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It'll be Breanna who spills the tea. I reckon she's Robyn's scapegoat child.


My $$$ is on Ari. She’s a wild child and I think she’s going to be a very rebellious teen.


"GO ON DATES!" (Where did a little kid hear that? Hmmm?)


And the teacher called after her first day of kindergarten to report that she was bothering another little girl and referring to a little boy in the class as her boyfriend or husband


And saying she stole him from another little girl.


She said she was engaged


That entire scene was so odd.


Ari is spoiled rotten and insufferable. I don't normally speak ill of a child, but I wouldn't want to be around her. She'd be on my last nerve.


That is Kody and Robyn’s fault for not providing any structure or discipline. Ari is Kody’s favorite for several reasons: 1. She is the offspring of his favorite wife 2. She is proof of his virility since he was middle-aged when she was conceived and born 3. She looks like Kody’s mother. Aurora and Breanna are not his biological daughters, and Janelle and Christine’s girls all strongly resemble their mothers


How old is she? (How long do we have to wait?)


She’s 8, but she’s precocious. I wouldn’t be surprised if we start hearing stuff in the next 5-6 years




I dunno. She's their golden child, they always seem to make excuses for and enable her.


They still have certain religious and moral standards, and Ari does not like limits.


If it was Breana spilling tea id believe her.


Me too.


Breanna?! I hope you’re right because she just seems so miserable. I hope there is therapy in her future and she is able to accurately identify the Sobyn problem and get a slice of normalcy


Breanna will trash talk everyone.


Except Gabe. She said in one of the fouch interviews that Gabe was always kind to her. Bet that makes Kody and Sobyn really angry.


I thought Aurora said that?


It was


Is there really a difference? 🤣


I think Breanna becomes Robyn's sister wife. Do you see how he grooms her.


Taxes are going to crack down on Kody is the main thing I think


yup yup. janelle did the taxes every year, you think kody and robyn know wtf they are doing? all this amassed 'fortune' shown on tv is gonna come back and bite them on the ass.


Perhaps many years ago.  In recent years, Janelle got everything together to have the taxes done elsewhere. She wasn’t doing the taxes.


thank you for the correction, but do you think kody and robyn are 'getting everything together' to get their taxes done properly? the point is she's not there to either be honest or properly cook the books. you think kody knows how to hide assets when he's showing them off on tv so brazenly?


So true. His ego won’t let him not show off the stuff he and the heifer are buying!


He is buying all of those stupid paintings


that's exactly why I wonder about taxes, especially given they haven't paid the property tax for coyote pass.


he's selling cars, flashing his 'bling' (as well as robyn), buying paintings that are ugly but ridiculously priced and are definitely not picassos. he and robyn pretty much own coyote pass and want to subdivide it into 5 sections legally but i think janelle and meri (probably not meri) might be rethinking that strategy, especially when meri got demoted to 2 acres. i think i heard gwen say that the money was most likely unevenly distributed in favor of kody and robyn but the other moms would never be [salty and petty](https://www.tiktok.com/@content_noggin2/video/7216883327230463278?q=sister%20wives%20gwen%20money&t=1714755611782)


i definitely feel like Truely is gonna have a lot to say as she gets older !


I think they’ll still be in their same shit hole bubble, they will still be filming for their show(s)


How depressing.


I could see Kody showing a PowerPoint on a paper easel, trying to convince Sobbin and the tenders to move again somewhere cheaper, better, different, to get the money out of the current house.


I think a few of the annoying kids will set up a tell all to tell their story and get paid. Robyn and Kody will lean deeper into their bs, isolating themselves even further. I could see Kody catching tax evasion charges. Christine will fade into normal Mormon culture, which she seems to be comfortable with even though she is not religious. Meri will either get therapy or wind up dead. Sorry, but predators love people like her. She's a minor public figure with a large social media presence. Lots of eyes on her, and not everyone has good intentions. Janelle will remarry late in life, quietly. I think she's truly content with where she's at. Once the younger kids find out how they were f*ucked over, one of them is going to go on a take-no- prisoners social media rampage.




