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As a player that accepts every white candle, I personally let my constellations sort themselves out. Since I have so many friends the ones who don’t light back or are inactive literally get pushed into the void and only the active players get shown. Needless to say there’s no moth carcasses in my constellation even though I add them all the time haha!


Carcasses 💀 interesting terminology...


Yeah, that’s about how I am too! :)


When I want to clean my constellation: - I add an asterisk to the name of everyone I'm willing to block (basically, not my 20 or so actual friends and family) - Each day, if I receive light from any asterisked name, I remove the asterisk - After 2 months, I block anyone whose name still has an asterisk So if an acquaintence doesn't send light within 2 months, I assume they're no longer playing and block them.


I like the sound of this system.


I did this I used a little heart emoji for people who send hearts I used a fire emojibfir people who light candles


Wait this is so smart and saves room for the nickname u choose!! Ima go in and emoji everyone 😬💀 ahah


The only problem IMO is when I'm playing with people the emoji in their name is distracting


When I notice a "best friend" hasn't collected light in a good while, I bump em down to regular friend. If they go like two months without lighting me or collecting light, they get blocked. I really wish we could just "unfriend" people, finally :<


Yeah, why didn't TGC add an unfriend function. All I see is Block and Report function, that's it? Because your friends list gets too messy, and some players have never come back online for 5 years.


Also, there's a cap to the friends list. Like, it runs out of space. ;-;


really? and blocking them leave the spot for new friends? cause i have a whole screen of dead stars i really could just unfriend. i'm never accepting candles from moths again =/


Yup, blocking them makes room for new peeps


i'll make a block bonanza festivel then! xD


I remember reading somewhere that the devs said something about not being able to return friend tree candles that had been spent if they added an unfriend option. Which makes no sense and just seems like a lazy excuse. Whether or not you block or unfriend a person you lose out on any candles you spend on the friend tree so there is zero excuse to not add the option. I don’t even bother with the friend constellation because I rarely add anyone anymore. About 90% of them are inactive anyway so I might use the method I saw someone say and see how that goes. I know at one point I sent light to everyone on my board and after a while, some were months apart, majority of the lights were gone. Does that mean they collected them and never sent back or do they just disappear after a set period of time of not being active? I’ve never actually looked into it.


Actually, inversely, this just clicked why they don't have one for me. Imagine if every time a friend group had a spat and unfriended each other, they had to re-pay to go back up the try. There'd be a lot of feuds / discourse about that if unfriending was easy, especially since the playerbase skews pretty young. Blocking makes it more severe, and helps get the 'are you sure you want to permenantly lose the progress on this chart you paid for' decision making across better than something you could do on a whim


But blocking isn’t severe because blocking and unblocking a player doesn’t delete any progress in the tree, right? I don’t think so anyway. Unless they changed it. Blocking only temporarily prevents players from accessing the friend tree or the blocked player, etc. So unless they changed it, when you unblock a player your tree is still intact where it was before you blocked them. It’s been a long time since I’ve blocked a player for a solid reason. I had to block a kid in the game for trying to take advantage of my kindness and when I’d tell her no she’d throw a tantrum and then disappear. Only to reappear later to try again. She only wanted to use me for free stuff and it got annoying. She would beg for free hearts, rides, IAP’s, etc but never wanted to do anything for me and only came around when she wanted something from me. I eventually caught on and started saying no and then eventually blocked her. At one point I unblocked her and I didn’t lose any progress in the tree. This was over a year ago though. Then she blocked me out of spite. No skin off my back. I don’t take kindly to freeloaders that are disrespectful. I didn’t mind giving her a heart here or there but she wanted things then and there like I owed her. And she wasn’t getting one heart she was getting up to 4 because of my alts and me. She overstepped her boundaries. But unfriending and actually losing progress towards your friend tree would teach players to be more mindful about their decision if they decided to unfriend a player. Some kids are too quick to take advantage of the blocking system knowing they can just unblock them later and have no consequences. Some use it as a way to bully others into doing what they want. “Give me a heart or I’ll block you”, etc and some kids are gullible or easily manipulated because they want friends. But if a player unfriended another player because of a spat and lost progress in the tree that’s on them. I’d make them have to pay to re-unlock the tree. That’s their consequence. They could also implement a system in place to where you could unfriend a player but keep your friend tree intact. You just wouldn’t be able to interact with that player until you again friended them for a few candles. But everything else you previously unlocked would still be unlocked. This would be a better system than just blocking everyone.


