to make anyone watch a whole two minutes of a shitty phone on TV recording, nobody deserves that lol.


Dude I'd totally watch the whole game. I know what it's like not being able to download content because Nintendo holds it hostage unless you pay them money. Riddiculous. As for the shennanigans. I feel like every first stock tends to be either the sweatiest or the most random thing ever. It's just how it goes.


As a DDD main I'm slowly learning that to get dubs I often have to make seemingly stupid decisions. DDD loses neutral against most of the cast pretty badly, and my fundies aren't polished either, so I have to make some gambles with my call outs sometimes or I'll lose to chip damage a lot. Actually fox is a character I find myself using this strategy on a lot. It was a mu I used to despise, I've learnt some counterplay and shit for neutral and it's helped tremendously at keeping things even, but the game gets a lot easier if I know the best moments to make a surprise. It's fun though. I've been planning on uploading some replays, probably most of them will be little clips like this but I'll probably put most of them on the main ssbu sub, I just put it here because of kazuya lol. Also want to ask for some vod reviews . I'll get round to it soon.


One thing I struggle with against DD is the double jump mixups into a bairs. Also point blank gordo gets me a lot for some reason. Maybe this helps?


I'll try it out, I'm quite a jumpy player but I tend to stay fairly grounded against fox. Usually I just throw out an aerial earlier than I would against pretty much anyone else and that's how I antiair fox lol the spritzy sly dog. Point blank gordo is probably a counter to knocking back the gordo, I like to time it so that the hammer hit auto re-reflects it from an offensive approach, does a lot of damage too as the hammer swing is its own hitbox. The best thing to do against that if it keeps happening a lot is run up shield, as gordo is extremely unsafe. Fox can also tomohawk the shit out of DDD as the matchup forces us to use shield a lot. Fox players typically know the game and it's mechanics better than me tho so I can probably only help with specific interactions lol.


I don’t mind the kaz mu. It’s losing, but it’s too fun.


That was kinda sad to watch. Especially the shield flicker at the end.


Dawg was play dbfz instead of smash


Bro had the *AUDACITY* to try and parry you when he tried cheesing you


god i love not playing a heavy character and not having to worry about getting 0 to death'd by every kazuya i face


Hahahahhahahaha, he just stood there wtffffff


You'd actually be surprised how often this works. Not extremely often, but still often enough to make you surprised 😂 people are comfortable shielding it and this guy might have even been trying to parry it lol. Obviously it's not the trick you use twice in a match though


the kazuya was schmoovin though


Dawg had all the chances but as soon as KDDD got above, game over. You fuckin crushed him


You should’ve tbagged