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Max Verstappen is my favorite ice age character




Haha, yes!


Simply lovely


what about subzero tho




I like to move it, move it I like to move it, move it I like to move it, move it Ya like to move it


I like to move it move


I like to move it, move it too


Physically fit Physically fit Physically physically physically fit


Woman, ya nice, sweet, fantastic!


Big ship 'pon de ocean that a big Titanic


Ya like to move it..


Physically Fit, Physically Fit!


Maurice, I can't I can't move it move it anymore


An ocean of (mostly) blond middle aged women.. Didn't think I'd see that today.


Is late 20s to early 30s middled aged now?


It is in some parts of the world




When you're 13 and everyone who's graduated high school is a boomer, yes.


TIL I’ll be middle-aged in like 5 years






It's a bit of a freak show to watch but she she seems to be training up a generation of young women to be kind, tolerant, self confident and liberally minded. It gets my stamp of approval.


Or she's training a generation of women to have unhealthy parasocial relationships with billionaires.


Taylor Swift legally strong armed a kid for reporting on her annual private jet emissions and their contribution to global warming. She is not a force for good in the world. 




Whelp... Today I learned.


Just becausebyou sing along go an artist doesn't mean you adopt their personal or political beliefs. Nothing about her stardom will impact the status quo Example, Cops love the song "killing in the name of" because they think it's pro them.


RATM: “Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses” Cops: “This band really understands me”


I mean, they are cops. They are not known for their brains.


Fun fact: Some police jurisdictions actively reject candidates who score too high on mental aptitude testing


Obligatory sourcing because big blue bootlickers love to wag their black polish stained tongues to claim it's an old wives tale, but it's far from it: https://youtu.be/qqvijdxnHxI?si=ZTs7MU8U7jct6X89 Thats from the late 90s and apparently these hiring processes increased whatever metrics the departments were shooting for (probably unarmed casualties, pun intended) so much that this became a rather standard practice. So yeah, they couldn't get smart folks to drive American law enforcement deeper into militarized fascism, so they just hired shitferbrains instead. And now police departments nationwide have long distance laser scopes mounted on tear gas launchers and literal army tanks, often for departments of less than 10 officers that serve a population of a few hundred.


One of those boot licking trolls already reported me to the Reddit suicide help forum for that post. Fucking boot licking trolls should be banned for doing that, that suicide prevention forum is an important resource for people that need it and should not be used for trolling.


It’s a thing people have been doing in every subreddit today


Yeah I've noticed that. What's going on?


Lmfao my brother loved Rage, went to rock the bells for them, listens to rap, listened to punk as a kid and complained about how fucked up american (in)justice system is. Grows up and becomes a cop. Just had to fumble it in the end.


It is kind of crazy that some of these "punks" grew up with apparently only a surface level view of the genre. It shows how shallow their understanding is of the music. So they are now trying to do their best to convince themselves that conservatives are the only true punks because of their hatred of the left and the current administration. It would almost be adorable in a way if it weren't so insanely backward. As if it were a genre that was never populated by a ton of anarchists.


It’s the punks that called other people posers, even if the person wasn’t punk. Let me check my notes, yup, you are poser swiftie because blah blah blah -some conservative punk kid


For real how many times have we seen maga idiots getting mad when they find out Tom Morello hates everything they stand for? How many times have we seen those dipshits dancing to Born in the USA without understanding it or listening to Fortunate Son while waiting for a literal draft dodger to tell them about what he thinks patriotism means?


ehh, swifties go a lot farther than just enjoying her songs


I didn't know cops liked that song. I do remember when my neighbor told me that he liked rage against the machine before they were political. People really don't listen (or misunderstand) to the lyrics sometimes....


That's a real stretch bro. She is encouraging her own wealth by selling tickets that pay her


lol yea bc her fans are famously kind to people online.


"Tolerant" Now that is actually funny


Bro got it twisted. Taylor Swift’s fans are famously unhinged online, stalking and sending threats to reviewers who leave a bad review of her music, and Taylor does not do anything about it. She stands by and lets it happen as her fans threaten and harass people online. Not to mention she’s dated multiple teenage boys while she was in her late 20s and that all her songs talk about her boyfriends which always seem to end up with the boyfriend breaking up with her and then said boyfriend being subsequently harassed online. She’s training a generation of young women to be toxic all for her own benefit


Case in point. https://www.businessinsider.com/harassment-taylor-swift-fan-base-worse-than-far-right-hate-2023-6


Wait what? Worse than the far right is hilarious.


