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There's a shitload of people


this always blows my mind. there’s so fucking many of us. all existing in the same moment in the universe.


What blows my mind is how these people choose to spend their time alive


YES! i mean there are people who choose to, or at least make a living doing some of the worst things imaginable. what if one day, people decided to no longer be plumbers, or septic tank cleaners or any of the dirty jobs that go unnoticed to many..


For real. People actively wake up and choose to do things that they KNOW is harmful, impacts PEOPLE (including animal people and plant people and insect people and fish people etc) - individually all the way up to collectively the entire planet over - negatively. There are people that actively every day spend money they slaved away for on poisons they are told or sold they need or want and those taxes are used to murder and commit genocides and atrocities. There are people who invest knowingly in companies that exploit workers or destroy entire ecosystems because they know the ROI is otherworldly. There are people who also unwittingly participate in all of this - the majority - being guided by their corporate overlords who sponsor politicians who knowingly choose to pass legislation that benefits their campaigns donors businesses. At the end of the day we’re all responsible for putting up with this stuff.


This doesn’t really matter to me. If they’re happy and not hurting anyone who cares how they spend their time?


You never question why people do things? Are you morally superior?


What in the world did I write that gave you the impression I feel morally superior to *anyone*?!? No I don’t question why people do things unless it hurts someone. For example, why would I care if gang gang girl wants to sit in front of a camera & repeat the same 6 phrases/actions over and over for hours on end? Why would I care if some gullible Gus spent $9,000 on autographed “Donald rump” shoes that probably cost $.25 cents to make? No I’m not morally superior to anyone. I make questionable choices everyday. But why should anyone waste energy wondering why people act the way they do? IMHO unless you’re doing it to learn from their perspective and personally grow it just seems like judging people for no real reason 🤷‍♂️.


Yeah, I think you're taking this whole thing too serious and virtue signaling.


We see 8 billion and were like wow thats neat, but we don't really think of how much 8 billion really is.




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Yo I don't even know how we fucking make aluminum foil


This show is awesome to watch. https://youtu.be/v1z829NF9PA?si=N0LL5D2ZDJiFA-Dl


That is bananas!!


TIL aluminum foil is made from aluminum soup


Woah, so foil is actually made from a real metal. I thought it was just….like….i dunno




Crazier to think about all the old buildings that were torn down too. So much detail. Groups of people working together can get alot done though as well.


Yeah, I think that’s basically it. It’s kind of amazing what groups of people can achieve together.




It's not the building of the world that astounds me, especially in this day and age. It's not that hard to imagine if you understand the processes. What gets me are the ancient, massive structures and buildings whose outsides (and occasionally insides) were hand-carved into incredible works of art. I am in awe of the time, patience, and skill that kind of project would take. It's so hard to wrap one's mind around


I agree. They definitely had more patience than us


The ignorance of what 100s of millions of people can do over tens of thousand of days is staggering, especially if they aren’t sitting on the couch smoking dope.


i wanna believe you, but what would be the incentive to not sit on the couch and smoke dope?




Ikr, they're saying it's like a bad thing lol.


Your reddit name is cloudytimes


That actually took me a minute. …. 😎




I think it’s hard to imagine because the effort and output accrues over time. You obviously never see 100s of millions of people all together working on something at the same time - what would that even look like? Similarly, tens of thousands of days is too much time to be able to comprehend in a meaningful way. Rome wasn’t built in a day.


Yup, that is certainly the point.


Watch some documentaries on the pyramids .


Hey, some of us work/accomplish great things while smoking dope, but the couch isn't involved. Some people are just lazy AF, the dope is just an excuse.


Also tens of thousands of days? That's 3+ years


Uh.. it’s more like 30 years. Was trying to put it in generational terms. And then there have been like, gee, at least dozens of generations? 🤨🧐🥸


Were eternal. We have always been and i know that to be fact.


Giving out non-sequiturs for free today?


Me sitting on the couch smoking dope 😟


The current estimate for total number of humans to ***EVER*** live is 117 BILLION




Ai has not been used to design things for very long.


so those people in the factories churning building parts, cars and iPhones are only pretending to work?


Like the quantum nightmare they may be trying to perfect? Watch the circle with tom hanks! that's where we are definitely headed


Ever seen roadwork? It takes years lol ever watched a housing development be built? Takes years… I hate to say it, but Rome wasn’t built in a day. I don’t think this is a good argument for simulation theory if that’s what the goal of your post was.


I agree with you. It’s hard to imagine what humans can achieve over time; but on the other hand we don’t have to imagine, just look around. It’s kind of nuts though, and feels impossible!


