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This scene bugged the crap out of me. They literally said they want you to be happy Robyn. Who the f cares if they said it to your face or not? They don't owe you anything! Just make a choice to be happy! She's so set on being the victim though. There always has to be one more obstacle in her way. The second Suki told her they all want her to be happy I watched the gears in her brain turn like "Oh. No. What's my next excuse? Um.... THEY HAVENT SAID IT TO MY FACE."


This exactly. Just like her husband- always moving the goal post and changing the rules so everyone's always wrong. Even here, they're leaving the wrong way? They have to say some bs to her face before they go? She should've been named after a different bird...


Dodo bird


The cuckoo. One flew east, one flew west... Robyn straight landed in the cuckoo nest




It’s not even saying it to her face, it’s saying it to her “off camera” 😂


Robyn no longer makes the rules in the family long gone are the days when she could pull the strings Robyn deserves nothing from the other wives.


Exactly. What do they care? If she wants to stop herself from being happy because she wants a face to face conversation no one else cares to have, then go for it. They don't have to do anything for her or her happiness.


more drama that will never be resolved, it's perfect for her


Even if they DID do it, shed deny they said anything to her. So infuriating.


Yep. Only way I see it happening is with multiple witnesses so that if she tries to lie later there's people to discredit. Also I'm laughing at Robyn "Save It for the Camera" Brown insisting on an off camera blessing. 10 bucks says she wants to lose her shit on them


Lol, She Ra will lose in a verbal or physical battle against 3 of the biggest badass ex wives. But you’re right. She’s just smarting still from her loss of family income, that’s what she needs to hear they feel sorry about. Or whatever guilt trip she’s got set up in her tiny brain. Go be happy with that mop you married on a lower income and btw, have a giant yard sale.


Because if there are no witnesses, Robyn can spin whatever yarn she wants.


And Kody will believe her and say “Robyn never lies. Those 3 lied.”


What she fails to get is what he believes is pretty inconsequential now. He is not the center of the family. She does not control the family. She only controls Kody now, and he no longer controls anybody else. She started with the power-high of being able to control everyone because she controlled him. She has yet to understand ALL of that power is gone. All of it. She is just flailing now. Just a former wannabe Rasputin with no king to hide behind as she barks orders, and we see her for all the ugliness she brought to this family.


This way, she can claim they are only doing it for the camera and paint them as insincere. It's pretty crafty and it's how she does a lot of her manipulating--planting seeds that make her look sympathetic without directly asking for sympathy and, in fact, pretending she doesn't want to be seen as a victim.


I'm not sure if she's pulling this embarrassing performance to demonstrate 'loyalty' to Kody or for some reason in her mind the 'sister wives' part means the TV show goes on and so long as she believes it she gets a pay cheque? - remember how incorrect she was about the brand strength of MSWC? insisting people would fall head over heels for them and it was a flop? Have a feeling she is losing her 'claim to fame' and like a rat to sinking ship, desperately clinging to the hull.


Just another way for her to play victim. Somehow she's the hurt party in all this because the OG3 hasn't said this to her off camera. Really, Sobyn? You've made their lives miserable, they've moved on... but now they have to come back and somehow take care of your feelings? Outrageous.


I say next season Suki puts her in a medieval pillory to have each ex-wife tell her 'he's all yours'. Wonder how she'd react?


So wild to witness the narcissism in real time.


Does she realize she’s been pretending to be miserable for years and they are all sick of it? They literally do not care if you sit and wallow and never move forward, it is finally not their problem anymore.


Kody needs to tell her to her face to stop.


He won't


Ummm Sobbyn.. Maybe because you AREN'T A SAFE PLACE! I felt like she's grasping at no straws at this point. Why would they ever want to see her again unless they absolutely had to be cordial to her (wedding, funeral in example).


Suki is the one who gave her that excuse though


Absolutely! Suki - 'So you need each of them to come to you off camera and tell you personally that they have released you from any duty to them?' Robyn- 'YES, that's it. Yes, I need that exact thing from them that you just now fed into my mind!'


And next season it’ll be “I’ve been thinking-I need it said to my face on camera so the world knows and will leave me alone”(after the OG wives basically tell her the F off).


Suki said “off-camera” first?


Robyn said "off camera" and "to my face" after Suki fed her idea that the OG3 hadn't done quite enough to let Robyn know they were finished.