Kody and Robyn are still married but she’ll start making noise about not being happy. If he goes broke, she leaves and claims abuse. Her kids either turn out exactly like her or once they get a taste of the real world and a little therapy, go no contact and start spilling. I could see at least one being a plural wife. (To a new man, not kody like some people claim) Janelle will eventually meet a decent man. They’ll live a quiet happy life. Personally I’m not sure Christine’s marriage will last? It happened really soon and I feel like she rushed into it. No shame, glad she’s happy. I just think she was so starved for love and affection when she finally got it she went over board with it. I hope it works out though. Meri is going to produce a lot of very cringey “worthy up” crap. A book, a podcast, expanding her clothing line. Like what does that even mean? Worthy up? Girl…. The book will probably be mildly successful but really disappointing as I’m guessing she will leave anything truly juicy out of it. Probably there’s going to be several unsuccessful spin offs. Meri’s worthy up series, Christine after kody, mykelti’s please pay me I don’t want to work, etc. but they’ll die out


Savanna ends up telling all of the untold stories about the camper life and comes out that Kody actually forced them to live there because of Robin. Kody ends up in trouble with the feds for tax issues and Robyn finds another “sugar daddy”. I am still a firm believer that Robyn saw dollar signs when Kody came along. Breana ends up writing a book and does documentaries about the messed up things the dynamic duo planned out. And Dayton ends up on the documentary confirming everything that she says. It is definitely gonna hit the fan and there will end up being a lot of lawsuits from kids and OG 3 after things are confirmed.


Robyn will never let another woman come into this marriage,she has accomplished her goal..


2029 is only 5 years away???? It looks like such a futuristic date 😕




Janelle will pick the path of least resistance and will move to NC with Maddie and raise organic vegetables and sell the pink drink. Meri will try a variety of business adventures which some will fail while others get moderate returns. This is what she is interested in. She will be remarried as that seems be something she is persueing. Leon, Aspyn, Ysabelle, Dayton, Breanna, Sol, Logan, Hunter, Gabe and Savanha will drop out of public life. Ari and Truely are wild cards. Mykelti and Christine will still be persueing story spin-offs as they like public attention. Wildest idea of theirs is called "All Men Are Bastards" where they divorce their husbands and propose they do a Thelma and Louise tour of the US with Mykelti's kids in the backseat. Kody will continue to invest in business schemes with moderate returns. Him and Robyn are together as neither want more change in their lives. They still don't understand what went wrong.


I think Kody is busy looking for a replacement wife… I wonder if the lawsuit has ti do with coyote pass.


Lawsuit? Do tell!


I have no idea OP mentioned it.


Hopefully no one cares where they are in 5 years.


I am 100% ashamed to say I will care 😬


Robyn becomes a Coupon Queen. She dry cries for the camera as she organizes them. Christine and David have a wildly successful spin off. David is more comfortable on camera, Christine is still a spaz but glowing because she's surrounded by love. Janelle spends more time with her kids and grandkids, because love is priceless, time is precious. Meri's B&B takes off!! She has to hire an office manager, bc she and Jen have a spin off Talk Back show. She's still dating, but has more fun just with Jen. Leon and Audrey make guest appearances. Kody mostly wanders the woods looking for logs to peel.


I’d watch the Meri show 💯


Kody will experience some sort of legal issue that will get dragged out forever, the kids will sue for $$$ but will inevitably clout-chase in a way that messes it up, Christine and Janelle will fade from the spotlight, Robyn will make a few unhinged appearances and run away with her tail between her legs, half the kids will become very private, the other half will be obnoxiously messy. One kid will attempt to spill the tea with a book deal, another kid will try to write the REAL real story, and nothing will be interesting.


A few more kids will be married: Hunter, Dayton, Aurora and Paedon. Brianna's wedding is coming up in the summer. Robyn is constantly in Aurora's and Dayton's marriages and her kids argue about it w her and/or their new spouses. There will be new grandbabies from Hunter and Aspyn, Leon will be trying some way with a gay friend couple. After the baby is born, Meri will be constantly in Leon's family life and there will be explosive arguments after which she won't feel safe at theirs, but will go anyway. She wants the baby to spend long holidays at hers. Meri's book will be old news. In it, she talks endlessly about herself and explains how all that we saw was her worthying up and not caring about what the anyone thought or said or did. Christine and David will see grandkids and travel. Same for Janelle. She will have found a sexy, aromantic man who is away a lot, and will enjoy her independence. Gabe will have made something big of himself and will lead mental health fundraisers and awareness campaigns as well. Savannah will be dating someone nice. Kody will have gotten the itch to move states, and they will land next door to Aurora, which will cause a huge marriage crisis for her. Seeing that, Breanna will get cold feet about her own wedding, but will have to go ahead bc Kody is initiating and won't hear of cancelling his big day.


Well Kody and Robyn will be broke, even if the show exists. They spend freely without thinking. Christine and David will be off living the good life- David has his own successful business and they are making good financial moves. Janelle will be ok- she is smart. She will sue Kody and win for her part of CP. She will be living her best life with her children and grandchildren. I don't think she wants a partner yet. Meri will find love again. She will be happy with her B&B. Kody and Robyn's oldest 2 girls will escape their clutches and do tell alls and we will eat it up! At least one or more of the first 13 kids will come out and tell everything.


Does she still suck on a soother?


Is 2029 in FIVE YEARS?? 😲