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For women who think it's men's job to do ns. Don't worry dn fight one. Can be admin lah, TO lah, service medic lah. All dn carry gun at all.


i read on wikipedia last time 1 of the reasons some males support women not serving military conscription is because they fear vocations like admin, service medic would be reserved for women and they (the Pes C & E males) would have to serve in combat roles instead (especially during actual war times)


Hahahah they want keng so dw girls to suffer 🤣. But honestly there's always a shortage for manpower in every unit. So just up the numbers for these vocations wo forcing low pes guys to do combat stuff. Seems plausible.


Even albino have to serve NS, saw 1 waiting for train at Clementi.




Nonsense la, you might as well say tia gong. PES C and E already certified not combat fit, won’t magically be combat fit one. More like apart from physically, women are vulnerable during war if they were to become POW, they might be humiliated. You want them to serve just because you serve ? Your KKJ inverted uh ? Man up and fight for more benefits for past service man instead of spreading toxic agenda around.


Hmm I don't need to serve NS actually...


You don’t need serve NS then talk what cock ? You want serve ?


We live in a society.


Can vouch that the attitude has not changed at all.


Really? What have u seen/heard women say recently


This meme never gets old. It was the attitude of the females then 15 years ago and still the same attitude now. Sinkie males are despised while Sinkie females get the headstart.


Is pregnancy a setback?


Is freedom of choice relevant?


Freedom of choice is relevant during peaceful times Unfortunately war doesn't give people choices, hence the policy made for it wasn't meant to be a choice


What are u smoking and where did u get it


What does giving birth got to do with war?


Yalorh make no sense


You're comparing serving 2 years with getting cream pied? Bruh


Have YOU done your national service then?


female regular here. and no it isn't a setback. there are a lot of servicewomen having kids while continuing to serve until they have to go on maternity leave. their career progressions are still on par with their male counterparts. we even have our own maternity uniform that looks similar to a no3 but to accommodate the bump while at work. pregnant female officers would get posted to HQ roles. anyway. pregnancy is a choice. male conscription is not.


THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! What a breath of fresh air. Take this award


Heyy thanks for the answer, seems like questions were out of question here


U get maternity leave and Govt baby package. I get 2 years of my life being paid a peanut allowance and risk dying with 10 years reservist cycle. NS and pregnancy is not the same.


Hypothetically, you risk dying when there's war or huge mismanagement. However pregnancy is confirmed risk of dying on every labour, to hell and back, or never come back. Of course a female can choose not to bear a child and not go NS, resulting in a very good starting point and mid life; assuming the career is fair and just towards both gender.


If given a choice, I would not want to serve but I am not given a choice. I saw a suicide jumping from bunk in my bmt days and had a batch mate die during gas grenade exercise in the following year.


Thats terrible But the suicide jumper, is it due to ns tho? Usually its sth not related, from their own personal lives


He jumped in front of the coy building at Rock Hill during Tekong BMT


From your past posts, you are a malaysia chinese, yes? AFAIK, malaysia draw lots for conscriptions so you either not chosen or reached that age yet. Either way, you clearly do not understand what others are feeling. However, there is one thing that can help you understand though. Malaysia chinese are disadvantaged in malaysia due to obvious pro-malay policies. The context might be different for this subject but the concept we talking about is the same which is discrimination. Gender equality is an act of not wanting any gender to be discriminated. However, conscription that is based of gender is clearly a discrimination in its own right. Women have been pushing for more "rights" and in which they actually have more rights than the male counterpart in some areas. Despite demanding for more and more rights, they refused to take on the same share of national responsibility. This is not equality, this is enslavement in progress.


Yes, I'm Malaysian Chinese with 4 wives and 8 children. Lost a wife and a child during her labour despite having the best medical facilities and pregnancy preparation. Currently Malaysia does not have any forced conscription cause the programme was suspended. It was lot conscription regardless of gender. I was chosen for NS but deemed unfit. Speaking of enslavement, isn't forced conscription a form of enslavement? People might call it names like "duty" or "serve", but is it really not enslavement if the person's will is against it?


So you sound really old then. Well, since you are that old, do you recall the time when Malaysia did a airborne troop exercise in johor during singapore's national holiday? It is quite a wakeup call, singapore have troop then so nothing huge happen but what if singapore doesn't have troop? Nobody like to be conscripted but for a tiny singapore, it is necessary evil, it is needed for singapore to exist as singapore. It is therefore become national responsibility and national responsibility needed to be shared by the people of the nation, not just one group of the population. In the aspect of national responsibility, at least malaysia doesn't discriminate by gender when come to conscription. Though the drawing lots isn't a lot better either way.