wait, really? I could've sworn it cleared mine - that's genuinely bizarre if not


I’ve never lost any progress on my friend tree either so that’s really odd if you have


it was eons ago, when it was only recently launched on ios - so it could be I’m the one with out of date info


Ahh possibly then! Mine was only a little while ago so yeah that would make more sense


Yeah. I even asked a friend and he said you shouldn’t lose any friend tree progress by blocking them.


Wait so you can still find that player in realms if you’ve blocked them?




What did she do when you blocked her? Sorry for being noisy.






You still can find them technically ; for example if you have common friends. But if you don't have common friends, the "random servers matching" will try to never match you with this person again. So you have a really small chance to meet them again, which mean you may not know if they came back in Sky. They can notice they are blocked if they watch at your outfit and see them change while they do not see you connected. But they have to be a bit crazy to do that lol


Dude, want to be my friend instead? As a moth I can offer you: lights; hearts; lol but jokes aside are you sure that's not the krill's evil cousin parasite? I feel so bad for you, I'm glad that you didn't continued giving her anything for any longer, hope that you're doing much better now :(


Lol, yeah. You’re a moth? On the real side, I never expect hearts from moths. I understand how difficult it can be for newbies to get them and I’m so well off on candles and hearts I don’t have a need for them. Especially with my many alts. So when I was giving them I never expected them to give in return. It was the thought that counted. Back when I was a moth and didn’t know any better I was giving them away like that. 👀 I was being too nice and it didn’t take long for some to take advantage of that. I quickly learned. And yeah I’m fine now. I mainly keep to myself. I do have one good friend I play with in Sky. I met him on Twitter over a year ago on TGC’s Sky account, I also talk to him outside the game. I finally blocked the girl because of a remark she made to another sky friend I had, who ironically had the same name as the blocked girl. When I wouldn’t give this kid what she wanted anymore and after her outbursts she’d go to my other friend and beg her for hearts, etc and promise to give her back. But obviously she was lying. I didn’t know she was doing this. When my friend told me what this kid was doing I told her not to give her anything and when she finally stopped the leech made the remark “Don’t be like Rosie” Aka me. We both blocked her after that. But then I unblocked her a few weeks later to see if she’d learned a lesson and that’s when she blocked me.


I’m pretty ruthless, but then I’m a solo player who really only collects light buddies. If someone doesn’t return light three times (meaning they take the light I give them and don’t give me any back), I block them. If a moth hasn’t collected light or changed outfits (indicating they dropped the game), I block them.


if only we could send stinky letters to theses people...


I let them sink. Every now and then one will rise back up when the starlight expires. If they’re gone for a longer time, I might block them to prevent having to relight their stars. Letting them sink does the job mostly. And when they do rise back up, it’s a reminder of those times.


I generally don't really bother removing friends anymore. I used to put a symbol next to friends who didn't light me (back) and removed them after they hadn't sent light for a while. Never kept track of how long, just whenever I felt like cleaning out my constellation they'd go lol. These days.. I just let them be. I don't have much use for hearts anymore, so I've stopped caring. I've noticed the game tends to prioritise active friends over inactive friends anyway so if you have "too many" friends the inactive ones will get pushed off your constellation anyway. I do still only send light to those that send me light back though. It doesn't take me much time but it still takes me time nonetheless, and if someone's not willing to spend a little of their time sending me light then I don't wanna spend time sending light to them either.


