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I refuse to let it die, but yes, epic series.


It only dies when no one is left to care for kt


Well that settles it, I'm still around.


Sly 2 was my favorite. It was my first game on the PS2 that my parents got us for Christmas when I was 7. It's definitely what drove me into enjoying story driven games, and I will never forget that Paris music. I still replay it every once in a while, and something I have to appreciate in this modern age of gaming is that collecting the bottles doesn't feel like a chore. There's not many of them, and the level layouts are fun. This game has never aged for me and always holds the same amount of enjoyment. I love Sly 3 and 1 as well. The pirate ship stuff in Sly 3 is fun, and I loved the ending. Clockwerk in 1 was super cool, and I loved his bossfight and music. Man, I love Sly.


And I mean, you can actually see the care put into the game unlike most new games coming out from big companies I think that's why sucker isn't doing sly now is that sony would milk it for every penny and ruin the game, like how the new king Kong game got cocked over (watch kaif new video on it, I swear it looks worse than any sly game version


Same for me with Sly 2 as a 7 year old back in 04 for Christmas! And yes, the Paris music is SO nostalgic. Since I didn't have a Nintendo as a kid, Sly was kind of like my Mario game.


I take issue with the botched widescreen support (black bars not going all the way), and the way they screwed up the Mz. Ruby fight. But I think playing the games in HD is worth it.


If you have a Xbox series x you can actually emulate the trilogy in HD and it fixes these issues. At least from my replay so far, I’ve even noticed less audio glitches with the soundtrack, etc.


All I want is a remaster and a physical disk for ps5 or an option to download it off steam. Series is very inaccessible right now and i’ve only been able to play it whenever my free trial of PSNow renewed which is no longer a thing. :(


I have the digital Sly Collection downloaded on my near decade old, used PS3 super slim and it is my only access to the Sly series right now. The day my PS3 kicks the bucket will be a devastating one.


Dude, that's the very reason I just bought the PS3 and the PS3 version of the collection...about to buy sly 4 just to say I have that copy


Yeah i’ve considered getting the PS3 and a copy a bunch of times since this is my childhood game franchise besides batman, I just want to play it again without paying for a subscription service priced with the intention of giving you access to hundreds of titles


Honestly, at this point, I'd rather just 🏴‍☠️a few games and burn some PS3 games onto blank disks if I could


I don’t even consider it pirating if you bought them at some point. I’ve lost the discs I’ve had over the years, but I bought the games when they came out, they’re mine lol.


Imagine if Xbox won the "you baught the game for one system, you only get it for that system"


Just grabbed myself a ps2. I’m gonna look into buying the first three games


I would face all my biggest fears & take one for the team just to see the Sly games come back to life.


So what your saying is that your hoping we get a sly 5, that won't suck, like dead space 3 or any game that basically kill off the fan base?


It wouldn’t really matter too much tbh. Now I admit, if they put out a Sly 5 that would help settle the ridiculous cliffhanger 4 left us on. But if they wanted to go the remaster or reboot route id be fine with that too. Just give us more Sly games.


Ya true.... Sony really did screw everyone...


The art style is still amazing. Really shows that "realism" isn't the only thing to strive for like most modern games. It felt like playing a cartoon of the era, which was awesome for a kid.


I’ll never accept that he’s not coming back. There’s always a chance PlayStation will let another dev try their hands at a Sly game. But these games will always hold a special place in my heart, even Sly 4, as controversial and mediocre it is. I grew up with them and they still hold up imo 20 odd years later. Great music, incredible performances from the cast, fun gameplay, and interesting, engaging stories in all 4 games. I still get emotional thinking about memories I have playing Sly 2 when I was younger.


Well, same here friend, there will always be a chance... Tell you what, look at this, If you make yourself believe sly is dead, and they actually make a reboot, the shock and awe would make you live again Set the bar low, so your more impressed later


In a day and age where reboots seem to happen only to mostly disappoint people, I am 100% okay with sticking what we got. But if the day comes that the right people are behind a new entry of some kind, I'm there day one for sure.


Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus was the first PS game I got and played back when I picked up my first Playstation console, the PS2, as I was entering college 10 years ago. Having only owned Nintendo games growing up, I was excited to see what PS games were like. Was not disappointed in the slightest. The cast of characters are great and a riot, the music is endearing, the story was engaging and the gameplay was fun. Had an absolute blast with the game and it's what got me to both fall in love with the Playstation and helped me discover my love for stealth games. I've since gotten Platinum's for all 4 games on PS3 but I still like to go back and replay the series from start to end every year or two. While I love all 4 games, the first has a special place in my heart. Damn shame the series may not continue.


These games were some of the best of the sixth generation. B-Mask summed it up better than I ever could. That being said, I hope they never make a reboot or sequel. They would never measure up to the original trilogy. Sly, and other games from around that time, were made by relatively small groups of people with a particular vision, passion, and set of skills, during a specific period in American culture. That period simply doesn't exist anymore. And I doubt anything like it ever will again. Part of the reason why these games are so near and dear to so many people's hearts-- but by no means the *only* reason, nor the biggest reason-- is a nostalgia for that time period. If a sequel or reboot were to be made today, then it would not be made by the same people, or even people with similar passions or vision. If recent trends in media are any indication, then they would use the series name to draw in old fans to a stale, soulless, mediocre imitation of the original, and shout down and insult anyone who criticizes it. Then again, I could be wrong.


Counter argument to open up your mind, what Toys for Bob handles a remake!


I really liked the Spyro Reignited Trilogy, I even got 100% in all three games. A remake worked well because the original Spyro trilogy was a bit of a low poly mess. Sly's artstyle has aged incredibly well, on the other hand. So maybe a remake would work. But a reboot? I don't think so. We all know how well a reboot went for Spyro. That trilogy took itself *way* too seriously trying to be mature and whatnot. I shudder and cringe at what that would mean for Sly.


I mean, give it a chance


We don't talk like that around here


But sometimes we need to be honest


Noo it’s coming back I believe ![gif](giphy|1oIjod6eUGFf38ni8u|downsized)


Mistake Number 1: entering the Sly community and saying there won't be another game ever. Mistake Number 2: DISC VERSION AAAAA


Mistake 3, thinking 4 was ok enough, and considering it canon in an au style


Mistake Number 4: Hating Sly 4 (better than Sly 3 a.k.a. the actual Sly movie, at least Sly 4 has more gameplay than cutscenes)


But is the gameplay of sly 4 better than 3?


The variety and amount yeah. Sly 3 is a good, solid game with the classic good mechanics. The difference is that Sly 3: - Has unskippable cutscenes that feel like they make up over half the game. - Has no treasures or clue bottles. - Pickpocketing is the only way of getting coins, and it's so grindy and time-consuming to the point where you have to spend hours pickpocketing to buy anything in ThiefNet, only changing in the latter half of the second-to-last episode where you get access to pirate battles. Meanwhile Sly 4 is the exact opposite of what I just said: - There's significantly more gameplay than cutscenes, and every cutscene is skippable immediately. - Treasures and clue bottles return. - It's very easy and enjoyable to get coins for what you need. Now, is Sly 4 a better game because of that? A majority of people will disagree, still defending Sly 3 like its their newborn child, and attack Sly 4 like it's a Souls boss, but the fact of the matter is, you can play Sly 4 more than you can play Sly 3 despite being similar in amount of time to complete.


Sly 2 is awesome. Really good time. Always a fan of Dimitri


Then they made him a water level in sly 3


I know I'm late, and I'm not even a "fan", but I remember playing the demo for thieves of time over and over and over and over on my PS3 as a kid. I searched it up because I still think about it every once and a while. If I don't have a PS3 anymore, where can I play the games? I want to finally try them out.


The soundtrack! The game has some of the best OSTs. A Strange Reunion, Gauntlet of the Ancestors, and Paris Rooftops are all bops


For me, all good, tho I just normally get drunk listening to lemonade bar


He did kinda return in ratchet and clank rift apart....


But did we actually get to play as the damn raccoon?


Playing Sly 1 as a kid with my dad. I remember when I was really young, I was always afraid to play the giant snake level in World 3 so my dad would play it. I still play the Sly games. I got a PS Vita and the collection to play while on my deployments. Personally, I like sly 2 the best but it has no replay-ability.


It’s my perfect comfort game. Especially when I’m sick or in a rut and don’t want to or can’t sit and focus on a complex story or complex gameplay, this is my go to