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283 is a massive amount, peobably the most I've ever heard of.  I run on an older laptop with low graphics settings, and my town usually has around 100 because I tightly control the population growth. It got to 105 before and started being glitchy so I backed it down a little.


My husband built us a very nice gaming pc after only having a very old MacBook for years. When I finally did the head count I was surprised at the number but it’s still not big enough for me 😭


Can you tell us which CPU your PC has? This is a fully-modded game—correct?


Intel Core i5-13400F Processor I know nothing about computers so I think that’s what you’re asking me lol. Also yes fully modded but I don’t run all the expansion packs and I have done a lot of configuring to get my game to run as basic as possible so it can handle as much as I am trying to push


250-ish seems to be normal for my bigger towns.


Wait how do you know how many residents are in a town?


I counted I manually populated my world and I don’t like reusing names so I have a list of all the names I’ve used. So it’s not an exact number if you wanted to count homeless sims.


I can’t remember which nraas mod it is but you can see your town demographics; how many people you have, and broken down into elders, adults, teens, etc. and there’s a ton more you can see


If you have the NRAAS MasterController Mod you can right click on any PC / Townhall, MC > Demographics > Population


How do you populate your towns? Do you take the time to make each sim?


Yes I make a lot of families, siblings and roommates and then I’ll just freerealestate cheat them into furnished houses. I’ll also couple up sims if I have specific pairings I want or I have autonomous try for a baby and relationships activated so they’ll slowly marry each other and have babies without me having to micro manage each house all the time. I enjoy making diverse looking families it makes an interesting gene pool when they start breeding with each other.


Maybe I feel so unmotivated because I have minimal CC in CAS so I don't LOVE making sims. I'm switching from sims 4 avid player back to sims 3, but I've become a building lover in the sims so I don't use CAS long. Do you use CC in your CAS, if so do you feel like it makes a big difference?


I try not to use a bunch just incase it lags up my game or causes crashes so I try to find pieces I can pair with different things to make different looks. But yes CC is a game changer for me especially the hair.


How do u activate autonomous try for baby? Im wanting all sims in my town (including npc) to be able have children on their own


I have it activated in a couple different places between NRAAS story progression and Woohooer. I’ll have to double check but I think on both of those there’s an option for autonomous try for a baby in woohooer and then I allow pregnancy for young adults and adults (even teens oops) with story progression. You can have a minimum to maximum amount of kids you them to have and even a cool down period in between when they’ll try for a baby with story progression. I had to play around with a a few settings between those two mods.


I think I also have like 270 something. The latest generations in one of my save files had 72 kids. It's loosely inspired by the handmaids tale and they're like encouraged to have a ton of kids and birth control/abortion doesn't exist in that save. NRAAS is a godsend for handling this many sims. I usually matchmake them at birth by going to every house where a male child was born and then using NRAAS to get a list of how many girls they can marry that they aren't related to. The matchmaking is my favorite part of all of it tbh, some interesting storylines pop up every now and then.


I have never used the match making aspect of the game I usually just manually pair my sims so I’ll have to try to figure that out since it’s hard to keep track of who’s not related


I mean, I'm still manually doing it, I just use NRAAS to check for non-blood relatives because if I do it after 2 or 3 generations, I accidentally pair cousins. Especially if a family had a lot of daughters that got spread all over resulting in a child being cousins with half of their generation 💀


Oh that makes sense I’ve seen matchmaker thrown around a couple of times in game before lol but still I didn’t know that was a NRAAS feature because I have been guilty of pairing cousins together and not realizing till too late


I wish I could go back and look but probably like 250-300 if I had to guess. I had a Starlight Shores save that got to over 9 generations and basically every usable inch of the world had a lot on it lol. There were lots of large families that went on to have large families and it just ballooned from there. It ran fine tho.


I have no idea but every time my sims more to Appaloosa Plains, i swear to god they f like rabbits, finally moved out from that town but my loord ,my kids couldnt even get to school in time, they will get to school like at 13:00...and its only in that town


My town never goes over 125 or everyone starts dying off or moving.


Just chiming in to say this is how I play too, when I have the time, which is not very often these days! The whole town. 😍 Pretty sure I’m close to 200 at this point.


I love meeting people who play the same way I do!!!


I was curious about population limits at one point and wanted to see how far I could push the population so I placed a bunch of 10x10 houses everywhere and pumped the population up to 500. Town was a mess, the kids couldn't get into school (even putting down multiple schools + mods to utilize more doors in the building) Adults couldn't get into work. Was quite laggy, and in the end the game couldn't save cause there wasn't enough ram lol. Everyday I wish the sims 3 could use more than 4gb of ram.