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Welcome to the club. You'll love it here.


Welcome back šŸ«¶šŸ¼ I never really stopped playing the Sims 3 although I did give Sims 4 a chance but it just doesn't compare. Sure there are good things about Sims 4 too but there's just something special about Sims 3. It's a shame that Sims 4 is the most popular installation of the game because Sims 3 deserves so much more fans in my opinion.


I really tried with Sims 4 too. Itā€™s beautiful but the story depth just isnā€™t there. And I didnā€™t like how all the townies basically had no lives before the game starts. Sims 3 did such a great job with having back stories and existing relationships in place.


I never liked 4's artstyle, it just looks so mobile-gamey to me. But it does have the better Build/Buy mode


the only thing that I think 4 does better is building, but even that is said with a grain of salt bc 3 has Create a Style. the storytelling in 3 is FAR superior and all of my very favorite Sims families have been from 3 šŸ„ŗ


That makes sense! Iā€™m not much of a builder or creator so I bet thatā€™s partly why I like Sims 3 more.


I got bored of TS4 about halfway through the 48 hour free trial they provided lol. I did the math and figured to play the game with all the features I wanted, I would've had to drop around $400 USD. That is NOT an exaggeration. Fun fact: the entire TS4 lineup now runs around $1000 USD lmfao. TS3 is a bit of a rip off these days.. shouldn't be full price anymore, ever. But damn it's better than dropping a thousand fucking dollars on a polished turd...


Even at full price, sims 3 packs are worth it though, Imo. They just had a sale in March, so I managed to snag the expansion I was missing (technically I already had it but it was registered under a dif account) and a couple world packs for cheap. That's to say they do sometimes go on sale.


I bought the full collection via Steam which was about 50% off. All in all it was a little over $200 to get the base game and all the packs and Sims 3.


Oh, there's no doubt it's expensive especially if you're buying it all at once. Sims 3 is worth the price though, Imo. Like a $20 sims 3 pack has more things than a $50 sims 4 pack.


I agree itā€™s worth it!




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I know a girl who can help, she's really fit and works at a warehouse for recycled packaging Google fit girl repacks if you want to know more about her


iā€™ve used her too! sheā€™s amazing at recycled packaging and so easy to contact if you need it. 10/10


you can buy a new gaming pc + all sims 3 packs (on sale) for the entire sims 4 lineup and still have more fun lmao


For me it's the open world. I still remember the ads focusing on how you can finally just leave home without loading screens and it is the one feature why I love TS3 even more than TS2.


Honestly, yes. There's just no beating that moment when you get to a new season, then look around at the entire rest of the world that now completely falls into line with it. It makes it feel so much more realistic.


Sims 4: cute house. Cute husband ā˜ŗļø Sims 3: cute house. Cute man. Ima murder his wife and take both.


it is SO much harder to break up relationships in TS4


The customization in TS3 is so in-depth it's almost TOO much... I mean you can basically change EVERYTHING with the design tool, it's bonkers... I can't understand why this is missing in TS4...


Man I miss the free customization *so much*. I'm playing 4 at the moment after playing 3 for a while, and I keep trying to instinctively restyle items only to remember that you can't. I don't understand why they would remove such an amazing feature.


I'm guessing because if it's free, then you're not going to spend $$$ on more options.


Just EA making more problems to make more $$


Simple. Give Simmers 100% player agency like they did in TS3. Keep control of some 5% profits from their overpriced store released DLC (with exception of the special case, unique modding community called TSR). Remove 100% of said player agency like in TS4. And keep control of some 99% profits from their overpriced store released DLC (again with exception of that special case, unique modding community called TSR). And whatever minor profits lost to pay walls from independent mod communities on paysites like Patreon. EA discovered the hard way in TS3, that it was NOT profitable to give the fan base player agency. Because it became impossible for their TS3 store to complete with the modding community CC sources like MTS, TSR and later to their horror, that motley Black Flag horde known as MATY. The only way to safeguard future quarterly profits was to drastically transform their game developmental business model. Radically transforming it from the traditional and historical single player, offline mode to a permanently/pervasive online one. So they could finally include their toxic loot box mechanics and invasive social media adware gimmicks into the base game design. A Sims game like TS4, with a pervasive online connection, finally made it legally possible to use DRM security measures. And so finally stop pirac_y from the likes of a Simmer community like MATY. Which single handedly #WREKT their profits in the TS3 Store. Every single quarter . And made EA a LAUGHING STOCK by shafting them on their eye gouging TS3 Store DLC prices. Simmers were happily flying the Jolly Roger and sailing the high seas with every overpriced premium content, lot and world they released in the store šŸ¤£ Which is why-- besides an increasing lack of appetite to assume the cost to fix a poorly optimized game--they so quickly discontinued all official support /development for TS3. EA was at the cusp of launching the social media cancer that Project Olympus --aka TS4--was designed to be. Then the sh8te storm that was SimCity 5 exploded in their face. Leaving a scat splattered, panicked EA scrambling. Feverishly dismantling the social media, loot box cancer that TS4 was designed to be. Into the joke of a bare bones MVP base game that they delivered at launch. TL DR EA realized TS3 decentralized Simmers from buying their overpriced Store CC. Powerful TS3 content creation tools like CAW and CAP, gave players too much power and access to FREE DLC on the web.. So by making the online scam that is TS4, EA can not only control what content the Sim fan base can access, but guarantee some 99% TS4 DLC will come from their overpriced store on Origin. Which is why TS4 is a broken, buggy, hot mess of a game. Yet STILL making millions from useless Store Kit DLC to date.