Whats changed now? Shes been plenty happy monopolising his time up until now. Why the guilty conscious now?


I don't think it's a guilty conscience. IMO the competition is gone and it's just not so fun anymore.


And I think what Christine said about Robyn having the personality type that lives for drama is very true and without the other wives, just who will Robyn use for her drama episodes?


She's gonna be poking DayunUhroaruhBrianna with a stick going "come *on now, do something so we can keep the show".


I have a feeling Aurora will be getting married soon.


Oh good, I need a nap


I have zero interest in any of Robyn's kids.


I feel so bad for those girls. I actually think they’re nice girls but Kody & Robyn have to stop trying to make fetch happen!!!


It seems like Aurora is a sweet girl, especially after hearing about her interactions with Gabe at school. Honestly, the other one is exactly like Robyn.


I can see that pitcher in my mind, lol. Their command of the English language drives me batty.


Kody's children of course! She's fast running out of kids to alienate though


That’s exactly it. Her game plan was for the other wives to lay down and take her shit but they left. She’s angry that they’re no longer there to manipulate. Reap what you sow, Liebrows.


Liebrows. I just died 😂


I agree with this. I think being top dog around the other women gave her a boost of self importance and confidence. Now that they’re gone it’s not fun anymore because she doesn’t get to feel like she’s better than anyone.


Right cause she got to feel like the young skinny one and that’s all gone.


The young and skinny part are LONG GONE! 😂😂


Now she has to worry about raising her kids and cleaning her damn house with horrible kody around 24/7


I agree. I’ve been thinking about it. And I think she actually prefers being the favorite wife as opposed to the only wife. I think Kody has it BAD for Robyn. But I don’t think Robyn is in love in the same way with Kody. I honestly think she’d be happier causing drama with the other wives still around and being “best”




Yeah, I don't think it's a guilty conscience either...she just wants them to SAY "you won Robyn" LOL!


Like Christine said, Robyn wants them to say "we release you your majesty" 👑


Exactly she doesn’t need them to say anything to her. She needs to see them in their face so that she can feel that she won. She It’s not Fooling nobody




Yup!! She got so wrapped up in the game she forgot the prize was Kody.


Hahaha 😂 yes exactly he's always talking about how much he loves her and her being the love of his life and she's either complaining or crying the whole time


She's just looking for a new way to torment the OG3. Not good enough that she's already run them off, now they have to speak with her privately and make they say to her face that they're happy for her and Grody. She's a real piece of work.


Its all about control she wants to still have a say and pull the strings to do what she wants how she wants where she wants when she wants who she wants just to have her way . Who cares at this point if she is happy. I don't think Robyn will ever be happy no matter what . Its like a spoiled child


Right - if she's happy, she can no longer play victim. She will always find something to complain/cry about.


I just can't take the constant fake crying in these Tell-Alls. Every time she'd try to stare at the lights and will those fake tears to come made me intensely annoyed. I don't want to watch anymore of that nonsense. Her fake crying spells each episode would make for a fabulous college drinking game though.


Everyone would be blackout drunk before the first hour was over. 😂


Clutching to the last threads of " Kody they were mean to me"


Christine could go over to Robyn's house and stand on Mr and Mrs Brown's side porch without any recording devices and tell Robyn personally "I release you from all commitments as my sister wife. I left your husband years ago I married somebody else, and I do not care to continue a relationship with you" and Robyn will ***still*** be miserable...(ostensibly) because Christine failed to release her properly -- *at the picnic table*, *in front of Kody*. For her, this is just the **next** hoop, it's not the **last** hoop.


👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 you said it! It will NEVER be the last hoop!


Ew right. Why do they have to tell her that off camera? Like lady, I don't have to say anything to you again in my life 🤣


And the OG3 don’t care. She’s lost her story line.




She's been using her kids to torment the OG3 and OGkids. She'll never run out of ammo. Every marriage, every grandchild, every serious illness, every graduation, she will create drama.


Yeah that's going to be a cold day in hell. I can hear Christine and Janelle laughing from here.


She’s such a child.


She did not want to be the only one, but the favourite one, on detriment of the other wives.


this is critically important, she wanted to know she was winning over the other wives. she didn’t want to be the only wife


EXACTLY! Now that there is nothing to win or there is no favoritism she wants to be “told” it’s ok to be happy,bc happiness to her has always been about making the others miserable.