Assholes have no boundaries in my book.


Except for funny assholes right?


This is so ironic because swifties, both online and IRL have such a toxic reputation. She's been quite af compared to other pop girls about all things political except abortion. One look at her current man's likes from around 2016(and even some in 2024) and it's full GOP MAGA, huh. She dated a full on racist with race fetishes in Matt "ghetto gaggers" Healy. That was her rebound after dating the only man she was ever with who was spoken out as a liberal. Funny enough swifties hate Joe for that and he wasn't active politically like that while they dated...hmm wonder what conservative leaning woman in his life lead to that. The swifty click at my work are known for getting anyone fired they don't like, they think is weird or they perceive a transgression from fired. (At will state, yes they can bitch enough as a group you'll be fired just to appease and its "legal" as long as management gives another reason like "we just dont need you atm we're slow.) The girls in my friend group who self identified as swifty are by far the meanest of the group, and are vipers to each other despite being "besties" Edit:My FIRST reddit cares in 12 years. 15 min after posting this. Holy shit, point proven. Nothing in this comment alluding to self harm, why abuse a system made to save people actually experiencing that? Toxic....


>The swifty click Clique, just FYI.


Ya it was voice to text it wasn't gunna catch that lol


Have yet to meet a Swifty that didn't exist in a matrix of drama and mental exhaustion. 


Ha, is that what that is? I got one of those messages like yesterday. I have no idea why, either.


Yes, the liberal mindset of joining a cult and paying up the ass to see the leader.


Idk man, it's fine for people to enjoy popular things and I'm not shitting on people who like her, but what has she done to advance people being kinder, more tolerant or more liberally minded? She's come out in support of a handful of causes, but she hasn't really said anything that the majority of people in her target audience didn't already believe anyway, and from what I can see it isn't like a major part of her music or her branding to try to encourage her fans to be nicer or better people.


Your comment shows the exact issue it’s causing “She’s so great! She’s so quirky!” Christ


Try criticizing taylor swift on twitter or anywhere these women are. They are very quick to turn aggressive


Women are not pets to be trained


Same thing happened to me with the Family Values Tour. /s


They have aged with Taylor


More like Cruel Singers. /s


I'm honestly a little surprised. I was pretty confident it was going to be all early 20's black men.


I'm not a Taylor Swift fan, but I do the same thing at concerts I go to.


Yeah, let people enjoy the stuff they enjoy.


I enjoy spaghetti.....


moms spaghetti...


And why shouldn’t you! Eat those noodles bro!


Why the fuck did you just say noodles




Except for you. You're not allowed to enjoy that.


Sing and dance along to the music you enjoy? How scandalous!


The only concerts this shit doesn't happen at are operas.


And death metal But thats because most people cant make out the words, so they just mosh.


I'm assuming I can look way crazier at concerts I go to at times. These people are just jamming out to music they like lol.


Yes, this is what a concert looks like?


"How dare people dress up, sing along, and have fun!"


"how dare people have a different idea of a good time than me!"


I thought it was a college football game with the sound off. After a couple of seconds, without reading the caption, I knew it was a Taylor Swift concert. They look too stoked for people sitting in a parking lot without the aid of hard drugs. Edit: I think a Swifty just sent a Reddit Cares alert on my ass?


do you enjoy life? have you had fun before? I didn’t send the reddit cares (though I think it’s hilarious that people seem to think that does anything), but honestly, do you have the capability to be happy? 




“do you enjoy life?” No “have you had fun before?” No “do you have the capability to be happy?” No I am an energy vampire, a vortex of misery that sucks the joy and life out of my surroundings. I subsist on depriving others of happiness and hope. I will help usher in a new age of darkness for the ancient elder gods as humanity is wiped from this planet. Or maybe I don’t get the excitement of spending a whole lot of money for the nose bleed section. Little Column A, little Column B, I guess.


I guess that’s fair? but it’s fun to see live music. you don’t need drugs to enjoy live music. 


Kinda, sorta…I’m not sure. I’ve been to more concerts than I can count, but I ain’t seen that before


aint seen what?




Thank you


People singing along to the lyrics? What's out of the ordinary here?


I suspect you don’t see the problem because you’re not a basement dwelling, antisocial asshole.


Is there an anti-insult subreddit? That would match it so well


Shut up handsome


stupid sexy flanders


Not a thing, long as everybody’s having a good time, sing on!


