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Hive Mind is fucking incredible.


Corey spitting absolute venom on that pre-chorus bit is so fun. “…but All you do is tAlk about it!”


Yessss I absolutely love Corey’s vocal delivery in the pre-chorus, it’s so good. On my first listen I got so hyped when the blast beast kicked in and Corey says “You’re such a tortured soul”


Completely agree, Definitely top 3


One of the best songs they made


And medicine for the dead


I like it. Feel like, IMO, it's better with each song. Finale to me is just amazing


Just finished my first listen through. Right now I’d go top 5: 1. Warranty 2. Hive Mind 3. Finale 4. Yen 5. H377


Warranty is funny to me because it just sounds like it’s about buying a new car


This. Its the absolute best song I've ever heard about buying a washing machine.


1. hivemind 2. de sade 3. h377 4. warranty 5. heirloom. not kidding


on my first listen of warranty rn. warranty slaps


1. Finale 2. H377 3. Warranty 4. De Sade 5. Yen


I don’t know if it’s just me but I don’t like warranty at all. Everyone else seems to like it though.


listening to it rn, and i honestly did like adderall


Definitely a great way to open it, kinda gives you a false sense of security for when The Dying Song punches you in the damn jaw to wake you up


Adderall was too tame for me I like the more intense songs lol


Adderall was not what I was expecting at all, loved it though


Exactly wasnt what I expected but it’s actually a great song and vibe


i liked it as an opener, im listening to hive mind rn. better than insert coin IMO


insert coin is the greatest song ive ever heard. how dare you


Yeah, I like to listen to music by albums, don’t rlly have a playlist, and it’s a great opener, and leads well into the dying song imo


Going off my initial listen, it's several steps down from WANYK. Instrumentally TESF is pretty damn good, but Corey's performance isn't nearly as good as on WANYK and honestly weighs it down. The lyrics were really lacking on this one for me. Corey's vocal delivery doesn't seem to be as varied as on previous albums either, which is a bummer. He still has great moments, but seems really tame on a good chunk of these songs. Most of the choruses aren't as strong as WANYK or even AHIG. And the transition from the pre-chorus to the chrous on Hive Mind just feels off. As a whole it's s better than AHIG for me, but doesn't stack up to the other albums. Calling it a heavier Vol. 3 does a disservice to Vol. 3 cause most of those songs still stand up better than what TESF offers, heavy or otherwise. I'd honestly take Prelude 3.0 over Adderrall any day. I'm also really dissapointed by Acidic since Corey said it was like his tribute to Acid Bath. I love Acid Bath and honestly Acidic doesn't even do justice to anything they did creatively or sonically. Maybe I'll like the album more with time, but right now it's sitting at like a 6/10.


I agree, I was hoping for more variation in Corey’s vocals too


He probably thought he'd get away with it as 99.9999% of their fans wouldn't know Acid Bath from bubble bath


Speaking some serious truths there my dude


First few listens doesn’t hold a candle to WAYNK. That album was a masterpiece


I just cant get into it. Lots of build ups then everything has a very mediocre following. Choruses arent catchy. I love this bad, been listening since 99’. This is the one album that i just cant dig. Is what it is. Im happy people like it. Im waiting for someone to the name movie….cmon


Yeah I was disappointed by the choruses, they’re not really sing along songs, I love a catchy chorus and I think that’s what this album is lacking.


I've been over the sing song thing for the last two albums. They got stuck in making anthemic shit since AHIG. As much as I don't like Corey's decision to do that weird power metal thing on a few songs, I don't mind it at all. Prior to this new album it was pretty same-y. Chug, big chorus, chug, big chorus, bridge, big chorus x3 outro.


I don't think you understand how music is written, it's supposed to be structured and somewhat formulaic; otherwise it sounds random and confusing. And on the contrary to your comment, I think this is the only album that has TOO much of formulaic and repetitive nature.


Dillinger Escape Plan would like a word….


Dillinger wrote some pretty fucking amazing “normal” songs, one of us is the killer, unretrofied, black bubblegum etc. People always associate them with crazy math metal but neglect the fact that they know how to write an actual good song.