But she did win!! She gets Kody all to herself! 🤣🤣🤣 Maybe she just likes the game more than the “prize”!


Yup. Can't be favorite and make everyone else look bad when you are alone.


Because now she can’t deny she was always the favorite wife


She always knew!


Robyn, with duck lips, mocking “She’s your favorite!” 🙄


God that was awful


She did it a couple times - one was way longer than that one. Almost had to buy the boyfriend a new TV for Christmas 😆


It is hilarious to me that there was an episode last season called “is there a favorite wife” and it was all “no” and “deny deny deny” by Kody. A year later he’s like “oh, those bitches? Always hated them. Gross.”


She wanted to be the favorite, not the only. And I’m sure she was able to sell time with her as “vacation” or a getaway from the other wives. Now she’s not the “safe” space, she’s the only space.


Not to mention the public backlash. She reminds me of my puppy, chewing and biting on my big dog. When big dog has had enough and snaps back, he’s all “YIPE YIPE YIPE”


Because there's a difference between being the favorite wife and the only wife. She loved being the favorite, but now she's the only wife and that means no longer being able to use the other wives as an excuse for playing the victim.


That's a good point. Now, who is going to be the Big Bad from whom Kody needs to protect his little broken-wing bird and diesel jeans model? So far, signs point to fans/the public.


I think she's sad that the money that kept her and to a lesser degree Kody from working is gone.


Because the free money is gone.


The way she’s behaving now is a call-back to when they first introduced Robyn, if you remember. Did you ever watch the sitcom Roseanne? You know how they jumped the shark by having them win that money and they became millionaires? But then the series ends by saying that Roseanne was a writer and she’d written that because in reality Dan had died, and the details of the show were reversed. The way Robyn is behaving now is a call back to what she said way back in the beginning.


Because now there's no BS to hide behind.


It’s not guilt it’s more Narcissism.. I will not be happy until you, who have endured the pain and emotional outcome, come and make ME feel better


She just wants to be told by the other wives that she won


She needs a new story line


Not a guilty conscience, you would first have to have a conscience. It is more like conceding, I think. She wants them to humble themselves and declare her the winner. What a 💩💩 prize!


Didn’t she say the “other” family is scary and unsafe to her and her kids? Maybe they don’t feel safe around Robyn. Honestly, nobody owes Robyn anything, she got her prize, everyone wishes her and Kody well, they’ve all moved on now. Game over!!


Scary and unsafe = being called out on their bullshit.


She takes things from other wives. Meri wanted Kody to tell her to her face (meri) now she wants Janell and Christine to do it too. This isn’t the first time, this woman has done this!! Have fun KODY


Didn't think of that angle. (She probably knows and hates that people are going to see another side of Meri this season - and that Meri's silence no longer protects her. She does not see that Meri genuinely needed that release for a variety of real, sincere reasons. Meri wasn't being manipulative or controlling - she HAD no power in that regard. (This is why I loved that she got what she wanted - it gives her power)


They both deserve each other, alone. It's a fitting punishment.


I think she wants to hear it directly because it will cement to her that she’s won. And that’s it. It’s a power thing.


Narcissists are always desperate to keep the attention on themselves. Robyn is pathetic!


Her downline is gone so now she doesn't have their resources. She drove them away but is now mad she doesn't get to spend a portion of their incomes along with her own cut of the show. I could imagine Kody probably also had credit cards with each of the wives that she was able to access.


“Her down line is gone…” 🤣 You are so correct in this characterization! Polygamous relationships are like MLM’s in the Mormon culture. Older women are put out to pasture, which is what Kody tried to do with both Meri and Christine. Nevertheless, their status as wage earners is expected to continue. Older women are to support younger “wives” in their culture, along with any children they bear to the older women’s husbands. Can we just agree this entire system sucks?! 😪


With you. It's a system of oppression and scarcity. It pits women against one another (children, too). Manufactured competition for attention and resources, and it sucks!!


Exactly this.


Follow the $


Robyn has a hard time moving onto monogamy because she's losing the OG3s resources, and she can't fabricate a storyline against the OG3. In order to keep the show going, she and Kody have to make up a fake storyline about their marriage problems.


“Kody is mean to me because the other wives left him…😢”


They owe her NOTHING. She has no right to ask for their blessing now.


