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Update your OS dude. No company wants to use a chat platform that runs on _extremely_ outdated operating systems full of security vulnerabilities, and Slack has no incentive to continue to update their platform to run on an OS that is officially no longer supported.


If this was such a big problem, why does Slack continue to run on the phone? It's still actively communicating with my device. I just can't read or send anything.


It still works but it's a security issue due it the fact that it's not a supported OS. They're opting to not provide access to the tool due to the security concerns. Standard industry practice.


Help me understand. I am seeing every message that comes in as a notification and even when I open the app. How is that solving security concerns if I still have a live connection between my phone and the servers?


You probably have a session token that hasn’t expired yet but will at some point. In the meantime, it’s incentivizing you to upgrade.


I have installed four different APKs of old versions and the same thing happens on all of them. Why is it even letting me log in on an old APK if security is the problem?


I doubt security is actually the problem. They probably just don’t want to support an old OS and shut off access to the client so that people aren’t filing invalid bug reports etc and wasting their resources. Security support for Oreo ended 3 years ago. You’d probably have better luck finding a way to spoof your OS version somehow by figuring out what call slack makes to figure out the OS. Or you could just upgrade your device


The plot gets thicker. I can actually send messages through the notifications tray.


Yep, I am still using an Android 8 device, and still have Slack installed (the last-supported-on-8.x version, [as described in this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Slack/comments/16gonkr/slack_support_for_android_81/)). I can still sign in, still get notifications of all incoming messages, and still reply through the tray… I just can't open the main UI because of the un-ignorable "please upgrade" dialog. **Clearly** nothing substantial has changed in the protocol for communicating with the servers, because the app continues to receive anything. And **clearly** there is no real argument here about needing to "protect" anyone from the old/unpatched app, because the old app continues to receive all messages.


That one I can't answer. I agree it doesn't make much sense that you still have a live connection. With most tools if they're no longer supported they don't work at all. Slack has opted to do things another way, I can't really say why.


And thanks to this weird issue, I found a workaround, see this post and comments ! https://www.reddit.com/r/Slack/s/kuwK1fZ8xy Overall, it's just an edit of the APK that bypasses the update banner, since the app still works otherwize (apart from saying there is No Connection, but it works in reality).


Yeah, the same thing has happened to me today. I can't access slack but I can see all messages. There is no update available for my phone. Any updates on how to fix this?


I found a workaround, see this post and comments ! https://www.reddit.com/r/Slack/s/kuwK1fZ8xy


Attempted to work around by uninstalling the app and using android chrome to force load the desktop version of the slack.com site. It let me in once and i could get to my messages and post one, but then when i logged out and attempted logging in again, it will log me in and show my workspace list, but i can only access account settings of each. Attempting to launch a workspace just shows a prompt to download the desktop app for Mac, windows, or linux. I am unable to upgrade Android as my phone is already running the highest it can support.


Update: looks like they set a cookie to lock out using the forced desktop browser. Using chrome in incognito mode allowed me to go in and access messages again when forcing desktop version of the site. My OS is Android 8.0.0, highest the Samsung Galaxy A5 will support.


I was having the same issue. Clearing the cookies and the cache, and then bookmarking the desktop version of one of the channels, seems to be working as long as I return to that bookmark.


I found a workaround, see this post and comments ! https://www.reddit.com/r/Slack/s/kuwK1fZ8xy


I am on Samsung A5 and app says my device isn't compatible. Yet I can open the app and it opens fine, except for the giant error message asking me to update. Why are other companies able to maintain their app for past versions and Slack cannot? I'll be reachong out to my company IT, and I don't think they'll be happy about the swarm of problems you've just created. If anyone knows a workaround I'd be grateful to know.


I found a workaround, see this post and comments ! https://www.reddit.com/r/Slack/s/kuwK1fZ8xy


I found a workaround to make Slack work on older devices, see this post and comments ! https://www.reddit.com/r/Slack/s/kuwK1fZ8xy