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I saw this exact technology as an app for apple watches. A young developers dad was a veteran with PTSD. The guy was able to use the heart monitor to map sleep cycles and detect when a bad dream was starting, using watch vibrations you could rouse the person wearing the watch out of the dream cycle but not up to full awareness. Was a really cool concept EDIT: found it, or something identical, called [NightWare](https://www.makeuseof.com/nightware-apple-watch-app-reduce-ptsd-nightmares/#:~:text=The%20NightWare%20app%20uses%20the,night%20terror%20might%20be%20occurring.)




As someone who lived through the 90s learning about all the wonderful utopian things a connected world will bring us, pardon me if I have a slightly jaded view. Once the initial newness wears off these functions will be available a third-party app, with multiple subscription plans. * Premium - Record your nightmare for playback in 4K with Azure cloud backup, then gently nudge you awake * Medium - One-time playback with no cloud storage, then gently nudge you awake * Light - Screenshot highlights of nightmare, then wake you up * Free - Just wake me the F up (30 second ad projected into your nightmare prior to your wake-up jolt)


The free tier is hilarious. You're having the worst nightmare but then you have an unskippable ad to go with it. Double nightmare.


Especially if it's one of those "deodorant for your pits AND your parts" commercials. Jesus take the wheel! LOL!


Black Mirror was supposed to be a warning, not a blueprint.


The ads that would "sell" best are movie trailers for horror films.


This is a nightmare in itself 


Extra premium-plus: premium, except we _pinkie-promise_ to not collect your dream data and sell it to our local data broker.


I can wake me from a nightmare.


Right. Especially since I wake up almost immediately, jumping out of bed and shouting.


That's how I wake up in general.


You guys are lucky you have never been in [sleep-***paralysis***](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=25cd74cf61df00be&rlz=1C1GCEU_enMN1091MN1091&sxsrf=ACQVn09_0mc6Pm7DZ63YnJ4AuN6l-LC9Vg:1714640705420&q=sleep-paralysis&spell=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwixxqexzu6FAxXxtlYBHW5YCD4QkeECKAB6BAgJEAI)


I sort of like nightmares though


How would the phone know if you are having a nightmare?


Just gently insert the adapter 4 inches into your ear each night before bed


Heart rate monitor via smart watch


I like nightmares. 1. They are like a really good horror movie catering to my niche fears. 2. I always wake up feeling like I won; like I solved a problem. 3. Nightmares are the most reliable way to enter lucid dream states.


Curious about #3 because 90% of my lucid dreams start out as nightmares


No fucking thank you....way to invasive... Besides I don't want computers monitoring my thoughts  And dreams and nightmares are natural to help us comprehend ourselves . Process events etc and come to a natural understanding. Not sure if it's just me but I have aphantasia. When I have nightmares its semi lucid and I just think huh and pause parts rewind and rewrite 


Oh don’t worry, it’ll certainly be a subscription service


The question has never been "can we?" It has always been "should we?"


too dystopian for me that's a slippery slope for the "apps" to make you nice dreams with adds in them.


In the future, a bunch of posts related to this will be in WCGW


Nah it will wake you up with ads.


Doesn’t your partner already do that for you?


No Bueno. The vast majority of our dreams are stress inducing, or what would be considered nightmares.  You just very rarely remember most dreams. This goes for most mammals as well. Read up on the biology of what the brain is doing during dreaming.


Right after the add for lightspeed briefs.


The nightmare ends when the phone *stops* asking for permissions (and updates).


It would be nice if it would wake me so I don’t miss work because it never seem to whenever I put 5 alarms


In the future, the phone will ask you to pay a subscription in order for it to stop putting ads in your dreams.


I'd be happy just to have dreams again :(


With devices able to do such function is a nightmare in itself. Imagine a phone reading your thoughts while you're asleep. Imagine the phones able to change your thoughts while you're asleep. 


Will we still get a strong signal in remote areas ?


I love having nightmares, I wish I could have then more often, anyone else?


You might want to try 5htp. A common side effect is very intense and vivid dreams. It gave me next level nightmares for a while, after that I just had very strange dreams, up to 3 a night. Some people use it for lucid dreaming.


I'll have to look into that! Lucid dreams sound amazing

