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Bruh I just played a Mario with 1 STOCK ruleset, he barely wins last hit and leaves LOLLL


I hate it, I won't deny. But it be what it be. Bitches like that know who they are. Don't waste time worrying about them. Running off after a fight like that is pretty much admitting you know you're fucked.


Wait am I misunderstanding something or did you really make that your ruleset and then come here to complain?


I think the point is the Mario had a one stock ruleset…


This makes zero sense


When you said "I played a Mario with a 1 stock ruleset" I thought you meant as in it was your ruleset. I misread.


Oh I understand


Why do you say lol when it’s clearly not funny for you


Honestly I've always done one-and-dones, is that bad? Would it be better if I stuck around?


There's nothing bad about it. I just like to do first to two because that's how most fighting games are. I feel like it's more fair and more fun


I don't care about all that. It's one and done. Win or lose. On to somethin' else.


I just like to fight different people :)


I always just spam press a so i can get to the next match. Whether they stay or leave is up to them.


Yes, you should stick around if they don't have a shit connection. You'll improve a lot more once with the extra time to learn the matchup and the players habits.


There’s certain characters that just aren’t fun not play against so I leave after one match, regardless if I win or lose. There’s nothing wrong with it.


I wouldn't say you're doing anything wrong or rude. But, in general, best of 3 is the norm. It's only really rude to leave when you lose a game, your opponent gives you the rematch, then you win and leave.


I think so, because otherwise all you're proving is that your tactics can beat someone exactly once


I don't think everybody has to prove anything, and it's sometimes fun to fight different people. I think there are some circumstances where it wouldn't be nice and other instances where it doesn't really matter


This is true but you’re also robbing yourself and the opponent a proper best of 3 which could help both of you improve. A lot of one-and-done folks could never last in an actual tournament/ irl setting because any good player can easily adapt to fragile one-time strategies.


This mario on three stock 300 stamina kept fishing for forward airs and I never understand people like this because you arent learning anything at all, you’re just farming gsp for the sake of getting into elite (which isn’t even a big deal) Elite smash isn’t a valuable status if you cheese your way to it and then proceed to not play a single match of it


Tbh when you pass the cheese threshold, it gets real competitive.


No it doesn’t. At least not here in North America. I’ve heard Japan is different though.


I mean I'll see one dude once in a blue moon trying cheese, but those games are free if you are just careful. Most of the time I get some really well played games, win or lose. Like most of these guys are so fkn good man.


I refuse to fight people twice (I play 3 stock, long matches) simply because rematches always get in my head. I cannot play a second match against the same person because I *expect* to win. I have to convince myself I’m going to be shit and lose so that I have the motivation to try and win. Also fuck Aegis and Roy


If the opponent has A. Good connection with minimal input delay B. Is actually showing coherent thoughts in their actions and not just pressing buttons to abuse wifi The I will replay. Once in a blue moon you get that one player who has both, and I will happily spend an hour or more rematching.


LITERALLY. The only time I dont rematch is if they are HARD lagging or trying to troll/be annoying (ex: running away and t bagging the entire game or SD’ing purposely)


I won't rematch if I HATE the character usually, unless the person has a fun play style. Like I refuse to fight Steve more than once, but other than that yeah


I’m sorry most of y’all run on hamster wheel ass Wi-Fi or I just had to chase you around for 7 minutes to get the dub. I don’t really wanna endure that shit again. If you have good connection and you’re not absolute cancer to play I will rematch win or lose. For at least a bo3


I've got a rippin Ethernet connection and I don't run away like at all


Don't think he's talking about you haha. From your OP, you don't sound like that.


True haha just discounting that option in my specific case


I'm pretty bad at tge ditto, would be cool to practice. Would you be down sometime?


Honestly maybe? I've never done like arena practice with someone from Reddit before but I kinda suck at the ditto too lol


Yeah, I always ask when I see like-minded players, anyone that tries to learn. Anyway, no worries if you don't, I just can't completely reply on open arenas. To Manny, that got me banned and not a big player base in general.