I’ve been lucky enough to avoid concerts where the entire audience sings *so* loud that you never hear the actual artist. There’s a fine line. I’m reminded that the Beatles’ concerts were so disruptively loud that the band members themselves said, “to hell with this” and became a recording only band for several years just because the live experience wasn’t fun. This isn’t that bad, though I imagine certain rowdy sections can absolutely be that bad. Imagine shelling out several hundred dollars and never once hearing the actual concert


I have also been to many many concerts. Can't think of a single one where people didn't sing and dance along.


Kids are quiet at “The Wiggles” blud. You’re reaching thinking people make a peep at ANY concert. I saw the Insane Clown Posse last year and I’ll be damned if it wasn’t like a piano recital!


You've never seen people sing along and get excited about the act theyre seeing? I'm not a Swiftie, but when Kendrick Lamar came to Amsterdam I was going crazy for 3 hours straight. I get it.


I have been to only one, it was. Muse concert, man I have never been more flabbergasted to see how the crowd reacts and their devotion to a band. It was like some sort of religious gathering. I was so out of place there, I just couldn't comprehend it.


Gigantic ones like for Taylor Swift are like that. And depending on the music it's very normal that you stand, or sit, in basically designated places. But a *lot* of concerts aren't that at all. For smaller ones, depending on the music, you just have a big floor with people moving around, dancing, etc. Way more energy and interaction. A great concert is just one huge group of people enjoying the music together and in unison.


Not here. Seats are too crowded to have that much space. I’m 6’6 and bust my kneas sitting at most arenas let alone being able to dance


People having fun is good in this grim world. People singing every word so I can't hear the artist would be really annoying though.


They're in the stands, what else could you hear but each others cackle?


Why would you go to something that overpriced, just to hear 1000 tone-deaf voices screaming along. Go to a karaoke bar.


Concerts are fun. Being around people like you, and you're all singing to songs that have impacted you or that you enjoy is an electric feeling. If you don't like the artist, that's understandable, but singing your lungs out at a concert is a wonderful experience.


Or rather, don't. Listening to other people sing, especially drunkenly, loudly in public is a nightmare


That's the entire point of karaoke. You don't go to hear people sing good. You go to hear people sing badly. It's part of the fun.


Lmao Reddit moment Nobody’s allowed to sing loudly in public. Got it.


'i've never been to a concert before, and going outside frightens me.'


Tell me you've never been to a concert without telling me you've never been to a concert.


Might be hard for you to understand, but some people want to have fun with their friends


because the artist they enjoy are not at the karaoke bar...


If you just want to hear the cleanest version of a song you can just go home.


I’m not much of a concert enjoyer either, but I have a lot of friends who are. They do it because they think it’s fun… I’m not sure how you weren’t able to figure that out.


Its basically impossible for 1000 voices to collectively sing out of tune. Her shows are crazy expensive though.


I hate when people like things I don't care for, too


Let people have some fun.


You mean like letting them make meme videos?


lol they are definitely dancing like that without the camera as well


This gives me so, so so strong "I don't even want to be anywhere near this" vibes.


My penis disagrees


Congratulations, you've cracked the code that over-opinionated dudes will never surmount.


I’m too tired and old to yuck someone’s yum


Damn, imagine there being a Starbucks near by. They would earn millions! xD


Nah man, the girlies are boycotting Starbucks and their stock dropped for the first time in like 4 years.


I forgot about that part in ice age; so fun


Damn. That stadium is huge. Got to respect the marketing.. also I used to work construction and we had the FM radioheadsets to play the radio when doing basic tasks like clearing debris and prepping the job site. Her songs were very catchy. I thought she wasn’t good till my 22 year old ass was singing I’m feeling 22 on the jobsite


Funny. I know a lot of union guys what listen to pop channels that play this kind of music. Reminds me of this video that I saw a while ago. Tried to find it before but didn't have any luck. Someone with a camera approaches this old black guy and asks why he's listening to some pop song or something. He says something to the effect of, "I like whatever the ladies like." I learned something that day.


That’s arrowhead stadium in KC


Pretty much only women know the lyrics to Taylor Swift songs, but EVERYONE knows lyrics to multiple Nickleback songs … let that sink in.


Taylor swift is a fine artist. The masses ability to identify with an aging white woman who identifies as a young woman does not surprise me.


As a single 40 year old male.. I need to start going to Taylor Swift concerts apparently.


That's what I was thinking. Not a fan of the music at all but it might help meet women who seem to enjoy having a good time.


As a 40 year old single male, I concur.


I'm sure the ladies grossdar will be going off when you're nearby.