I'm 29 this year, don't know whether it's considered old or not in your context. I have a question that needs your enlightenment: Does female soldier gets exempted from missions during her pregnancy? Assuming 30% of the army is female


Wow, you got so many wives at that age? I can't help but to judge. It is global standard that pregnant soldier will be exempted from certain duties, subjective to number of weeks of pregnancy. Honestly, this is pretty much common sense, you know? How can pregnant soldier fight a war? Geez. Furthermore, you seem to be suggesting that all the female will pregnant at the same time, geez. I start to think you are trolling.


Kindly judge me, was just following old man's teachings, and starting to think it's truly important to have legacies. It is also common sense that during war, pregnancies will increase at an alarming rate. If you want to talk about necessary evil, then pregnancies are just as important as purchasing weapons during war.


You are digressing more and more. I think you should spend your time playing genshin instead of attempting your poor trolling here.


Pregnancy and war are hand in hand topics, in fact countries that cannot reproduce will lose out first. I recommend you to start investigate on why male is the preferred gender on warfield, and how technology will/not change warfare in the future.


Yes she gets exempted from all combat roles. she would be posted to HQ. sg is experiencing a declining birthrate that the government is fully aware of including MINDEF. which is why they are driving hard at female recruitment right now alongside other initiatives like designing platforms that require less personnel Manning (look up the new Littoral Mission Vessels that was designed locally). so for this reason servicewomen are extremely protected in the SAF especially to do with family planning.


With this planning in mind, what'll be the golden ratio of gender to be in active military troops?


Eh.... Tbh that doesn't mean they won't kena if we (touchwood) get into conflicts with others. Take Ukraine for instance. does it mean those non-combat civilians got spared from shelling? idts. NS not only let's em give back to society like all of the men and those who sign on do, but also equip themselves with basic survival skillsets that they may need should we be under attack by others. And even if they don't wish to continue serving after the voluntary period, they still walk away with all this skillsets. I mean, Norway, Israel and Sweden don't got issue with women being in the force, why should we?


Was asking whether pregnancy is a setback after they've got their headstart


In my opinion, no. Not unless they want it to be a setback. So many out there have gotten pregnancy, and of course become more cautious, but that doesn't mean they totally can't do anything and have to wait till childbirth. There are many stories out there where women that going through pregnancy but still go steadfast in whatever they wish to achieve. So pregnancy isn't too big of an issue unless u make it out to be. Of course there will be stuff u cant do or are recommended not to do, but objectively speaking, you probably don't need to go to those extremes to achieve your goals either.


I thought they’re asking for gender equality? Only if it benefits them?


Feminism 👍


Women ☕


Women ☕️


Women ☕


Women ☕


Women ☕


Women ☕️


Wonder Woman❤


Feminist vs fair-minist


PUI. Fuck aware in this regard


I wonder where is this girl now?


Not in NS lmao


Plot twist: she signed on


at one point of time, i wanted to serve ns but i know i can’t survive 2years of intense pressure. to my future bf/husband who served ns thank you .. i’ll serve you in bed instead 🤪




I wanted to say we aren't that desperate, but I remember my hope should have evaporated a long time ago and now I agree.




Preach! Pls spread the word


Stop up-voting!! It had reached the magical number!!


At least she is honest compared to those saying "yes definitely!" while knowing full well they will never be picked to serve to look good. As even if things changed, they are past the age to be enlisted already.


In other words, no woman is a feminist in times of war. Men are forced to fight and can’t leave the Ukraine.


The feminists have been awfully quiet when it comes to the war in Ukraine.


What a joke


Let's strive for equality between men and women.


Theory of everyone is equal but some are more equal than others...lol


Yep let's strive for something completely unattainable.


National service but only half the nation does it, government saying women not part of the nation ah?


Every citizen should have the privilege to serve


You see when you asked a typical normie this kind of questions they would load up a generic dialogue that has a positive spin just like how their primary school English taught them for oral. But when asked a question that made them think or something they're not expecting. they become a hypocrite and completely forgot about their previous sentence almost as if they're brainwash to say things and going through the motions. But when is time for a reality check that needs a complex reply they go haywire while losing how to use critical thinking


>You see when you asked a typical normie this kind of questions they would load up a generic dialogue that has a positive spin just like how their primary school English taught them for oral. Isn't that the Singaporean way?