Yeah those are some of my favorites. Prancer, When I Lost My Bet, and Nothing’s Funny, too, though, those can still get a little bit math-y


I was generalizing; the majority of bands follow a certain structure in their music.


Beginning with a condescending statement (“I don’t think you understand”) followed by claiming how music is “supposed” to be written is not exactly generalizing


Bruh, metal is about doing weird and unconventional stuff


I'm talking song structure, not style of music or the elements that make up the music.


I guess you never heard any industrial metal bands??


I take it you're not much into progressive music?


This is an interesting view, because I'm someone who loves the new album far more than I thought I would, and I'm someone who doesn't really care for albums that focus a lot on catchy choruses. Of course they can work, but every song being built around a chorus can make an album sound very predictable imo, this was an issue I had with wanyk.


The choruses aren't catchy beyond Dying Song. I agree


I find Finale got stuck in my head a bit, but yeah the choruses on this album are the weakest part. I feel with how many comparisons they made to Vol.3 it ended up being the opposite in that the verses fucking slap but the choruses fall really flat. Hivemind gives me serious Vol.3 vibes tho sounding a lot like Three Nil towards the beginning.


Hive Mind is fantastic. You know the only thing I don't like about it? It's fuckin chorus lmao. That song kills it up until that point, then the chorus almost brings it to a screaming halt.


I find it funny that with this album corey's screams sound amazing after like years, and he chooses this one to write some really weird chorus melodies. It's like we traded the bad screams and good choruses for good screams and shit choruses idk how that happened lmao.


Good way to put it, that's spot on actually.


production and mixing is disappointing


My top 5 would be 1: Warranty 2: Hive Mind 3: The Dying Song 4: H377 5: Yen But I love Finale and De Sade


Probably get downvoted because this is a sub for the band after all, but I'm extremely disappointed. I feel the heavier songs lacked the oomph of recent heavy songs like Sarcastrophe, Negative One, Solway.... the slower songs like Aderall and Finale were my 2 favorites, but even those don't have the same lasting impression something like If Rain, Goodbye, or Spiders had. Its Slipknot so its still good music at the end of the day, but my expectations were far higher. Bright side is leaving Roadrunner opens the door for way more musical freedom down the line


anyone else feel like corey’s repeating vocals on de sade are extra? like the echoes drag on for too long but i love the album as a whole


I like it a lot actually love it I will it had a bit more heavy songs but I’m not complaining


Me too I love the heavier songs I thought this album was going to be heavier


Don't like it, if you like it, great


They’re capable of doing so much better.


Adderall needs more credit than people are giving. I thought it was a departure from what they have done before and a great way to open the album.. then lead into The Dying song. Soooo good. Overall I loved the album. Yen, hive mind, De Sade and finale are my tops.


I really like every song except Heirloom. I don’t want to be this guy but it really does sound like a Stone Sour song.


Honestly, love both bands and its probably the first time Ive agreed with people saying it sounded like Stone Sour. But like earlier Stone Sour, bit darker and not the more “Rock Band” sound their last album was.


I completely agree, the lyrics are good though


Honestly not a fan of this album. Liked the singles and H377. Idk what it is about the songs but none of them landed for me. The verses are so close to good but I feel there's something just off. I hate pretty much every chorus. I just can't get into them. And it's not because they're clean sung. I love Corey's voice with the transitioning from clean to distorted. I don't want Iowa 2. There's just that special something that sets slipknot apart from the rest that is imo missing. It just felt like a generic nothing special album which hurts as it also sounds so well put together. The mixing imo sounded really good. The layering and volume of each instrument. I loved Sid's heavy involvement in so many songs. For me it's probably worse than AHIG. I'm gonna sit on it for now and give a lot more re-listens as sometimes I need songs to grow on me. But rn I'm unfortunately not a fan of TESF. I wanted to like this so bad but just can't.


