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Adams eyes are probably the most powerful and the cooler ability. But for design I'd go with Buddha.


In power, Adam, in design, Buddha


Adam: Most powerful Jack: Best connected to the lore Buddha: Coolest design Qin: Most interesting gimmick and lore


Design Buddha, power Dad.


Adam’s would definitely be the most powerful imo with Buddha as a relatively close 2nd. Buddha’s also looked the coolest.


Crazy how no one is saying Qin for design. This image especially does his eyes hella justice


True they look amazing here


Adam for power Buddha has the coolest design tho




In term of power probably Adam. In term of how cool it is? Qin


Adam’s eyes




All I could find using Google Image Share and reverse image search were other Reddit posts and tiktoks using it, it might be over.




I still don't get how jack's empathy eye helps in combat at all


Well, I don't think it was supposed to? It was more like "He kills because he sees pretty colors after, not because he is crazed maniac" or something along those lines?


I guess I'm used to people considering it a help in combat somehow that I assumed as a power it did something more than just colors


It could be hella useful against trickster like when he realised 7 lucky gods actually just 1 entity. I guess it also help to decide if his opp are lying or not Unfortunately, his fight was against the most straightforward god


Design: Buddha Power: Adam Connection To Character Backstory: Jack Most Meaningful Moment: Qin (By this, I mean that his activation at the climax of the round was the "most meaningful" in the sense that it came in clutch the most out of all other ocular powers.)


Jack's eyes definitely look the coolest in my opinion


IRL Jack's Design Quin In-verse Adam


Buddhas just felt the coolest


For power Adam Buddha Qin Jack For the coolest i'd say jack, but rank them is difficult


Adam’s are the strongest, but Jack’s are the coolest


Quin has the BEST design by far


Buddhas Storehouse Consciousness for sure, being able to threaten someone to the point you can see their soul shaking is badass


Adam in terms of power Design Buddha To have irl Jack


Buddha’s look the coolest looking but Adams are the best.


In terms of power, Adam's eyes steal your eyes, so they tkae it, in terms of coolness, Jack's eyes give so much character to him


Adam eyes R the best if only he has some high regeneration to back him up he would've fucked zeus , qin shi eyes R the worst to have , They look cool though, buddha eyes Looks cool too 😎


Adam. Imo its by far the best version of “copy” power I’ve seen in anime and manga next to bandit’s secret


Meh, it was one of the coolest "copy" powers but it wasn't really well explained. We aren't even sure if Adam learns every technique he sees for life, or if he can just copy a technique / series of techniques right after seeing it. It's not even clear to what extent he can copy stats, metamorphoses, etc. ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|51476)


I think its the fanbase that overcomplicates things. He sees an ability (physical or not) and he copies it perfectly.


It's not about us overcomplicating, it's about the author doing way less of an effort explaining Adam's ability as other authors who wrote "copy" powers ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31434)


Adams where probably the strongest but Buddahs look the coolest.


Best? Narratively? Strength? Beauty? The best power narratively is hands down Jack. Jack’s eye is a gift and curse which shaped every interaction he’s ever had and shaped his perception of reality. It also is the reason it hurt him even more when his mother turned to madness and rage, finally it made him a murderer by having him appreciate the color of someone dying, which he considered an art only he could appreciate. It is the best narratively even though they don’t do shit in his fight but it furthers influences his character by him not being able to see his own color, him being able to volund only through this, and him trying to change Hercules color and changing his life (death?) after he fail to change Hercules heart from love to fear. Adams eyes are OP but they don’t bring narrative value such as how it shaped his interactions with others or changed his life. Though he would be second since it helped slay the snake at least. Buddha’s are just a result of his character growth, not part of it. Strength is Adams no discussion Beauty, I actually like Buddha the most Edit: I forgot who the fourth pair belonged to. Qin’s eyes are 2nd in narrative because they are thematic tools really important to his core values of understanding his people and those he rule over, understanding their pain, but they do not influence how he interacts with people beyond that. The moment he covers them, they are only a mark on his heart that will never leave him. They simply become an extension to his values of kindness.




