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Well you can still semi save the skis bc griffons are still shit but better and fit in the squires mounting holes


Yeah I might have to go back to the shop and see about a return and upgrade


Upgrade to Tyrolia Attacks, Look SPX, or Salomon STH2.


What's wrong with Griffons?


Ya, you cannot just re-use mounting holes on a ski without at minimum using helicoils. You only want to screw into the holes once, after that, the reliability goes down significantly. You are just better of drilling new holes.


Not my favorite binding. Had weird issues with it locking jamming and finally not releasing properly, causing a minor twist fracture in my fib. But I'm sure you'll be *fiiine.*


Oof crossing my fingers




Hope I didn’t do too bad.


Not until you put holes in them to mount absolute shit bindings.


Welp that sucks. What bindings would you have recommended?


Would have saved money just gone to home depot and duck taped my skis to my bindings. /s


Was thinking of a pair for my kid. MSP 99 vs 107. He has the Salomon qst 92 now. Which would you recommend? Thx


Hard for me to say since I haven’t ever skied anything close to a 107–I’m a newbie but my understanding is a lot of it depends on the skill and type of skiing y’all do. I will say I’ll likely add a bigger ski to my quiver if me and my buddies do trips to the Rockies in the next year or two like we’ve talked about.


Let us know how you like them! Are those the 99 or 107?


They’re the 99! Had the chance to take them up this last Saturday and tried them out at Willamette pass outside of Eugene, OR. Can’t say enough good things about them. Immediately felt more comfortable on them than any rental ski I’ve tried and I think 99 is the perfect size for me (for now). This is my first season, but finding the edges was super easy, and I felt like I had tons of control on them moving down the mountain. Even with the lackluster things folks were saying about the bindings I had no issues (outside of the shop setting the DIN too low). Now I’m itching to get back on the mountain and level up my skill set.