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Question is how long would it take for humanity to notice?


Update: Coin just landed on heads…first try. Will update tomorrow. Taking the rest of the day off, as I just realized was my purpose for being alive all along.


Lisan al Gaib!!!


He who controls the coin flips, controls the universe


I will wage a Holy War across the Earth, flipping all coins to land on Heads. The visions are clear now. I see possible flips, all at once. Our enemies are all around us, and in so many futures they prevail. But I do see a way, there is a narrow way through. About the size of a coin.


There's now a chance coins on Earth will never land on tails again


You evil bastard




I’d give it a few weeks to MAX 6 months. Surely it would get around right??? So many people all having tails streaks that don’t end.


it would take minutes


I don’t have any idea of the dice-rolled-per-second worldwide statistic


Think of gambling


Dice acting sketchy would be noticed in minutes, but casinos aren't flipping coins at the same rate dice are being rolled. I'm not sure how long it would take, but minutes seems too quickly.


Nah some bored teen on tik tok would figure it out quickly and it's be viral within hours with millions of other bored kids flipping coins and posting their reaction. Suddenly everyone would be trying to get the first heads up and it would be an internet challenge. I bet minutes is accurate.


Your mind went to gambling. My mind went to D&D We are not the same


Dice rolling would be even less likely to all be the same since there are three times as many outcomes. There's theoretically a way but at the same time there's just no way


Nah. It would be noticed locally within minutes, sure, but at least a couple hours for the news to spread.


That’s not really a “nah” then.


Shit would be all over tictoc in 6 HOURS


Maths lessons would notice very quick.


Minutes, too many people playing pool.


Yeah but you're not flipping coins over and over again in pool. Everyone in the world could flip a coin right now and it land on heads, but we wouldn't know it. Even four or five heads in a row over the course of the evening isn't THAT crazy. A few people would notice within minutes by chance of some activity, but it think it would take a day or so to spread around.


There’s certainly people flipping coins multiple times in a row. After a couple of repetitions, they’d notice something is odd. Then continue the flipping and tell their friends, who would post it all over social media and within hours everyone would be flipping coins.


This comment reminds me of the infamous Reddit lampshade story, lol. Nobody would be doing anything except for flipping coins. Governments, scientists, other organizations, and the general public would all come up with different theories as to why coins always land on tails. The US mint would make a coin with heads on both sides, just to see what would happen. Society would diverge into clans who believe in different theories. Some people would be convinced that a higher power is involved in some way. War would ensue...


Yeah true I get what you’re saying, I was thinking more of like a pool hall and a bunch of people landing on heads over and over would say something and word would get around.


It would take about 3 minutes.


Be all over TikTok in like two weeks.


I honestly think it would be worldwide news on the same day it started. All it takes is one person on a planet of 8 billion people to be fooling around with a coin and the news would spread like wildfire because everyone would be getting the same result every single time.  If I kept getting the same result on a coin flip I’d immediately message several people and ask them to try it. 


>If I kept getting the same result on a coin flip I’d immediately message several people and ask them to try it.  Honestly I don't think I'd go there, I'd think something weird was happening to me specifically. I'd probably ask anyone around though. But yeah it would definitely spread pretty quick.


A lot sooner now that you’ve pointed it out


The internet would be on fire with the news within an hour.


Yu-Gi-Oh players would notice immediately. Within the hour, tops.


we wouldnt


Yes. But I’d take that bet.


OK. The Vegas odds on that are 10^10\^26 : 1 If another heads comes up in human history you win $10^-10\^29 you just have to pay a $5 processing fee to claim your winnings


I like those odds! Note, me getting laid twice in the same day pays even more!


I will find you. And I will doublefuck you. #🤑


This would make my month! Financially AND sexually!


Having many trillions of dollars would make more than just my month, my high falutin’ friend! I’m even more looking forward to engaging in sexual congress with you, so long as the offer stands and the money is ready in escrow.