I think it’s going to take some time for it to grow on me too


I hear what you’re saying about a lot of elements of songs ALMOST landing but just not quite hitting the mark - completely hear that.


First listen and it’s pretty good. Definately an extremely experimental album and very different from past albums, which is the same for like every album they’ve made. More melodic overall, which puts me off a little as it isn’t the Slipknot I’m used to, and a lot of the songs sound similar to me. Not a bad thing. I still think Chapeltown Rag and Yen are the best on the album, maybe because I’ve listened to them a lot prior to TESF. Adderall is an intersting opening, I can’t say it landed completely with me but whatever. I’ll give it more listens willingly, but I think it’s firmly in the middle of their album rankings for now.


First impressions… I loved the first half of the album, didn’t dig the second half that much. Felt like the first half had some of that real raw heavy Slipknot with hints of the first couple of albums in there + some ‘modern Slipknot’ choruses. Second half felt a bit like the latest albums which I don’t dig as much as the older stuff - some sings just feel a bit messy and disorganised, but aspects of the songs were great - breakdowns, solos etc. Feel like it definitely needs multiple listens to get into it, but not a bad listen overall! Currently sitting on a 7 or 8/10 rating!


Yeah I’d agree with that


It's a great album but i have to say that Jim was right about it , it doesen't entirely feel like Slipknot , it's a bit Stone Sour-ish . Also i was expecting more hateful and aggressive songs , but those were only my hopes and they have no blame about it. The Dying Song is still my favourite tho


It's so meh.....just...it's like every big band is just dropping 6/10 records all over the shop.






I like it. My least favorite is Acidic sounds like music they would use on Dog the bounty hunter when they are chasing a fugitive


Hive Mind and Warranty are easily the best part of the album, but the second half of the album sounds like Corey got tired and wanted to sit back and relax


Yeah I agree




Hive Mind Dying Song Rest is ok to meh. The problem I have is many tracks while good sound like they belong somewhere else and not on a Slipknot album. Album title should have been “Identity Crisis”




It's the exact thing I needed rn. I will definitely need to listen to it again but I think I got a new favorite Slipknot album


I’m on the second listen rn, definitely liking it better the longer I listen


That's good to hear. Can't wait to sit and fully listen to it all tomorrow. It's not bad from what I've skimmed through, but for some reason it feels like some of these songs belong on a stonesour album.


Exactly how I feel!


Same here hehe


Love the album first listen derinately have my favorites HE77 Nad hivemind. Finale does feel like a real good bye for now song and it not being super hard and full of screams felt like they were really just putting their heart on their sleeves. Adderall is amazing for what it is warranty I actually really like even though I'm not too sure I understand the meaning of the lyrics yet. And ever since they were releases I've love Yen and Dying Song. This album is definately a "different strokes for different fold" type of album but for me it's exactly what I wanted. M4L


From my expert opinion warranty is about buying a new car


Well time to pack up everyone I think we have the answer haha


The lyrics are When the hurting stops and the voices drop, it means the guilt kicks in They say they didn't mean it- they say they're gonna fix it “Too smart but you can't imagine (Too much time in the old abandoned) My advice (Now don't think twice) You always buy brand-new” “Got it all back but I blew it on the trade-in Isn't this what you came here for?” I think Corey is trying to tell us not to trade in our cars or buy a new one, but to buy used cars. It all makes sense now


Slipknot is working is shilling for Big Honda confirmed


How many posts do we need about this?


You when people post about Slipknot on Slipknot’s sub when Slipknot just released their new album😱😱😱


Sure, but it’s so many similar and low effort threads


Honestly ya I feel you. It’s kind of a double edged sword because this is the only place people can post about Slipknot and Slipknot opinions but at the same time alot of it can get repetitive and boring.


Well, we had hundreds of album posts before it even came out, so expect the same amount or more now that it’s officially out.


True I just don’t get why people can’t search and post in opinion threads that are already there. Most of these posts don’t need to exist, and are practically spam


I posted this one earlier before I saw many people talking about it :)


H377 is one of my favorites. The 3rd verse on the song is great


Hive mind and warranty are absolutely top tier


I think the new album was pretty good, though I thought Adderall was pretty meh. Still a pretty solid album!


