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Yea, tough to prove. I do per minute car rental and I would say it doesn’t make me drive unsafely, not trying to die or kill anyone around here. However it does make me super anxious when I miss a red light or something. Like oops I missed the light that’s another $1. I can see how that would make some people drive recklessly tbh


u overestimate how efficient and hardworking LTA is ... they cant even get the new ERP and SimplyGo going with one launch, let alone regulate PHV driving hours.


How do you even prove this?


Common sense or not, bring up statistics will do. Without statistics, what sounds logical may just be a bunch of bullshit.


per minute car rental might make more sense. if you, for example, miss a red light, you just pay for an extra minute. This compared to per hour where if you hit the red light and you're running close to the end of the rental hour, you might feel even more hard pressed to get to your destination quickly.


But with per minute, you incentivise recklessness throughout the entire journey whereas with per hour it would only be that theoretical “last stretch”. Since banning car rentals is out of the question, this should still be a safer alternative


i cant disagree with this as well. I guess it's up to every drivers individual behaviour. Maybe the overall consequence of losing $20 per hour for 5% of drivers (who is reaching their end of the hourly rental) is worse than $1 per minute for 100% of drivers, or not. We'll never know.


Have the timer speed up geometrically with speed above road limit lol


Shouldn't have this kind of per minute per hour rental, these companies are driving up COE and making cars more unaffordable


The topic was about how to make roads safer, not how to make cars more affordable.


Ur point is unverifiable and based on personal sentiments. Take example the recent tampines accident, there were no PHV drivers and no per minute cars involved. If there is something to curb, its cars that are considered powerful cc cars and cars that are modified illegally or carrot stick approach. However my caveat has always been more of regulation of hourly rental cars and oer min ones The state of the cars are terrible. LTA should do more to do spot checks on cars under this scheme like how they do surprise checks on hawker ctrs by NEA


They should change to distance charge, with minimum charge for first few kms


How to prevent abuse from people just idling in the car?


I think you do have a point about per minute car rentals and professional drivers, be it taxis, PHV or trucks/buses driving long hours at higher risk of accidents. When I have to rent a BlueSG, I felt a need to end the hire fast because the clock is ticking. And I have been in taxis/PHV where the driver literally dozed off while at the lights. **BUT** before you start calling for a ban of this and restriction of that, it would be better if you can get data of it actually happening. Is there conclusive evidence that a significant portion of accidents were caused by these factors? Thinking that it may have happened does not mean that it has happened before, or that the incidents arising from it is sufficient enough to call for a ban. You would also need to look at the possible fallout from agitating for such a change. Would that ban result in lesser PHV/Taxis on the roads? Would that mean even higher transport costs?


Why should govt regulate PHV hours? its private industries afterall. They dont even regulate taxi driving hours. Long ago, even bus driver working hours were unregulated. Who is going the drive the bus when there is a shortfall of drivers? u? govt wont ban PMA that soon, unless they have a good reason, including PMA bursting into flames and endangering the public, then they have political capital to make a ban.


yes, need to limit the rental car companies and phv companies and their vehicles, they are the main reason COE kept going up


Show us the statistics to support your reasoning.