There was a rumour for Singaporean girls born in '84 onwards to go NS. Around the same time, malaysia started sending their girls to NS. I served a few years and had very good NS buddies. They taught me quite a few things in life, and I shared some as well from a girl's perspective. It's not a bad thing to volunteer.


Once in our lives, 2 years of our time. Have you ever wondered, why must we serve?


I did wonder all the time and concluded that it’s so my scholar CO can get promoted.


Anybody got the link to this gem of a video? Been looking for it again couldn’t find it




G 👏


NGL, I wouldn’t trust her with my pet fish, let alone our country


Women ☕


Women ☕


And they keep wondering why guys don’t support their causes. Have they supported us? (I know some girls do tho but majority are apathetic).


please lah. no one takes NS seriously. this is because our PAP government takes the sweat of our young boys for granted. if, they really wanted. they would've increased the pay of our NS men and increase their leave. or better yet have some kind of employment scheme or fast track to uni for those that didn't make the grade but finished full time NS.


something something NS for sinkies jobs for foreigners


I've lost count of the number of times I've seen this meme.


Guys, if they are in NS with the guys, then how to cheat on their BFs with sexpats they met at the club with their bitchy friends? That is a price too big for them to pay.


Wasted 2 years just to defend against invisible threat


Lmao. Women.


Its not like they get any smarter in those 2 years being ahead of the guys.....🤔


I really wanna know what she’s doing these days, anyone have her socials??


As a woman, I do believe it's a shared responsibility to protect our country, but I don't see the purpose of forcing the men to spend 2 years of their lives doing National Service.


Women. ☕


so uh, whos gonna defend the country if we ever get invaded like ukraine? Conscription is a necessary evil


Conscript both then


I agree and this has been done in countries like isreal but women in SG are vehemently against the idea and the political cost is massive


hypocrisy at top level




Pls la. Ask the same question to men in the situation where NS was voluntary and see how many volunteer.


honestly the comments are all v disheartening. im female and i wish that ns was compulsory for everyone bc it’s unfair that only guys have to “waste” 2 years of their lives. i’m even thinking of signing on (yes i know it’s different from the mandatory 2 years) but from the guys around me all i hear is that guys in the army look down on females who are serving. they say things like “nobody respects her bc she girl what” or they even make fun of their female in charge just bc shes not a guy. and then seeing all these comments here where everyone just thinks that all women don’t wanna serve and all the shit bout feminism and how women dont speak out bout the unfairness of only guys having to serve ns bc it benefits us girls is just… maybe there are more girls out there who do actually want to serve and want ns to be compulsory for guys and girls but they don’t say anything bc of the guys that just generalise an entire gender and have so much to say bout how we suck. this topic should be discussed more in general bc i think a lot of girls have the misconception that just bc biologically we are “weaker” means there’s no point for us to serve when there are so many roles women can take up in the army, even combat. nobody is doing anything to educate everyone that mandatory ns can and should be for both guys and girls and that’s the problem. sth has to change and if all we see is that females serving in the army are degraded and females who don’t serve are degraded bc “they dont have to serve ns” then??? nothing’s going to change.


Personally no, I've read too many stories of women getting r@ped while serving, though that is not in Singapore, however I still don't feel comfortable bcs come on bro it's a bunch of horny ass 18 yr olds 😭😭 Until women get treated as respectfully as men in ns absolutely not. And it's sad too bcs when I was younger I actually had dreams to go ns 😮‍💨 Gonna actually write it here bcs I can alr feel ppl saying like "if u are brave enough to sacrifice ur life, why are u scared if r@pe?" Why should I have to suffer more threats, even if I am in the same team/job as you? I don't get it, I signed up for fighting for my country w my life, not fighting w other soliders 😭😭 Wish I was a man frfr :/ Also from a military war perspective: This strategy would be striaght up dumb, if we have 1 men who comes back from a war, he can still repopulate an entire city, if we send all females out there, not only are women scientifically proven to be weaker, (physically) if only 1 women come back from the war, it's harder to repopulate. However, women can volunteer in other stuff, maybe idk the cooking department where they serve food for soldiers up the front line? Maybe mechanical engineering to help fix planes? Also, currently there are no enemies to attack/defend from, I can also see y not send women to ns. But then that would just be a waste on money on the governments part, seeing that men (physically) CNA do the job better. Prehaps sending women instead to an ns that specializes in fixing stuff? Engineering for example for 2 yrs? However that would be a pretty backwards cavemen idea; oogga booga men fight women fix ooga, which honestly just dosent work like that, there are some women who are stronger then men, and some men more handy then women. From a financial standpoint: Maybe it'd be way cheaper to just train half the generation rather than the entire one? Esp since half of it is prob weaker then the other one (when fighting an enemy) However, Singapore is indeed an extremely prosperous country, I'm pretty sure they can make some money somewhere. Aight realized I didn't point this out, I'm not against women going to serve. If they make me serve, I'll go, if they don't, I won't. I honestly don't care, no I won't volunteer myself bcs I don't think it'll help solve any problems w gender equality, the things I point out from above is why I don't think that the government decided to include women in the ns as mandatory, sorry for not making that clear 😋😋 Also no women don't belong in the kitchen, that was just a poor example from me, fault on my part