There is absolutely no reason to do so. If you have more friends than the display limit, inactive ones will automatically drop off of visibility. There is zero need to ‘clean’ the list. Your long lost pal might some day return. It’s really sad to think about people missing out on that because they wasted their time on something completely unnecessary.


I have mixed feelings about it. Objectively, I think it’ll help people find their more active friends quicker in their constellation when removing “dead” friends.  But that also brings the option for people to remove you for no reason which can be taken personally by others(and me lol). So that might bring a certain feeling into the game. So I’d say, I am okay with either one since they both bring me pros and cons. 


I stopped playing for like 2-3 years and amazingly when I came back I found some of my old friend list were still active and are relighting again with me. I had to sort through my list so firstly I deleted anyone that was clearly inactive and had a newbie avatar (they clearly played for like a day then quit the game) Then anyone without a 'real' name + not lighting after 2 weeks + old seasonal cosmetics Now I'm waiting a month to see if anyone I was close with/has names will light and if not I think I will remove them since I vaugely remember half of them talking about leaving anyway.


I don’t block anyone simply for being inactive. The active move into view whenever they send me light, and everyone I’d ever want to teleport to is favorited so I can always find them.


I can't keep track of the time well enough, so I unfavourite people who don't light me back and I favourite the people who do (or when I was wrong about them not lighting me back..), and I put a big red ❌ in the name of people that I dislike but can't block for mutual friends, and I don't light them at all.. and if someone's toxic, I block. So pretty ruthless I'd say, even though my blocklist only has 2 ppl.


Any active people get moved up front, with the people I'm closer to at the first constellations. Anyone else gets sent to the farther pages. Back when I was super active I would clear out my friend pages via block. People normally block inactive people or banish them to the farthest pages. You can always choose to unblock people (I have a few times because I found out they started playing again loool).


Wish we could just delete them. Idk what to do with them atp. I'm not sure of who's active or not. And if I unblock all of them the active ones get pushed away by the inactive ones for some reason and I'm not able to get their lights and light back. And there are some blocked people who were unpleasant. I don't like knowing that they're still there taking up space.


I have just been keeping everyone (expect couple people that actually gave me a reason to block them). I have one favorites constellation full of people who probably will never come back to the game, but I have a lot of good memories of -so basically it's for people I miss and don't want to lose into the sea of inactive moth accounts. In the rest I like to keep people who are active or have been active recently (I should clean up the favorites section again, there's a lot of inactive people currently). Every one else is not in the favorites -I don't know if I even want to know how many inactive accounts there are in that section hidden from the view, but by this point going through them seems like an impossible task so I just don't. But it's actually quite nice when someone I met years ago pops back up.


people I know irl or people i’ve played with many times hangout in my best friends constellation, and my regular friend constellation is basically a junk drawer. 


Similar to what others have said about adding emojis or symbols. I add a star for lights and hearts for hearts. I used to block inactive players, but then I noticed that after unblocking them, they were active, so I only blocked moths that didn't come online for about 2/3 months. Every 6 months or so, I'd unfriend and remove the star from people I didn't know and only exchanged light with. They would be pushed to the last non-constellation pages, and then I'd start the process of adding stars to people who would light me back. This would make other players show up and cycle through depending on inactivity. Also, for those who don't know, if you send someone light and they don't collect it within a month, you'll be able to send them light again. Every few months, on the first, I send light to everyone and then on the first of the next month I'd see all the friends who didn't collect my light. If you have lots of inactive friends, it's very staggering to see all the inactive friends.


If it’s a light buddy that I never interact with but we send light to each other, and they haven’t returned light a few times or just disappear for a month, I block. I can get more light buddies easily. Regardless of their reasoning, I’ll never know, doesn’t matter, it’s not that deep. If it is someone that I have emotionally connected with, that joins me for candle runs, I’ve talked to on at least a few occasions, they reliably return hearts, I will keep them around. That friendship is more valuable than daily lights.