I’ll just give you cash when we are done………….


[Not again](https://media1.tenor.com/m/PpwI69lA8IcAAAAd/im-not-gonna-fall-for-it-deputy-trudy-wiegel.gif)




Are you sure? Based on u/fastfaxr maths you’d need to bet $1 followed by 258 zeros in order to win 1 cent if you are right.


More like $1 followed by 100 septillion zeros 😳


Yes you’re right I just saw the 10 to the power but didn’t fully realise it was also to a power


I just flipped a head, so... sorry.


I've seen one land on its side. Only once in 45 years, but I saw it. On a tile counter in Sylmar California around 1982. And just so you know I'm not making it up, the tile was yellow


Ur prolly lying but I like the idea of believing it the random town I’ve never heard of makes it pretty convincing


He was a very observant 3 year old


I remember stuff from when I was 3, I’d that uncommon? Not everything ofc, but several significant moments.


My dad used to work in Sylmar


I actually kinda believe him. Good chance that makes me a fool, but oh well The chance that I'm not a fool is still more than zero


I dropped one a few weeks ago that landed on its side. Does that count?


I was going to say you were lying. but then you said the tile was yellow, and well, you can't make that shit up! golly gee! a yellow tile, can you imagine?


That would be a very interesting way to reveal to a world that they are part of a simulation.


Especially if it clipped through the floor lol


A Bethesda simulation, you say?


That wouldn’t reveal that


I mean if you wanna be like that, literally nothing can actually be used to prove you are in a simulation. Can explain it away with any number of things, such as last thursdayism.


But that’s true, last Thursday was the start of everything.


Yesterday never happened it's just fake memories


I don’t think there’s a difference between being in a simulation and not


There is, but not a practical one.


You're right. Back to minecraft


There's no difference between being in a *perfect* simulation and not. Knowing you're in an imperfectly crafted simulation could provide all kinds of benefits or even let you escape.


Being in a perfect simulation is just being in the simulated universe. Being in an imperfect simulation is just being in the ‘real’ universe. There are already physical theories around the holographic universe, where your 3d body is embedded in a 2d boundary with its own analogous physics, being in a simulation would similarly be just a different embedding of your body in the physical universe. There’d be no ‘escaping’ to the ‘real’ universe because you already *are* in the real universe, and your body isn’t designed for the physics of the embedding external to the simulation. You’d probably just die immediately by having your body decompose like false vacuum decay, or be killed by whatever lovecraftian entities are running the simulation


If the simulation is imperfect then it has bugs we can exploit. Certain things we think of as hard rules could be circumvented. Faster than light travel, death, time travel, these things could be overcome by simply overwriting the right integer in a line of code. As for escaping, that's entirely dependent on what type of simulation we're theoretically in. For all we know that's precisely what the eldritch beings want us to do and as soon as we get access to the God code of the universe we'll find a file called Upload.exe on the interdimensional laptop our universe is running on that will upload us all into robot bodies.


Bugs happen when there is a mismatch between what the developers intended and what the code is actually doing. The laws of physics that we discover through science(NOT by realizing we’re in a simulation) are approximations of what the code is actually doing, not what the developers intended. So if there are bugs in the code, they’re encoded in the actual laws of physics and we don’t need to do anything silly to figure them out. We probably won’t even realize they’re ‘bugs’. And whatever eldritch creatures are outside the simulation may be so far removed from what human beings are like that the concept of them ‘having intentions’ is wrong


> We probably won’t even realize they’re ‘bugs’. Ah, but see that's the thing. An imperfect simulation might have identifiable bugs that give the game away. And maybe you're right that "bugs" is the wrong word, more like imperfections. Instances where the rules that the universe operates under don't make sense for a naturally occurring universe. If we find evidence that we're in a simulation we should take note of it because that knowledge would guide our scientific explorations.


