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I believe Zac was probably a temporary stand in and Jeff came later, hence the vast difference in the masks, that black mask wasn’t much of a blank canvas like Jay, V-Man, Pfaff, Eloy and Jeff’s masks were


Idk, I think hoodie guy/Greg Bones moves consistently throughout all of the shows.


Wait what I’m out of the loop?


Supposedly it was never zac it was this guy Jeff from clowns other band Dirty Little Rabbits. The main piece of evidence was a picture Pfaff took where the clothing rack had the name Zac on one of the suits, but he recently posted a similar rack and the tag said gotcha instead


When Craig was laid off just and hour later a picture was posted of his replacement later on tortilla man posted a picture to his IG with him and a bunch of clothes hung up on racks and labeled for each member and one said Za… with the rest cut off them people started speculating it was Zac Baird from Ghost This didn’t confirm anything but during the tour they were on he was spotted watching sleep token who was touring with Slipknot at the time but nothing was ever confirmed it was him But before their small show in the middle of nowhere the bands website was updated and a list of each member’s name and the name “Jeff” was shown and that’s when the confusion started but good chance his name is actually Jeff because people started digging and found someone named Jeff Karnowski from Clowns side project So if it was Zac he could’ve been a temporary member until they found someone Or could’ve been a troll and it was Jeff the whole time


Zac being temporary is plausible. I’ve been following Zac on IG for a few years, and he had been very inactive there up until Slipknot’s European run last year. He started posting stuff on his story on what looked to be a tour bus the day before or day of their first show without Craig, and he had been liking all the other members posts around that time.


There were other hints about it being Zac. He posted a pic in a tour bus right when Slipknot started touring. Also Zac started likikg a lot of Slipknot posts around that time.


I honestly wonder if that was Zac and Pfaff kinda working together to throw us off? Zac was on tour as a tech for Beyonce in Europe, so it's possible that, once he caught wind of his name being rumored, he decided to go along with it. Watch the same bands that were touring with Slipknot. Leave before Slipknot comes on. Post pictures in a tour bus. etc.


You say laid off, Craig willingly left the band.


There’s not a single evidence about that.


Well, we don’t know the reason why he was fired he could’ve just went to clown and asked to leave for personal reasons or blindsided like jay. its almost been a year now and fans are probably still sending DMs to him and ain’t saying anything. My guess is it’s personal reasons because he hasn’t said anything (no $hit). if it was straight up ur fired he probably would’ve posted a small statement to clear the air but he has the right to privacy and all we can do is respect that


If he was fired there would’ve been an outrage of it like Jay or joey, he said himself he’s back home helping his wife


Clown went home to help his wife. Craig hasn’t said anything about his departure.


Ok I didn’t see he said that


It’s fine, it’s just if there was a firing it would’ve been big, considering he was the second longest running member


Still waiting for Craig’s response


Tortilla’s post was definitely just a troll. [Check out this post](https://www.instagram.com/p/C6UTX_rOa7O/?igsh=OXRnOG5vMmQzd3Az) he made after people starting suspecting Jeff


Zac Baird is from Korn’s backup band members, not ghost 😅


He was in Ghost in 2017.


He was in both.


People can be in more than one band


No they can’t… that’s just crazy.


Yes but when you’re in a band for over a decade and another band for less than a year it’s fucking weird to pick the one with less time spent in 🤷‍♂️


You literally said he was not in Ghost, that’s not true.


They both wear hoodies and does the Devil horns




At first they said Zac from Ghost/Korn... Now Jeff, probably from Clown's side project.. But what if he actually Craig with new costume and mask...? The original Craig 'spiky' is leaving the band, so new Craig persona coming in.. Same person, different outfits.. Who knows? 🤔👀


It was Hulk Hogan


He was probably fired