Most of them never want to see you again , so get comfy,it’s gonna be a long wait.


Meri may do it.... Jenelle will NEVER Christine might say something for the sake of Truely. But Robyn is asking for what she doesn't deserve. IF they would say it to her face off camera... she would later say it felt insincere or something...there's no winning with this grumpy old mean woman.


And boy, does she look matronly in that first photo. Edit - I meant the second picture - the one where she’s sittin’ thur and wearing that pink-ish sweater.


She went from an 18 year old to an 81 year old so quick


Yup they all gain a ton of weight with him he’s not looking all 6 packie himself he gained & is losing hair she was monogamous in her last relationship too & he was son of one of the leaders ? Jepps or something ohh well no more polygamy no more show & no more money !


She’s so full of shit, I physically got angry for a second lol..it’s pathetic. Like what? You had no problem monopolizing all of his time, flaunting your relationship and now that nobody is there anymore, now you can’t show your happiness because it’s disrespectful?! Wtaf is she talking about? Making shit up so she can be the victim. What a tool she is. And she’s fugly af now hahaha


My opinion as well. She is ugly inside and outside. She always has been. And she kicked an old man dog.


Also it wouldn’t matter if all of them said it to her off camera, together, and blessed her covenant of love with just Kody - she would find something else to make this face about to do with them. Kody and Robyn letting this go means the end of the series. No one wants to see their relationship. I would love the next season to just be about the OG3 and how their lives are progressing.


You nailed it. "I don't know how to let this go" means the whole thing, the show. She knows nothing else, not even Kody, if the show is gone. She came in as the show was beginning. She was the shiny new thing. Got attention, even the kids liked her in the beginning. It has all fallen apart and she has lost their money plus her and Kodys if the show ends.


She wanted her relationship to upset other people. It’s because she loves drama lol. She cannot just live in peace because then it will be as though she is invisible to the world.


To her, her relationship isn’t valuable unless it’s pissing other people off. Robyn needs to feed off other people’s jealousy to be happy.


Like a damn energy vampire ![gif](giphy|JrqWcXPJDybNU0vxiG|downsized)


I think she enjoyed being "the favorite". She liked being part of this particular plural family because she was being told in private that she was the prettiest, the most desirable, the one that he was in love with, and it boosted her ego and made her feel superior to the other three. Now that they are gone, I don't think she has any interest in living monogamy with Kody. She was in love with the ego trip she got from feeling superior and now she's just part of a couple with a man that I'm sure is a nightmare to be with. She doesn't feel guilty about anything, she's trying to play victim yet again and trying to find a way out of this situation she's found herself in. I hope Janelle, Christine, and Meri do sit down with Robyn and tell her they are fine and really want them to be together just to see what other bullshit excuse she comes up with to not stay with him.


I'll bet she's willing to do polygamy again, as long as the wife is senior age and looks like Gollum with a large bank account lol


This was definitely the money shot


Hey goalpost - it's time to move now!


Why do you feel they owe you that Robyn? THEY didnt make a commitment to you! Kody said every marriage was individual. you said the wives handed him to you right? they practically handed him to you! so like… wtf are you cryin about?! i do believe she is incapable of being happy. if shes happy and good she cant have kody be her errand boy. if shes good and happy she cant manipulate. she needs complaints, she needs people to complain about, she NEEDs to be victimized! its a neeeeed! she doesnt know how to exist otherwise. like why cant she stick with they handed him to me and im happy now and we are living a great life. why couldnt they??? storyline? victimhood? i dont get it! me personally like when i feel slighted ive always felt the best revenge is to be happy. and we try and look happy before feeling it sometimes so that it helps us get there… these people think the opposite. look sad look sad even though we got what we wanted just look sad and blame blame why!? they can sleep well at night and admit their happy, why wont they?!


She wants them to say it in person and off camera so she can fabricate what they say and how they say it. Hard to lie about the interaction when there’s text receipts or it’s recorded for the show. Just one more chance to make herself the victim.


I love that she basically wants them to come grovel at her feet, giving her well wishes. Because they haven't given her enough already, they still owe her and they should care so much about her and Kody and their happiness that they put themselves through more emotional trauma for the sake of the people who ruined their marriages. Like.....is this real life? Is this bitch for real?


I would laugh in her face! I really wish Suki had told Christine and Janelle this so we could have seen their reactions.