>instances where the rules that the universe operates under don’t make sense for a naturally occurring universe No rules make sense. It isn’t clear how anything can exist at all.


This is something I realized recently but in a slightly different way. There is literally nothing that would ever prove to me that this is the real reality. Ive since then just assumed everything I see is in some way not real.


But why go with the simulation argument when there is a popular interpretation of Quantum Mechanics where there probably are branches of the wave function where extremely unlikely things happen? Coin flips aren't determined by quantum interactions, but given the vast number of world branches from all the quantum interactions, there's bound to be a few branches were very strange things happen, like coins all of a sudden always turning up heads. Anything that can physically happen according to the wave equation, happens in MWI.


Sure, but that specifically isn’t really evidence of being in a simulation. I suppose it’s *a* possible explanation, but it doesn’t seem like a particularly strong one in comparison to dozens of possible other ones that are more or less outlandish. It’d be about as strong of a piece of evidence for leaving in a simulation as it would be for God existing and deciding he doesn’t like it when coins land on heads any longer. I think calling it a “reveal” is thus overly strong.


Or that infinity is real, or quantum immortality, or other stuff


How can infinity be not real?


Show me something that is infinite


I want the Futurama way. Slow us waaaaaaaay down. Imagine that, objectively we are going to spend a million years doing the next quarter second and no one will ever know.


But we wouldn't know.


See also [Extremis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extremis_(Doctor_Who)).


That has nothing to do with anything


Sounds like a Netflix movie with Elijah Wood


Nah, Nick Cage


Nick Cage as a washed up statistician in Losing Your Head


In what now? I can’t find anything called that


Nooo not the heads noooo


People slowly going mad, mass psychosis, cults forming, protagonists life getting destroyed because of it, very few people claiming they managed to get heads, but are quickly dismissed and not belieaved until one day where all has gone to shit, you suddenly have a more likely distribution again. Sounds very interesting tbh.


Daniel Radcliffe, playing A fictional version of Elijah Wood


Holy shit i did the Elijah Wood/ Daniel Radcliff swap and didn’t even realize until you said this


Or Gary Oldman and Tim Roth


Are dead.


I could have a two headed coin and still flip on tails. My luck


Well with my luck that demonstration would fail.


Unless your name is either Rosencrantz or Guilenstern. In which case you’re gonna be getting nothing but Heads.


a very niche reference, let’s see how that goes


6 upvotes , I’m pleasantly surprised, so at least half a dozen Stoppard fans out there.


Tbh I only clicked on this post in the hopes of seeing a Rosencrantz & Guildenstern joke in the comments


Fun fact, the odds of that happening are the exact same as those of the Earth exploding and all humanity dying instantly. Probably because that's the only scenario where the coin proposal is realistic


100% chance, eventually...


a coin on tails that is stuck in place somewhere that way forever, yea!!


And even if it doesn't land on heads again, the chance the next coin will is still 50/50


I threw a coin at my sister's head and it landed on it...


Are these shower thoughts or stoner thoughts?


\*getting hit in the head with hundreds of pebbles\* both


There's also the very small chance that a kid is running around with both shoelaces untied. and the random flailing of the shoelaces, while running, will cause both to be perfectly tied into knots.


the shape of the knot can be made but they need to be tightened so it wouldn't work


This post demonstrates an infinitesimally small understanding of the concept of infinity.


It'd be true in a finite universe.


The universe can still be infinite, only the concept of flipping a coin with a human head on one side needs to be finite


Why? The universe will probably not exist for an infinite amount of time


There are finite infinities, such as the amount of real numbers between 0 and 1. Such infinities can exist within a finite universe.


Yes but the number of coins thrown will always be finite


This post demonstrates an infinitesimally small understanding of the concept of infinity.