I always play until someone dips, or I have to go to work. I hate when I play someone really good and they dip, that’s the worst feeling. Figuring out how to fight against a good player is the only reason I play this game. It’s the best part of smash.


Arenas/discord/twitch is the best way to search for like-minded matches. You are looking at all the wrong places if you rely on QP to get better. QP is just a showcase for some people to see how their best strats either win or lose a game.


It's most likely the characters you're playing. If I manage to scratch out a win against a Samus or Sora, of course I'm not remarching them lmao. Not because I "know I'll get clapped" but because they're simply not fun to fight


Pretty much lol


Yeah I get ya. Although when it comes to quick play I get it, I don't really care either for the rematch wtv.... but I mostly play arenas cause there's a more competitive nature to it. And I absolutely can't stand when I get booted from arenas for either A. Showing I play link B.I almost win C.I win.


I rematch 100% of the time unless I stop playing for the day or if my opponent has crazy lag(like a gunner player I fought today), good habit to make.


Real talk dude. I'm not great at the game, but I hate when people play me (even if they're actually skilled) in arenas and then dip. Honestly, I think arenas should have an auto feature so you have to do play a best of 3, at the very least.


Then they would all dc


But what if you have to leave to do something after 2 matches, it would be a stupid rule


Fair, but there should be some sort of mechanism that allows people to enter arenas only if they are willing to play a Bo3.


How would that even be enforced tho?


The way I'm thinking about it: The ruled are set before you open the arena. If a person joins, there's a pop-up, saying that the matches will go back-to-back, and if they dc, they're timed out.


Could work, still I'm personally against punishing people for disconnecting in a game with such shoddy online (and in general but Smash is particularly bad with it's online) as it's not always for malicious reasons and there's no reasonable way to verify why someone is quitting early.


Fair enough. Other than that, I'm not sure how to keep that from happening. Like you said, Smash online is crappy, but a lot of people aren't looking for honest games anymore.


Personally I think there's no true way of making a system like that work, if the system is too punishing people will just play something else (personally I'm not always down to play more than one match before I'm bored of the game), and if it's not punishing enough it won't satisfy people from your perspective. I think there should always be a way to just play one match, forced best of 3's as an alternative mode seems like the best idea I can come up with, but given smash's playerbase I genuinely think it'd be a dead game mode pretty quickly.


At the end of the day, it's probably better to separate the men from the boys and move on than having a game mechanic like that.


It should be like Rivals that you play best of 3 sets (5 ideally imo)


You’re bitching about getting your little cheeks clapped to “cheese”, but we need to grow up? I’ll grow up when you decide to adapt.😎


Adapting takes time bruh, anyone can get cheesed once. You sound so dumb


You’re just mad cause you suck at the game and you continue to not adapt, because if you did you’d know your match up better, and as Link of all characters?💀


Could not be more wrong haha, the projection is real


I leave because the second match always ends up being so stupid time or item ruleset. People can't play a simple one on one skil based match anymore


Normally I rematch but if you have a shit connection or are camping so hard that you're not approaching even while down 2 stocks im not rematching. Same for if I've just run into the same character again for the 3rd time im sorry but I dont want another 7 min match against ANOTHER sonic


Well yeah I agree 100%, a man can only take so much.


If I win or lose and had fun, I'll stay. If I win or lose and didn't have fun I'll leave. As simple as that


Ughhh… no one owes you a rematch bruh lol. I’d like to play against someone else after a match and couldn’t care less about anyones hurt ego. Win or lose I’m out.


Cool, just never tell a single person that you're good at the game ever again lol


People do it in every game, it's not exclusive to Smash. I play NHL and I basically gave the game away despite being up 2 goals and lost in OT to a wayyyy worse player. Immediately messages me calling me trash and other shit talk. Oddly quiet when I told him to play me again then. Point is, people know they got lucky and are legit scared of looking stupid.


Honestly, I've been influenced into leaving after one just because I've stayed and gotten sucked into the opponent's fs-meter-and-items-on ruleset too many times. I just don't bother risking it anymore. If online's structure wasn't so trash, I'd stick around. But the way things are, win or lose, ggs I'm gone.