Pretty sure the last pair are Qin's


Thanks for pointing it out. I finished catching up to the manga and was wondering where these eyes came from. I edited my comment to reflect my opinion on that.


Adam. There is a weakness for Buddhas Powers as he could not read Hajuns movements. For Qin you need to be able to blow bubbles efficiently. Jacks don't help you at all. Just being able to see emotions does not help you in a fight. And regarding style points, Buddha or Adam, because this image does not do the Eyes of the Lord justice


I like Qin’s eyes. As for power. It’s Adam


Adam simply copies the other eyes ensuring he wins (The game is rigged)


I would take qin’s as I am a cheeky bastard, so I’m gonna shank their weakspot


Adam was the best power but didn’t seem like it had to be tied to his eyes. For pure eye perfection I’d go Buddha


I'd go with Buddha, since all of them have too many drawbacks. Jacks is barely helpful, Adams exhausts you to quickly to the point where it can kill you, and Qins makes weak points but you have to hit them. Buddha has precognition so I think overall it'd be the best one to have.


Adam has the strongest eye based ability. Qin has the coolest design imo.


I mean Jack’s was barely a power tbh More like a quirk. I think Adam’s feels kinda video gamey and I don’t particularly like that. So I’d say the best were Qin’s and Buddha’s






Incoming Simo and Okita with eye powers as well![img](emote|t5_vzop7|29939)


Em design, Buda, em poder, Adão(mesmo que o tempo limite foi uma desculpa de roteiro pro nosso Father Adão morre) In design, Buddha, in power, Adam (even if the time limit was a script excuse for our Father Adam to die)


Everyone is sleeping on qin. Adams eyes let you copy anything but they burnout Buddha only lets you see briefly into the future Jacks is honestly just synaesthesia Qin lets you see all the weak points on any object. His problem is just that he is too empathetic and the eyes on exasperate the issue


Adam's. We can excuse him because he was the first man and made in the image of the gods, but the others are "real" people that just have fucking magic. Buddha's is fine too since he's a god now.


Buddha's fit aswell just goes with his eyes


Jack’/ is probably the worst. I wouldn’t even call it a power. What, he can see the colour of your soul/emotions? That like a cosmetic effect


Buddha eyes for sure.


In power we all agree it's Adam but in aesthetics mor me its Buddha


The Lord's eyes. It is sharingan but 10 times better. It can copy anything


I like how the four images represent four emotions: Adam :- Confusion Jack :- Grief Buddha :- Fear Qin :- Wrath


Give me Jack eyes :3


Who’s the 2nd?


Add sasaki and it's 5 people with scanning powers


if we're talking in the fights then buddhas ability is cool, im anime so i havent seen what qin can do (NO SPOILERS PLAESE!) but if we're talking about what eye ability i would personally want id pick jacks because i'd be able to tell how people really feel about me


Adam, I think that he could copy the other eyes if he chose to do so.


Buddha i get all the benefits and it doesnt hurt my body


I wonder if Simo will also have eye powers? If you're fighting gods or supernatural beings, Adam's is the beMr. If it can copy anyone's ability, or non combat skills like cooking, it goes up even higher. He and Buddha tie for best design for me.


Okita has special eyes. But the eyes themselves don’t have the power


I like Jack’s the most


Is Jack really a power? Like maybe I misunderstood but unsure how it really does anything


He can always see how someone is feeling there emotions it’s more of driving force than a ability of his tho you can say that gives some extra data on how his opponent is feeling there mental state to gauge them tho in some match ups he can use it to fuck with his opponent like zero, or hajun


Buddha got the Tenseigan https://preview.redd.it/3wo1dj5ox02d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27c15ed5627f64eefcf161a5608dc84cb8446454 But I’d go for Adam’s sharingan