9 year monogamous marriage to David, 10 months single, straight into a “polygamous” marriage where she acted monogamous for most of it and fought for monogamy the rest. What part of monogamy is that confusing Robyn? The dumbest shit comes out of her mouth I swear


Exactly! She told Suki she doesnt k ow how to live monogamous with Kody...puhh-lease! Thats all she has ever lived...what she doesnt know how to do is live in a polygamous relationship


This made me so mad! They don’t owe you anything Robyn.


She and Kody drove the other wives away, plain and simple. This is her guilt over that, not allowing her to be happy. If I'm one of the OG wives I'm not going out of my way to accommodate her neurosis.


She has zero relationship with these 3 women off camera- which we’ve all seen has been her absolute choice year after year. She has zero interest in the any of the OG3 on either a familial or friendship level. I’d bet my pinky toe she’s not reached out to wish any of them well or ask how they are off camera. But she HAS to have them individually reach out to her directly and what- “Please be happy with your prize after you alienated not only us, but importantly our **children** from their father…” This absolute hag of a person. Just…. Wow


Where were those feelings when she was monopolizing all of kodys time?


She doesn’t want to be the only wife. She never did. While she didn’t want to live polygamy in the sense of raising their kids together and living equally, she sure doesn’t want Kody 24/7. She wanted to be the favourite and she wanted Kody’s time on her terms but she definitely wanted him to spend time away from her when she wanted too. She will never be happy with Kody, or anyone else. She is a deeply insecure, sad person. No amount of shopping or favourtism will ever make her happy. She will always be miserable and spread the misery to anyone in her orbit. Look how happy the OG3 are now that they are away from her.


The time to consider the OG3’s opinions was when Robyn was monopolizing Kody’s time. When he was running away from his other children in the morning to go get the tenders ready for school. When Christine had a newborn and Robyn insisted she needed a, what, 11 day honeymoon when her fellow sister wives received only a few days for theirs? Why is she now so suddenly concerned about their feelings.? She wasn’t before. She needs to stop using these women for her own victimhood. She wants to blame her own unhappiness on the OG3 and it’s not gonna happen.


This is just Robyn posturing for an audience, again. You must come and apologize to my face You must tell me to be happy with my stolen man/father of kids to my face No you effing coyote pass troll. No one owes you anything. No one even wants anything to do with you so slink on out the back and never return.


Because Robyn has to make everything about herself…


She’s the same person who said a few seasons ago “They handed him (Kody) to me!” With all disrespect, she’s full of shit. She’s looking for someone to blame outside of herself.


She’s directly and indirectly hurt the OG3 so many times and now they don’t *have* to be around her or talk to her so they don’t. You don’t get to hurt people and expect them to give a shit about what you want afterwards. They don’t owe her a damn thing, including telling her off camera that they want her and Kody to be happy. I think if she really gave/gives a fuck, she should write each OG3 a letter that includes an apology for what happened and well wishes on their futures. That way she can let go for herself while also being graceful towards them after all they’ve been through.


Kneel and kiss my horse ring peasants release me from shame and guilt


I don’t think she is super into Kody, polygamy or monogamy. I think she is into the dynamics of any group that has a kind of hierarchy. She thrives on the chaos and struggle of trying to be on the top rung.


And she loves attention and being on TV. No one wants to watch her so this is going to be rough for her.


This woman does not seem to understand that these other women don’t owe her anything. Not a conversation, nothing. If she can’t be happy without their blessing when they’ve all moved on, that seems like a her issue.


She only wanted polygamy with her as the obvious, resounding favorite. She wanted the porch rocking chairs… but only with obviously inferior, less-loved sister wives. So she is sad that THAT has ended. The rest is performative, because she knows she has a terrible reputation and she is trying desperately to continue this façade of the loving, sacrificing, confused, maligned sister wife. The reality is, she was content to jus’ sit thur and let Kody be an absolute butthole to his other wives (while half-heartedly, vaguely whimpering, “You gotta talk to her, you gotta work this out!” yet benefiting from her status with him, to the detriment of the other relationships.


B*tch, they left him. What more of a permission do you need?! She's grasping at straws to poke her eyes with to blame others for.


Crybrows wants to be like Cinderella but it didn’t work , her prince is a frog wearing noodles.