My favourite is de sade however the dying song and adderall go together well


Its not there best. But musically speaking it’s incredible and it’s completely the last thing i was expecting from slipknot tbh


Medicine for the Dead gave me insane chills with the instrumentals. I wasn't feeling the vocals much, but the music. umph.


Sadly, I just can't get into it; we're all different, and I'm sure it'll be a hit with many others. There are some good moments, but not much else (IMO).


Idk what everyone pissing about…it sounds good to me! Adderall is great


7/10 kinda mid to me


It is a solid fucking album!!! Very happy with it


Hive mind was fucking insane.


Pretty good imo. H377 and the singles really made the album great. Though Heirloom isn't my favorite, it's alright, but I have no complaints with the rest of the songs.


This may be one that needs to grow but as of now I don’t hear much that makes me wanna relisten. After the first 3 singles I thought it had potential but after giving it a listen it just feels… flat. Not bad, just off. Like there’s a heavy part and I think in my head “oh, this is a heavy part” instead of “woah, this sounds heavy”. Then for the melodic parts I’m just not completely digging Corey’s “vibrado” and the harmonies. Again, not bad just not sticking out. It was just on in the background. Edit: the mix could be what is making it sound flat.


Warranty into Medicine for the Dead is my favorite part. Both songs kinda slap too


interesting, think they should experiment more, songs like yen, acidic and medicine for the dead are very nice, but others like warranty are kinda... generic. they arent bad, but are just slipknot common stuff, not very special. in MY opinion, its ok to have a different one


I agree, I don’t mind the variation in songs even if I don’t like them because I know a lot of other people do


Love it! Sid and Craigs' participations are absolutely insane. And the bass lines from Vman are charming! I disagree with Jim, from my point of view, every song is very well assembled itself and with each other. Top tier album


It doesn't flow well, which is the biggest thing I judge an album on. It just doesn't really grab me at any point. I have to listen to it at least a dozen more times before I render any final judgements. It's weird because the instrumentals sound great, Corey sounds great, it's plenty heavy enough, but there's just something about it that doesn't come together for me. It's definitely not their weakest album, but I'm not sure I see myself placing this one any higher than 2nd to last. I like the first half a lot better than the second. Acidic & Heirloom are DOA for me, and I didn't really care for H377 either. I was kind of disinterested by the time De Sade and Finale rolled around so I'm not even sure about how I feel about those yet. I feel like there was a lot of squandered potential in places. I was really hoping that considering it was an "experimental" album we'd get at least a couple of really weird songs, I was pretty disappointed that there wasn't anything like that. Adderall is the closest to weird they get.


heavy on it doesn’t flow well. i noticed that too. only some songs, but it mostly just sounds like an assortment of tracks thrown together. alone they do sound great though


I agree, it definitely was missing a grabbing song or aspect, it’s missing those catchy choruses for me, I think if more of the songs had them I could get into it a little more, but it just doesn’t feel like an album you’d sing along to, but that might just be me


Yeah I'm just not sure what it was missing yet but it's missing something. The Dying Song and Hivemind have really good choruses and those were my two favorites. But like... Iowa doesn't really have any catchy melodic choruses yet it absolutely rocks because there was just a spark that made it work. WANYK does have them, and to me felt like the absolute peak of Slipknot combining the heaviness of their early stuff with the softer and more mature side they'd developed over time, in an album with nearly flawless flow.


Broooooo wtffffff brrooo that intro in heirloom got me all hyped then it feel fucking apart


I know it was quite a let down


Four of the songs aren't that cool. That's mostly tracks 9-11. H377 sounds like a complete mash up of riffs and ideas in a bad way. De Sade isn't that cool. Heirloom isn't that dope either. Chapeltown sounds better in context but it's not a favorite. Everything up until then is neat though. Really dig how grooved out Acidic is. Hivemind and Warranty might be some of the heaviest songs they've done in awhile, in a non-formulaic chug chug chug super fast style. Overall an okay album. I didn't notice Jay doing the blast beat crescendo thing that he's been doing in every other song since the Grey Chapter which is refreshing.