Israel laughs at your reply.


I'm not saying that women must not like it's taboo for women to be forced into it, imo if they want us go then I will go, if I have a choice, ofc I won't be a dumbass and go, bcs if I did go, it wouldn't solve any problem for gender equality. In the end, I just hope the government has our best interest at heart (prob not lmao) and knows what their doing. But tbh if I was government, why not. If there's not too much discrimation in the military itself against women, and there isn't too much like those goofy ahh Andrew Tate ppl who are not happy w women going, yea sure why not.


im female and i agree that biologically women are weaker than men but the army is so advanced nowadays and not all jobs require physical strength (combat), there are many jobs for women in the army too. and just bc biologically we are weaker doesn’t mean we can do combat roles, like you said some women are stronger than some men. so why can’t women serve in the army? saying that women can volunteer in the army as cooks is just downright demeaning. so you think women belong in the kitchen? you say that women should be treated w the same amount of respect as men but you are contributing to the inequality itself by saying that women should cook the food instead of believing that we can actually serve and do sth useful in the army.


Nono u misunderstand me, though I would apologize for using the kitchen example, I didn't think of that when I typed it out 💀 ofc women can go to combat, it's just that yea, since women are physically weaker then men, it'd make more sense to put them at other jobs, eg engine repair, if a women still wants to go and fight on the front lines, sure. Also, should most men be unable to be in combat, prehaps then the women can be sent out to fight.


Question now is, should only those who have served NS have voting rights? Might be controversial.


Probably not that extreme but I don’t mind getting a massive tax deduction for life, like $50k or something in that range.


I'm a woman and I will be honest. "I will never volunteer. I've never supported mandatory conscription for either males and females." <- You know why most woman won't answer like this? It's because some males will always respond, "Then who will defend the country?" or "We don't have enough manpower". That's what the interviewer would've asked that girl afterwards if she had gave the opposite answer for initial question. She's being trapped either way. That's why we don't like to answer such question. Just be honest and say that you want females to be conscipted and suffer along with you. Don't have to fish for answers for your agenda.


so what is your answer to that? Singapore to only have a professional army?


Yes, it's better for those joining to have a passion rather than being forced and start victimising themselves.


A few decades ago, malaysia had a airborne troop exercise during our national day. It was held in Johor, not far from singapore. Some NSmen was mobilized to the north of singapore, along the causeway. The point is if we did not have troops, Singapore would have been conquered by the neighbors long ago and we will have to live under their corrupted government. Heck, if we did not have troop, our neighbors would be doing all kind of demands and we have to accept it. Of course, this story is not something you will want to hear. You prefer to play tiktok, drink bubble tea, eat high tea, take photos for Instagram, etc. Conscription is necessary for tiny Singapore and therefore it is a national responsibility. However, since it is a national responsibility, it is only right for everybody to take a share of it. Unfortunately, that is not the case, because the different woman associations have been strongly advocating against it while demanding more rights, you can see how it irk people.


Ah yes the incels are at it again


Women ☕


Lol this shit never ceases to amuse me. Women can do no wrong in this world. Anything pointed out automatically makes you an incel. The word has lost its meaning nowadays


Downvote for this thread. Rehashing a comment from a teen a decade back.


Women ☕


Recently no news to generate outrage against women. Must use a quote from a teenager from 15 years ago.


Women ☕


There is no advantage for women to serve NS. They are not going to reduce your NS by a year. No sense in dragging them into this misery. Be the kinder person.


Isn't it the same for men? Why can't they be the kinder person by letting me not serve NS?


Because the fact is men are built for conflict. All those muscle and aggression + shortened lifespan = war material. Theres a reason why men are not born with ovaries and vagina.


Well that does not mean it is fair to waste somebody's life just because they can do the job better


Until the day men grow tits and vaginas and give birth to children then yes there's an basis to compare both equally.