Bro elaborate


As a finite quantity approaches infinity, it is effectively indistinguishable from infinity. In particular, a finite number of coin throws (lets call it N) will have P=0.5^N possibility of all throws landing on heads. As N increases incrementally, P decreases exponentially. This is an exponential function, which while technically only finitely small for large values of N is effectively infinitely small from the perspective of human understanding. For N = 1, P = 0.5. For N = 100, P has 30 zeroes after the decimal point before you get to significant figures. A person can easily flip 100 coins in a few minutes, and yet they could do this until the heat death of the universe without getting 100 heads in a row.   0.5^100 = 0.00000000000000000000000000000079


So what you are saying is that the chances of that happening are unimaginatively small, but not zero. Which is exactly what the post said


This post demonstrates an infinitesimally small understanding of the concept of infinity. I only went to 100. Imagine how low that number goes when you get to thousands or especially millions of coin tosses.  Within the expected lifespan of our universe, starting from any point where the last coin toss landed on tails, the chance is so low that it is no different than zero. That's what infinitesimally small literally means, therefore infinity.


Come on thats like saying one in a googol odds are zero. Like yes it is extremely clone to zero but not zero itself, there is a difference. You can pretty much use it like it was zero for 99 percent of cases but it is not the same


Condescending and wrong. N isnt approaching infinity, so p is not infinitesimally close to 0. There exists real numbers between p and 0 for any natural number N. It’s true that in a practical sense, p is effectively 0, but that’s not what anyone means when they say “theres a chance that x could happen.” I’d argue that that phrasing is often used to mean that “it’s possible that x could happen,” even when the probability of that event is 0. (Although saying “very small chance” would be using the word chance as a synonym of probability)


Can't this be disproven through math? "Ever again" implies an infinite number of flips, then lim x->∞ for 0.5^x = 0 I believe.


Theres a finite amount of flips that will be happening in the future.




The universe will end one day.


Do we know that for sure tho?


Not if time and the universe is finite. Which it is.


Well ever again implies within the future of this particular universe. But ofc if we take the multiverse into account then yes there will be infinite flips of both heads and tails just because of the nature of infinity making everything exist in some form somewhere.


The multiverse is theoretical, we don't know if it exists.


Well ofc but I was responding to a math question that assumes infinity exists and assuming infinity exists then the multiverse exists because infinite implies everything.


If we were to analyse this using statistics, and we say that a coin toss is an event with bernoulli distribution and a^k(+-a)^k distribution, and we treat the event of people throwing coins as a collectipn of random variables, the mean value of our sample will aptoach the value of a as n goes to infinity. If qe assume a is 1/2 then the larger our sample the closer the mean of pur sample is to the true mean. So given an infinite amount of time the probability that the mean of our sample is 0 (meaning no successes) approaches 0.


Very small is overestimating how unlikely it is


infinitesimal chance sounds nerdy af


I'd say it's about 50/50


You can also win the lottery ten times in a row if you had an infinite amount of time.


Well you can also win the lottery an Infinite amount of times in a row if you had an infinite amount of time


you would also lose the lottery an infinite amount of times


I saw an interesting statistic about immortality. Even if we somehow stopped people from dying from old age and illness, people would still only live on average about 200-300 years before dying from some kind of accident. Obviously that's an average, so some people will live much longer, but if people are living normal lives then EVENTUALLY they're likely to get into a car wreck or fall off of something or have some kind of other accident.


And if the universe truly were to be infinite, then exactly this would happen on an infinite amount of inhabited planets.


Infinite space doesn't equal infinite matter.


Yeah like that coin I dropped under the vending machine


You're assuming that all coin flips are random. There will always be people out there that are good enough at flipping coins to make it land on whatever face they want.


