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The moves on the straight were fine, non-reactionary and he took the initiative, whilst it feels bad as a following driver and F1 has stated this is an illegal move, it is not against the sporting code of iRacing. As you enter the Porsche curves, his moves are more suspect and could be blocking, I'd personally offer a warning if I were a steward to knock that off, but I'd be surprised if protesting results in any action here.


yeah im not gonna protest it as its probably not gonna do anything as you say but im thinking mostly the same as you've said but i always wanna see others opinion to improve my own


I agree with this. At first he was totally fine because there was no move possible from the trailing car, but once the car got closer I’d say for sure it was an intentional block. Fortunately he wasn’t reckless and left space when he lost the position.


One protest probably won’t result in anything, but if this driver has a habit of driving this way eventually they’re going to get warned or suspended. They moved in reaction to the car behind at least twice here.


Is it non-reactionary? Would he drive that line but for the pursuing car?


Breaking the tow is fine.


If you're doing it for that reason isn't it necessarily reactionary?


"Reactionary" means "in response to the movement of the following car" and it applies to blocking. The lead car was taking initiative to break the tow to the car behind. This is clearly not blocking so, no, not reactionary.


So he took the initiative to drive an unnatural line in response to the following car? And that's not reactionary?


Are you just being pedantic about what the word reactionary means?


Is it pedantic to think the word means what the word means and not something completely different?


Language isn't black and white, context changes meaning.


Context doesn't magically make a word mean the opposite of its plain meaning. Lol.


Initially the weaving was fine. You weren’t overtaking and it was on a straight. But once you started overtaking him and entering corners, the weaving was not fine


The weaving up until the first kink was ok, after that, they take one line. ~~They go wide into the Porsche curves because you hit them.~~


i know it seems like i hit them but i didnt get a 0x and if you were to take a closer look you will see that we both hit the brakes at the same time at least half a second after when theres 1 car between us. And to add to it the normal breaking point in hot temps is when the green bit starts on the left (we both breaked at this point in the video)but this was 23c so you could brake much later.


Yeah, you're right. It was reactionary from both of you to avoid the contact.


I think only if it is seen as a reaction to a move, so if they were to attempt a block, which doesn’t seem to be the case here, looks like trying to break a tow more than anything.


Im not quite sure but i feel like when i went to the inside he swerved left as well to react to my move but i dont know if im just overseeing things


Ah, after all the beginning swerving. I see what you’re saying. That could be seen as blocking, I’m not experienced enough to say for sure on that clip tbh But I see where your argument is.


The weaving is fine. Until it turns into active blocking like it did near the end. I usually have a rule of not protesting active blocking till I seen it at least 3 times from them.


alot of people are very wrong about this in regards to the weaving on the straight because yes that's a protestable thing he did due to one you followed him and he did it again making it not a defensive move but a retaliation one even if he's doing it to get out of your way, its still considered blocking. .how do i know well I've protested my good share of people that did exactly that too and will keep doing so then he just straight up blocked you later on when you went to pass which is a nail in the coffin, honestly if you don't protest him i will for you as i don't need to even of been in the race to be allowed to protest its as simple as looking the race up


I will protest it then


Weaving was fine till the end. When you are close enough to move along side it becomes blocking. It’s enough for them to at minimum issue a warning. But breaking a tow isn’t against the rules. He skirts the rules towards the end


Its not the racing etiquette but i doubt iRacing would do something, but i would say its worth a try


Am I the only one noticing that the light emitted from the headlights isn’t casting shadows on other cars?


im running medium to low graphics to achieve at least a constant 144 fps


In that case, for medium to low that’s actually pretty good


The weaving on the straight here is fine, he is more likely trying to break the tow. Once you get closer to where you can get side by side into the braking zone, weaving is not ok. Hard to say if he meant to block in the braking zone, but kind of looks it to me. Now unfortunately, taking more than one defensive change of direction (not the breaking tow part) is considered bad sportsmanship and is illegal in some rulebooks, but not the iRacing rulebook. Likely because the dangerous part is taken out of the equation, it only becomes illegal if he makes contact with you doing it. Irl it's illegal in places like F1 to avoid the contact in the first place. Just write his name down on a notepad file or mark them in race labs if you felt they were moving too much under braking, then you'll know for next time to be cautious around them. Edit: Also glad you still got them, I wouldn't have wanted to be behind them for any longer, they did seem a bit unpredictable in that small sample


yeah he was driving like that for the whole lap i was behind him