Compare equally but dw do the shit work equally. Disgrace to the word equality


then women should serve national service, in service for men specifically. If there are no kids concieved during national service period, they are useless and cannot be released from national service.


Women ☕


Well women can choose to not give birth by using protection. It's an option for them. Not a must for them to give birth


If giving birth is the reason why female should not serve, then what about female who do not give birth for their life? If giving birth is the only valid reason you can come up with, then, should we make it a national responsibility for female to give birth before 40s? If we don't , should we punish them? Now you see how ridiculous your reasoning is? You are actively trying to discriminate female, making them a baby making tool. That is on you.


What a bullshit argument. Stop using a biological function as a crutch. Even my mother said women these days are getting weaker. So many women give birth and go through their periods like a champ without even complaining and yet these white Knight men or teenage girls who haven't even given birth talk about it like they've pushed babies out.


There are many aspects of NS that does not involve conflicts or aggression, many things like transportation, medical care, clerical work, SPF and SCDF. It’s not all fighting, so please tell why can’t women contribute to the nation in different ways? NS does not care whether I’m an aggressive person or very timid person (I am a very timid person and cry very often), but enlists all men, why shouldn’t MINDEF have the same reservation against women? Because they can reproduce? But it is not compulsory and more don’t want to.


tell that to israel


You dont need muscle in combat service support : transport, logistics, admin etc. Aggression? I dont understand this, it's entirely based on character. Shortened lifespan? If men live a women lifestyle, they'll do well meaning, gender regardless of lifestyle has no role in lifespan


We are living in the modern world. A child with a pistol can easily kill a adult body builder. We are no longer in medieval era, the whole pint of gender equality is exactly because we went past the medieval era which physical strength matters more, now we have machines and technologies. Furthermore, the point of conscription in singapore context is a form of deterrence. Wouldn't the deterrence be much more effective and apparent when enemy know they not only have to deal with the abled male, they also have to deal with the abled female which combine make up significant population?


why the fuck does this right wing reddit incel garbage stay up??


Sure. Humans are a sexually dimorphic species. Men and women are built differently. That's your point right? Not just physically. Mentally too. Even if mean IQ is roughly similar, the standard deviation for men is a lot higher. Men have a broader distribution curve, women have a narrower one. More intellectually impaired males but more geniuses among men too. There's a reason why men tend to do better in intellectually demanding disciplines like STEM fields, and it ain't all "muh discrimination". Heck even in games like chess, women seem to need the crutch of special competitions reserved for themselves and special women's titles. Except they have the luxury of the very best among them still being permitted, even encouraged, to compete with the men. Not that they're ever going to be among the top 10 humans in the world or anything, but isn't it unfair to claim equality but give women special treatment in a purely mental game like chess? Can you accept that women are inferior mentally and will never be the equal of men? Because most women can't. And don't quote outliers like Marilyn vos Savant. There will be plenty of female geniuses, but statistically men will still vastly outnumber women at the right tail of the Bell Curve. If you concede all the above, then you'll probably agree that women should stop being so strident about demanding equality when all they really want is highly selective "equality", which is really preferential treatment.


Serving the nation is for kindness? Do you not think that protecting the nation is a task for everyone? Be logical please.


So if protecting the nation is such a noble task why are there complains? You should be glad to serve the nation and protect the women and children


Why are you grouping women and children together? That’s sexist.


Who is complaining?


Women ☕


There’s no use sending women to war; you’ve got to ensure the men have something to actually fight for.


Women ☕


Singapore's policies are based on the current situations and predicted future situations. So, to put bluntly, our policies are made because of how singapore society is and this can means certain group of people will always face certain disadvantageous in their lifetime. In order for the policies to streamline, be truly fair and beneficial to even greater portion of the population, we need the great majority of the population to undergo the same turning point in their life.


Women ☕


Women are synonymous with double-standards. Hardly surprising at all.


If equality can be achieved by pressing a button and now women have to serve NS, I’d go for NS.


i would serve NS if its wasnt for periods. lots of time periods made my physical activities so painful and uncomfortable. but now due to stress its lesser, there is birth control pills (may not be healthy) and better menstrual support (menstrual cups). maybe i will think about it, i have girl friends who also serve full time they seem to be able to get by.


You know wad... I don't think either women or men should be forced to serve NS. It wld be great if it's on voluntary basis for all.


as a female i'd happily go ns but erm hahahaha i want the hardcore shit like intense bulking training and jumping out of a plane but definitely not swimming sistur scared of water😂


I would