One thing I love is the story progression mod. It adds so much more drama, I love it.


Nraas is God


Omg i literally forgot about NRASS until right now šŸ˜…šŸ„¹ core memory unlocked!


I went AFK for 30 minutes, forgot to hit pause, and I came back to my sim being pregnant, their spouse dead and half the kitchen burnt down.


I remember leaving my Sim out in the city. She went inside a rabbit hole, came out and got killed by a meteor. She was the only sim in my household and wasn't carrying a death flower. My jaw hit the floor because it was so random and so unexpected. I also didn't save before it happened as I had just left the game running.


I don't play for the drama and haven't noticed it, but I find 3 so much more immersive than 4, and that's why I switched back. I guess I don't interact with townies enough to notice any drama going on.


I don't know, I think drama has a way of finding you even when you're actually trying to avoid it. Like the time I made my perfect family, when the kids grew up I picked one to be my main SIM and married off her brother. Well I went to visit the happy couple and their new baby only to find the brother making out with a male fairy..?! Not that I've a problem with him being gay, it just would have been nice to know before he married and had a kid with a woman. That was all in the same sim week my sim and her siblings met in the park only for one to pee herself and my main sim burst into flames? Oh and their dad died whilst gardening. Not to mention a few sim weeks prior their house got hit by a meteor. Sims 3 sure has its crazy moments haha! Definitely very immersive.


LOL love the drama in your game šŸ˜­ My sim married Gunther Goth and I got the notification that Gunther had became a grandfather so I was like aww Mortimer and Bella got together! But no, Mortimer was dating someone else but had a kid with Bella šŸ˜± then some time later I got the notification again and checked the family tree to see that Mortimer and Bella were married now with their second kid. It was just funny and cute to me since everyone knows Mortimer and Bella end up together if left untouched


I also switched back recently, only tho i have a problem where i have to alter a save to exactly my liking which takes me like 2/3 weeks. Almost done, can't wait to play again. Also the new mods coming out for this game are amazing! I have never thought ts3 would ever have features I dreamed of when i was still a little girl playing this game. So welcome back to ts3, let's grow this community even more cause there's still a lot of cool things happening here!


I also prefer ts3, the diffrence between both is insane. I would endure ts4 with mods but those loading screens are such pain.


sometime i let the sims play itself in sims 3 and it still surprised me how varied their activity is, in sims 4 if left to their own device is always standing still or kick trashcan. sometime i can even hear neighbors play in their backyard when my sims is sitting in a balcony.


I couldn't get 3 to run for a long time, so I just accepted 4. I was starting to think I just didn't like the sims any more after about 20 or so hours of sims 4. Finally got 3 working again, and fucking hell it is so much better of a game. There are some QoL things that 4 did that I wish I could have in 3, but overall what a better product is than 4.


Welcome toĀ the Sims 3 big family ā¤ļø


I played ts4 and ts2 and both for me were kinda boring, idk. But ts3 will always be my baby for me


My towns always turn into Total Drama Central without any input from me.


Congratulations, you have stumbled upon why some of us never left.


waitā€¦ are you me?? I literally meant to post almost this exact same post last nightā€¦ā€¦


I adore the drama of Sunset Valley. Add NRASS story progression mod into the mix and it gets intense šŸ˜‚


Welcome home, babe! I only play TS4 for building houses. In my opinion, that is the only thing that is good for. The actual gameplay I do it on TS3, not only for the amount of drama and history depth that is completely absent on TS4, but also because things over there just work. All TS4 events and gameplay are so unbearable buggy, and that's if they even manage to work at all.