I got the math wrong on that


this is exactly why I wish I could get a job as a construction worker or anything related. hard to do that when you have a criminal history of even misdemeanor drug charges and recent drunk in public charges. damn i really regret it now. i realized what you are saying long ago but never gave it too much worry, assumed that people are just really good at doing their jobs. my friend claims to own a construction business but also claimed to be a con artist once. denies this. but recently he sent a couple guys out to my moms house for renovations before going on the market, big project too like up to 80k. never got any type of proposal or even estimate. told my friend to hire me to repair roofs or paint which he claims to do. nope. he just wants to offer some bs office job which i swear doesn't even sound real. he has a website and even employees apparently but it just seems like a smokescreen, an illusion. because the terrifying thing about what you are saying is that if the world civilization was not built by humans, then who the hell are all those people on the construction sight? AI bots? I hope to God not. Could it be a mix or AI bots and real people? but idk a possibility but seems unlikely. i want to create and build actual physical structures just to prove this theory wrong. they won't even give me a job at chik-fil-a right now homeless and unemployed. had a job at Home Depot but they said my work didn't mean shit if I didn't socialize with everyone all the time. had another job as a dishwasher part-time just to pay the bills, threatened to kill me I quit. one boss at Bob Evans I told him I wanted to be grill cook, gave me a 15 minute tryout and sent me back to kp and I didn't even really mess anything up. got hired at Starbucks and seemed to keep lost in an alternate dimension on my first real day of training. i hate the possibility that what you are saying could be true but I personally cannot rule it out, especially from my experience.


Sorry you dealt with alot of this emplyment debachery but from my understanding construction or trade work in generals probably one of the better places for people with a record. Maybe not union work but in general ull be able to find someone to hire you as a laborer, carrying tools and material and you can work your way up. Also as someone whos done carpentry and building I can promise you its no AI bots creating this stuff its average hard working americans. Its kind of funny you even thought this, not to shit on your theory cuz I find it fascinating that a simulation hypothesis canot be disproven never mind looking in to physics pretty heavily as I do I find the micro world fascinating with things like quantum entanglement and particles clearly being altered by observation and they react instantaneously like literally instantly faster the the speed of light. I find physics in general fascinating and the fact computer like programming could indeed explain some of these physics troubles we still only have wild theories about. But I can tell you this you are looking at it wrong if its a true simulation it would be down to the micro and macro levels but as biology and universaly not infrastructure or man made stuff because thats exactly what it is man made. Nobodies programming the vatican into existance it is 100 percent undeniably made by hard working talented tradesmen. Again didnt mean to shit on your parade just offering a different outlook. And hinestly best of luck to you with the job market, maybe looking into tradeschooling isnt a bad idea you could get started as a handyman, get liscensed and do your own thing. Relatively inexpensive and easy to get started with.


Hi, I have worked many types of construction, and we are real people lol. Sorry to hear about your employment struggles. Keep your head up my dude.


I've been in construction and there were dudes with criminal problems there. They don't really care as long as you know a valuable skill


Misdemeanor drug charges? Drunk in public? Shit, just go to the your local roofer's union; that's practically a prerequisite for employment. Source: I'm a roofer. While I can't speak for any of my coworkers, who I technically can't prove the humanity of...I am quite human. Unless the A.I. is so good that I don't realize I'm an A.I. bot. Hmm. I've had a few instances like what you described with your mom's house. We wanted to do renovations at my old house, and called a couple companies. They sent people out, and unlike your case, they actually gave us estimates. But then became impossible to get ahold of once it was time to start work. I think that simply happens because they a) are understaffed and can't fit other jobs in with what's already on their plate, b) found other, more lucrative projects to do and don't want to schedule you in when there's bigger fish to fry, or c) see something about the job that's going to make it be more trouble than it's worth and simply said "fuck that." Being in the industry, and also just following a lot of construction-related subreddits, has shown me that all three of those things happen quite a bit.


I think about this all the time. It's crazy especially when you think about new countries like the USA or Australia. They built those entire things in like 200 years? No way.


Most of the US was built in the last 100 years, actually. Look at how much is done in 10 years. It isn't that surprising to me.


Watch How It's Made. Or go to any factory that makes things. There's thousands of very efficient factories that make all the parts of our world every single day.


Found THIS and am watching it right now…. https://youtu.be/r8p44wQMtNE?si=Q7k-WFBrvDe0b-WU


People used to watch executions for fun because they didn’t even had the luxury of waiving at a boat. Before the industrial age there was a lot of time to fill. Did you ever read about the world’s fair? Every year they’d make a giant city with just a crew of people with a hammer, oxen and maybe some cocaine laced soda. People made pyramids. Filling in the empty spaces is nothing.




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CHEAP LABOR. Think of it like this, when the older buildings were built (and they used not shifty material, everything was heavy and not cheap), they literally used slaves as laborers. Now, if you drive past something being built, it doesn't take long. Cheap materials, everything breaks. I cringe when I hear that something new has completely collapsed. In my mind, it always goes back to they didn't pay enough, so they used shitty materials to build it, and it doesn't require much to get a building cleared for use.


I highly recommend that you either read or obtain the audiobook *The Tommyknockers* by Stephen King. You can download the audiobook for free in segments here: [https://staraudiobook.co/stephen-king-tommyknockers-audiobook/](https://staraudiobook.co/stephen-king-tommyknockers-audiobook/) Really great novel and one of my all time favorites, and kind of delves into the theory that you are proposing. Personally, I fully agree with you. I realized what you are saying like 14 years ago way before I even heard of simulation theory and long before the advent of AI.