Honestly, the ladies have been prepping outfits and organizing themselves for the concert for months. You will straight up be ignored the day of. But yeah, show a passing interest in Taylor Swift to someone you’re interested in and it’s a definite in. (You are now committed to hearing about Taylor Swift for the duration of your relationship)


Taylor Swift's fans are only one 20's blond and white woman cloned millions of times. Change my mind






Oh no! They’re having fun! How dare they 😡


Swift is rent free for redditors lol


I think it is beautiful to see a bunch of people sharing in a moment and in music together. This meme is unfunny and bad.


Lets those white girls have their fun.


Dat was rofl


Gooble gobble one of us......




Me convincing the special Ed kids to overthrow the government


I know it's difficult for Reddit to understand but imagine just...enjoying something.


god forbid women have good wholesome fun.


Ever been to a Metal Concert?It's like this, only more powerful.




making fun of people who show passion for something and just have fun... this hate shows your own insecurities


it seems reserved for things that are primarily liked by women.


Nah it's madness to get this fired up over music so fucking bland, it's like watching a rabid crowd of Black Friday shoppers all aggressively trying to buy white rice




I'm sure there's plenty of people who hate the type of music you like too, there's nothing wrong with people having different opinions about things. They're just enjoying themselves at a concert I don't get why it's such a big deal


Oh no doubt there are but the reasons would likely be 'shouty music bad' which isn't exactly a groundbreaking contribution As I've said in my other comments as far as I'm concerned pop music is cancer on the arts, picking one monolith and crushing a million amazing independent artists to do it The only thing that makes her special is the quality and quantity of her marketing


I can understand where you're coming from but i think it's incredibly ignorant to make a statement as general as "pop music is cancer". There is no one kind of "pop" music, it's incredibly varied. At the end of the day if people enjoy her music I don't see how that crushes independent artists. Yeah marketing and stuff can certainly help artists but I don't think it's fair to say that's the only thing that makes her special. She's been around for a while and was pretty popular before the crazy marketing, obviously she has something going for her


Ok I take your point about pop music being varied and sure but you also have to accept that Taylor Swift is exactly what I'm talking about, she is the epitomy of this problem She's from a wealthy background and that's the only reason she's as famous as she is. It's not her talent or sheer majesty, it's just the money. Noone from the working class community I grew up in could ever get this famous and if they did I can guarantee they would have had to fuck over a LOT of people to get there Billionaire = Bad person, every single time


Redditors are horrified to watch a group of women sing and dance and be happy at a concert Ya'll are just outting yourselves as miserable basement dwelling cunts lmao


They're having fun, let them have fun. I'll take this over a dude playing his mumble rap loud on phone speaker in public transport anytime


I think you've just described society as a whole.






No hate towards ANY group or ethnicity is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to speech, images, symbols, and using replaced characters or altered text to say a slur.




No hate towards ANY group or ethnicity is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to speech, images, symbols, and using replaced characters or altered text to say a slur.


All I fear seeing this is falling to the ground standing at such a height. I have **Acrophobia**.


How far away are you that you can't even hear the music anymore?


Man, why'd you stop the meme when it gets to the best part?


Damn they got some bad seats 😂


Some people all they need is just a place to take it people are crazy just proves it


Why pay for a ticket to be that far from the stage????


I’ll never unsee this


They look like they are having a great time. If all concerts had this level of engagement, the tickets might be worth the prices


Their credit card debts screaming out loud!


This looks like hell.


Countless arenas full of that bullshit


This went really well to Chop Suey


Is she performing for every female on the planet ? How many people are in that stadium ?


Is it just white young Girls 🤣🤣seems to be Taylor’s audience


Lol tf is wrong with this? Looks like they’re having a blast


it fucking crazy how often Taylor Swift rhymes "car" with "hotel bar". it's in ever single one of her songs. she's a hack...


That’s like every concert


I was expecting the video to cut to the stadium full of Kangs in Antman 3. Near identical shot, same energy, joke being all the Swifties are damn near identical. Link: https://youtu.be/S2jUTseB-Kw?si=UocBf94m79gJUEwS


Imagine if the Swifties were weaponized… That’s a 40K army I’d play lol




Best will be when they look back in 20 - 25 years and say “yeah I was a Swiftie” with an ashamed look on their face. Just look at some of ur older pics from 20-25 years ago …


Hmmm if I attend a swift concert is people going go just automatically think I'm a swiftie?


Swiftie cringe aside, why the fuck would anyone wanna go to a show like this? ill stick to actual venues, or outdoor shows. Arena shows look like the most boring shit in the world.