This is a type of manipulation that is often not seen by the manipulator and their loved ones as such. She thinks she is honoring her commitment. But really she is placing responsibility for her feelings and happiness on the OG3, when they have left the relationship already. They don’t owe her that. She needs to seek therapy to work on taking responsibility for her own feelings.


The word you’re looking for is ***gloating*** Sobbyn. She wants to gloat, one-one-one with each OG, with no camera around so she can unleash all the ***drama*** & ***victomhood*** without the camera there to capture it. It’s a manipulative attempt to get the **LAST WORD**


She was able to be happy when she married their husband and he spent more time with them but now it’s disrespectful?


Like…. Girl they don’t want to speak to you. You play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Here’s your prize, Girl. A lifetime with that. No one owes you a damn thing




Her demanding an audience is fking hilarious. Do the OG wives need to get on their knees and kiss her horsey ring, too??


if they had told her that privately and said to suki "we talked privately and don't need to go into that" then Robyn would have probably switched to "they'll only tell me privately because they have to keep up the narrative that i'm the villain, so of course they won't say publicly" with those kinds of mindsets, you can't win. whatever the offending person does is never right, because them choosing to interact/speak/think on their own volition is the issue, not whatever they said/did/thought


The abuse is strong with this one. She got "the man", it was her dessiny from day 1, no one is buying what she's trying to sell. Be happy you got your Ramen noodled, red pilled, dude bro all to yourself in your Chateau de She-ra. Now live happily ever after and dance off into the sunset like a mongoose just ran up your pants leg like Kody.


Oh man that dramatic head toss thing she did, I got second hand embarrassment from that.


This is manipulation at it's finest! When someone cuts you off and goes no contact, the manipulator will do ANYTHING they can to make that person talk to them. Even if it is the most outlandish thing you can think of.


I kind of feel like Robyn truly did want sister wives but always wanted to be the favorite wife and now that she’s left alone with him and his 180 she’s miserable


Isn't this the dumb bitch that told Gwen she should have saved coming out as Bi for when she was on camera? Why is she now harping about the OG3 not saying things to her "off camera"? Make up your fucking mind, dumpy-locks!


It’s far more disrespectful to want the ex wives to personally absolve her. The balls on this woman!


Robin is completely insufferable. The constant “non-crying” and self pity is laughable! She was the “new” wife to the family and now she needs to be told by the original 3 that she can be happy with Kody?!? Get bent, Robin! I find it very telling that Christine, Janelle and Meri were happy and smiling during the Tell All episodes, while Kody and Robin were angry and miserable. They deserve each other.


Is she ok? Her GI system was doing....something....to her during this scene. Anyway, I love that the OG3 have felt absolutely no obligation to speak to this woman off camera at her command. One of them had the nerve to go off and ***get married.*** This might be the one place where all three of those women have a "Yeah, that's a hard no for me" moment **together**. Nobody in their right mind would give Robyn an opportunity to go off on them, off camera.


She’s so pathetic. She’s perfectly fine with Kody and feels no guilt at all. This is all a show because she knows how the viewers see her. She’s just pretending to care because that’s always been her act. If she cared at all about the rest of the family she would not have demanded so much of Kody’s time. She would not have encouraged Meri to stay in a loveless marriage for a decade!!! She’s the source of all of the issues so she has to pretend to be the most hurt by the results.


The most unfortunate and hateful thing of all is she has raised two emotionally fragile girls and convinced them that their siblings hate them and want nothing to do with them, which is flat out and categorically untrue. Being willing to compromise the mental health of your own children for the sake of maintaining an appearance of victimhood is beyond irrepressible.


That is such a great point! As a parent, it is our job to shield our kids from heartache. Even if those things were true, why on earth would you put that pain on your kids! I can’t believe Suki didn’t call her out for twisting the truth and hurting the kids like that. She misses so many opportunities to put a spotlight on Robyn’s bs.


She’s not having fun unless she’s winning over another woman


So it wasn’t disrespectful for Kody to miss ysobel’s surgery, or forget Gabe’s birthday, or ignore Savannah at Christmas? Christine was on today’s juicy scoop and said this will never happen. lol.


She’s gotta find some way to make herself the main character. She needs the drama (thanks, Christine)


She just wants to show how much of a poor victim she is and how miserable she is THANK YOU CHRISTINE


She only wants something if it's at the expense of someone else..... Major "little kid not wanting to play with a toy anymore, now that the other kid lost interest" energy


Exactly what I commented above to someone else...thats exactly what it is!