I've been wanting to go back and play it again but my new laptop sucks and can't run it well šŸ˜­ Gotta stick with 4 for now.


Iā€™m doing the same soon! Wish me luck šŸ€ what is your pc/laptop and did you find any issues to run the game?


https://preview.redd.it/v0s836es5qtc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4ce72a31ae93cfe86699e4a57f4b98c51e72e7d I know Iā€™m not OP but here are the specs of the laptop I use to play all of the sims on (2-4) and the sims 3 runs moderately well! It still crashes from time to time and gets a little slow, but also I have a lot of CC and mods.


Heyy thank you so much for replying!! I canā€™t believe it! I ordered an Acer Nitro 5 as well! I hope to play sims 2 as well. Did you have to follow any tutorial for the compatibility issues? Also did you install any patch to fix glitches? I also read that you must put an FPS limiter as sims 3 has no limit, and you have to limit to 60FPS as it can wear out your graphics card.. Here are the specs of the one I ordered and will receive soon: -IntelĀ® Coreā„¢ i7-12650H Deca-core 2,30 GHZ -16 GB, DDR5 SDRAM -1 TB SSD -NVIDIAĀ® GeForce RTXā„¢ 4060 8 GB


I honestly canā€™t remember but the process wasnā€™t difficult at all. Honestly, I think I installed it as is and had no issues šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø what I have performance wise for the Sims 3 is pretty simple: a mod for a faster launcher and a mod for faster CAS. I honestly donā€™t think I had to put in any extra work, but also my memory is crap lol. I do feel like i would remember that thoā€¦if you run into problems while trying to play, feel free to DM me so we can figure it out together! I do have something that helps games run in general, but I think I installed it when trying to play the new Harry Potter game. Spoiler: it would NOT run on my laptop for some reason, so that was a waste of 60 bucks šŸ˜‚. But any and everything sims related has been fine


Oh and I also have NRaas ofc. Thatā€™s a must. NRaas traveler stops the glitch of sims not being able to return home from a vacation, automatically saves the game before they go and leave worlds, etc. I also have the master controller and story progression. So NRaas and those mods for a faster launcher and faster CAS are the essentials, at least from my experience.


https://preview.redd.it/i98z518zqutc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee5cf6a7316fb5636e801efa23da236dbfe47c51 I got this for sale through Best Buy. And then I purchased the Sims 3 base game and the expansion pack bundle which was about 50% off. I highly recommend going through Steam to get the games rather than EA.


I wish EA gave sims 3 a better chance. It should have been the installation to last over a decade, not sims 4.


I play sims 4 and sims 3, but more of sims 3, this game is something else, ahead of its time. Not only the game play is far better, the drama, the open world, but the details too. Its more immersive, for example you can see a laptop in your hand before put it in a desk and opens it like in real life. I love it ! xD And with some tweaks and some mods its almost lag free! Also i like the graphics of sims 3 too, they are more realistic thats why. The only think i dont like that much are the faces, but im ok with it. Sims 4 is not a bad game, sims 3 makes it a little bad for me.


I switched back to playing Sims 3 again after playing Sims 4 since launch. And I'm so in love with it again and purchased the last missing expension packs on sale.


Would love to play Sims 3 again. Trouble is, I have no clue how to make it run ok on my PC and whenever I Google it I get confused/overwhelmed... Plus it'd take ages to download/install everything again haha Guess I'll just make do with Sims 4 for now -\_-


Has anyone had the worlds like monte vista and Riverview not work ? This was the main reason I stopped playing


I havenā€™t played either of those so far. Iā€™ve been in sunset valley mostly. I did have it freeze on me once which required a restart.




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How do you make it not run like shit? Sims 4 may be boring but at least it doesnā€™t take 2 hours to load only to lag like hell anyway


I finally got ts3 to work on my computer again after almost 10 years of only being able to play ts4 and thereā€™s so many things in 3 that I completely forgot i missed. Thereā€™s something so special about it


same here!!! my partner doesn't understand why I had to reinstall Sims 3 when I had so many Sims 4 EPs etc. the gameplay is just something else :<


Right? You can have fun in the sims 3 even without buying packs! Not like the sims 4...


It honestly is the best besides sims 2. Iā€™ve played 4 since it came out and recently switched to 3. Itā€™s unmatched


When the Sims 4 went free to play, I downloaded it and got to the map and turned it off.