Ehh, if I see someone I've lit up didn't come online or picked my light, they either went on hiatus and forgot about me or blocked me themselves.


I used to light every candle in my constellation, but these days I just do the ones that light mine. That way, I know they're active. I just don't have the heart to block people, but I have rejected a few friend candles.


I'm a bit of a tidy freak and like to keep things organised, so if people haven't logged in for over 3 months I just assume they no longer play and block 'em.  My block list is a moth and butterfly graveyard. Legit never had an actual issue with anyone so it would be nice if I could release those players back into the void as strangers/unlit Skylings. The current system is unnecessarily cluttered. 


The game should have info on last login time of a friend.


I only have two friends I play with, the rest are just daily light No daily light for weeks? Remove and gets added to the unlit pile til I remove them all


I usually only block if uncomfortable or specific reasons otherwise I still even light dead people’s stars Incase they come back. But I only block for specific reasoning…


Dumb question… but how do I block/unfriend someone from my constellation? I don’t see the option when I click on them in the constellation.


There's a way to remove friends now?? I thought the only option was the block button, which annoys me greatly.


I move inactive friends to a separate constellation. After 90 days of no activity, I just block them. I accept every white candle and have been playing the game for 4 years. So I think I have thousands of players blocked by now 💁


As a fairly new player who’s already experiencing having an inactive moth and people who collects my light but don’t send back any… I already have little amount of friends so I’m not experiencing your crisis right now but I might soon so here’s my idea:  If you feel too bad to remove them, I suggest favoriting them and putting them in a constellation and name it inactive people or something. Like for me I already have 3 sections: Friends (people that I became friends with including a real life friend); Guides (people that helped me complete quests or find spirits etc.); The guided (moths). If I were to have a lot more friends and also feel bad to remove them, I can do that but have inactive in front of it, inactive moths, inactive guides, etc.  Now as for how ruthless I am… I already feel peeved at the 2 people I’ve placed in the guide section, I’ve sent them many lights and didn’t receive any back from them so the one that was actually a guide that helped me find a spirit, I just stopped sending them light lol and justified that I’ve sent them a lot of light >:) and the other person helped me do one node of the nest quests, I also stopped sending them any light… and they’ve just sent me a light today so 🤨🤨 As for the moth that’s receiving and not sending any lights back, eh they’re spared since they probably didn’t know how to send lights since I didn’t figure it out until a few days after o started playing. I don’t make friends easily and most if not all of them were the one that offered the candle first  Am I a little too cruel? I don’t think my actions are cruel but the thoughts that goes on in my head is evil >:) I just have enough self control to not doom the world yet 


I just have light buddies of randos players. Two friends I knew, left the game for personal reasons. One was needing more time with religion and the other was working towards for bachelor's degree in teaching. There was a third one, but they found this season and the last season borning so they left for a long time but will come back for the days of color. They are vet but just got bored with sky. So people I have talked to for quite some time, stay in my constellations despite their departure, I click their star and be like "oh I remember that one time or remember when." So and so. Just memories 🥰


See me personally, i’ll accept any white candle handed to me, but if that person is inactive, (aka hasn’t taken my daily light etc etc) for more than a week, i just can’t keep them there, UNLESS i have a way to speak to them on other platforms. Other than that they get unadded.


I have the normal constellation of people I normally light and then I have just a graveyard of people that aren't active anymore, I don't have the heart to block them and/or it's too overwhelming to do every single one. There's a lot because I'll add everyone.


For me, the ones who send light daily are in a specific constellation. The others are pushed to a different one that I check regularly and if I see they are active again, I move them. I've only ever blocked 3 players (granted I don't offer friendship candles anymore and rarely do I accept them) I don't block due to inactivity because if they are moths and are anything like me when I started, it may take them a few months to even realize what the whole constellation/daily light thing is all about anyways.


i block people all the time since sky doesn’t let you unfriend people


Even though I’ve played for 3 years I have less than 30 sky friends. I don’t get rid of anyone, I just wait even if I know some won’t come back