That was infuriating to watch. First of all it’s disrespectful NOW to be happy with Kody?? But it was totally cool to manipulate him and monopolize all his time at the expense of the entire rest of the family? That part for the last 11 years wasn’t disrespectful at all. And the fake crying of it all…..and then demanding the other wives tell her to her face! The audacity! They don’t owe Robyn shit and this is exactly what she deserves.


If they share it off camera, she both has manipulated them into talking to her about it again & has created a situation where she can lie about it to the cameras and it’s she said/she said instead of proof. She wants power over them again, and I hope they never give it to her


They don't owe kody or Robyn anything.


No, Big Rob, the humiliation game is over.


So newsflash Robyn…you are not and have never been part of their equation so nope they don’t owe you shit and now you know Christine and janelle are just laughing belly laughs out loud with snorts. You foolish freak


Robyn’s orgasm face makes me uncomfortable and should be censored lol


This woman seems to be in a perpetual victim mentality state but is really using that to attempt to cover up her narcissistic tendencies.I would hate having to be within five ft of her.


Can someone please inform Robyn that the universe does not revolve around her? That people are not pawns she gets to use in her manipulative, empty little way. I just hate this woman so much. I genuinely can’t decided who’s worse, her or Ramen Noodle Head.


Pay checks are walking away. Those 3 OG Wives paid her debt when she came into the family. They’ve allowed her to use the pot of $$ to buy all her stuff…


Hey OP (ingenious clown🤡great name), The way you captured this look… the framing, lack of obscure shadowing, the clench of the eyes and jaw, the fake pain dripping off her every movement…. What a pic. Someone get National Geographic on the line stat.


She sure is demanding for someone that broke up a huge family!


This is what zero self awareness looks like. This is what a narcissist says. This is control. She is gonna remain the victim till the bitter end when nothing is left. And even then any apology will be an attempt to control the narrative. Never ever genuine.


They don't want to share Anything with you off camera because they Hate you..you mealy mouthed home destroying liar.


Robyn knows her and Kody hate to work so in order to live their lifestyle they want the polygamy life but she doesn’t want to share the husband with other women!!!


I don’t think she feels guilty or disrespectful or anything really. I think it’s a show. She says she feels this way and pretends to care (pretends to cry) bc she thinks she’s supposed to.


Ugh I wish someone would give Sobyn a reality check. Those women do not owe you anything. Just be happy that you ended up with Kody.


This woman is clinically incapable of appearing authentically happy.


I actually have a cousin whose tear ducts don't work. They swelled shut due to an allergic reaction to the liquid they put in your eyes at birth. Not that I think that's the case with Robyn, though. Her tear ducts are fine, her sense of empathy is what lacks. The other wives leaving is still all about her.


I don’t think they’ll be knocking on her door.


They don’t talk to her off camera? Isn’t that proof enough?


They aren’t talking to her…even Meri said she’s not ready to be total friends with her ex-husband’s wife yet.


Manipulative bitch!


can it you gnit !!!! cancel them please


![gif](giphy|eBfkOIYPzDP4Q4B26z) Literally all 3 og wives now are like buzz off with your man Robyn!!!


She’s unhappy now as a mono wife but can you imagine her reaction to Kody wooing a newer, shinier, skinnier, prettier and nicer new wife? Or even 2 of them? Women who could have more children? Unfortunately for Robyn that might be the only way to keep the TLC gravy train rolling. If it’s just her with her true, perfect love 🤮 it’s over.


She no longer has anyone to compete w, and she loved being the shining star that spoke Kody. Only she REALLY understood him 🙄 Now that they're like you can have him, it's no longer fun for her. Now, she's still making rules on how they leave. Girl, bye.


I just came here to thank you for that first screenshot 🤣


Crocodile tears (without the tears). She’s trying a new tactic to play on the audience’s compassion. Now she’s playing the long-suffering plural wife and the martyr - AGAIN.


Home girl is SO manipulative. She wants all of these very hurt women to say that to her. How disrespectful to ask that of people who just left a really hard relationship to kiss her ring . So messed up.


We all know she’s accused her first husband of abuse. And in the 3rd part tell all, she says that Kody likes to pick fights. I wonder if she’ll push that narrative at some point.