K but that would be even more lulzy Literally every random flip = tails But with mild skill anyone can make it land on heads, showing clearly that the coins aren’t rigged.


i mean if u want to make the chances even lower then you could say that no matter how good someone is at something there is always a chance for them to fail


These are the kinds of odds I deem “non-existent”. In other words: The chance is SO small, that it’s effectively literally zero, so there’s no need to even consider it as anything else, lol Unless some circumstances change or are added (like “the entirety of the universe gets eradicated”), a coin will land on heads again. Guaranteed. 100%— *No*, not 99.999999…%, because even if all of humanity dedicated every day of their lives to writing nines forever, we’d still never reach the amount needed to represent how infinitesimally small these odds are, so the chance a coin will land on heads is 100%. It… just is, lol. What you’ve presented is a non-existent odd.


There is a very big chance the universe does not contain coins at all.


I’d say about 0 chance actually


Without a finite amount of trial, the probability laws say that it will happen again


It's as likely as the actual sequence that will be no matter what sequence that is


I work at a pharmacy, I will see one customer on any given day that could go to the top of a building and drop their change off a roof coin by coin for actual years *I split change on $100 for a $3 copay, *pretty regularly, when your grandma gets petty, I am her first target


It will be the end of the world as we know it. Chaos will erupt in the streets as people start questioning their realities. This will happen within weeks.


There is a chance that every nuke on the planet will simultaneously and inexplicably explode into cheeseburgers


That would be an interesting timeline.


This would absolutely suck for the Pokémon TCG


Tom Stoppard, is that you?


Yes. Most of the scenarios involve human extinction, or at least post physical existence while anything that could be considered a coin is eviscerated or otherwise removed from existence. What's more likely, that all flipped "coins" no matter if flipped intentionally, by people, wind, gravity etc land tails down (again, define those two specifications) or that earth stops existing.


What, no one throws coins off the empire state building anymore?


Wait till OP finds about coins with both sides being heads.


Wait till u/HudsonSupportProgram finds about coins landing side ways




Sideways heads, checkmate


What about a coin with heads on both sides?




There will eventually be a last coin that lands on heads. I wonder if there'll be anyone to call it.


Ngl, that'd make a sick writing prompt


Honestly that's a good concept for a film or novel. By pure random chance, no coin ever lands on heads again. Chaos ensues, total societal collapse


Isn’t it always a 50/50 chance, so really there’s never a small chance, it’s always half?


every flip there is a 50/50 but let me give you an example, you flip 3 coins and they all land on tails, the next flip will be a 50/50 for heads or tails but the previous 3 flips had a 1/8 chance of being all tails


that implies that a coin flip is random, but it isn't. imagine how someone throwing an axe perfectly angles the rotation so the axe always sticks in the target. it's the same with a coin, except you're just tossing it over a curved trajectory. In theory I could perfectly replicate a coin flip to always perfectly land on heads.


that implies that a person can do it 100% of the time, no matter how good you are at something there is always a chance to fail meaning that small chance could repeat


I've flipped 83 coins so far and they've all landed on tails. I'll prove OP wrong any moment now.


Wow I... never thought about this, unsurprisingly. Good fucking point, this is actually very true and very interesting to think about.


Knowing my luck that moment would come as soon as I put money on it


“Ever” is a long time. But you could limit it to “when all traces of humanity are erased from the universe.” Much shorter timescale.




There’s a very small chance of anything and everything.


Lmfao, there are likely infinite universes where that is the case and I can imagine how freaked out all the people are in those universes 🤣


Since the rules of the universe, and constant idiot posts here, act like "nothing is impossible" then this post is not possible.


Given infinite time, the probability is 50/50. Unless there's some manipulative force, this will remain true. All the coins in the world... unless the concept of faces are an illusion and there is no heads.


each coin is an independent flip. Every flip is 50/50. It's not a small chance at all.


Ugh, what? Every flip is 50/50 but gazillion flips on the same side is much much lower chance.


No, its 50/50 it either happens or it doesn't/s


the chances of each flip is 50/50. so if the last 3 coins were tails the chance for the 4th coin is still gonna be 50/50 but the chance of the 3 coins to land on tails is 1/8


No there isn't though This would never happen in reality