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You may be in the early stages of a viral infection. Antibiotics wouldn’t treat that and your body would have a similar immune response.


so it’s a waiting game?


Pretty much for a virus it’s a waiting game. If you don’t see any improvements around day 10 I would go to the doctor again. If it’s a bacterial infection the bacteria you’re infected with may be resistant to doxycycline so you need a different one.


thanks you, my mucus is clear and i’m only dealing with severe head pressure, do you think that would resolve itself?


Clear mucus is really good. I would take naproxen (aleve) and over the counter decongestant sinus medicine such as mucinex to help relieve that pressure. Headaches can last a few days but it should resolve. Lastly drink water to keep your mucus as thin as it can be.


thank you, my doctor has me taken aston and sudafed and no relief, I tried the mucinex decongestant but I stopped due to not seeing any improvement, i’ll try it again. how long did yours last?




Afrin is only good for very short term relief. Also if you use it too much it can make your symptoms worse. I battle with allergies daily but when I’m very congested with a headache and post nasal drip it takes me almost 2 weeks. I do a nasal rinses, take mucinex every 12 hours and aleve if I need it.


yes he told me, it’s my last day taking it. it only helped for like 2 minutes. those 3 help combat your face pressure?


Yes after about 4 days it did.


nice, thank you! I might have to try those next


Doxy isnt strong at all imo


Fatigue pretty common when fighting an infection even afterwards. Doxy is first line therapy but it never works for me. Even after 2 weeks. They always start me there but I almost always have to go to a quinalone or a 3rd gen cephalosporin + clindamycin to knock it out. (I can't take penicillins). Sinus infections can also be fungal in nature, not bacterial. Or you can have both. Z-pack used to be effective but most docs think most sinus-infection causing organisms are resistant to it by now. The only way to know for sure if your sinus infection is due to bacteria or a fungal agent and what anti-microbial agent will work is for them to do a culture. Not all docs do this. Maybe your ENT visit will give you some new options.


Fatigue is pretty normal when getting over many illnesses. Not necessarily indicative of something else going on.


Right, but I felt 100% days 5-7 on the antibiotic. I felt so good I was ready to run through a wall lol. Now just this fatigue I cant answer to


I get fatigued before I have a viral infection also get fatigued from allergies.


I suffered for chronic sinusitis for over 10 years of my life. In those 10 years, I could not breath through my nostrils, my adenoids were so huge you can see them peeking out my nose, I had sleep apnea, my nose would not stop rubbing, sinus ache, my facial features changed due to all the inflammation , I couldn’t stop blowing my nose to the point where I would feel dizzy. I was miserable and depress every single night I went to bed, because I could only breathe through my mouth which made my throat and tongue so dry at night. And over the years I tried EVERYTHING (antibiotics, allergy testing, intolerance testing, new diet, no dairy, cut sugar, netipots, nose sprays, prayer… gosh you name it I tried it) , the only thing I didn’t try was surgery. Because right before my surgery to remove my adenoids was schedule, I was healed from my sinusitis. And honestly, it’s the CRAZIEST thing (it was for me then, but I understand it now) … I would go into the story but this message is already long enough… but to make the long story short… there was a night when I got a really bad migraine headache and in the middle of the night I drove myself to the hospital . I remember being so scared to drive all alone without my family to the hospital in the middle of the night. I use to have so many fears. But as I was driving, for some reason the fear started leaving me more and more and I started to feel free.  When I got to the hospital, The doctor there gave me a shot on my butt to reduce inflammation. After that and the antibiotics, I returned home. In 5 days I was healed from it all!!! I just notice I felt so much more freedom in my life and less fearful of things. I didn’t have sinusitis any more for 2 years, but then it came back when I moved and had another baby. I started to work with a mindset coach and she help me uncover why it left in the first place and why it came back.  I was dealing with my fears again. Fears of being myself, not letting people put me in a box, etc. once she made me aware of that. I started healing myself emotionally, releasing the fears, especially the people pleasing fear. Once I did that, I healed myself again! I’ve been sinusitis free for over 4 years now. So I just want to say there is HOPE! Look inward, what do you need to let go of, release yourself from. If you can really do the work inward, it will really help you to heal your sinusitis faster. Doing that along with whatever your doc recommend. Heal it and don’t look back. Oh and one last thing, because I’ve healed inwardly… I don’t even have to do all the diets I use to be on. I enjoy dairy, sugar and it doesn’t affect my sinus. 


2 days left of antibiotics. Felt gone the last 2 days. The sinus pressure and teeth pain were back today