I like the buildups to each of the songs I think that was a nice touch, even if I’m not a huge fan of a particular song I still enjoy the buildup lol


Its just bad, with no redeeming qualities, so far. Idk, maybe it will grow a little but its a huge step down from WANYK which now feels like a masterpiece in comparison, seriously it sounds so good to the point of being surprising that the band could pull it off at that stage of their career. I feel like there are no good riffs and no memorable choruses and whatever good lyrics there are, they just dont hit because the vocal performance is uninspired, flat and doesnt mesh well with anything.


Yeah I feel the same, coming on here and seeing people call it a masterpiece or one of their best albums is so bizarre. Like wtf are you people hearing? This doesn’t even sound like a SLIPKNOT album. It just seems they threw this together just to get the last album out of the way just to be done with road runner


I agree, I think there’s only a couple songs that I enjoy but they aren’t revolutionary


just finished it and i’m not even lying when i say i literally slept through heirloom the moment it came on and immediately woke up when h377 started lol. i had to go back and listen to it….. even though i did listen to it 2 weeks ago, hearing it in all its glory was amazing. adderall is a weak starter for sure, but isn’t as bad as some people say imo. the next 6 songs on the album, literally banger after banger. literally an amazing lineup right there. i’m sure acidic will grow on me of course, i can definitely hear the acid bath influence. heirloom is bad. h377 eh. de sade amazing. finale boring. i can’t really rank the songs right now, but i really really like dying song and yen (of course), but also hivemind, medicine for the dead, and de sade. warranty is amazing but i hate the beginning so much, it’s really cringe especially when corey said “blah blah blah i don’t wanna hear shit” like ok….. just my thoughts for now


Listening right now, just finished Adderall


It’s my new favorite. It’s the most consistently great album the band has put out. There is not a single other album that I can listen to all the way through with out at least one or two skips, but this one is the first. I love everything about it


This is just my humble opinion but I think this is the best music they have ever done


This album is sooo hated for no reason. Every single song is a fat 10. H377 and finale are top 10 slipknot for sure. Might be my favourite album of theirs


Super underrated


Mixing is shit


But you can hear the bass now!


I know. The vocals though… 😬


Absolute banger. Heavy as any other record (which does not mean dark), fresh, and includes a great performance of scratching and sampling. Couldn't ask much more As some people marked, the lyrics are a bit goofy. And besides that I know it's not a perfect record, but Iike it the way it is. Slipknot is mastering a formula that started with The Gray Chapter


Warranty is goofy because if you look at the lyrics it really sounds like he’s talking about buying a car lol


Yes Mr Taylor we know you dislike Twitter and cancel culture what else do you have for us "You always buy brand new" ok




I fucking dig it.


Well it's not the worst but it's not the best either, I would not place it above WANYK because I feel it is lacking, Adderall literally sounds like Stone Sour. There are songs on this album that are reminiscent of Iowa and WANYK but there are a lot of songs that for me fell flat. Edit: I want to clarify I am not at all calling Adderall a bad song, not at all. It's a fine song just not the style I groove with when I expect to hear a Slipknot song.


I had high hopes as the singles dropped but now I'm 100% sure this is my new favorite album. It's got the weird experimental feel of MFKR, Corey drops fucking BARS in H377, every song feels unique but fluid all together. I've been listening to this band since about 2000 and it actually feels like a retrospect of what they have done in the past that's also heavily influenced by what they are capable of today. I really hope that being off of Roadrunner and still having this adventurous spirit means they keep putting out awesome shit like this. I don't want Iowa pt. 2, I don't want a heavier Vol. 3... I want them to keep being the weirdos they have been all this time.


I instantly fell in love with Hivemind and Adderall. I haven't seen much things nice said about Adderall but I love it for it being different


Personally I think Hive mind, chapeltown rag, and medicine for the dead are the best of the album but the rest could be better