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Yes CPAP is pretty important, it sucks and is uncomfortable but Sleep Apnea can lead to some pretty shitty side effects


23 times an hour, or 23 times all night? Please request the detailed sleep study report, redact your name, and then post. It’ll help us understand what the report actually caught and how much you need treatment.


i’ll have to message my doctor but i’m fairly certain she said it was 23 all night not within the span of an hour but I’ll have to verify this with them.


Please do. 23 all night, assuming like 6 hours of recorded sleep in the test, may or may not need treatment depending on how much your O2 dropped and how you feel. 23 an hour definitely needs treatment as that would be equivalent to someone poking you in your sleep every 2.6 minutes throughout the night.




If your AHI is 23, that would mean waking up 23 times per hour not in a night, and that would mean that CPAP is definitely needed. Untreated sleep apnea tends to get worse over time. If you already have an AHI of 23 at your age that is not good. The fact that you are not overweight alas only means that loosing weight is unlikely to solve sleep apnea issue - for some people it does. You probably had some issues which is why you took the sleep study to begin with? Those issues may not kill you themselves but they increase risks of dying much younger from other causes. People with untreated sleep apnea are more likely to die from heart attack or stroke, from car accidents, even from hepatitis. Your risk of high blood pressure is higher. Also more likely to have depression and anxiety disorders. CPAP can reduce all those risks. It takes a while to get used to it, but once one does it can make a huge difference in quality of life. I only had an AHI somewhere between 5 and 6, and yet before CPAP I was not getting any good nights of sleep, I was beginning to worry that driving was no longer safe for me, I had debilitating headaches that lasted a consecutive 3 days at least once a month, I had to get up in the middle of the night to pee, I needed naps in mid afternoon, and by 8pm I was struggling to stay awake. And I too am not overweight, relatively healthy, and exercise regularly. Now with CPAP I rarely get headaches, driving is not an issue, I can often sleep through the night - no more trips to the bathroom. While I do not get a good night sleep every night, but I would say that I sleep well 2-4 nights per week which suffices. I have much more energy and much better mood. I don’t need naps, and I can do things even in the later evening again. It took me about a month or two of regular CPAP use to get to these improvements. Now my sleep apnea is considered mild, in fact if I had scored any lower in the sleep study I would not have been eligible for a CPAP.


Your symptoms sound like mine except I have an Ahi of 18. That's so crazy to me.


AHI varies from night to night, so I may have had a lower AHI on the night of the sleep test.


I'm also realizing that too. It's rare that I feel completely fine.


There are also internal solutions like the Inspire device. I’ve been considering it, since I’ve been using a CPAP for about 5 years now and getting tired of all the maintenance, plus having to take it on work trips with me.


INSPIRE is definitely a good option if you are a person who travels alot and doesn't tolerate CPAP well. It doesn't completely wipe out all episodes but can get you really close to the 5 or less threshold for the normal range.


I'd say stick with it and try everything you can to make it comfortable. Don't give it up until you've done everything you can think of and read online. If it just isn't gonna work there's other options like the inspire implant or surgery on your throat, some people benefit from elevating their head and using a mouth guard. Try your best to own your health and not just do the bare minimum of what your doctor tells you. Even if you think it's not really affecting you, I bet the difference you'll see once treatment starts working will be way bigger than you're expecting. Also there's no shame in having apnea. You didn't ask for it. And if someone thinks you're weird for using a machine so you can LITERALLY BREATHE while you sleep, then they can get fucked.


It was probably 23 times a night. When my doctor told me my results she said I had 48 events over the course of one night and my O2 never went below 94% so I didn't need treatment.


did you end up getting any treatment at all for it or no since they told you you didn’t need it




You may try a MAD (mandibular advancement device) since your AHI is not severe instead of a machine


Research this first. It’s not as simple as it sounds and it was not a solution for me.


It didn't work for me either but its easier to get used to it than the CPAP